N. C. Motorists Should Prepare For "Cold War" Tar K.*J motorists bad better gird themselves now for another "cold war" In the month* .6ead, Motor Vehicle? Commissioner Ed Scheldt declared. "The annual battle of drivers acalnst f'.; elements will soon be underway," he warned. "And the v icier* will be those ear owner* | *hj are smart enough to be pre r. ced and skillful enough in their driving to outwit Old Man Winter." IT.: vehicle thief urged motorist* to "make sure now ? before the frantic rufto? that your vehicle it prepared for the severe tests which O' by a reliable really depend on It when the going gets rough He emphasised that "preventive maintenance pay* off handsomely is any season, but particularly dur ing the winter month*." Scheldt added, "You'll need anti freeze eventually; why not install it now? Your batvry will receive additional strain because of heater, defroster. Wipers and increased use of lights; check now to make certain nnouncing . . . ( NEW LOCATION TRAILWAYS BUS DEPOT VIRGIL O'DELL, MGR. Effective Today Trail ways Bus Depot Will Be Located At PEOPLE'S CAFE Tennessee Street Murphy, N. C. Schedule and Fare Information Package Express Charter Buses SMOKY MOUNTAIN TRAILWAYS Phone VE 7-2925 yaw battery ka Um pna r you'l "You'll wsat 4? be warm; make sure your healer will perform. \ ou'U want to sac clearly la rain, sleet aaj sno? Tl.refore check wiiKkhieU wiper arms (or adeqi -te pleasure to remove toe*? baud jus obscurements. You'll want to atop Siiely Tl. refare adjust brakes and make cure your tires have good treads. Always carry a set of 're inforced Ure chains in the trunk, ready (or use when nr. ded, (or th? most reliabte stop-aod-go Ir action during severe skw or ice condi tions. "Remember last winter wiien so many motorists iv.tc caught with out tire chains?" the commissioner Scheldt further recommended ait asked. engine tune-up to prevent stalling in traffic. "Neg'.v?-t of any of the foregoing items Will laad to regret." he cautioned. ' With your car In shape and properly equipped, the battle of winvr is half won." be concludcd "The rest of the battle will depend largely on careful attitudes and skill in driving under the variety cf weather and road condition^ which will prevail during the com ing cold roason." White Sands National Monument In New 'Mexico contain) the world's j largest surface deposit of gypsum When hiked, iV soft white gypsum sand becomes pure plaster of part?. OPEN Thanksgiving Day TURKEY DINNER With All The Trimmings Come Along Bring The Family MIAMI RESTAURANT Call VE7 - 9741 For Family Rates IN NORTH CAROLINA: POINTS ARE POTENT Take the case of Charlie Carelessdriver here. Charlie's walk ing to work. Can't drive (legally) because he chose to ignore some of the basic rules for staying alive in traffic-things like c running a stop sign, failing to give the right-of-way, speeding over 55 miles an hour. Charlie paid a few fines, grumbled, and ^ drove on-still indifferent, still dangerously. Until one day WHAM ! he had 12 points against his record * and it was good by driver license. Don't get yourself in Charlie's fix. Know how North Caro lina's Point System affects you. Start now. * If he'd been real tmart Charlie would hate heeded the warning letter he got at four points. Q What is the North Carolina Point System for drivers? A. In brief, the Point System is designed to protect law abiding motorists from the reckless acts of others (by removing such drivers from the roads) and to keep the conscientious driver constantly aware of the importance of maintaining a clean driving record. Q. How does the system a if eel me? A. A capable, intelligent driver need have no concern over the Point System what ever, although it is wise to remember that points are assessed against driven convicted of traffic violations. A schedule of offenses and points charged for each appears elsewhere in thia advertisement. Thus, if you accumulate aa many as 12 points within a two year period, your driving privileges may be suspended. Q. Arc there any intermediate steps? A. Yet, the critical levels are described as 4-7-12, the first two levels offering en couragement toward self-improvement, the third meaning suspension. It works like this: A driver with FOUR pointa against him receives from the Depart ment of Motor Vehiclea an official warn ing letter; SEVEN pointa against a driver means he may be called in by licenaing officials for a discussion of his troubles, at which time he may be in vited to a Driver Improvement Clinic; TWELVE points are grounds for sus pension. Q. Far how long? A. 60 days. Q Once my license is reatered, do I start with a eleaA slate? A. Yes, but be extra cartful. Persistent carelessness means your license may attain be suspended, this time upon accumulation of 8 points in two years ? not It. Good driving habita will keep you out of danger, and a possible six month suspension. Q. Can accumnlated points be "erased?" A. Yea, and safe driving will do it. Points are automatically stricken when they become two years old. Thus no points ' accrued within that time means a clean slate. Border-line drivers may also have 3 pointa removed from their record by attending a Driver Improvement Clinic conducted by the Department of Motor Vehiclea. Q. Is an accumulation af points the only way ay license nay be suspend ad? A. No, several other offanaaa, including drunk driving, require a mandatory withdrawal of driving privileges. Sueh violations are handled under existing laws and are unaffected by point total*. Q. Where can I get farther detaila on the Point 8> stem and how It contributes ta aafer North Caraliaa roa da. A. Write to the Public Relations Division, State Department of Motor Vehiclea, Raleigh, N. C. SCHEDULE OF POINTS CONVICTIONS POINT VALUES Passing stepped school bus S Reckless driving I Hit and ran. property damage only 4 Speeding in excess of SS mph I Illegal passing S Failing to yield right of wty S Running through red light t No operators license or license expired more than one year I Failure to atop for red light ?e siren I Driving through aafety lone S Driving on wroag aid* of road I No liability laauraaea I Fallara to report accident where aaeh report la required t Running through atop sign I Failare to give proper aignal 1 Speeding ia city limits 1 Speeding fat restricted soite 1 Improper tuning t All other aaoving violations 1 t ? 1 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF MOTOR VEHICLES i -?,11, '**?*<* Murphy Midgets Wallop Franklin V " ' t. Midgets Saturday f " X* " ? . .* ? ! The M?rphy Mid jets waUopet' thb Frarklin r lid^ets Saturday <? 1p.m. with a finaJ score of 28-1' Ronald Mirnis made two tuich t'ow-n-.' and Stev>. Crawford one. -333 from Morris to Jerry Decki v vyas teautifully executed and ?. ll.-uKed in a tout j1 down, said Fran V.'.'syth, one of the team's cuatie; M . Forsyth also raid that Tri| ' bourne did a ii job of pa- -in | and that all of Ihe MSdgets wer I cbk to play in the game. | Miss Clara Hughes Participates- * In NEA Convention Mi 's CtSra June Hughes of Rout' !. Mu'phy, .was rne ? f'fV.< student 'rctn Western Carolina College whe ?'.*rticipatrd in *he Student NatLon ?>' Educatirn Atsociation convention "t Rf> i?h last week. | ,Miss Hughes is the daughter 'of I 'S-.: 'nd Mrs Pashal Hughes. ? C hrr ijjdents -who partielpitel were I.? Tally, president ' oi h? WTC chapter. Ramona Sawyer, Bi!I '?;rdntr and Jack Lcdbett?r Hanger P - TA To .Meet Tuesday Ranjor Parent-Teaclvr Asxoeia- j on will meet 3t the school Tues dsy. Nov. 24, at 7:30 p.m. I Anvil Crawford, president, will I I prsside. I j Thanksgiving Service To Be Held At Andrews ANDREWS ? Th? annual Com T ' uly in-; Srrv'-e ir \n~trews will V held on Wednes i I' y. Ncv. 25. 7:30 p.m. at th ~'r Methodist Church. The sTC jktr will be the Hev. Tom 'biMmas, pa or of the First Bip t Church. Th; vai jous portions f the service will be conducted m m It s of the churches in .-ipating. Mu ic will be provided by thr in' .hnir with members comin cm all the churches takiir: ;>aii .ml will be under the directum ? ' i;s. D;m Hawk. The church's ;ak ig far' :re: : First Baptist Chur-.'i God. St. Andrew's Lut'tr mi 'k ::'st J". :hcdist and Presbyterian. . t '.eiiig r reived at thU servicc t ill be plsced in t ie Tranncn" unl :a be use J fc this oarticuiar ?eel at the disc-.tion of the :nin ters cf he above churches. . Poison from a honcyfc . 's sting a; prJcnt, drop for drop, as ttlcsnake vcncm. BL'FORD BEAVER Bufurd Beavers, son of Mrs. l>ochic Beavers of Murphy has been a*bigi. d to (he Second Training Iicgimeu. at Kort Jackson. S. C. "In . lie is tak.ng his basic trac ing. : He .-literal the army on Sept. 14. I Men Inducted Into Service , The Selective Service Board an roir ed that Bobby Glenn Tcague, 1 Hubert Ben Thomas and Franklin Delano Thomas were forwarded for induct.on Thursday. Nov. 12. CATHOLIC INFORMATION By REV. JOSEPH DEAN THE MERITS OF JESUS CHRIST We .->e rcfjrrmetl Ihroush hp Vr- 1 r Jesus Cirri. shed on hr C !he last drop. We t*.' a!! tl:~t we it~e and have to Him. Bui, the scriptures :'o net leach : 1: a t or- works are r-.rrltorious i<-c:< 1ir te HI; divine plan, if these arod works ire freely done in H' d vinr gra However. we muf rea'ize that all nur merit is rrimo-fly His. fcr He won our r'. ?h: to grace and ;,'o"y . by His in lin'tc me.its. when He redeemed us by His Passion and r. ath. Th's doctrine c* merit is cxpre !y aught in manv passages ?f the f ? '* Testament. "I wa~ hungry fid you gave Me to eat" Jl' t-t. XXV. 42' "Sell hit you p s-e n:1 r v r alms; m :->\"e to >?urseM V 3 js which ei a- n >t c'.d. a It? i e in Vaven which lai!: 'i nut" 'Luke XII. 33': Wha wi'l rer, r !o every man ac ft. n;1 to lvs works" 'Rem. H. fii "Ev< -v man sha'l receive his :-.vn reward *.ccrding to his own labors" <C:~r. III. 8' "Know you it'.t :ha: they Ciet rra in the i >ce. nil run i "lecd, lut one re ?; i\ c ? i the pri/e? So r*n th: you may obtain" '1 Cer. XII. 24) "Latir the m: p ilia: 'ay good wcrk.s you may make sure your railing and clcctiou" i2 Peter I. 10'. In a certain sense our Father has hound Him . 'f to reward on. gcctl wjrks, nut because H; has received something from us. bu: because lie has pnmiscj what has pierced Hurcsif. con ecrn.ng the c works tf mercy and v. rotherly )o Margin Luthc?'s continual denuiiatron o1 goo 1 works in the l. mc o a 4iituio-e\ angelical f ? eikm had a disastrous effect en pi:. lie mora'.s, as he and irrjny of h'.s contrmi>or3ries admi'.tei. Riid wh:t le himself writes: ' Tk's p . aching ought rightfully tc be aejep'.cd and I stened ta with grea; joy, and everyone ought impro . himsel' thereby and become mc-? pious. But un fortunately, :he reverse is ejw the case, and th; longer it endures Iht w<?. se the w jrld bt..cir?s: this is the work of the <'.-v.il him sel.. far nc.v we see the people iscom'ng more avaricious, more unmer.iiul, m % .? unoiiaste. and in every way worse than they were under the Papacy." Yes, we are 'redeeired only through the blood of isus. And all our merit is primarily His. But He commanded us to cooperate ??? h His gi jce and lo mike our faith a living faith th ough our ecxi ?work'; done in the name cf Jesus Christ. ANDREWS, N. C. HAYESVILLE, N. C. MtUPHV. X. C. KOBBINSVUAE, N. G. CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Serving Southwestern North Carolina W. FRANK FORSYTH ExecuUve Vice Fre3ident MITRPHY, NORTH CAROLINA November 17, 1939 Dear Folks: Fercj B. F. -ebee, F resident Citizens Bark and Trust C*mp.*ny, has asked me to tell ? .veu about our Christmas Savings Plan On the lSlh of November, last Men Jay. we mailed cut from our banks at Murphy. Hayesville. Andrews, and Rob'rinsvUle a total of $73,232.00 in Chri'.mas checks. This tar amoitet of money resulted in systematic savings by bank individual. Our Ch'islmas ravings fund offers a won-JerftM opportunity to folks who w-Ub to save for their gits or year -end expenses. You may ('.posit as little at $1.00 each week, and it is a genuine pleasure for all of us at Citizens Bank and Trust Company to provide you with this ser'jice. Christmas Savings iProgram for 1960 brains November 23, next MonJiay. W.iy don't you make arrangements to Jcta his club ptan now? Come November 13, I860, you will be glml that you are a member of Qtt^.:n^ Bank and Trust Company Christmas Savings Club. Till; is just another one of the many services, and there is no chart.; for joining. Tours truly, W. FRANK FORSYTH WFF/Jg

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