Society OPIB MeKKXVKB Seven Women Pass Red Cross Beginner Test Seven women who attended the ten-day beginner's swimming class ?t the Murphy pool passed the Red Cross swimmer's test and will soon be awarded cards far this achieve ment. The Red Cross test include* a standing front dive into deep water. Those who passed the test are Mrs. Mary DeLaney. Mrs. Bill Gos sett, Mrs. Leon Kimsey, Mrs. Doris Mallonee. Mrs. Tommy Moore, Mrs. John Savage, and Miss Christine Thompson. Mrs. George Size, Red Cross wat er safety instructor, who taught the class of 30 beginners, says that every one of the thirty in the class overcame fear of the water. The ten-day course was complet-' ed on July 7. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Evans of Unaka, a son. Paul Deridon, July 21. Mr. and Mrs. James Robert Whitener of Murphy Route 4, a son. 1 Robert William, July 21. j Mr. and Mrs. Billy Joe Arms of Murphy, a daughter, Catherine Elizabeth, July 22. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Henry Gar rett of Brasstown, a son, Paul Cur tis, July 23. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Kephart of Murphy Route 3, a son, July 26. John Smith Talks To Murphy Garden Club Meet John Smith gave a talk on soil preparation at the meeting ol the Murphy Garden Club on Thursday. 1 July 23. The meeting was held at the home of Miss Leila Hayes with Mrs. Mar tha Dreher as co-hostess. During the business session, con ducted by Mrs. John Smith, presi dent. Mrs. W. A. Hoover gave a report on the State Carden Club convention in Greensboro. Mrs. Hol land MeSwain was also a delegate to ihe convention. Guests at the meeting were Mrs. Frank .Morgan of Montevallo, Ala. and Miss Kate Hayes. My country owes me nothing. It gave me. as it gives every boy and pirl a chance. It gave me schooling, independence of action, o'p^f.riihAy tanar. ?i^no *lfct.<aa0ioftil4^4oy (him 'i a country village, without inherit ance or influential fiends, look forward with iinbMmiWHHbpe:' 1 Words without actions are the , assassins of idealism. I Economic depression cannot be , cured by legislative action or exe cutive pronouncement. Economic wounds mu>t be liealed by the action of the cells of the economic body, producers and consumers them selves. The spark of liberty in the mind | and spirit of man cannot be long | I extinguished: it will break inte , I flames that will destroy every j | coercion which seems to limit it. i In America today we are nearer a I final triumph over poverty than in j any land. The poorhouse has van- J j ished from among us. Hom er Speaks Marble Mr. ud Mn. Itat thaw ft Outh crto of GrovtUad, Via., aad *i. T. C. FImomb of Ft. Smith. Aifc., art spending ?ome weefci here. Mrs. Inez Glbby awl son Larry of Cleveland, Tenn., spent last week with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs H. B Rich of Mar ble made a business trip to Murphy last Wednesday. . James, Toss and Cecil Derre berry of Chicago, 111., and Wichita, Kans., spent last week with rela tives here. Mrs. Barbara Bales and daugh ters . and their families of Portlaad. Ind., were week-end guests of hei sister, Mr. and Mrs. Dee Franklin Mrss. Blanche Jones of Andrew and her sister, Mrs. Myrtle Adam Clark of Belmont, were Sunda; guests of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Talmadge Roger: and family of Blairsville, Ga., vis ited his mother here last Sunday Mrs. Mamie Rich. Mrs. Julius Beaver, Mrs. Vonnic Garrett and daughter of Dooly. Ga., Mamie Rich, Mr. and Mrs Tom Taylor, and Mrs. Dewey Gar rett of Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Garrett here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gibby and famBy of Cleveland, Tenn., are stwrtHug this week with relatives here. Mrs. Algie West was recent guest of tier sister, Mrs. Lee Trantham of Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. wilburn Griggs and daughter, Mildred, were Sunday quests of his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Eston Bettis of Andrews. Mrs. Amanda Euod, after a visit with her son here, Wylie Elrod, ha . returned to her home in Tate, Ga. Rev. and Mrs. John Yarbar of West Point. Ga.. were visitors at Marble Church Sunday. Among The Sick Admitted last week to Providence Hospital: Mrs. Eugenia Bumgarner, Hayesville. Rt. 2: Frances Dockery, Unaka: Mrs. Sam Deyton, Rob bins ville; Mrs. Neil Davidson, Mur phy; Samuel Evans, Murphy, Rt. 4; Bayless Evans, Murphy; William Fain, Murphy; W. A. Hedden, Bravstown; Mrs. Ross Hatrtiett, Murphy Rt. 2; Betsy Henn, Murphy; Mrs. Merle Johnson, Murphy; I Robert Weaver, Murphy. V a Prices Are Lower On Expert Recapping 6 -70 -15 FULL CAPS Just.... $8.18 7-10-15 FULL CAPS Just ... $9.90 7 -50 -14 FULL CAPS Just.... $8.55 800 -14 FULL CAPS Just $9.38 DONT . TAKE . A . CHANCE . ON . YOUR FAMILY'S SAFETY GET YOUR TIRES ? Recapped At ALLISON - DUNCANS During ? May At The Lowest Prices-COME IN NOW! I Best Recaps - Lowest Prices Prlcfs Prevail When Customer Finishes Carcass ALLISON -DUNCAN TIRE CO. Peachtree Street Dial VE 7<2tti ? . c, . CHEROKEE CHATTER VIRGINIA and OBOIBOI SIZE came back tram the recent coavco- j tioo in Boaton, Mast, of the East era Federation of Mineral and Lap idary Societies with several top, awards. Virginia's collection of thumb- j tails (mineral specimens measur ng 1" by 1") took first place in the 1 how and young TOMMY SIZE'S j humbnails won second In tbe jun- ' or division. In the cabochan divis >n. a type of Jewelry fashioned om hand-polished stones, George's ltry placed third. Besides all the prizes won, Dr. lie, who has been serving as vioe -esident of the society, was elected -ea surer for a two-year term. The Eastern Society is made up ' 54 clubs and over 300 attended the onvention plus hundreds of others ho visited the mineral show. The Sizes are planning to attend he national show in Portland. Oregon over the Labor Day week end where they will enter their fac eted stones, general mineral col 'ection, and the adult thumbnail di vision. On the way to Portland tbe Sizes will be rock-hunting in Arizona and I California. They plan to spend about I a month on (he trip. Virginia says that both she and George have "adventuresome spir its" and first batame interested in stones when they read a newspaper article on the emerald mine at Spruce Pine. They decided to try their luck at finding emeralds there, were successful, and from that moment their interesting hobby began. Their collection has grown into one of the finest in this part of the country. If the truth were known, most surprise parties are not really a surprise, but the recent house warming given for VERA and PAUL HILL was so cleverly plan ned that they were caught com pletely unawares. It started out as a dinner-bridge party given by the BILL GOS SETTS, the L. L. MASONS, and the HILLS. After the guests .had departed and Vera, Maxine and Dott were putting the last coffee cups/ away the thirty guests came hust I ling in again? this time bringing beautfully-wrapped gifts for Vera and Paul to use in their new home. It seems that everybody was a little frantic during the bridge game when Dr. Hill was called to the hospital. But fortunately be was ,>ack in time to witness the best ?>art of the evening. Those at the party besides the hosts were Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Head rick, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Joseph, Mr. and Mrs. Wall.v Williams, Mr. and Mrs. John Smith . Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hodges, Mrr. Howard Moody, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weaver, Mr. and Mrs. Duke Whitley. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Godfrey, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Alverson, Mr. and Mrs. Her man Edwards. Dr. and Mrs. George Dyer, and Mr. and Mrs. John Bay less. PERSONALS Mrs. John Thuss and son, N'oland, of West Palm Beach, Fla. are visit ing relatives here for two weeks. Mrs. Willabelle Posey, Mrs. Frank Morgan and son, George Will, of Montevallo, Ala. are spend ing several weeks at their home here. Recent guests of the W. A. Hoov ers include Mrs. E. C. Sullivan of Cherryville, Mrs. W. M. Elliott and daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Peterson of Forest City, Mrs. J. W. Hoover of Lincolntoa, and Miss Carol Putman of Gastonia. Lonnie Hoover will return next week from Wake Forest where he has attended summer school for the past nine weeks. Mr. and Mr*. Ronald Reuell and SMwwtV Chris, and Mary Jade, Ml latt week for Buffalo, K. j Y. where they will ipend (wo with relatives. Thetr HmmcmbIb* Set I tag Win to Sunday, Aagut t ?t the Shady Orora Baptist Church. 16 aallae waat of Murphy. Poor members of the Original Anderson family will be honored. They are Mrs. Nettle Bryant, Cleve land. Tennessee: Mrs. Susie Barb er, Mrs. Laura Kisseiburg, and Mrs. J. M. Anderson all of Culber son. This year's program will be planned according to their wishes and desires. The activities for the day will begin at 10 a.m. and cootlnue until 4 p.m. The Rev. Freed Town son of Cleveland. Tennessee will deliver the annual sermon at 11 a.m. The afternoon will consist of speechmaking, choir and family group singing along with special singers who will be present. All quartets, trios, and duets in the County are invited to attend. Harry S. Truman Speaks By A. B. HAMPTON More than half the people of the world living in conditions approach ing misery . For the first time in history humanity possesses the knowledge and the skill to relieve the suffering of these people. We cannot drive scientists into our laboratories, but, if we tolerate reckless or unfair attacks, we can certainly drive them out. In the cause of freedom, we have I to battle for the rights of people I ?with whom we do not agree: and j whom in many cases, we may not ! like. These people test the strength | of the freedoms which protect all ? of us. If we do not defend their ! rights, .we endanger our own. Miss Mary Gibson Completes Plans , For Marriage To Afvin Jesse Stiles Miss Mary Ruth CUbaon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gibson of An drews has completed plans for her marriage >to Alvln Jesse Stiles, son of Mr. asd Mrs. Albert A. Stiles of Franklin. The wedding will take place Fri day. August 14 at 4 p.m. at the First Baptist Church of Andrews . The Rev. Bob Jackson will perform the ceremony. The bride elect will be given in marriage by her father. Miss Joan Gibson of Hayesville, cousin of the bride elect, will be maid of honor. Following the ceremony, a recep tion will be held in the church par lor. ' ? t Bride's maids will be Miss Rose mary Card and Miss Grace Ham by, both of Chatttanooga. Tenn. They are former class mates of the bride elect. David Gibson, brother of the bride DHnmmm ximm. ? elect and Bobby Godson Wffl be usher*. Doyle SUles of Cullowhee, cousin of the bridegroom will be best man. j Shol Creek News Mr. and Mrs. Prank Chappell of Bradenton. Fla., are speeding a month with the E. C. Suits on Shoal Creek Road. Mr./- and Mrs. Ralph Gvrinn of Hopewell, Va.. and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Mitchell of Copperhill, Tenn., were guests of the J. B. Slaugh ter's, Shoal Creek Road. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klein visited Mrs. Klein's parents over the week end then left the two girls Susanne and Cindy while they and young son Bill are vacationing cn the At lantic Coast. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. ?. C. Suit. WIwh Mm ! Takaalut b Naval* Biifgtw ntlKn. Vtatot CJoets otOObtf ' ton, serving aaoard the atttck jpfc* craft cantor. UM M*tw?r.vtp* I part ta a fuU-scat* naval imttm and vUH to San PruetaMi Otftf., July IT-*, after ccniHettef rt*w exercise held off- the Call Mill u coa?t. '' The 15,000 men and ? ships of the U S. Flrat Fleet were reviewed j by Admiral Hfttert G. Hopweod, DSN, the Commander-in-Chief of the U. S. Pacific Fleet, a* Mmy passed under the GMMea Me bridge. ? The exercise which preceedad Ihe San Francisco visit involved fast moving aggressive attack carrier teams which struck at simulated j mainland targets as naval air pa trol squadrons and submarines held the defensive roll. Exercises of this type are design- , ed to give advance training to per sonnel preparing to make cruises with the U.S. Seventh Fleet in the Western Pacific. i j mi iMfj , Ifjotice. - Mrs. Opie McKeever, Who Writes Our Society News In Murphy, Will Be Out Of Town Next Week. If You Have Any Society News, Please Call Or Send It To ... . The Cherokee Scout Murphy, N. C. SUMMER CLEARANCE ONE TABLE MERCHANDISE Consisting of chiidrens shorts, shirts, sun suits, Boxer shorts, boys summer suits, pocket books, and ladies Brand Name brassiere. $1.00 Each Item ONE TABLE MERCHANDISE Consisting of ladies blouses, ladies cott on slips, gowns, ladies knit skirts, jama ca, shorts and many other items to choo se from. SALE $f.98 | ONE BACK. Consisting of ladies Jackets, Koret of California shorts and shirts to match. Slim Jims and many mre wonder* fnl Bargains to buy. $2.98 Each ONE TABLE ladies shorts and shirts, childrens summer pajamas and childre ns play suits. SALE $1.49 I Ladies Ban Lob cardigan Sweaters siz es 34 thru 40. Some of our many elors to ehoose from are bine, black, and white. $ 5.98 Each LADIES nylon hose 15 denier SI tfoage. $1.00 Per Pair BOYS boxer shorts, rain shoes, and caps. Also many infant caps to ch< from. 25 C Eath LADIES nylon slips shadow panels Sizes 32 thrn 40 $2.98 ^SorTnTra^TchaSSis^sal^^iS^C^^ We have a shipment of wool- skirts that | we can sell for the low price of. $5.98 Each IMWHU OF fkSHIOHS The Woman's Shop In

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