The Cherokee Scout Dedicated To Promoting Cherokee County ? VOLL'ME S8 NUMBER ? 36 MURPBV . w- ???L<RSDAY. APRIL 2. 1959 EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK PUBLISHED WEEKLY [RAMBLER j There is a new champion male cake baker in Murphy. Dick Rich ards took the crown from Police Chief Neil Sneed in a hard fought battle of the ovens last Friday. Mr. Richards won the fur-lined flour sifter with a coconut cake decorat ed for Easter. The judges agreed that Chief Sneed was a close sec ond. Honorable mention for decora tion was awarded to Hugh Hensley. Hugh decorated his cake with ar tifical grass and Easter eggs. In all. there were six cakes entered in th contest. There were several stories of woe that arose out of the contest. There were several had to bake two cakes after the first one failed a pass inspection. Dr. Harry Dickey's entry arrived in pieces after it tore up as he tried to get it out of the pan. The men will have an opportunity lo try their skills again next year when the champ has to defend his fur-lined flour sifter. The arrival of spring was al ways celebrated with a flourish by the pagans and some persons to day feel that the rites should be carried on. lake Steve Dickey. 4-year-old son of Dr. and Mrs. Harry Dickey. It was a beautiful day recently <<nd Steve was walk ing in the field beside his home when be spied a beautiful bunch of blue flowers. Being a boy, he had to investigate. Steve found that the flowers looked good enough to eat. So he ate them and then his mother had lo give him pink medicine o counteract the stomach-ache caused by the blue flowers. Two -waitresses bad a hot and heavy argument in a local restau rant recently. There was nothing unusual in the argument. Not when you consider the waitresses were women and they were arguing over who was the most attractive. Bob bie Stalcup must have been declar ed the winner because the other waitress soon left the restaurant for another jot. It's a good thing that Hugh Hensley is not casly discouraged. Sunday was the first lime Hugh had gone lo church in a year and then he was accused of not con ducting himself in a proper man iner. Hugh dressed in his Easter finery and braved Uie rainy weather to attend church. When he started to leave, he noticed an umbrella which apparently had been left behind. He asekd sever al ladies If it belonged to them and wh?n they said it did not. he decided to turn H in as he left U*e church. While walking up the aisle, a lady approached him and said, "Young man, do you know whose umbrella you are ?wiping? It belongs to me. It's bad enough that you come to church only once a year and then when you do. you try to swipe someone's umbrella.'' Spring Is For Kids? Jot Ra.v and Hugh Penland shov. that Ihe kids are not the only ones who wear out their pants knees hy shooting marbles. The pair ot adult marble suooiers are shown as lliev take a few minutes off from getting the mail through for the joys of marble shooting in the spring time. The game was loeated behind the Post Office. Operation Bootstrap Calls For 3.000 Volunteers In Area An appeal was made recently for 3.000 volunteers in the 12 western i North Carolina counties to help with "Operation Bootstrap" on May 1 and 2. Individuals wanting to help with j the region-wide project, which seeks to raise $100,000 to promote new | industry fer Western North C'aro- 1 lina, are asked to mail a postal card { to "Operation Bootstrap", P. O. ! Box 140, Waynesvillc, N. C., or get in touch with their county director. I Counties participating in the ef fort are Buncombe. Cherokee, Clay Graham. Haywocd, Henderson,: Jackson, Macon. Madison, Polk Swain and Transylvania. I The directors in Cherokee County are N. H. Barnes and Dr. W. R. Gossett. Meanwhile, the presses are grind ing out 75.000 booklets that tell the story of "Operation Bootstrap", its objectives and the roles Western North Carolinians may play in mak ing it a success. These booklets will be distributed over the 12 counties on April 24 by school children. Only a small sacrifice on the part cf each person will assure the ? success of "Operation Bootstrap". The "heart" of the program is ask ing each person to give up a pack and a half of cigarettes or a carton <il soft drinks and contributing thej 3S cents to the campaign. In this j way. every mail, woman and child ' will be able to play a part in the; overall development of Western North Carolina as an "industrial paradise." Recognizing that Western North Carolina is losing most of its young pecple to more heavily industrial areas because of an inability to pro vide jobs for them, the backcrs of "Operation Bootstrap" pl^n to use most of the $100,000 to equip a traveling industrial exhibit contain ing products cf the area. This trac tor-trailer arrangement and a com pctent director lo act as a "sales man" for W. N. C., will be sent all over the United States for a year, showing industrial prospects what the people of W. N. C. can do. "Operation Bootstrap" volunteers w ill be iis!<ed to conduct door-to-door campaigns in their counties. Each volunteer will be assigned a special collection can, pre-numbered to prevent loss. These cans also will be located at strategic spots, like county stores, etc., over the area fjr the benefit of those the volun teers do net contact. Every Western North Carolinian contributing to the fund, will be given a small green and white k:pel pin. signifying that he 'has helped "Operation Bootstrap". While "Operation Bootstrap" is the brainchild of one individual, i Waynesville industrialist Heinz Roll man, its development for the past j year has demanded the interest and | efforts cf scores of individuals in ! each of the 12 counties participat ing. They all have, however, one thing in common ? they recognize the crying need for more industry to keep the area's young people from leaving for other sections of the country to seek jobs. "Operation Bootstrap" is adminis tered by the W.N.C. Industrial De velopment Corporation, a non-profit organization. None of its officers re ceive compensation of any kind. The incorporators of the corpora tion are Larry Cagte. of Clyde; John R. Gove, of Hendersonville; T. N. Massie and Woody Hampton fo Sylva; J. P. Brady and Sam Gib son of Franklin: Henry J. Truett and J. C. Keeter of Bryson City; Nod J. Tucker and Heinz Rollman, of Waynesville: and J. D. Walker of Hayesville. In addition, the regular governing board has directors from each of the 12 counties, so each county has 'Continued on back page' ?Photo by Crisp Studio APRIL SHOWERS APRIL 1959 S M I W T F S - - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 - - COMBAT FAST GROWING GRASS With A Mower From A Selection Of All Types From Posh Models To Riding Mowers At WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE MISS SUE KlN<i. daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. O. H. King, Route 4, Murphy. County Grand Jury Calls Two School Buildings Dangerous; Lunch Room Needs Replacing Frank Maennle Leaves Andrews High Frank Mactinlc. the man whit dc- 1 veloped Andrews liu'h into the ; state Class A football champs in three years, will coach at Tryon Mill this fall. The hiring of Maennle as head football and basketball coach at Tryon was announced over the week-end by W. S. Hamilton, super intendent of rnyon schools. In mak- 1 ing the announcement, Hamilton stated that Maennle had been high ly recommeuoed as a teacher as well as a coach and added that he { felt Tryon extremely fortunate in getting him to till the bill. A native of Kearney. N. J.. Maen nle holds a Class A teaching certifi cate. He graduated from Eastern Carolina College where he majorod in physical education and history. While at East Carolina he played football. In football he played full back and end and was named to the North State Conference all-star team. Upon graduation he served a year as coach at Asheville-Biit more Junior College. When Ashe villc-Biltmore dropped football he went to work as a salesman at Swift and Company until lie accep tted a teaching and coaching posi tion at Andrews. In three years at Andrews he compiled a 25-6-3 record. In his first season his football team had a 7-2-1 mark. In 1957 it was 5-4-1 and during the past season the Wild-cats posted a 13-0-1 record in giving the Smoky Mountain Con ference and Western North Carolina its first state Class A football crown. A veteran of World War II. Maen nle is married and has three child ren. He and his family are expect ed to move to Tryon shorty after the end of the school term. He will j direct and supervise a recreation program at Harmon Field during the summer. Contacted in Andrews following the announcement of his being ob tained for the Tryon job, Maennle expressed his appreciation to the Andrews school officials, faculty and residents for the fine support tjiat they had given him and his teams and stated that he felt the Tryon position was a step up the ladder in his coaching career. ?\ TELEVISION Pictured is the Science Club oi Murphy Elementary School. Tlir croup is one of the groups that will be shown on television dur ing National Library Week using the school library. The Murphy Elementary School library was one of the ten in the state itickad to be shown on TV. Ann Pullium Wins Jaywc Koad-E-0 ANDREWS ? The Andrews Jay cces held their first Teen-age Koad-e-o at the Berksliire Parking Area Saturday March 28 at 1:30 p.m. Ann Pullium won first place. Sec ond place -was won by Vicki Derre lierry and Martha Derrcberfy won third. Ted West had the high score for the boys. Eight boys and girls entered the hoad-e-o. The cars were turnished by Dickey Chevrolet Company and Reece Motor Company. Members of the N. C. State Highway Department served as judges Miss Pullium will represent the Andrews Jaycees in the State Teen age Road-e-o at High Point June 6. MET1KG CALLED There will be a called meeting of Cherokee Lodge 146 at 7:30 p.m. Friday for second degree work. AU master Masons arc asked to attend. smv mmm ANDREWS JAYCEES MEMBERS Sealed: Truett, Withers ponn, Trurlt Standing: Freel, Buchanan, Sharp. Hawk, KnUer Andrews Jaycess Installed At Banquet Hear Speech By State President ANDREWS ? Marvin B. Koonro Jr. of Raleigh. State president of North Carolina Jaycees, addressed the Andrews Junior Chamber of Commerce Saturday night March 28 in ceremonies at their Charter Night meeting at the Marble School cafeteria. Introduced by Bill Morris, presi dent of the Asheville Jaycees. Mr. Koonce traced the progress of Jaycees back to its beginning, 40 years ago in St. Louis, Mo., when they exercised discretion In build ing playgrounds, hospitals, and lay ing the foundation for future acti vities. Id calling attention to the goals of the Jaycees he said, "happiness, freedom and peace of mind can only be obtained by sharing with others", that "heredity is great, but trust is greater". He pointed out that we look far geniuses in science and religion In other communities, that we should also be mindful and emphasize the talents we have at hand. He urged the young men to work together to understand the thoughts of otheri and said, growing in the truest sense is growin in grace." He closed his talk by presenting the two charters from both the U.S. and the North Carolina Jaycees to (Continued on back page) Rules Announced For Wagon Train Celebration Come June 1st, Murphy will look like the Frontier Town of Tomb stone. There is alk of developing a "Boot Hill' so they can lay out the lossers in the street battles that are expected to take place. Murphy has voted to spend the entire week prcceeding July 4th behaving like a frontier town. All of the men will have mustaches, beards, or side burns and be wear ing cowboy hats; the women will be wearing cowboy hats, bonnets, and complete Frontier Girl cos tumes. Murphy expects from 15 to 20 thousand persons to visit its town over July 4th, ail due to the Wagon Train event. After June 1st, 1959 the cow boys will take over and Marshall Law will be declared, all in jest, of course. The Tellico to Murphy Wagon Train Committee has released its list of rules and regulations which will be in effect after June 1st, and these regulations are as fol lows: (1) All men must grow mus taches, beards oi side burns. Those who frown on such practice will be allowed to buy a $5.00 shaving license. Those who do not comply will be confined in the American Legion Stockade; (2) During the week of July 4th the men must wear cowboy hats, and these will !ie on sale by the Cherokee Garden Club; (3) Women are required to wear bonnets wriicn will be on sale by the Murphy Business 4 Profes sional Womens Club; 141 During the week of July 4th women will be required to wear complete frontier costumes; <51 A11 persons will be requir ed to wear the official Wagon Train "Button" which will be on sale shortly by the Murphy Busi ness & Professional Womens Club at the price of 25 cents. Kenneth Dockery Assigned To New Battalion Army Pvt. Kenneth M. Dockwy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Dock ery, Murphy, Route 3, recently was assigned to the 91st Engineer Bat talion at Fort Belvoir, Va. Dockery. a driver in the batta lion's Headquarters and Service Battery entered the Army in Oc tober 1958 and wis last stationed at Fort Jackson. S.C. The 22-year-old soldier attended Murphy High School. Grand Jury Reports That County Jail Is In Very Bad Condition, Unsanitary The Grand Jury called two school buildings dangerous and called for replacing the school lunchroom in their March 30 report. The Grand J\iry said the school administration building is in need of repairs and that Texanua school is dangerous for children. The report said that the adminis tration building neeCs new plaster and the floor needs replacing. The columns are also in need of replac ing. It also listed the County jail as in very bad condition. The Jail, the report stated, is in need of new matresses and blankets. Inmates are . complaining of the food, it continu ed. The prison caiup. the report stated is in "fine condition." Sanitation at the County Jail is very bad the report continued. Waste water stands on the floors and the drains arc stopped up, the report stated. The auditorium in the school ad ministration building, is also in bad condition. The ceiling is falling, the ?report said. The old wooCen school building at Andrews "is in bad condition," according to the report. It was term ed a fire hazard and should be dis posed of. Following is the complete Grand Jury report with J. A. Greene as foreman. REPORT OF GRAND JURY We the Grand Jury, do hereby find the following: Murphy School: Administration Building needs new plaster, ceiling very bad, floor needs replacing, roof leaks, the auditorium has very bad ceiling, the c?ittng falling, the columns need replacing (danger ous). Lunchroom? Needs replacing. County Jail: Needs cleaning up, waste water stands on floor, as drains stopped up. Windows are out, needs new matresses and blankets. Sanitation bad, no toilet paper, drains stopped up. Inmates com plaining of food, very bad. Prison Camp: In fine condition. Court House: Negro toilet needs lights, cleaning and painted, and plaster on ceiling falling. Andrews School: The old wooden building in bad condition ? it is a bad fire hazard should be dis posed of. Texanna School: Middle section rolling doors ready to fall, danger ous for children. Needs new heater, ccal buckets, and lock on back door. Needs painting, door steps in very bad condition. Roof leaks. School buildings in other parts of the county are new buildings. Clerk Superior Court: Audit on all Guardianships all right except one ? Ray Anderson. Guardian for Margie Dean Dale and Ray Hardin. Respectively submitted by the Grand Jury, tms the 30th day of March. 1959. Andrews Girl To Play In Tournament Madge Barton, a senior at An drews High School, lias been select ed to participate in the Naiional Amateur Athletic Union Invita tional Basketball Tournament being held this week in St. Joseph, Mo. Miss Barton is playing with the Tom Boys of Atlanta. This organ ization is not a professional team but is a member of the National Amateur Athletic Union whose mem bers include the top amateur teams cf the nation. Participating in the tournament are 40 teams. From these, the All American girls basketball team is picked. Miss Barton was recommended to the Tom Boys by Neal H. Barnes, Executive Secretary of the Murphy Chamber of Commerce. She had been scouted throughout the past high school season. The Andrews High School girls' basketball team has won the Smoky Mountain Conference Championship and the Smoky Mountain Tourna , mem championship for the past five years. Miss Barton was selected this year as the Outstanding Player of the SMC. During the regular season she averaged 24 points per game. Miss Barton will return home on Saturday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barton of Marble. Presbyterians To Consider Building Addition Murphy Presbyterians are to con sider an addition to the education al building at a meeting of the congregation after morning worship Sunday. The congregation is also to act upon the budget at this meeting. "Abiding in Christ" is the theme of the message of Robert A. Pot ter. minister, at morning worship. The church service is being broad cast over WKRK during April. Members of the sub-committee that have worked on building plans include: Elmer Kilgore. chairman. Mrs. E. H. Brumby, Mrs. R. H. Foard, Holland McSwain and W. A. Singleton. Weed Parking. -A. I rea 1 ' a Dear Mr. Editor: I'll bet a lot nl folks in Murphy saw the light last Saturday and realized that we need an off street parking lot lo take care of the people who come to town. Why. it Jk'as all but impossible to find a parking spot. Now. I know that iflwas an unusual day that don't come too often right now but whag about this summer or next when we start getting some tourist wade? It'll be awfully easy for a feller to drive on through rather than park three or four blocks out of the way and then walk back to town. Then, too. What will we do for parking space when we get the stores and factories we would like to have in. this area. Hack, there won't be no place for customers to park and shop. Since most ever body does drive cars these days. It seem* like the least Murphy could do la provide parking space for these, cars. s And once we get the stores here that will |R?vlda> the sur rounding area with all the goods they want and a lot of fbtksstop driving to Asheviile or Knoxvflle, we are going to hav* trigger and bigger crowds to take care of. This will mean more business ' fo* . everybody but * tot of these folks might get awfully if they drive 30 or 30 miles to shop in Murphy and fU can't get a parking (pot I noticed lately, there are stil cars parked i the street*. Wonder If the Town Board of changed their miad about cars parking there? Sincerely. t, <? I. D. CUM

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