. Along with "the flower* that bloom la the spring" comes fee almost universal (and well nigh Irresistible) urge for the home owner to dean-up spruce-up, make various i? imwnifs !? b4a home and ground* ' The most effective programs at this kind are ihoae that an well piaaaed to advance, wipk a careful eye to what to needed meet urgea Uy, and of coarse, ?ttb Ode refere nce to what the budget wllj afford Such pianaiaf should s(krt with Breakfast in Rome, Lunch in Jmrusalmm Israel Govt. TotiHif Office Piuilo A FLIGHT OF ONLY ?'i HOURS from Rome brought thu American tourist couple to a new world in Israel. They had breakfast in Rome, lunch in Jerusalem, and now you see thim in the Crusader town of Acre, watching an aged Israel i at hi? an cient method of weaving. It is one of the fascinations of Israel ' that tourists can see craftsmen in the street make exbtic jewelry, ' rugs, baskets and copper souvenirs with skills that date bae built under the eaves? Bathroom: How about modernizing it with new fixtures, new wall tile or flooring? Or does your family really need an * extra bathroom or lavatory, and is there space avail able for the purpose? Kitchen: Does it leave much to 3e desired on the score of efficien cy or appearance of both? Check .t for neeed cabinets, flooring, ap iiances, redecoration. Basement: Does the foundation need waterproofing? How about built-in storage facilities to hide those unsightly pipes? Should waste space in this area be panelled off to create an attractive family rump us .room? " UMbeapi^b "Showcase" ? Of The Kmm What *? Member Federal Deposit laauraaee Corporation MIL A 1-LB. BAG Economy 3-lti- Bag $1.59 Shop Regularly And See . . . You're Money Ahead At Your A&P! ? White Vegetable Shortening Golden Vegetable Shortening CRISCO ^ 91c FLUFFO 91c Sunshine Crisp Crackers Sunshine Fresh Vanilla HI-HO's ?? 31c WAFERS ?? 31c Special Low Retails on Libby No. 2 Cant 2 for 25c Tomato Jufcs 2 tsr 59c "Our Finest Quality" A&P Fancy No. 2 Cans 2 for 2*c G'Fruit Juice ^25c Special Low Retail on Cookies Burry Choxans ts- 39c "Our Finest Quality" A&P Annivcrsory Value Blended Juice *c?nz 33c Comstock Whole Beets '??? 1 Oc I Ann Poge Specially Priced Fresh Mayonnaise 2, 49c Ann Page Pineapple or Peoch Preserves 2 ? 49c Jane Parker Large Size Pies Blackberry 39c Jane Parker Gold or Marble 2-Cut Pound Cake e? 49c (Glazed Donuts pX 5f> 35c K 27c,' AMERICA'S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT 1 BIRTHDAY (dje&Jiafam, 'BZ?I 1859-1. ?niilllllllihw ! SPECIAL 1q6'h~??""' ? ~ ANNIVERSARY OFFER Beautiful CURRIER & IVES decorated CANISTERS without cost when you purchase 100 OUR OWN TEA BAGS it B9e . | Every canister lithographed with one of four full-color reproductions of a | rare Currier & Ives print! Choose from: The Home of Washington, Horns !o Thanksgiving, The Village Street, ond American Homestead Winter, | "SUPER-RIGHT" 12 TO 16 LB. AVG. SHORT SHANK ***? scsoKed Hams WHOLE OR Per ^ SHANK HALF Lb. "f? f C Shank Portion Lb 35c Butt Portion "?? 49c <_opn John s Prccooked "Super-Right" Thick Fish Sticks 'p^1- 35c Sliced Bacon p^: 95c "Super-Right" Delicious All Meat ? Sliced BOLOGNA - 49? Zest Soap 2 Jars 41c | 4 Zest Soap 2 Ban 29cS | mtammmmmamm mmmmmhwhuhkhi I Duz Soap pi!*. 35c I ? I iitiiWWBMMBWMWMWMMMMMMM I Blue Dot Duz fe 35c pGi 83c O x y d o 1 pS. 35c IMMMjMM m m MMM! WWMWMWMM1 Giant She 80e Spic & Span pfi. 29c Cascade pig!" 43c Detergent .? . Dash p??5,39c Household Cleanser Comet 2 & 31c GlimD^l, cS 40c Large O SSS& Crisp Lettuce Bananas ' u. 10c Corn I Red Bliss Potatoes A 1L OfT? Californit L 41b. .?)C? Oranges Western Winesap Apples ! Fresh Crisp Celery GlSALADS>R \ Pink Meat Grapefruit ! I " 5 IX 29c 9 For 49c 2 25c j I s&. 17c 5 & 35c Green Giant Brand Green PEAS 2 7-0 z. 303 Cans SPECIAL! Mel O Bit Cheese Slices 2?&.39c A&P Sliced Pineapple 2Sk,*55c AAP 6'Frutt Sections 2 35c Bab-O Cleaner 2 c?l 31c Special Lew Retail en AiiHwcwt Saltine Crackers 'c 1 9e