I - T. ?ilkkCMIrey llMOa iflhli Birthday ? "Mllte God.'iey. sra ?[ Mr. uj K: M i Godfrey, celebrated ? "-h b'tbity on Friday. Oeto 5 fltfc a party at b-ic? ~Tw vfuai ftue.'ta ware Mike Ktn r-r" JsBle J j :*on. Betta I'Jvurda, \ hert Bourne, Bill MaCeever. Mj ftMU'l Cllfc fo gptur Benefit Bridge The Murphy Woman : Club will to!4 a btaef t &rldf? on Saturday, ^ It. at ? o'clock lo the re ration n o o t the Episcopal Clarch. , Ticket* lor ttoe bene.it are ?rictj at $1.00 per person. Tlu- >c rcbosrd, donated by the 1 Vjmrr'o Ck'.'J, was in operation 'or tt. '.rat time oa the Murphy -'gh S?(|ool f.attall field at thi taie en fridiy, October 1 be : '*?a M '.Thy and B-yson City. Kasa Breland, Roy Wells. Cindy TuttlC', !<? ':!? Lunsford, David ?^ill. Ci'ry ?-?nd Jchnqy Israel. Vicky Wjod. Steve Dickey, Tim Dyer, en > M v?'s brother. Tony Godfrey, j There's a rugged 'Jeep vehicle for your jobs! Rugged 'Jeep* vehicles have the extra traction of 4-wheeI drive to deliver your pay loads to areas ordinary trucks oan't reach ? shift easily into conventional 2-wheel drive for economical highway travel. And with power take-off, they operate many load* of spatial equipment. There'-a '% 4-Wheei-Drive .'jeep! vehicle to fit your specific needs 1 . Forward CoatrolMeep'Tnck*;: i unequalled combination ^ of maneuverability and payload capacity I Universal 'Jeep*. . , \ i does hundreds of jobs! * 'Jeep' Utility Wagon... dual purpose vehicle for baaineu and family! i hn Jeep family of 4-WfcMl-DrWi nhides WUn...MrtTf lw(Kt ajMdctovt *f 4 -MM Srt ? M-UM jft HwUiBm HO) I CHEROKEE MOTORS Fran-hi* Dealer No. 1228 Murphy. 1*. C. I ? Andrews Personals Mn Jamea Cathay who has baao visiting with ralatiraa is WaaMng ton, D C. and R.chmood, Va.. haa arrived for a rlalt with har parenu. Mr. aad Mrs Richard Flowon Ttk; Rev. and Mrs. Thomas C. C!ri uuss aad children. Tommy. BjL )>? and J.mmy, have returned f.6m Mayesv lie. S. C. w<iere they ( traded the funeral of hit aunt, V.rr. Fanny Simpson, held Sunday vitrrcon. On the trip home thty also had a visit with his parents. :he Rev. and Mrs. Christmas, and 1 rhe parents of Mrs. Christmas in Charlotte. Miss Sue Nichols, student nurs^ n Memorial Mission Hospital in Ai-heWUe. spent the week-end with he * parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick ? Nichols. Vj-s. Leila Woodard of Abbeville is the gueat of her sisters, NDrs. John Watkins and Mrs. Allie Mc JurV ns. for a visit. Mrs. Josephine Higdon haa re ti'rne hemed from Charlotte where she ?ttenO?d the Carolina Festival Tt'.- Bcuu. clans and a visit of sever al clays u.th her siaters, Mrs. Dm ILre; and M;s. Jcanny Johnson o i Ci.atlcto. fl:\ ? nu Mts. R M. Valentin? "rr nd 'aarh. Fla. are spend i: ; their annual vaca'.iin in And . e*s. M . and Mrs. James Ibberjon of Rt -.ding. Pa., are spending this i.v rs guests of the Rev. and Mrs. Vitolds Gobins and o'h?r friends. The- Ibtersons' formerly lived in ?nor <vs where they mads many " ienc's dining their stay here. ?. I aad M; ?s. Roy Wheeler and children Be :';y and A1 cf Ellz. bet i. ton. Tsnn. vere guests of his moth er. Mr3. Bert Wheeler for the Week end. V.W ?nd Hi. W. 0. Sodiquist Sylva were also guests of Mrs. War :lcr the latter part of the week. Mrs. C. H. Jarrett returned to h-r home Saturday after spending -.everal weeks in Charlotte with her sen. Dr. Clyde H. Jarrett. and his ."-m:iy and a weeks stay wMi rel-a '.vcs In P?co'.et, S. C. on the re- 1 turn trip home. Mi-, and Mrs. Jce McKeldrey of W:ns?-r.-? 'em and M'-s. Lee Barn-; ?nd ("ru'hter, Jo Evelyn, o' ""r?nklin spent the week-end with : 'h-'- parsnts, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. M'-Keldrey. ACCFPT NO SUBSTITUTE ! ? cxsh ~m ? L 92795.00 Jr f TWIM GABLES Choose your heme today pay nothing down: Au you need is your ioc tor us >o Jj. Wt band-e ail financing for you. Compare befoie yon consider any h^me -those that do ALWAYS choose JIM WALTER to build their home. (Ji .? px .e .tnc ta uai.stntn bu Id ycur hcir.e individually tor you on your lot. We can i Jmild any s!? home irem your floor plan, our standard m-dels or any alteration of our iHoa.. ilAi WALTER homes are not prafabrtc'ted, pre-cut, portable or tectlonal but nre [>?inunent, custom built hemes designed to give you a lifetime of comfortable living. i ? ? I FOR YOUR HOME MAIL THIS COUPON! Don t Wait Buy YOUR HOME NOW t cut AND MAIL TOO AT I JIM WALTtR CORPORATION I ?m inforosfod in owning ? Jim Woltor Horn# and would tto moro information. I two ? door dood to my lot Q Plo??o sond litoroturo O Ploo?o hovo ? rcprotontotivo coM on mo . . ? Ad droits Diroctiom if rotito_ mrr* a quality smill nomi...rr$ a jim waltka noun JIM WALTER CORP ii1' 1 , i ii . 1 1. .1 i i l?r Mare Information Contact Nr. J. D. Taylor Route. 1, % r, N C. i ?? i ? ? ?? 1 1 mams BLALOCK Mr. ?ad Mr*. Junes Blalock of Bla.rsvilie. Oa., announce the birth of a ton. Ronald Nelson. Oct. 1, a: Providence Hospital. Mrs. Blalo.k s the tormer M.:s GUily., Maria '.'anther. CL'BTIS MV. sad Mrs. Eu?eae Earl Curti of Murphy, announce the birth o ft son. riyn Paul. Oct. 3. a P.-o vidcuce iioapi al. Mrs. Curtis b Ike former M?ss Helen Lucille Euhl. I MOORE Sir. and Mrs. Uarve Mack Moore. Jr. of HayesviUe announce ?he biith of a son, Steven Brent, Oft. J, at Provvdence Hospital. Nfcs. Moore is the forrr.'r Miss Mar.lyn Jcnes. SMART Mr. and Mrs. Roel Smart of Kayesvlile anuonce the birth of a daughter, Tamra Sue, Oc:. 4 at Providence Hospital Mrs. Smar' is the foraur MUs El!a Louise May field. ABLES J ' \ ar.d V!.-s. I. ugh Francis Abies : Murphy arrource the birth of -. son. Hush 'Francis, Jr.. Oct. 4. Et Provi . n;e Hospital. Mrs. Abies s the former ICss Bet:y Ann Rciers. BARE Mr ?r.d Mrs. Bart Blaine Bare " ?."! rrphy announce the birth of a lijhier. Dawn Maria, on October '? in Providence Hos">!'al Mrs. B 'ro 'b<- former Miss Mar?aro .'Irglnfci Akin. Konnahceta Club To Hold Meeting A VDR^WS ? "Hie M?t?V aH \rt partment ot the Konnaheeta Wom ans Club will be in charp; of the program Thursday night Oct. 15 at the meeting to be held at the Shell Dining Room at 7:00 p. m. -j *'1 )tp Brauer. Mrs. Louise Rogers, Mrs. H. E. Davis and Mrs. H. A. Van Gorder. MISS UAVIbSbN Davidson-Baugh Wedding Plans Are Announced Miss Shirley Ann Davidson and .* me* Hubert Bauph will be mar rj? * on o-?. V. a* 7 pjn. at the r fhW^ch. She is the daughter of R. J. Davidson of Murphy and Mrs. ? -W-- KV Mr. Baugh is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Baugh of Murphy. He i- r.v?i- M-i'h >he Miripe Corps at Camp Lejeune. A recep'ion will be held In the k>wv?r assembly hall of the church following the ceremony. Shoal Creek News Pv vrs. ? roOKE " ? rp'' Mrs. Will Cnnlc s-ent "?'nrtiy in Swannanoa visaing re ' it: VPs. H-ifi Huu .and of Asheville is vrf.'lting relatives here. Net Barnette visited hei naren's Mr. and Mrs. Ranse Queen list Thursd?y. L. C. Newton of fias'onia spent thn wr-fk-end wl'h h's parents, Mr. "nd Vfs. C. B. Newton. Mr:, f'ftt'.e Crow e' High Shoals s visiting relatives 'here. Mrs. Fred Arrowo-d visited Gen 'la Nct'on'! last Wednesday. ATTENDS AREA MEETING LAST WEEK Soeoial guests who jUended the American Legion Auxiliary meeting here last week are: i seated, left to right) MJrs. Z. E. Murrell, state nresident, and Mrs. J. W. Norris, fifth area vice president; (standing, left to right), Mr.s. F. V. Taylor, president of Murphy Unit, Mrs. S. C Burgess. Mrs. T. L. Noe and Miss Jeanette Paramore. After the meeting, a lun;vieon was held at the Regal Hotel. Carolina Sweet hearts and Mrs. Maxine Chastain, vocalist, presented entertainment. Come In Today And See Our Complete Line Of Texaco Products And Our Modern Motor Tune ? Up Shon. We Snerjalize In I"n'<lon 41 And OU * fabrication and w??i, 9 *??*'??' TTf???? m Up PHONE 352 For Road Service Dicks Texaco Service Center Aadrawa, IV. C. Murphy High School French Teadnr Spends Summer Studying In Paris By OPIE McKEEVER who has studied French knows the familter folk song. "Sur le pont d'Avingnon, L'oo y danse. l'on danse" (On the Avig non bridge, people dance, people dance). Wh-ui Mrs. Lynn Gault left (or studies at the Sorbonne In Parts this summer ?he promised her I Murphy High School pupils here that when she visited Avingoo she : world dance on the bridge. But her plans for dancing were aome | what thwarted when she arrived and found the historical bridge in ruins, now a Roman antiquity. She did keep her promise, however, to send postcards from the scene to over 85 of her students. Mrs. Gauit. wno felt that six weeks study in Paris would prove ?>n ^ Mi'^V W?V French classes, left on June 17 by KLM from New York and flew di rectly to London. In England she EUeen Gunnell, supervisor of folk dancing in the Noniton School! . Several years ago Miss Gunnell spent a summer at the John C. Campbell Folk School, Brasstown, ! which Mr? ?t<| hr- fcn . band have been closely connected. All students in England are given | courses in folk-dancing, a special hobby of Mrs. Gault's, and includ ed in the curriculum at Honion is a course m American hisory. She made a talk to the history class and said she found English and American tc.^-agtrs (remarkably similar. After five days In Devon and 1 several in and around London, Mrs. Gault and Miss Gunnell took a ferry at Dovei for Dunkirk. They toured by car to the south of Prance whsre they visited maay historical towns and spent a week at Bondol on the edge of the fash ionable Rivera. ttondol Is not a tourist town and Mrs. Gault said that white she was there she saw no Americans. On the return to Parts, Mrs. Gault moved into a Sorbonne dor mitory, the International House, lo cated on My* Boulevard St. Michel. The Sorbonne 1s the name moat commonly used for the University of Paris, a title which originated from the name of the founder. Robert de Sorbon. In the early days of the university classes were conducted in Latin, giving that sec tion on the teft bank of the Seine the name, Latin Quarter. Mrs. Gault's roommate was an American teacher from a private girl's school In Massachusetts but sitting on either side of her in class everyday nuns a German and a Bulgarian. The Bulgarian woman MRS. GAliLT was the aHy member Of tlM eiaaa from beMad the fco? Cur t#l? and wm able to (My ???w tt fin ancial assistance from aa Ameri can friend. At the Sorbomw summer ecbool only foreign studeaU are permtttad to Study awl all dMaaa are con ducted In French. Mrs. OauH's class la French language aad Wwgture was scheduled ffw I U*H 12 e\**y morning #?Wr day?. She took two wesh end excur sion to Charting and Batata, planned by the affcool and odd ducted by Sortjoupe profesacri "Aa me traveled through the eoua try side on our ch?HaCffl bw," said, we bad great fua Jotoing la the songs of all nationalities with our professor standing up Croat leading us. It waa ? good lesson In International resetters." And making aacjjwr interesting obr.Tvaion she said aha WW to "high fashion" Ip Paris. "The best-dresr.ed women I mat," she o" "were Americans." Lucille, who noMe AB. and M A. degmes from the University of Wis consin, is teaching bath French and English at Murphy High School. Her clasaes in Frtncb are taught from a conversational point of view and she says her puplb are fast becoming "lively Frenchmen" Their attractive hoipe, designed by Mr. Gault, is located on Blrdfoot Ridge near the John C. Campbell Folk School. (Mrs. GauM will talk os "A Student in Pari*" at t)? Folk School on Sunday afternoon, Oct ober 18, at 4 o'clock. This ia one of the Fires id? Chats, sponsored by the School, to which the public is invited.) , Bourne Brothers Entertained 9b Birthdays ? Trip Brurne, son of Mr. and Mrs. | f Boime, Jr., celebrated his ,'eventh birthday on Sunday, Octo-j ter 4, with a picture show party. Gu?3ts at the Thirty were Luke Bayiess, Bo Dreher, Bobby Hilton, J Pewey Johnson, Knox Singleton, j Billy Forsyth and David Penland. i On Thursday, October 8, Clarke ! i? 't. ? y;uPJ^cf s">n of the Francis I Bourne's, was honor guest at a I rty at his home on his third birth day. ?>'g!iborho-d children who at tended were: Mary Ray and Jimmy Ic;e?h, Mary Jane Ressel, Karen Beerkens, Bobby Forsyth, Price McKeever, Cindy Tuttle, and Kath erine and Fr.ui Hill. I PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Holland McSwain were In Chapel Hill last week-end where they .attended a luncheon at Ihe Mbrohead Plantarium and the V.S.C.S.C. football game. They visited with their son, Frank. & s'uaent at the University, and "spent Saturday night with friends in Ral Mrs. Mary Calhron Sneed spent severe! days last week at the Caro lina Beauty Festival in Charlotta. Lynn Gault is spending a week with his parents in Ohio. M>3 Ssil Thompson at Simsbury, Conn arrived this week for a vis lv with her cousin, William Tuttle, Mrs. Tuttle, and children, Scott, Cindy, and Mark. Mr. and Mrs. John Bayless at tended the Tech-Tennessee football g.-me in Kn?xvllle last week-end. I Among The Sick PROVIDENCE HOSPITAL Lonnie Be' vers, Rt. >, MUrphy; I Mrs. Bessie Davis, Rt. 1, Andrei; Lev! Forrester, Rt. 4, Murphy; Mrs. Rozenna Forest, Rt. 1, Mur phy; Daniel Jefferson Floyd, Rt. 4. Murphy; Mrs. Willi* Jean Hyde, Rt. 2, Hayesville; Mrs. Lena Mhe Johnson, Rt. 1, Murphy; Mrs. Bon nie Ladd, Marble; Tom Morrow, Rt. 4, Murphy; Miss Bessie Mjallo r.ee. Murphy; Mrs. Hazel Nicholson, Hiawrssee, Oa.; Ronald Phillips, Warne; Mrs. Bertha Panther, Rt. 1, Murphy; Mrs. Emma Riley, I Rt. 2, MiSrphy; Robert J. Stephens. Rt. 2, Murphy; John Stewart, Rt. 2, Hayesville; Isaac Taylor, Rt. 4, Murphy; Mrs. Ttshe Tanner. Rt. 2, Murphy; and Mrs. Dixie Palmer, Murphy. YOUR NEWSPAPER > 5; Your newspaper h "Free ? dom's Textbook" . . . bring ing you, without foar or favor, tho facts you must havi in ordor to oxifdso wisely tho freedom of choke I which is bask to oil of your Amorkan froodoms. Jost so long as tho press is free, unhamporod and uninter rupted, your rights and priv ileges as an Amorkan are secure! 1 - OCT5? M.M obMrvanc* ?' Wk, Ocf. 13-3t The Cherokee Scout

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