INI ?BR* SCOUT N. C. ?ABB, Publisher mua b. CARL CARROLL. JR. Met'baDacaJ Supervise BATES *?T, (2 50; Six Month* Cfcuaty: One Year $3 00 8?c??d Clan Posliit PaU At in Btrkory St. Mvpta?. N. C. DEATHS JAVU B. SNXKD Jup?r B. Sneed, 71 of Murphy, died Prida? afternoon to Miami. Fla, wfc>?re he was visiting Be was a lifelong resident of Chero kee County and was the son of the late Vinson and Mintie Sak* Sneed. i I Surviving are three sons, Clyde of Murphy. Charts of Miami. Fla., and Claude Sneed of Louisiana; two sisters. Mrs. John Teems of Swannanoa and Mrs. WUey V aught of Haysviile; a brother. Waiter Saar>d of HayesvUie, and three grandchildren. ? p.m. ta f Mrthodtot I CtardL Tfea Hers W. F. Elliott | Hi C A. Smith olBcfUd. Burial was la the church oametaty. Palltwarera were tack aad Harry Diehey. Bea Tbana* Frank For ?yth, Ed Brumby. Glyde Gladaon. Joe Ray. aad Max Sneed Towraaoa Funeral Home was ia charge a I arrangements. ?AM MflM'VRE Sam Mclatyre. 84. of Robbiaivllle died at 12:25 p. m. T?esaay Oct.: fc. after a long He was born la Macon County a son of the late Jim and ?lizabeth [ Mclntvre. Supvlvlm irt the Widow, Mr*. Elise Mason Mclnfyre; a ton. Sam Jr. ot Newport N?w$, V*.. three dautfun. Mrs Ed Lmnei ot Caaton. Mr* Harris Adams of Bob binsviUe aad Mrs. Frank Smith of Siaryvilk. Tenn sir.' grandchildren two brcthers. John W Praaklin. and Tom of Whlttier; and a slater, Mrs. Iitfi* Ridley <*t Snenan'-iir#, s. r ? Services were held Friday, Oct. !> ?l S p. m. in Swee^uai U-p.ts: Chui'ch. Thi R?v r?on->M Colwl the Rev. Ralph Mathcson official teed, end burial was in Old MoU*-*r Church cemetery. Tr.vnson t-uiur. ... i x ij ?? Winners will be announced in the following week's edition of the paper. Sorry, but we will not be able to answer Inquiries about individual entries. Entries must be In by Friday at 5 p.m. following publication flay. Mrilo.1 entries mtipl be postmarked not later than 5 p.m. Friday. Only one entry per person allowed. All entries become ihf> p'r ;>eny of The Scnut and the newspaper reserves the right to discontinue ihe contest at any time and with out notice. Don't forget to put your name and address on your entry. NAME STREET OR ROUTE CITY AND STATE TIE - BREAKER: Auburn VS. Georgia Tech. " & r * Citizens Bank & Trust Co; -SKUnyG SOUTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA f ? V ? ' ' Hayesville ? Robbinsville OKLAHOMA VS. MISSOURI Murphy - Andrews Members of Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Shortest distance to the best buys in Marphy is a straight line to . . . PURDUE VS. OHIO STATE COLLINS CRA1N Department Store Murphy, IV. C. SEE W. A. SINGLETON For Automobile LIABILITY INSURANCE NOW ALABAMA VS. TENNESSEE At Western Auto Associate Store MURPHY. NORTH CAROLINA For Quick and Dependable Service GALA, OR BRING YOUR CAR TO NOTRE DAME VS. MICHIGAN STATE DAVE ESSO SERVICENTER Everythia* Ha ppy Motoring Blue Ridge Trucking Company Daily Schedule Between Murphy And Asheyille Reliable Connecting Carriers Providing Service From And To All Points North, South, East ai^i Wesc MURPHY TERMINAL PHONE VE 7 ? 2922 FURMAN VS. G. WASHINGTON JIM SPRUNG WAYNE WILSON HARLEY STRATTON The Best Of Service Costs No Hlore 20 Years Experience In Meeting Your Transportation N?>d?. ROGERS ELECTRIC SERVICE ROBERT E. ROGERS Electric Contracting KENTUCKY VS. LSU ? House Wiring ? Electrical Repairs ? Motor Repairs DAY PHONE VE 7 . 8425 NIGHT PHONE VE 7- M7? For Insurance Of All Kiids See A , Representative Of MIAMI VS. NAVY The Insurance Department Of Citizens Bank and Trust Co. Marpky - Andrews W. D. Towison A Western North Carolina1 r Mutual Burial Association MISSISSIPPI VS. TULANE First Burial Association West Of Waynesville, N. C. Allison and Duncan Tire Company, Inc. MURPHY VS. CmEROKf^ ../i .% ' /? Tiro Service Ilendqunrier^. ,< ^ ? If azolwood ?Franklin ? Murphy MILK ? ICE CREAM n j# +,% | ?? > I COBLE DAIRY PRODUCTS CO - OP INC. ? WmM - ?? , *. v- ~ VIBGINIA TO. ' -V P 1 '? /? \.h Murphy, Korti Carolitk ^ Dial VF 7 - 2158 Heat Yonr Home ? CLEAN ? SAFE j'tvith fiaU ' ARKANSAS VS. TEXAS PHILLIPS 66 PIIILG AS SMOREY MOUNTAIN GAS CO. \ 1 MURPHY, N. C. DIAL VE 7 ? 2111 list Good And Friendly Service r ANDREWS VS. HAYESVIIAE Ingram and Gidley Gulf Service Mnrphy, N C. Dial VE 7-M44. * u Words of Life w t ?> ' . >i 1 ?r> V'ontinumg the them?, Christian ifcrvto*. It is well to remember that such service entails sacrifice. Please turn to Romans 11: X. X . aad read th*re'whjt **aulsays it ?ke players su^h aa PoateH to Christ. 'The law of the Kingdom of heav .^h requires that our wills be sub jected No the will of God. We can not do otherwise if we would be what God wants us to be and what we ourselves should desire. The Bible looks ufnn evil, the way of tt?? world, disobedience to divine law and all such things as having ^ downward pull; bujt the good hfe has a tendency upward. It is easy to coast down hill takes of fer to go up hill. Christianity is m constant e$Wll?tt with, tha evil. If we take the side of Christianity th'n we will join in that conflict. Then we becop>e soldiers of the I astern .' Star Holds Meeting U Andrews - The Andrews ' ' Chapter No. IS }rder of the Kaatern Star, held heir regular meeting Monday night i ;he Masonic Hail. "Five Lovely Ladies' a program I the birthday of Dr. Rob rt Morris, the founder of the East la Star was presented by Mrs. aisy Seay. ... She was assisted by Mrs. Olive Sllis, Adah: Mrs. fs E s t llorVfliln. 7jBW*de fwomack, i Mar:hartWft"?lre. Tafly *MeGuire Electa. Saf a- Tdjlpr, EuUiw, .worthy tatron presided. Cordon L. Butler * v patron. Hostesses were: H. L. Mulkey, Mrs. Josephine Higdon. M|s. Blan >e GatMr. Miss . Elizabeth Kil fitrigjfc* a^J\Irf| V^afi Radfard. ' 1* "^Hs M jJTip t office^ jX't#sont$l take pride ari^ounci*! Vat our <^?erokee County'TO^C >air Exhibit was awarded a frist prize blue rib bon. gfe. There' Is M akrreeae (a tMa . war. 1W optweltfae to strong . '"We wrestle not agalaet ftnh and Hood, but. against ??ft" -V i 3033 spiritual wtekaess See Ephesians ?:!!). N alio! the christian's armor and one (weapon of ' war tare ? Old sword of. ijn spirit. y I - *, "Serf I must fight, if I would reign: Increase my courage, Lord; I'll' bear the toll, endure the piln, Supported by thy word." It If said' that the bird of para dlse toever flies with the wind. That Would ruffle Its plumage, and prevent it from reaching its desired haven. It always flies against the, ' wind, this keeps its feathers in - place, and enables, it to reach the tv'roe when- it w fhts to be. If ?* vould keep ourselves In the right vay we too must go against the ?urrent. "Be ye not conformed to Bis world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that e may prove what it that good ind acceptable will of God." (See Romans 12. 2). When our Lord was In that ter rible agony In Gethaemare he vraj.xl' that the bitter cup might ?ss from him. But he added, "Not Tiy will, but thine te done". God wants us to be good soldiers, brave enough to surrender our way of life * es, car \ills, to his will. We cannot Improve on God's way four our lives. Note: this when you sugrendpr your lit? to you eternal life. That ' trade, M*t ft? Don't Get Up Nights | Make This 4-Day Test Flush kidneps wtth BURETS. Help nature eliminate excess acids and i^ther wastes that may cause fraqj||pt or scanty flow, burning, ( bfSfcliihe, leg pains or getting up night^ Your SOc back at any drug store tf BURETS do not completely satisfy. NOW at Mauney Drug Co. ? ** "1MB SB I 1 ? ? John Mark* la manager at Wllllama Pal* Farm, Wallaea, N. C. Tha 62 -cow Holatain hard ia homebred. Thara ara 440 acraa on tha plaea, producing oat*, soybaana, and laapadaaa hay. 1SQ0 pounds more *i?Wi35" ' i) William* Date FmH managed by John SiVs^ 'started ^ft^ding their 82?cdw HbLsteln herd milking rations. Up went milk production, Just as it baa foi --.or successful dairymen as cows respond to the csMfully balanced quality ingredients from which Purina milking ratiorik are btdlt DHI A records indicate the herd will produce 1500 pounds more milk per cow this year, a substantial boost in milk production that's bound to result in a mora profitable op eration at Williams Dale Farm. Dry cows conditioned on research-backed Purina rations freshen ^niy^-etibh full prodwft|t>a . (. quickly Jstw Jjt> ia milk late in* lacatiori twpirtt Increase still fr the ll.WH^ awj average now, produced. ? wFeed your cows the Purina Way. Ask us to tell you more about Purina'a Dairy Program. . ; Stiles Produce "rsMLJt-K'/f"