, . .... * ? . The Cherokee Scout Dedicated To Promoting Cherokee County VOLUME M NlMBEK-ll , MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ZS, IMS SIX PAGES THIS WEEK ? ? ?^?TTTT . -V... NO SERIOUS INJURIES AS CAR AND MILK TRUCK COLLIDE Three Wrecks Occur In County During Twelve Hour Period Saturday Three persons were injur.xl, none believed seriously, in a car-truck collision on Highway 64 a mile and a half east of Murphy Saturday miming at 11. Russell Dean Freeman, 21, driv er ot tlv automobile, of 3rd Radio Relay Unit at Shaw Air Force Base, S. C., and Finley Lake, N. Y? re ceivej facial injuries. ?His wife, Katie Freeman. 29, a passenger iu tfr.? automobile re ceived cuts about the chin and a six inch cut across the forehead. She also received a slight con cussion The couplc's six month old daughter. Mary Lynn Avis Fre.' mau, was not injured in the acci dent. The infant was in a bassineti on the ba?k seat and was partially covered with a pillow. The child's mother believes that this k??pt Mary Lynn from being thrown out of the bassinett. 'William C. Gray, 54. of Andrews, an<! driver of the Scaliest Milk trirrk received minor injuries and v. nt to the Andrews Hospital for examination and possible treat ment. The Chevrolet, which was pull ing a hauling trailer, skidded 45 feet in tlie left lane before IK? point of impart. Freeman believes that the trailer jack-knifed and Uipt he w?s ??xceeding a safe speed. Damage to the milk truck, owned ?nd operated by Mr. Williams, i-, estimated at $750. The 1954 Chevro let is said to be a complete loss. The Frcemans, on 30-day leave from Shaw, were in route to Nash ville when the accident occurred. After being discharged from tho hospital Monday afternoon, IN: family left for Pennsylvania with relatives. Accordinj to Patrolman Ra> Hetfner. Freeman was charged with reckless driving and illegal possession of tax paid liqubr and p'.raded guilty in court Monday. Freeman posted a $300 bond for his appearance in Recorder's Court in January. Prayer for judgment continued until that time. Samuel Parker. 21, of 112 Colonial Circle. Marietta. Ga., and Marble, N'. C., was charfod with driving on the left side of the road not in passing. Parker, at the Shoal Creek Bridge intersection, hit a gravel road and went into a skid. Hubert H. Taylor Enrolled In Engineering School Hubert H. Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, Route 1. has enrolled in the Mechanical Engineering course for the Fall quarter at the Milwaukee School of Engineering. A 1954 graduate of the Murphy Hign School, Taylor is a veteran of four years service with the U. 6. Marine Corps. A total of 418 students have ?vgistrred frr the first time, bring in? the h'tal Fall Quarter enroll ment lo 1.410 students. I An estimated $1200 damage was ; dor.; to the 1958 Edsel which was I driven by Parker. The accident rccured about 11:15 Saturday night. A 195b' Chevrolet station wagon met a Buick traveling on the wrong side of Highway 19. The station \>agon was operated by Joe B. Jones, 19. of Andrews and the Buick was operated by Hubert Neil Mash burn, 20, of Murphy. Mashbum was charged with driving under tiie iu.'ii.ncc and is under $150 bond. No personal injuries resulted from the accident. Approximately ?300, damage was done to Jhe sta tion wagon and $150 to tlM Buick. Leadership Course To Be Continued The third and fourth sessions of ttv Girl Scout Leadership course will be held 'Dec. 2-3 at the Power :Koard Building. Training in these two classes will include Girl Scout ceremonies, in ternational friendship, arts and crafts, music and dancing and a gcr.-ral review of the fundamentals of Girl Scouting. Mrs. Heinz >Rollman will conduct the training sessions which will begin at 10 a.m. and continue until ? p.m. Those attending are asked to bring a bag lunch. Murphy High Bulldogs End Season With 9-2 Record By JAY WILSON The MJrphy High Buildups cnle-l the 19j9 football season Friiay night with a 9-2 record, having 10M only to Sylva and Boone and wav ing won the Srr ky Mountain Con ference and having gone to ihe state AA playoffs. Tl.< playoif game was played at Memorial Stadium in Asheville with Appalachian High School of Boone, N. C. The Blue Devih slipped by the Bulldogs 7-6, having been out pass ed and out rushed the whole gam.: The Bulldogs played one of their be?t games of the season but two pass interceptions by 0. M. Hamp ton of the B!u; Devils at the last of the game ('octroyed the Bull dogs chances of winning the game. Thr Bulliofs scored in the first quarter after a fifty yard drive on a run by Bud K Milan from th; three. The drive was started when Wll lard Smith inte rcepted a Boone pass on the 50 yard line. The try for extra point was no good. Late in the second quarter Ap plachlan scored after taking over on Uie 35 yard tine of Murphy on a blocked punt. O. M Hampton made the touchdown with Tim i Bryant making the winning extra ' point. The Bulldogs played tetter bill ir the sccond half than In the first but toey wore unable to score. The Blue DeviJs drove down to the Murphy seven yard line in the fourth quarter, but the Bulldogs held and Murphy drove to the Boone If yard line, when 0. M. Hampton intercepted a pass In the end tone to put the ball on the 20 yard line. Murphy again held and took over en the fifty and started another drive, this time down to the 11 yard line where, with 12 seconds '? malning in the game. Emanuel McDonald passed, intending the ball for David Thompson, but Hampton snatche^ithe ball, ending Murphy's I topes for a state champ ionship this year. The Bulldogs have played fine ball this season and have proved to have the best team in this sec tion of the state. The offense *nd the defenr.? have been exceptional end the Bulldogs didn't let down once during the season. The Bull dog* km six men this y**r, in thq fcackfield Emanuel McDonald and Bill RhotVs, and on the line. Virgil Decker, Johnny Hartness, It. G. Hembree and Willard Smith. The }uniors returning next year who were on the starting team this j? at are: Jack Lemmons, Hubert Hinton and Roy Morris on the line and Frank Hill, Bud Killian and David Thompson in the backfield. A tot of the credK for the team this year goes to the coaching staff of Murphy High. Mead coach Chuck McConnell and coaches Gordon IsVjy ani Dave Bristol spent many a tiresome hour at the high school 'Whipping the boys into shape and working out plays to outfox Murphy's bitterest rivals. The Bulldogs exhibited sports manship befitting a championship team this year. No players wwre thrown out of games for unsports manlike conduct and when Murphy lost, they took it like men. con gratulating the opposing teams. All in all, this years team was probatly the test Murphy has ever had. end beyond a doubt, they have worked harder far what they got than sujy other Murphy team. Training School For Industry Starts Plant Wheels Rolling Murphy High Honor Roll Is Announced By Faculty Hnnnp Rnll ?i* l no enAniH civ , r? /~?_i . I i _ n weeks grading period has been an nounced by the faculty of Murphy High School. Members of the Alpha Honor Roll are: seniors. Paul 'Barker, WalVr Owenby. Willard Smith and Jay Wilson; juniors, Eugenia Davis, Anna Bruce, Grace Elizabeth Sprung; sophomore, Wanda Trmp son and freshmen, Billy Ray Pal mer and Linda Smith. Beta Honor Roll members are: seniors, Sharon Brysan, Nola Mino Collins, Annie Ruth Garrett, Joan Graves, Linda Houts. Betty Hyatt, Bessie Killian, Mildred Nelson. Joyce Radford, Lavonne Thompson and Margaret Ann Wilcox; juniors, Frankie Cornwell, Louise Crisp, Kenneth Doctory, Kay Davidson, Ftheiene Farmer, Shelby Garrett, Ann? Hall. Kenneth Hawkins, Ernest Jones. Judy Kephart. Jackie Lemons, Sandra Lepsr.-r, Mary Ann Rogers, Joyce Sneed, Paul Srr ith, Fred Taylor and Helen Tanner. Sophomores: Frankie Beal, Pat Brown. Ralph Carder, Jerry Cham m.j a, .uaigdici v. u , uieiiua r aim t(, Eddie Ferguson. Becky Hoover, Elizabeth Johnson, Mary Sue James, Barbara Lanning. Kenneth McDonald, John Gordon Moore, 'Dorothy Ann Mull, Sue Rose. Joanne Snc.'d, Doris Stiles. Linda Totherow, Mabel Woriey and Kay Zimmerman. F reshmen : Harold Beavers. Larry David Burrell, Larry Clonts. Iluth Crisp. Barbara Cunningham. Kay Coleman, Carolyn Dockery, Bill Haney, Cecil Hampton, Doris Harper. Joyce H.jmbree, Lana Sue Henson, Larry Hughes, Harold Houston Johnson. Rosalind John son. Brenda Little. E<tward Mc Afee, Margie Morris, Howard Mar cus. Carolyn O w e n b y, Lynda Schuyler. Sarah Singleton. Charles Smith, Lester Stowe, Alice Fayo Taylor, Ernestine Thomas and John Zimmerman. In order to be on the Alpha Honor Roll, a student must have p straight "A" in all subjects and conduct. In order to be on the Beta Honor Roll, a stwVnt must have no grade lower than "B" in i it her subjects or conduct. Commissioner Meets Here To . Discuss Bridge State Highway Commissioner Robert Benall of A&heville was re cently in Murphy to look over the bridge situation according to Stat.? Senator Frank Forsyth. Mr. Benall met with Senator 'Forsyth and H. A. Mattox, chair man of the North Carolina Asso ciated Communities to discuss the bridge. 1 Senator Forsyth considered the ir.ieting successful. Football Team, Coaches To Be Honored Sunday The annual special service in recognition for Hie Murphy High School football team and coaches will be held at Uv* First Baptist Church Sunday, Nov. 29. at 7:30 p.m. Immediately after the service there will be a reception for the team, coaches and high school stu dents in tlv social hall of the | church. A special program is plan ned for this time. Local Company Is Awarded Contract Commonwealth Lumber Corpora tion has been awarded the con tract by the .Town of MXiiphy for the timber harvesting operation of the Mamb'o Creek Water Shpd located approximately five miles north of Murphy. The lumber company purchased the timber /or $26,496.37 which was the highest sealed bid offered. Ttw Town of Murphy employed Commercial Foresters, Inc.. of lAsheville as consultants. The State of North Carolina Conservation and Development, the Forestery division cf the TVA and the 8taV> Board of Health advised that 1,006,061 board feet of timber be marked for sale. The timber will be removed In compliance with tte forest and wMer abed management practices approved by the State Board of Health. There Is 745 acres <of timber Involved. Associalional Sunday School Meeting To Be Held Western North Carolina Associa tions! Sunday School will meet Nov. 29 at 2:30 p.m. at P>2achtree Memorial Baptist Church. The Rev. T. C. Christmas will speak. Christmas Bazaar To Be Sponsored By Garden Club The Cherokee Rose Garten Club v iH hold their Christmas Bazaar Dec. S in the parish house of the Episcopal Church. It will begin 'at 10 a.m. and con tinue until 4 p.m. Among items offered for safe are decorations from the home, Christ mas tree decoration, jewelry, hand work, sewing, cakes, candies, other holiday clolicasies and doll clothes. Orders for doll clothes can be placed with Miss Clara McCombs. The North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles fatal traffic accident summary from 10 &.m. Monday, Nov. 23, 1959: kiHed to date 1027; killed to date last year 950. I 1 James Hawkins Wins Scout Football Contest James Hawkins, Box 93, won first place in last week's Sc out | lootjall contcst. H.? had nine out of 12 Games answered correctly. Mrs. Jerry Davidson of 109 Camp bell Street and Miss Marilyn Bev rong of Route 2, Hayesville tied for second place. Blain Stalcup of Bluminthal Str.-et came in Wiird place. Those who had eigijt out of 12 right were: Maxine Kirkland of Grant Street. Geneva Phillips of Andrews. Miss Jo Jo Moody and Ricky Ellis of Box 192, Andrews. Woman's Club Enters National Contest MUrphy Women's Club received ;cknoA lodgement Nov. 20 from Washington. D. C., of its official entry in the 1959-60 Community Achievement Contest, co-sponsored by the General Federation of Wonvm's Clubs and The Searrs Roebuck Foundation, according to Mrs. P. J. Henn. president. The club will compete with other federated women's clubs through out the country for $35,000 in prtaes. including a top national prize of / $10,000. All cash awards won by clubs must be srent for the bene fit of the community, according to contest rules. The contest is an incentive for all GFWC clubs to provide leader ship in meeting community needs. It places emphasis on working with the community, through cooperation witty local civic, governmental and social groups in ali phases of plan ning and executing community pro jects. In the last contest, completed in June, 1958. 5.500 women's clubs re ported successful action to meet local community needs, with achievements including improved education, health and recreation facilities, formation of community councils, and many others. As the basis for judging, every club must submit a written report by March 1, 1960. detailing its com munity achievement between the dates of June 1, 1958, and June 1, 1960. Mrs. Kenneth 'iodfrev, newly ap pointed Community Achievement Contest Chairman for the Afurphy Women's Club, reports thfct the idea for an electric scoreboard was conceived by a group of members, and brought to vote at the Septem ber. 1958, meeting of ?????????? ELEMENTARY STUDENTS PRESENT CINDERELLA Principal character* la Uw play, Cinderella, wklck waa wawM Friday ??????? at the Efe mcatary Sehaal Audltarlam arc: (tod to rt?M> Rabart WaaUa. Laaric Sprvaf. Llada Canal, Carotya Laytacaad. Sheila Aw Wtanpcy, Gail Haaaaa, Daryl CimW SaMMi UM ?t Jkuqr Uraei. jaaa Baaaak aad Jna MM an >ml^ to IN* * Mm pwp. Classes Have Been In Session For Four Weeks Rimeo Manufacturing Corp. ha- | br. n conducting a training schotl to- its ncA' employees for Hie pas! t'hrce weeks. The classes began a: S a.m. on Nov. 4. Classes began with only (our people. Each thi.'e weeks groups of 12 will be added to the classes until approximately 30 people are being trained . Within probably two months wctnen will be added to the train ing school, according to a spokes man for tha company. He added that eventually as n;any women as men will be train ed for jobs at the textile plant. The spokesman said that the school has two instructors at this time. The-v have been provided by the parent company. Now that the machinery has arrived here in Murphy, people being trained for jobs will receive classroom in structions at the Murphy KVment ary School and practical training Rev. G. E. Scruggs Accepts Pastorate At Lenoir Church The Rev. G. E. Scruggs, pastor of Peachtree Memorial Baptist Church, resigned his church last Sunday to become pastor of the North Catawba Baptist Church in CaldweU Baptist Association near Lenoir, N. C. Mr. Scruggs came to this section in June, 1953, and was missionary of the Western North Carolina Bap tist Association for four and one half years prior to his becoming ipastor of fhe 'Peachtree Church. One year of this time, he was also Associational Missionary of West Liberty Baptist Association. Mfr. Scruggs is a graduate of | Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute. Both he and 'his wife are natives of Haywood County. Mr. and Mrs. Scruggs have two chUdren. Their son. Lowell, is at present working in Alaska, but will return in the near future to re sume his studies at the University of Tennessee in Memphis where he is enrolled as a pne-med stu dent. His daughter. Carolyn, is a stu dent in the school of nursing at Grady Memorial Hospital in At lanta. Mr. Scruggs will assume his new responsibility the first of January. a! (he old trailu-ays garage where iJlt machinery is located. Tlio industry spokesman said that tin- 1 1 rot (raining machine!) arrived hire hi Murphy on Nov. 17. Six large machines were brought here i.v lar^c trucks. The plant sp?kesu>aii said that _ it III. - been tlK-ir aim to give first choice for jojs to residence o t ~ Cherokee County. Classes for employees of the new ? ndustry are from 8 a.m.. to o p.m. ~ five days a week. C. L. Alverson. chairman of the Cherokee County Development. - Corp., said that the property oa which the new industry will bi?_ huilt was recently purchased by the Development Corp. and given to Kimco. Rimco spoke man continued that the plant property .will occupy ap proximately 14 acres. Plans have ali.adv been completed tor th? plant bu.ldtng but the Rimco spokesman would not release Uie name of the architect. The industry spokesman said that they hapt to.JlaVe t!ic lirst - machines moved into Ifo new' plant around March 1. Equipment will arrive immediately alter the build ing is compleicd. The first buildikg will have approximately 26,000 square feet. The addition, expected to be under construction within tlie next one to four year, will have an estimated 40,000. When the addi tion is completed Rimco Corp will . mploy about 300 people, said tile spokesman. The Rimco spokesman declined to release the name for the local manager but said that he is a high ly qualified and experienced in the field of textiles. Thanksgiving Race To Be Held At Smoky Ml Track A Thanksgiving Day race will be run at Smoky Mountain Speedway Nov. 2S. Time trials will tvgin at 1:30 p.m. and raceing wiH begin at 2 p.m. A trophy will be awarded to the winner of the main feature. Among the drivers will be Robert Lowe, CharV?s I .owe, Frank D. Led ford. Carl Davis. Bobby Chutman all of WaynesviUe, Roger EnsJey. Marvin LedTord of Clyde, Homer Hannah. Amos Hannah, Forest Messer of Canton, Barney Brook*. 'Bill Bartlctt, Trigger Digger of Aslvville, Ray Morrow Jr. and Jack Freeman from HendersonviUe. Murphy Calendar I ' ? ? ? ' . "? t.

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