rv The Cherokee Scout Dedicate To Promoting Cherokee County VOLUME ? NUMBER ? II MURPHY, . #. CAROLINA, THURSDAY. DECEMBER J, IK* EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK PUBL18UD Justice Of Peace Court Tries Twenty-Three Cases Twenty-three cases were tried in JP Court siuce Oct. 23, accord ill " to Sam W. Jones. Justice of the Peace. Otis La*?, Homer Corn, Connie Holli'vay and Johnny EMis were charged with failure to comply with srhcel attendance law. Lee paid court cost. Corn, HoKjway and Ellis ncn suit. Hairy S. Mich'l-i was charged wMh r.rt having aa operators lirtnsi'. improper registration and Li.urc to comply with N.C. Resp. Law, He was charged cost and (ivrit lime to pay. Van :hn Rogers. Jay Chambers and James Dillingham were charg cj with pir 'i: drunkenness. Rogers and Chambers paid court cost, Dill inpham was charged and given time to pay. Jack O. Bailey was charged with larceny and bound over to Record ers Court. J. L. Carpenter was charged with Christmas Decorations To Be Featured Christmas arrangements and Christmas ideas for inside and out side decorations will be featured at the Holiday Show sponsored by the Murphy Garden Club Sunday, Dec. 13. The show \? ill be held at the Power Board Building beginning at 2 p.m. Mrs. Bob Easley and Mrs. L. L Mason are co-chairmen. Refreshments will be served. A silver offering will be taken but no admission will be charged. One Act Operetta To Be Presented At Andrews ANDREWS ? "The Lost DoU," a one act operetta witii approxi mately 90 children in the cast, will be presented Tuesday, Dec. 8. at 7:30 p.m. at the regular meeting of the Andrews P-TA in the school euuitorium. Principal characters with speak? ing parts are: Andrews Reichman, Lu 'Ann Long, Joy Bristol, and Jean Simms. There will also be 15 characters appearing as Christmas shoppers. Others will represent Ciristmns bells, candy canes, clowns. Christ mas candles, Christmas trees, bleaks and dolls. The first, second and third grades el the Primary School are partici pating in the musical drama. Teachers in the primary school arc directing the operetta. f; ilurp to transfer title. He was fined $10 and cost. 8 29 30 31 ? > For A Christmas to Be Remembered Give A Truetone Radio or Phonograph CHRISTMAS GIFTS PUR THE WHOLE FAMILY WESTERN AUTO ! ASSOCIATE STORE MISS CAROLYN ?VANS, taoffcter M Mr*. Johnnie Evaaa. Amdrcwi. Rogers Kills Deer After Hunting Far Three Hour s Marvin Roger*, left, is shown with a deer wh ich he (hot last week at Point 7, Hiawassee Lake. Also pictured are his hunting companions, left to right. Floyd Dockery, Guy Dockery and Jack Dock ery. Mr. Rogers shot the deer with a 32 special rifle about 2 p.m. last Tuesday afternoon after be had been hunting for about three hours. 4 Area Auto Accidents Cause Minor Injuries UnKKtf II **1.1 1? iftf Q AjT nr r\W 1 ' I \ ti\CO O T j, ? , '? n j. li ju, iv, vi in. u, ivjuiftij. received severe lacerations to the !eft ear and scalp in an auto col lision Saturday afternoon about 4:30. Young Hall was treated at Protest, ant Hospital and released. The accidcnt happened about five miles north of Murphy on a rural unpaved road in front of tiie home of Tom Carter. A 1352 Fcrd operated by Marvin Hoss Rogers, 28, of Rt. 3, Murphy, wis traveling south on Grape Creek Rd., according to Highway Patrol man Ray Heffner, Rog. 5 was driv ing on the wrong side of the road when he met a 1952 Chevrolet pick i?p track operated if Richard Franklyn Dockery, 25, of Rt. 3, Murphy. Dockery was accompanied in the pickup truck by Hall who received head injuries. No one else was in I jured in the wreck. Hall was sitting cn the right side of the truck and his head went through the wind shield. Republicans To Meet At Court House A meeting of republicans will be held Thursday, Dec. 10, at 7:30 p.m. at the Court 'House in Mlurp'.iy, according to E. E. StHes, chair man of Cherokee County Republi cans. The purpose of the meeting is to get all precinct officials together fr>r instructions and organization of (he precincts preliminary to the regular precinct meetings to be held on Jan. 9 to select delegates to the County Convention. The County Convention will be held on Jan. 23, 1960, to select delegates to the district am) state conven tions. R'gers has been cited to Justice of the Peace Court for operating a motor vehicle on the wrong side oi tie road. .Thanksgiving night at 11 on U.S. 64 just west of the Miami Restaurant a 1953 Mercury operated by Harley E. Gib.- on of 525 MlacArthur Dr.. Marietta, Ga., skidded and over turned. The vehicle hit the right shoulder end "zig-zagged" across the road over turning on the left side of the road. Gibson was examined at a local hospital and disirisscd. Ac cording to City Policeman R. A. Martin, Gibson is under $200 bond and charged with spacriinu .ami reckless driving. ' The automobile is said to be a tela! loss. Cub Scouts Hold Meeting At Methodist Church Cub Scouts Pack 405 of Murphy held its first regular meeting of the season last Monday night in the basement of the First Metho dist Church. Cub iraster, Don Ramsey, presid ed and welcomed all Cubs with their mothers and fatiirrs. Mr. Katherine Well's Den num ber 4 gave a program based oi their study of an old country store. Each Cub in this den was dressed in proper costume depicting some of the characters found around such a store. Bill Harper was the narrator. Tommy McGuire played Josh Wig gins, the storekeeper; Tommy Size was Swi/t Davis, "the town Bum". Lum Rose; Abner Potter, the check er players, were characterized by James Rose and Billy Potter. Jackie Craig was "drummer", sell, ing the storekeeper several items that de'ighted two lovely ladies. Wsyne Wells and Samuel McDon ald. Benjy, the freckled faced b">y, Benny Sro:t. sprnt one whole hour and one whole penny trying to de cide upen his money's worth of Cindy. Mis. Wanda McDonald assisted with the skit. The Cubs in Mrs. Mary Jordan's Den 3 told about their trip to Palmer's Museum in Marble. Mlrs. Vincent Stiles accompanied the group to Marble. The following awards were made: Wayne Wells, denner bar and bob cat pin; Tommy Size, bob cat pin; Tommy McGuire, bob cat pin. as sistant denner bar; Sammy Davis, service star, gold arrow point; Douglas King, service star and gold arrow; Bobby Jordan, service star. ?hee~ bad'? and gold arrow; Bobby Minor, bob cat pin. wolf badge an1, ?service star; Jackie Craig, service star and two silver arrow' points; Carl Townaon, bear badge find gold ftrcry point. V, 'Don Ramsey anaoupcedL l flans for her Webeto den t<#tfjMH||^ ' this week. Mrs. Kenneth Davts jfei elected treasurer of the pack. Or. Harry Dickey and Mont Rogers directed games . iajo wiuMiujui: in ivui uy uii'n Arvi! Morris, 19, of Murphy, was traveling west toward Murphy when a 1951 Chevrolet pick up truck, op erated by Ralph Richard Stiles, 24, of Rt. 4, Murphy, pulled out from Graves Tire & Recapping Co. into the path of the Oldsmobile. A wooden plank off foe bed of the pickup truck went through the back glass of the Oldsmobile strike ing Morris in the back of the head. Stiles is charged with failure to yield the right of way and a war want has been Issued said Patrol man Hcffner. There were no per sona! injuries. Approximately $25 damage was done to the pickup -ttucli, whila an estimate^ (400 dam age was done to the Oldsiiwblle. The accident occurred Nov. 28 at 10:30 a.m. about a half mile cast of Murphy on U.S. 19. Ernest Floyd Reighard, 19, of Topton, received no personal in juries when the 1950 Mercury, which he was driving blew out a lire causing the vehicle to go down an embankment. The car, owned by E. W. Reighard of 1097 Lang ley Ave.. Atlanta, is said to be a total loss. Patrolman Hcffner said that no charges were made. Rev. John Zanon To Be Guest Speaker Sunday The Rev. John Zanon, a former Catholic Priest, will be guest speak er in the First Baptist Church, Sunday, Dei-. 6, at the 11 a.m. worship hour. Rev. Zanon (will also be foe speak er for the Associational Training Union "MT' Night, which meet Mon day at 7:30 p.m in the Peachtree Memorial Church. He is man*j to the former Miss Dorothy Edwards of this county. Cherokee County Tax Rate Is Cut ' *? ?? r -?* 4w "? 4 Couple Receives Congratulations From President ANDREWS ? Mr and Mrs. John 'Mulkey of Marble who celebrated Uieir 70th wedding anniversary on October 27 received a personal let ter and card from Dwight D. Eisenhower, president of the United States. The president extended warm congratulations and expressed best wishes to the couple for many more anniversaries. The message was on the official stationary of the president and was personally signed by him. Property devaluated Cherokee County is among the seven counties in North Carolina who cut the tax rate and revaluat ed county property according to a report from the North Carolina As '.ociaion of County Commissioners. Mayor L. L. Mason said that the tax rate has been reduced from $2.12 to $1.68. He also said that even (hotijh other counties in North Carolina haive been forced to in crease their tax rate to meet, pri marily, their school needs. Chero kee County schools will not suffer. The revaluation of property, even with the decreased tax rate will lesult in more money for county needs than ever before. Fifty-two of the 100 counties this year increased their tax rate over Christmas Eve Baptism, Communion To Be Held Advent and Christmas services at Murphy Presbyterian Church will reach a climax .with the ob servance of the annual candlelight Christmas Eve Baptism and Com munion at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 24. During Advent at morning wor ship messages and music relating to the coiring of Christ wJU be given and there will be special ob servance of the season at evening services Dec. 13, 16, 18 and 20. The prosram for Dec. 20 will be marked by a Christmas tableaux on the part of children and youth from the church school. The annual Christmas tree, party and treat will be held at the church at 7 p.m. Friday, Dec. 18. Sermon theme for the morning of Dec. 6 of Robert A. Potter, min ister, is: "The Gospel of Zacha rias": Dec. 13, "How People of His Day Received the Christ"; and Dec. Joe El-Khouri To Head Rotary Club 'ANDREWS ? Joe El-Khouri was named president of the Andrews Rrtary Club, succeeding Thomas Fuller who has accepted a position with New York Life Insurance Company in Charlotte. At the regirar election of officers held in July Mr. El-Khouri was elected first vice president. Mr. Fuller and Mr. El-Khouri at tended the Lions' Zone 1 meeting held in Murphy last week where progress reports from clubs in the zone district were given. Murphy High School Receives Second Part Of Traveling Science Program The second part of the Travel ing Hijh School Science Program has arrived at Murphy High School Library, according to Walter Puett, principal. Mr. Puett Mid that Murphy High School Library is one of many schools selected to participate In the Traveling High School Science Library Prograrr during 1959-1960. The first part of the program ii . 1 1 arrived about two months ago. This is an experimental under taking ?dministefed by the Ameri can Association for the Advance ment o( Science ?t the request of the National Science- foundation (jMUniiuhced by a grant of funis OTirtt the United Stales Govern ment. Started aa a, 86-school pro gram in 19S5-M. it has grown not only In sixe but in scope. This school year tin library, will be going to Hawaii, to the American Com munity School of Paris, France, and to U. S? Armed .Forces. De pendents' Schools throughout the world. % The purposes and objectives of this program may Include: to de velop an interest on the part of bigh school students in reading books (other than textbooks) on science and mathematics and about scientists; to make available to students a larger fund of factual science information; to help stu dents to develop an informed view point and thus to facilitate and stimulate the choice of a career in science or maUiemaUci: te af ford science and mathematics an cpportunity to broaden and deepen their own scientific background ; and to determine valuable acquisi tion* for achooi and community libraries. 20 morning, "Virgin-Born God." Special music by Nie choir is to be given at all these services. At the evening service Dec. 13, the Nativity is to be shown in pic tures and the service Wednesday evening, Dec. 16, -will be given over to Christmas poetry and hymns. The Session of the Church is to meet at 6:30 Sunday. Dec. 30, to receive mijMkm. The Joy Gift is to be brought at Christmas-time tor aged miniiUu ? and their families and whit* gifts of staple foods, clothing and toys are to be brought Sunday, Dec. M, or before far the needy of' the com munity. . . The afternoon circle of the Women of the Church meeting Tuesday. Dec. 8, at the church wtth Mrs. Foster W. Bruhner as hostess, will bring gifts for shut-ins. The Even ing circle has its annual Christmas party Monday night, Dec. 14, with Mrs. William A. Tuttle. Television Reading Program To Begin In January Channel 3, Chattanooga will begin the Reading iProgram Jan. 4 to teach adults to read and write. II is also designed to improve the reading and writing ability of others. The course is composed to 98 K^ssons given on Mondays, IXjfcs da. s. Thursdays and Fridays from 6 p.m. to S:30 p.m. It will last for six months. Classes of 10 or less persons will be held in centrally located places. Those who prefer may take the course at home with Uie help of a relative or neighbor. Bach class will have a television set and a vdunteer teacher who win instruct the students tor 15 minutes before and after each filmed lesson. The cost to each student will be H.00 which includes books drat Hie student may keep. Those person iwfeo would Ilk* to be enrolled as a student to the Reading Program are asked to ??