The Cherokee Scout Dedicated To Promoting Cherokee County VOLIML H \l MBIH ^ M I K I >U .t( I It . \U' || IN \ I HI HM>A I Jl Sh a l?l Ml.ll I i'41. t > I tll.s ? t t K T t H 1 I Ml M > "W , l\ I 3, RAMBLER Ked Mltuvtfi gi"*u.g d beard Kir i tit- Wagon I: a. u ( ele bratiui) a:ul ; ???: '- ifd and dJOutiiJ his . : j . j i i/jt rtii.sKfib die &T6.r RevetilK I? wa> shav.Ug and his Oaugnier v\d? r.uzi When Reel LuiMu-d *a-.'u:ig !).t> faoe bis <la ug.'i .?*: said I'iukly, you ve missed sotue lathee S.'ie thought I he gfa> s/i ? .a ? ' I vs.isf. ? ? I f of Ked wijiskt-ri, ahd i/i"ot>abi> lie*, wishes tlje> trvuaJd Beards being giown for the Wagon Train have produi ed home strange tales and while ?c tan not vouch for the truthfulness ot this one. we thought we w<?uld pass it along Someone in Murphv notieed a man driving a irutk down the street, iht tale goes, and saw thai he was wearing a bonnet. When the trut k reacts d a red light, aow.eone asked the driver why the bonnet "Well the driver said I heard that you couldn t c<?me to town with out a bonnet or a heard and I thought the bonnet would he easkr to get off when 1 g<u home Mr and Mr> I >? *ji y bome friends though! the> wouid ride over the mute Uie Train would f> ilow las'. week-end and they al] piled into Don's ear and off they went All went well unul they came to a had plate in the road and the ear >: ailed. While trying to get the ear start ed. Mr Ramsey managed ?o break the rear axJe. While the Ramsey's and their guest were thinking about the long walk baek to town, a man came by and gave them a lift in a pickup truck. 1 turned nut to be a pleasant experience after all with nine persons coming hack :o Murphy in the small pickup truck Perhaps someone should consider running bus service out that way. Protestant Gets New X-Ray Equipment Murphy Protestant Hospital ha> announced the opening of a modern laboratory, featuring modern el ectrira! equipment to perform test. A new 500 M A X-Ray unit has been installed The X-Ray De partment will remain open 24 hours a day. The new departments w-ll he under the charge of Mr S. K Soeshee A list of the new mtvut offored is being mailed to members of this area according in a hospital spokesman ISM SI I VI liugn h a 15*59 jsr^duait <4 ( triii son ( oiU'K*' bas been named .Assistant Agriculture Agent for < herofcec C ounl> His appoint menl became effective June 1*> Ht lorr * nlerinx i'leinsnn. hr spent four vears in tht I S. Air Force Presbyterians Plan Mid-Year Communion Mil' > f .1! I Tllirun I' 'II W . ! !* "'I ?arvrd ;j- ili? riiMi i ;:ii: wnr*dn;; In ur ,i ! Miu ph> I V - "ytrr .in t'lUR'l f he Tiled I ! .1! |"ll IhcHH1 > J. r? .1 lit 1 r.jr V.r e A . ii.1 A ? 7 ? ?it < I.. L '<i I ' :i'cn - r * *<1 1 1 : t hi jp'LTiim re.tili <;??d ili- iu?f.r? and Hi! i t er*;n< -a'es wJI he awarded ^ n<1 haiidrrat' exhibited The servict w?l eonc 1 1 >* ! ( h\ 7 In inii^ u'lMfU' worshipper* ample vmr to join ;n the. union service "1 Methodi*-' and Presytenans at the hirst Mr hodiQt chnrrh Ai this union service ihc joint choirs wtlj ^ nit.' . and Robert A Potter. Presbvtenan theme is :o jireach upon the theme. A Search. A Smii^ie A Surrender H\ISIflS COl RSE Dr William K (?r:sse!f Oprome ir r.js recentk returned :<? hi> i >f f . c t% trorn Coluinhus. ohi" I>r (iosselt ha ** been taking s-:rrie pust-tiradua'c <tud\ in advar.:ed c * letise- i: < >h i '? S'aU In. Square Dance Team Wins Florida Trip The Carolina Sweetheart- Mur phy Square Dancc Team, ha- w on a trip :?> M Petersburg. Fl.i where they ?.?. 11 rlar?ep for the national CrMo-i ,,i .'-mention in Septem ber Th? _ i ? ? i 1 1 a.jv 4iske<i i" maKc "he Ir p at'er they appeared on a moun tain talen! -fiiw . i r h rank I in on June If1 All ex per: >:i tl:* trip will he paid Compliments of Quinn Hatchery Murphy, N. C. ?Photo by Crisp Studio HAPPY FOURTH MISS JANICE < Risr. daughter of Mr *nd Mr* 4 P Cr1?p. Murphy. m i .1 ? ?i New Pr*t Office Building For Murphy Planned Beside Present Building William A Savage, Former Merchanl In Murphy, Dies In Atlanta Hospital W:..jii. A;ulrivr: >.i . !"i met i - 1 > 1 1' r 1 1 't M j. , a! j a n a MmiJav 1 1 ? a. (id flo>Ji.ld! 1 < i| J< .? A I I .1 llt'bN Mr h \ j i:?1 i f.(, ?? * .i < ,> v\- .? < 1 i r. \'t . in. Wi] ' MutjiK Al. v "t.\ . f ? ?: .1 irw Vt-ar> ];: ! * * J ! ' ? - jHin fiiivd the Re^'.t M; < l M u i " | > J i > Hiiil ? per ,ti t'l.j ? ?? -i ,,h- H ? M r S.u uiir .1 - II f II ; r : i 1 .:'*?! M- r in ..! -? : ?, ,r M .? ; ? \inlri*Ms Sliidciil (?radualos Willi llitih Honors ^MiRKtts Mrv H.nh'i' i ..n <?> 1 arnenter i ?t Naniahala u.radu if* d ( urn Laudc fnun Mered::h iV in Raleigh recently. She is a uaic the Andrew- Mich Sefi"" She received ,i bachelor i-l . i : r s dearer majoring in u-* Mi v i'arpe:r<-r ': <? daiiii.'ifer Mi .lie I M:> H ekird i mii., a . i ^ <) -fjflenr icadi i or: \ iMH.pii newspaper lur M-nMr mmv .s:;d nidjia^iiiL ed:tnr fr.r tw '-.i r - Hohart Mcheever Addresses Bar Association Hohart MiKerv^r rnir H :ne principal speaKPi> a: 'lie m? ? t jng of the N'Tlh ( amlm-i Bar Association at Blo\sinu Rock "ii June 17-20 lie gave the address weiinn-e at the riponmt: session on Wednfv day cveninc. -Tune 1 Tl h Hever.v i M -i.i r r f >r i i-r ?'>??*" > iv mit^uiiit: president "t : in* \ . ia;inn R<i\mond Hutv 1 V'v !Vrr\ Mason. " ^av- m addiw " Lawyers in t'H Pio' ? \ v 'he final banquet <m >,j!i;rda\ inch' "l Library Receives New Films For Local Viewing rtMPiviri m-'A nlin*- whu-h <lt'r a\ f,>; h< an J ??? .? 'i- 'rt I *i:v ,,i f.i I i !'? M . ? i i \ . i I ... i : 1 1 1 ? ?! It. .ii'it li i Mi*' I I hi \t- i: ! Mr ^ i . k ? ? . I'm]., . r\ 'A i - v - ? i ?: ' \.?l i:.i \U ' ' i - ? i ' > ? i . \ i v.-;-.. Savings Bond Sales Told For County I iii' I II >.i\ i ' j - Hit. i- - ill - i * i \..M -i C.,i > : n.i .I r. i; u M r, -at: . >A.Mh rnj 5:4 I hi. h- -n^ \vr -\r<- . i *!:?? ~ t.\ ?? ri i> . ' ; >? ,t I >L'l. 'Mi IK. < '.n;'. I r vc . f : i ? i . \ . MaV v..; : .{!? ? r I . -,:tr > ? he in I' ?? V . . Ml. v ? / } M I. , v ? , r , 41(!| , ,JU ? ?a h i r I : ^ Jj > |.. i .:# :?< ? : ?? . . hi l\ ^ qiinl.i :?'? !'? BTU Delegation Leaves For Fruitland Meet ANDREWS - Ninrlrrn mrmhrr? and cmin^rl- -r - .if 'he Rapfisl Train ing rnrn r'ir First :^r < 'hin t h Irt'r M- rr l.n i nn rv for Kruirl iiuJ 'a hen I'irv w I". ,?t!rnfl Stall Tiamrii: I nr. n -a-ssion.-* dur ing *hi> v* f ck Thr follow . -i l; p.r".< ipafr ri rlir S'.Vr Mrm..r> k Truirna men* ha\ u mh n fhr rl'-rricl f i>ii'?nI M i \n r r r i-M- ha\ IrminL' \ ? n? \ - .nut Lrul i K a> Krrrr Arr^mpanv i iii.; thr ^"Miip f I ? i t land Monday morning urrr Mrs (irari.v (iarrH* Mrs Floy! Gibson Mrs .lamrs 11 arris and thr Hrv T ( Christmas Mrs Harris and | Miss Gladys Pullium. leaders will rerrwaio with the group duirng the > WMi. I U II ION HI HI I S< HOOf IIOI bS < own \( # vi ] i .1 p ! . - ' ' tui-ih Su * Hi nh ? . -j ti ]ii:c:tiRMidte Still Destroyed In Grape Creek Section ' i. - k. -n i I'M ha- hern <ie>:reyet A ; : ; ? : < x:-n Vr,\ 1 .=*> 'l-nis v. a- MtV. : n\rd nt tht >an i rm ? . : i r< n < ? < |:ir?\ v. a- arreted ? :r ' i f :> ? ?Aifh 'he -i ll H' -iUr- Mr ?Xnrtrrson. l har)' v\hi:e Unman H-'birison and Ho rn liailness ? < h >K part in the rai < i? il S<t\ ic< \ lllllllillCC Job Examination i I 'nrii I s (iv ? I Srrvj. ? i _ : !!.i I : r I ; i rrreni!\ announci t >.,n:;;ti<i' mii> for urnrral ^upp ?ttnr: ,r :<> $7"3n .ind me ? ' i ' !ii v$2;Vi .1 yen \;?p!i< )?:???? ! ?r mi'^sTncr- w ! i i < i ? ? p ? r . . 'im w.v:\ 'Hi ? Tii'.irt if ion n !;r- - -i ? r : ? ri hv lav- to \( ^ i ? i 'i n l < 'i.j1- n-rii made r> 'I ? - .M rr th rh r^r cxar ? i ii r - Appi:rari'.?n- fur cenrr - j I ? i v ? ??M'a-rr jtiusI hr rrreivrrl i 1 ? i i.i : ki J h\ .June 21*. I'jSO at .jppbr-ii fnr me^senecr vmI] ! .?? ^ i p'rrl unK July 20. 1951* Pi isnns interc-ted in ' po? : ti- ma\ uet applieat .on forn ir information to a here i ? ? n : - are available ai any pc ? 1 1 : i ? s i \:ci*' the At tan! a <?a . p? -\:r Fifth 1 S y .y -r i i . r Keuinnal ofiiee. Penrhlrr F ^ - k " ii i I ? r* i_i 27 a Pra< hi ree S \ f V lira. ( ia Two Year Old Falls From Hospital Window A r va i ? > t- d r old <hwd fell fr>?n a mh und .-lory va mkIow jt Privi fk'in t Hospital Monday t-ai d^j ,, ot without injuries 1 H-'^pr.di ot'fu idh said James I) Harris. tw(' vear>-o.d !v!J Irom ! :i< ' window whilt- with h; > ;>33't*nt > wti rtiif>; j >. Kay* snovstd hpMvirf. M'lK al - d . i : [ha: Ifu : hild cj nit .11 jurt d .1. 'h<- fall 1 hr vuuth apparently f ?* ! I fr<?n ,i vs.iidt'A w inn .'it* ualatvhed -crt-en. oifieials said Methodist Tell May Honor Roll (lf Thr' following hd> been name M. to the Firs; Metivdist < hurch H? ? m 1 r<-A fur M:*\ They are 1:5 Kiiidrr*:.ii'if'n Sharon Lo< kahy 'V d Vr U rnmary I Lonnit Bntta;n. Dm ^ me Wilkins and Mrs Hush Bn a. 1 tam Primary II Tummy S;/e Primary III M;s> Meroney .Nursery Di a ana Palmer l.i'fkahy .ind Teresa Palmer Junior II Tommy Oark. Frar [ >ic key . Freddie Loekany and Bet> Soil! r,^ J miliar V .lane Briftain. .la jv Davidson s" Junior \ I Jrniy Brriam. \n Lorkany. Treary Nugent. Jar Whriey and Wayne W;?t><-n '-N Intermediate** Dean Ander.-oi ,u lv-n Carter. Bii. (iiillertKe. Mar Linda Hyatt. Mike Sneeci, Barba: Wfir:hen Terry Dirkey and J^h r Sn->u n Sen.-T* Linda Houtt*. Louis Mai 'in. Kay Davidson Lynn Whitle; 1 r Brenda Q'jinn. Ph;l Maltox an i d ' Bobby Weaver ar Young Adult Class Mrs Hon! Lucius Loikaby and Helen Loci .u dby ns ll>a:t Bible Uass Mrs U } lh Kllioit and Mrs Afhburj 'St St Men's Bible ( lass .lerrv l>avi< ? il *on. Neal Davidson. John W I >a\ r ,.:lson. K < Moore. Hnuard Mann i I'.iu. Hyatt. )lui;!i Houard an (ios.'o Wtlkins lance i I'i.- \N lr,or Mjrr ^ vini: Murphy a fine chance to .gel ' r' ' n:ap ;n a hi^ wa> Ail these folks thai will turn up here for ??? ? <"io!>ration ci:n f likely to forget n and what's more, if and J '.v .H 11 r h ; s highway ^orv 'hrough. it > goinfr: to bring a whole hunch |? through here tha: been going South by other routes I ha- li.i,hud> 'A iJi mean a whole U)t U) Murphy over die next > *. a j ?> group 'ha( it s going to mean ihe most to is the mer | oants N-m. rhc> arr g"tnp; fn make >nme money during the Wagon 4 Irain Weekend. like *ime done already selling cowboy hats and lik? hut thais not what I mean. 1 mean they are going to make it 'mm rvw on M;err will he more and more tourist each year and as soon a> w t ^et enough tourist . there will be people coming to this beauti. lui sect ion ot the country to retire And the more people who come here to live and visit, the more it's going to help the merchant It aint often that a place like Murphy gels the chance to show No Date Set For Construction To Start On New, Modern Post Office I h< '.'a iiLi.fc i < ? ! ? .. i . - r> . i ? ?? .ii.ii' J'--' < i HujJ<!tiiK ? .? ;it-w f. >? ? /' '! Mn-rt i. ? i?i! v\ . j. Murphy Mercury Jumps As Summer Begins M j i : j > * i \ ? 1 1 < ? r i ? i . . v r .i :i fin _ . : ' i < . i ai .iiv: '!. rMj'tti iivnir vjrii'ru i 11 i hea: :i- r.jj jaw w<i\ 1 ? ? Mini ll nit; Livi >a*ii:<ia> ami >jmia> ' \ A ! I "f 47 fU-i.TW ? q -r.ii-; ?? iale Ji.T.r -a .i < i r : ? r ?: I ? ? . i r r lie- T\ \ ?? i a her ? ? :) ^ !rr ><<t ;j i'!<n : 1 1 ? ? r n i m?' \V : r ? i r lev, < ; ; ih ;i< ? i?r ^ h> 4 ;> rn Sjn<la\ ti dim n"-r.\ n .'fIX-ril.V! ! ? ei'Mll'l I .HM lill I1K1? j\ I : "!.? I : :ia\ "f -Ulimn I ?\.i- r< ,u .i^.nr: M ? <n rl .*> jroi n;ici! Ai i'.i I (.4 -Cii> - iiaditi^ ua> ncji ' i l ? mi* . i; jiil .,i: k ? ! ,i ii h,i- nianr inr ii i!i? i r i . i ,.nrj A.i^ jhr miiiMi.-n <>i .t>a<re v.(HM|irti..i i,;t .it; fVi >inrti"'f; < ink t . 1 1 I \ i -I l :n v. i i h l>ama;:e 'A a* i i : 1 1 1 1 f ( ?* 1 , ds I v ti>rt'sirv depart u t inri;i u^rkeis '*:?>: The fire untie r eootrol Monday aiternoon. "I nlo lhcs?' Hills" ,t. l isiod In World Catalog "I nr.- I hr-r Hiit.V perform*'*! at '?v ( hfrnri- - I.slcri in the summer 1 edtum ?'t 1 ho President's Music in Committer nf ;ne People to People Pribram ealaki: Carol White i general :.i major ? f the Cherokee '' U ; > t ? i r ' . \wi :<i ! ?n here. an '< n^uneed reeen'K T mi i . i r <j I .j disir'huted through i i:ut i 'if* '"M ro infirm pe^plr of > other na*i'">n> "f outMandinc mu^r a al pr crair.> :n t.'iis country. Whre it- j sad The Amer:-: an Symphony Orrhes. ' tra Leatite :s the administrative aji nrv : ? -r r he catalog. for "I nto The>e Hi h. 1 | wh.rh is presented nipKliy except Mondays from June 23 to Srptem. s ber * at Mountainside Theatrr. ua> * writ:cn by Jack Frederick kilpai nck a Cherokee Indian . I This is the tenth season of the ou'. -rl"X>r drama. SE Conference r Set | For Durham || Th,r Southeastern Rogjonal ('on. f/i f< rcncr on Aging will t>c hold in m I Durham. N C on Oc tober f> _ 7, IS"?0. arcnrdmg In an announcement ?? by f>i Kllrn Wir.sJm. Chairman of y I he N (' <.mrrn"r'- Coordinating ^ (VnimjKiH' <>n Acnt; which is spoo ls v-rin^ rhis meeting. Natonaf leader* in Ihr field of at g mg and active personnel in this 5 field from ths Slate will appear on I the three-day program Is The North Carolina Committee is ? i cooperating with (he National Social ? Welfare Assembly's rommttee on gl the aging in working outp ans for I|| the regional meeting B The program will include out_ I standing speakers for the general Kg j^quinn s a] sjsn^iv^ds pup suoiss^s I of concurrent workhops Subjects I to he discussed Jclude Preparation ? for the Later Year, The Church and ? *he Older Person. Educating the || Community on potentials and Needs 6 I of Older People, Housing and L>v ? ing Arrangements, Social Services I for the Aging, Creative U?e of Lei i sure Time. Health Services, Retfre ment. and other subjects In Addtioo to the sponsoring North Carolina Committee, the governors of eigfct southeastern states are be. ing asked to serve as aa booorary tpooaariag nnintlii P. : n:!.. < . I ? -j .i - .? i:.1 I tu . ' II .. r.i s .j;.-: : ' .!?!?: V.: i-.rlw a: ;] Br n i) it >> . a. II lj< f.:i. < r 31. i i>: ' < > ! t , ? v J H _ ~ ' Pfogi Jin. l ?nit. ; '.i;> ] all i L'lt- PoM Ol ! . < . ' ? pa" ' I J J t 4 i i - L, I > i r . 1 1 i i a I J 1 1 - - - . - 1 i , j r i . . .-pi:! n -'t: ;;<'?*? "I | *!"? 'J *f! ? . ,i; ?: .i : i :mih- ii: . p ?. I . ' i ? i;\ : t"i :.i?- i ojisti ml ;oji aud .i jm ':n f Or:; < [ H ; i r"! r 1 1 ? * :j L ? ? r i! ? ? j i ''H' 1 .'pi ' ? -H*ii Ir v.,i > ci.l> .1:1 ivuacI ' In. I. ' : i < ' Pi?>l uf!u*c tui'lLN 'III- optH'Jl u "ht- land '.ivri the :i;tidc;' ?m." :n. n kun>'iiKl> a huiUinij; t-> :.?> t '?>>* ( >fx'citJi;aUoni l-jr It'tl m.\ Acinrdi.-iw -.i Mr trauion) tv mr.ldnu; platint'd l<;r Murp/iv \\ : I j b<* 1 1 p; < >t-nr a' i v ?- ? ?] modrrn lai Ljc> now ix^n^ t'rr-Ltt'd in ollur art a- uiitirr the P::-t Oltiec. i. V-nsjderaiiOH wii1. \x ijjwn t" the I piuusion "f air coiid^mnin^, Mr. c'rauiard .-.aid. Mr CraAi-rd sa?t 1'ial furrhrr rational. ail :I1 he condiHlod t?y Hen'. K -*a:r i >:!.(. r V\ liiiaiti H . Aiicn Jr.'rn -frd :>iddi-i -? ^hnukl run: act Mr. AJ.rn. New Episcopal Church Dedicated At Hayesville On Ninda.v June 21 Ri. Imp M (ic-rce Henry of the Kpisropa) F>io ct>o or Western \nrrh heid a special srr\UT a? the Church ot the C?ood Shepherd at Hayesv;lle The occasion w as rhe dedtcati m of the now church building which is located just ras! of Hayesville on oid highway r>4. Members r: r h is congregation had ' been meei :ng together ^ince Ifl.VJ when !he\ were nrsl orgamzed a> a study croup by ;he Rev Rhett U .nfet - -a hi is now rhc Kpis<-npj[ minMrr at Valle Crusts K i he gvup was oritur. /ed as Mir- ( hurch of I he C r ? >? x I Shepherd and made plans in build I n t Rev Will, am Russell who then in Hayesville under the leadership moved to the Kpjsropal ehureh ii. Marion in 1 9rS7 For .several months the congregation was led by its iwii lay leaders. Hufns (i \'uk an<i W Quen1;n M'?ore or Hayes Mile, wih ; a monthly vis:: from Rev RiHuj Morgan ol KrankLm At the pros ent lime Rev AJex Hanson ot the Murphy Kpiscopal Church of the Messiah is minister to the Clay County group as well He assisted ' Bishop Henry in the service on Sunday night 1 Since 19.S2 the group has increas ed in number and has gradually added one activity after another to their program until they have grown from a group which origin | ally met to study once a month in to a fully active church family with church and Sunday school I each week. Women's Auxiliary | Men's Club. Family Night anc I business meeting each once i month Although only six families com prised the regular congregation It seemed apparent several years ago ^ that the group bad outgrown the

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