5 ?Society } MU BOB.VBT McKEEVEB Wwnru Eduor tl W I ircle Votes To Change Name k ANDREWS ? UW I" members \o ?U to chan t- t Jit* u:mic* of the ^Uvlf j c t*t \i!.i Mat- Cir ct* 10 hoii i M. ? Hi in I who r?* ctfttly rtttrtd u mtmoer of :r* Elemtonry toculty of \ad re*? a( a mttttAf uf U c Cirvit 1 bur*6ay an hi m tfw home jt Mrs A a CfeAOdier Mi ? E:n*c**h a. atnc* * as co-hocttM Mra Rih S Pullhim presented he program "Mi&atoaa in the Old TesUtment A than ou whan tiunw of Biblical characters ?trt revendui lc-vl U?r business pea iixJ uiio aiaiuoiUf J sear A salad i jufsr ^ ji -served dur (he social hour Has your insurance kept pace with values? Fir e I nsur one e and Extended Co i e ru ye. Life insurance Retirement . far, ily Profecfion ? i ? <* <*> V? Accident, l,:,b f"1 ify, Theff and jg# Auto /njwanje ^ ?9 ? 1 be c?kl uf IC?-|>' lacing >uur pro [niri> has ui-i-ii sicaililv on I Ik* up liul iirc > ou s u r <> l lia l > ucii* insurance is lu c?\ t'!' |U>ssilll'.' loss id ( In' t'\ nil of lire? I.rl hs rhcck n i(l? ^ <11 ! 9 rfrprvg \ I'l'llOII Miirpln ?)--l Tin 'ST CO. ?? ! \*?TMFNT 7-21 1 1 \ndrons Mrs. L B. Nichols Presents Program To Woman's Group ANORFW* Mrs L B Nichols presented the program "Our ("hin h 5 Hjrt j:> World Educa tion at the uf fir vs ?meil ? ?'e P1 r*>bx '.tTi ?n CIium ! Mull tax ni* 'it field jt the home "i Mrs H fit! Yuung %!r> Ht*rU it Sheidx president .*Mi!ed Mis J >seph Mi r^a x a^e s>ave !he iViii|iii|)'( Mefllbr's ere asked t') Hun in a round taLile diMussiuii ?>t the topic Mrs Eugene Wiherspoon *a nresen'ed a gift with expressions uf love and re^ref as she leaver xx.th her husband, the Rex K F W.rt; ersm on t tr Statesx^lle T>unng the social hour fhr h>-' i-sv mtw(1 refreshment* Marble Mr- Furl Rjrkman Mrs Fd Br u lev uf Franklin and Mrs (' B H.i' Ion of Brvson City were re - ? ? ? l e ' s ef Jieir relatives Mr il \'.r< Hurley MiHan v 1 "v< shf^d'-n n >.bv ard ; ? \f Cleveland Tenn were ? ? - -nests I I I'ri;" p.il eil ? v* > . ? .? i *,v I ! \ ? s Cr< e^ < 'n ? ? . Li s! S:."i !a> flight 'he Dc1 ? :? ' V - . led \k "'.id 1 ; ? i ! ??. ,>?' i ' / 1 " v 11 ? 1\, ? K -? .:u? m ? s ' aid of Knoxxille. Tenn . U-v He.1i -. k ;*nd fan il\ t H ?b ? in-e. .lit- and the Hex IkeV .l.u-k .on an ! lamny -it Sii.jxx B:rd I .. r r \ 'Vivn1 and Ray Roland ?'?I are etn il.JVed at Kr mei ^vdle. x v. e e Week-end :fue-ts ol tilt 1." e! -TjVes H B Ri.-h spent t'ie week end ' i ? h rria ve- in B'airsville (;a Mrs. Edith Garland of R bbins II. ? and M- and Mr. Ray Hens ev if M able tan (la . were we -k *nd i?ues:s oi Mr. and Mrs Har ey Mi- Han Mr ami Mrs. Vincent Hall of klaible are vacationing this week. Mrs \m.mda Flrod is improving h > xx t ek. /=% /\/f=?w trh^n fx~Dr w EE m JUMPING JUNIOR INSURANCE Children growing? Then meet their growing needs with a new kind of protection that can help provide cash for college . . . for launching a career ... for starting a home. Here's how "Jumping Junior" life insurance works: A $1,000 policy pur chased before your child turns age 14 jumps to $2,500 at age 15 ? then jumps again to $5,000 at age 21 ? yet the "baby premium" rates always remain the same. Your neighborhood Nationwide man is waiting for yourjcall! A* lOINWIDE AMCC I N V U NATIONWIDE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO , MTWNWIOE LIFE INSURANCE CO.' NATIONWIDE MUTUAL FIDE INSURANCE CO., NOME OFFICE: COLUMIUS, OHIO RtCIONU OFFICE: lUlEICIt piV i M S. K chard* Murphy. Tel VE 7-M1I Mn. W. E. >enl HohImn Tu Sunday School C!h*1< . ft" F NV^l er'er ?f r Skfj B I > ? M M - \ . h nc in vj.t:! . :i ! ?:?! r 1 :hr* I'ro.miN I* - \\n- t- 1 frw *? ?. ' !? :i a ? ! ; ? v ' ' ? . n ! :. ??: !.'. i- : V ' ; I ! '? \n ???in. . : i ^ ! f 1 1 ' -c ?I !. i n < ? . I . i n r i ? I . t \ s- . i. ; - 1 ? i PERSONALS Mrs Her.-v Hickman and su e V v \a'.r.e West of Waverland I !k1 a: V- ami Nt rs Jack Na ! . .-. nop li-t I net were visit ? . ? v ' i : \ t" week-end v . . !. ? 'i h h.iv o ? ! ! iv' week ??! !t-!i ?<- 1 .??.?! ^ . I: i.' M: J H !>.<: i i Vv.ru- ? n. ip r-.r Jr ? n \ .. - \ndrews Personals' Mr and Mrs Lee Pulllum l#ft Saturday for a weefc'i stay w Mh :rl j :\t-s in Newport News Va M.w Meredith Wfcitaker and Miss ] HuUi Hamilton attended the west ?--n 1i*': .i t nit-e'tii-i of Delta Kap fl-mina held :tt tfk* home of il a-rk in Franklin form !??. of Mn-r>hy Saurday at 12 30 . a:'1i a Limheon Mr 1 B Nichols -! spending j a ii ? n \ ill i R;i a C j as j ; . . r 1 ? ? i fa-; vv ? C(hand*er, ' Mr?. Ann Anders | \ it-ndirit' the annual meeting of -mil 1 ( i .i; den Clubs of North -n held Tuesday in Brevard ? V < Pa.d .1 ?rdan, Mrs B v i;: h- Mr- W K Net*l Mrs L. w?*- and Vrc A R Chandler n and Mrs Frank Swan Mnniav for Salt Lake City, ' v.^rr they will spend a tVir >on :ind daut?.hter <' Tin and Mrs Edward i: . ii i ! it'::* family. They were : ? i r . n >r her brother, Dock Phillips who passed away Sunday. Mrs. C A Brown has returned' home after a visit with her son, Dr. Robert Brown and his family ' in Klngsport, Tenn Mr aod Mr? 0 A. Harwood have mined from CyoUiift# Ky aod are occupying tbe dome of the late Miss Made Bates in Valley lowc Captain and Mrs. Frank Swan have rt* turrtexi home after attend uig the funeral of Mrs Swan s brother-in-law Fffcok Burleson in Crubtree Friday While away they aJso had a visit with their son, tiiii and hte family, in Burosvtlle RttPTURE-EASER I u-fti ?a r*m t?? v/c. ?? ??' A atranf. form 'UK**# ?*aiiat>la *up uurt tor raflUttiaJa mtfuiaaJ harnia bac* Ik ins adJuataftla Soaps up lo Irom AdJWMbia lM a trap. Wo ft flat ?rom pad No ?t??l or laattiar band* Far mail, *?Mn ofctMran Mali ard?r? |in ia?a?ara around par t ?f abdw ?aa, rljht, hit t ?14* deabW. Star* Nam U4* m llauaey Drug Co. tlurphy, !N'. C". :5 I I WW ' m" ? ' 'I IINE DRIVE i.'i & !???>* ? . v. .cr-53 A car with major advances in transmission, suspension, brakes, and engines which are Buick's alone today A solid, substantial car ? A car of superb comfort, quiet, reliability ? A car you should drive soon New comfort, quietness, and quality Doors fh.iJ open wulc m 1 and out \ itmK si/?' S. .1! *?> higher, more Jeepl-- . KhmhiI. mi.' i tioneil l !u .? I'v.ik i Turbine Dtive Buitk '<>0. New interior decor and convenience V- ?.? M i ?.inviL'it" instrument p ? U' ' pit'li. gas gn : , v . '/ i iJfv \ i ? . . . i?'c?i m I f.ihr ics. K : ... .1 1 | ? ?. hi i icil ?>. . K r\iM km/. Outstanding performing witH MSMiny t. Hnick's Fxclusive Turbine Drive Transmission* is jet-smooth, responds faster. more economically than ever. No gears ever shift while the car is in motion. 2 Hukk\ Fxclusive Air Flo AluminllfTl ! )rum Brakes ? found on no other Amer k an tar. Fin-cooled drums front and rear for faster cooling. Fast cooling means safer stopping, longer brake life Slotted wheels pus a current of air (row under the car constantly over the brtkM for added cooling efficiency. (WheeU ar* 15" Sife which gives you up to 1/J mora tire life.) 8 Buick's exclusive Wildcat Engines give high efficiency wilh high economy. (An optional new LeSabre Engine is designed to give Buick performance on regular grade fuel.) t Optional at extra cost on l.tSabrt, standard on Invtcta and Eltctra. AT DIIIPI/ nCAl CDC kin\A/ BUICK LE SABRE BUICK INVICTA BUICK ELECTRA n I DUIUrX ULnLLflO llUVV... THE LOWEST-PRICED BUICK THE HIGH PERFORMANCE BUICK THE FINEST BUICK Of AU CHEROKEE MOTORS 20.1 lliau SI Franrh *e Dealer No. 1223 Wnrphy, N. C.