Mrs. James Baugh Presents Circle Program Mrs Jam?* Baunh was in charge ! cf i lie pro J"" at .1 meeting of: tht Mae iJ. I > Circ le N'jv 24 al | Uit home i?: Mr> Huyes Dockery | M s John Fleming and Mrs Heii?rv H\.iU ? I so ! the King In Korea Mrs Ik'rliia Roberts opened the n eetm^ \yJth prayer and ihe hymn. 40 Worship iln Knit" was sung! tl> I "It* :! U Jp Mis J A lion and Mis Hadlej Dickey ga\e the devoi.onal medi 1 titio.'i and reading \ a mus ihairm x [ resented re pi.r: iiid p'jn- i ?: tf',e C.iristmas , pally weir diNv-ussed. Refreshments were served to 12 dub mem Lets. Circle Members To Present Program Thursday AM>iiKWS Members of the ~r/vb M e Pruett Circle of the ^Woman's Missionary Society of the -J-irst Baptist Church .viil present -the program. '<) God, We Pray 111' the People W;>:-k lor (?<>:!. -Thursday at 7 ;> m 3 This is part of a series of special -programs being given this wec-K jiJ the annual observance <;f the "Week of Prayer f-.jr Foreign M.s -sroos. ~ Friday, Dec 4. will be oiservel -as the Day of Prayer Around t h ? ^fcorld. Plans have been made for church mem*?rs to come for 'prayer from fi a.m. unt:l 7 p.m. ?c.* any time ft lim; the c:n Circles, including Ruth Bagwell. [Anna Whiraker. V W A < Inter mediate GA's, have observed spe cial programs throughout the week u Nov $0- Dec. 4. This annual week of prayer for foreign missions is in honor of Nfiss Lottie Moon, pioneer foreign mis sionary. Miss Wilhide i Honored With Shower ANDREWS - Mi*? PfcyUtt Wu bid* Urlde-eiwct *as buoured witn i miscellan;*>a.? s/wwtr Tuesday -fie rnoon ai uie home of Mrs ii A L>ewar uu Aquone Koad Ho?ie??e* were Mrs Marion uDqj, Mr* Frank WUhiae aixl Mis \ B Chandler Sr An arrangement of white cma ik>nb in a cut ulass bowl centereJ the table White candle* ill silver cundelatua were j!m> used The table wa* covered with jii imported lacv cloth A brklal motif of green ainl while was carried out in the refreshments Miss Wilhide is the bride-elect i?f FltUi.v Donald Phillip* of Murpliv Mrs. U. E. Burch To Head Andrews Cluh ANDREWS Mrs U E Bifrch was el rt 'i*d president of the Val L-yi\>wn Hum** Demonstration Club at a meeting Monday afternoon .n the recreation room of the First Baptist Church Mrs B M Gibbs was elected * vice president Other officers elect- 1 .*d recently were: Mrs John Wins tJ'hunt secretary and Mrs Mae ( 1'aylcr, treasurer These cfficers will be installed in January It was announced t-hat the Christ- ^ ma- program will be held Thurs- ? iiay. De 17. at the home of Mrs | ''lurch I Mrs Carl West, vice-president, ! presided in the abserue of Mrs. ' (ilemi McGuire The club meeting j y was re-scheduled due to a conflict ! . I 'J i:l rreetmgs. , Miss TlieJma Wheeler. Cherokee c junty Home Economist of Murphy, , presented a lesson on "Our Teen- ^ '.jer-; as compiled by Ocrinne J ( Grimsle.v Extension Family Rela- ^ lions Specialist of Raleigh. j She also announced the Literacy Program sponsored by the John j Campbell Folk School at Brass- ! I town Lessens 'vlll Ix* featured ori ; Channel 3 Chattanooga, beginnut^ a Jan. 1. | During the social hour the hostesses. \.- s. Cliff Richardson i /?ni M -? Lucy I ,:j i ^hter served f 1 r\ treshments A 1 1 : r ' es made from tin cans and, wreaths male frrm pine cones v/rre on display *-fbr Chrfsftnas qfvmq ! r ? * - ? - Tobacco Mauney Drug Co. Murphy, N. C. MISS MARY SUE KING Miss Mary Sue King To Become Bride Of Balph Garry McClure M?r and Mrs Clarence H King , )i Route 4. Murphy, announce the ngagement of their daughter. Mary Sue to Ralph Garry Me lure, son of Mr and Mrs. WilLard | UcClure also ct Route 4 Murphy. Wedding plans are incomplete. The bride elect was graduated Hr*. Hciut'r Knlorlain* ftith Parly Vlr< Juanita Weaver entertained | Lith ivvo tables of bridge at her .t'liic on Saturday evening Mrs. L L. Mason won hig Cherokee Rose Garden Club nit at the home of Mrs. A. J. Jeadrick. Nov. 24. with Mrs. Ann uttie as co-hostess. Mrs. Wanda Edwards, president 'resided The club collect was re nted. A letter was read from Mrs. | itella Bottom, a district officer, j nncerning organizing a flower hov* school tor Western North 'arolina and whk\i would be avail able to the people of thi^ area The lub voted to express its interest n su: h a school. Mrs. Joyce Breeland was voted n as a new member. Final p ans were made for the uncut Ch. istmas Bazaar to be held iMurdjy. Dec 5. After the business a social hour vas enjoyed. Ranger Lt and Mrs Cecil Henry and laughters of Columbus, Ga., visited n the community Saturday Misses Clara Hughes. Edith Faye Vilcox and Patsy Mason of Cul owhee spent the Thanksgiving holi lays with relatives Mr. and Mrs H E Turner of Atlanta. Ga.. spent Thanksgiving Kilidavs with Mr and Mrs Fred ineed and family. Mr and Mrs Hugh Stiles and laughter of Knoxville. Tenn . spent he weekend with Mr and Mrs ; W. Radcltffe Mr and Mrs. P R Hughes spent i'St weekend at Maryville. Tenn isiting Mfir. and Mrs. Tom Keasler M!rs. I R Elliott Mrs Myrtle loberson, Mrs. Jaanes Guthrie and ( i*) s C M Sneed were the dinner uests of Mrs Ralph I,edford re ently M ani Mrs l>ale Kilpatrirk and lii'dren nf \fl;mta and Mr and ^ Joe Bedford and children ot" "iinton, Tenn . spent the hoikiay rjrh Mr. and Mrs F W Krlpatrick Mlrs Sam Akin. Miss Mary Akin ! ?nri Harvey Akin and Mrs Whitney j ?r Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs j M Snced Sunday MV and Mrs Frank Davidson and I nmilv of Maryville visited M!rs ilyrtlr* Roberson and Mrs, .lotw"s iH'hrie recently Ernest I^ed/ord at Atlanta. Gm., ornt t4x? weekend with Mr and kfrt Ralph Ledford *fr and Mrs Ray Adams and laufbters spent Thanksgiving with A r and Mrs. Mix Voylfts. from Murhpy High School and is employed by Sinclair Refining Cam pany of Atlanta, Ga Mr McClure a graduate of M\ir phy High School is associated with! Fisher Body, a division of General Motors, in Atlanta Among The Sick Patients at Provloence Hospital: Lonnie Braver, Rt. 2 Miurphy Jack Diltard Carringer. Rt 3, | Murphy: Mrs Roberta Davis, Unaka: Mrs Bertha Pantfier. R' ?' 1, Murphy: Sonny Panther, Rt 3.1 BlainsWUe, Ga : Mrs. Ann Provo, j Young Harris. Ga : and Dale Ware. Culberson Patients at Protestant Hospital: Norman Barton Rt. 1. Murphy: Ben F Dalrimple, Rt 2. Murphy: B L Fox, Murphy: Mrs William Tanner Rt 2. Murphy: MJrs J S. ! Passmore, HayesviUe Patients dismissed from Protest ant Hospital: Jerry Lee Chastain, Rt. 1, Andrews: Mrs. M. C. Murphy i Duektown. Tenn.. Mr and Mrs. Russell Freeman and daughter, M-arv, Finley Lane, V. Y ANDREWS PERSONALS Mrs Alice D. Harris of Knoxville, ) Tenn , spent Thanksgiving with her parents, Mr and Mrs. R. A Dewar Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bristol and children. Jim Joy, and Johnnie spent the Thanksgiving holidays with relatives in Charlotte and at tended the Andrews-Jay Allen game in Marion. Miss Ellen Hyde suffered a brok en hip at her home here Monday morning and is hospitalized in the Memorial Mission Hospital in Ashe, ville Mr and Mrs. Wendell Wilhide and children. Judv Lynn and Bob, re turned to their home in Florence, Ala . after spending the Thanks giving holidays here with his moth er, Mrs. Garland Wilhide and Miss Phyllis Wilhide. his sister. Mrs. T. C. Christmas of Char lotte left Sunday after spending the holidays with her son, the Rev. Thomas C. Christmas ami his tamHy. Byron Chandler III, spent the holidays in Knoxivilte, Tenn,, with bis aunt, Mrs. E. D Meador and family 3nd attended the Tennessee- , Vanderblit g a m e Saturday at Shields Watkins Field. University 1 of Tennessee Mr. and Mirs Roy Wesson were guests of Mrs. Ruth S Pullium and the Rev. and Mrs. T C. Christmas enroute to Haley, Tenn , for the holidays and on the return trip to their home in Charlotte. Mrs Wesson, the former Miss Elizabeth Troxler. was a former member of the Andrews High School faculty. Mr. and Mrs, ( I oaka announce the birth u si n Chnrles Hay Nov 2li, : j I Pn v.den e Hospital Mr< I ) a \ - the In liner Miss Kobt-rla I '.rahMil LITTLE Mr and Mrs F Herman Little , rt Culberson, Rt 1, announce th- ! ' irth of a daughter . Jennie I.ou, ] Nov 20 at Providence Hospital I >Irs Little is the former Miss Vinma Jane McClure MiALLLSTFR Mr and Mrs I>findall H Mc Allister of Hayesville, Rt, 3, an ? i 'Utile the birth ef a daughter, jlacoueline Sue. Nov 20, at Provi dence Hospital. Mrs McAllister is 'he former Miss Eula Mae Moss. PROVO ,V". and Mrs. Marvin Moiroe Provo of Yuuns Harris. Ga . an nounce ihe birth of a dain'htcr. i Sillv Ann Nov. 21. at Providence' hospital Mrs Provo is the former Miss Ann Rice Abernathy CARTER Mr and Mrs. William Howar.l ^isrter of MiTphy Rt 3, annonnc? he birth of a daughter. Brcnda 1 Meane. Nov 22 Mrs. Carter is the ' -nier Miss Selma Ann Moses MARBLE Br MAMIE RICH Mr and Mrs Elbert Tcxb-ruw sad family of Murphy were guests j>t Mi ami Mrs H B Ri.n las' Saturday Mr and Mrs Gtror^e Husk in of Mt Zi n eomnninity visited in I .Visible bui-vLi> ..IteiuuoU Fred Palmer was Sunday .1iune uest i' Mr and M s H H Hleh Mr and Mrs K .1 ri Gmby an unuty of Cleveland Tcnn spc-ni j sun 1 ay with relatives hen Mr and Mrs Wilford John sum j !rom Martins Cittk, Mrs My Con 1 neti and Mrs. Kii^ fvmi Hang. 11 ' I >i?kf wtrre visitors .it our ?. hiu'en j 1 vit Hit* weekend D.)ii wao has fx-eu 1 iii.jIoj i'd in Utjli hits retained home Mr licit y Wilson moved into 'u-i tii- a in mt* near Uyaits Creek c hurt It last T.r1 day Mr. anJ M > Will Garrett and May atid Lrertii* Grit^s spem Thanksgiving with Mr and Mrs KawmmJ Stanley in Kllijay. Ga Mrs Nora Clii>p, Mr and Mrs John Colvard and Mr and Mrs. Burl Ceariey of Robbinsvilie, were i nests it llyatls Creek Chinch la^t j Weekend. Fivd Palmer was Sunday night' ^uest il IWr. and Mrs Quincy Adams in Andrews. M". and Mrs. Talmadue Rogers and lumiiy ul Fannin Cou:ity. Ga.. ! v-L'i'e i^iust^ of Mr. and Mrs. 11 li | Kith last Friday Archie Gibby is s;3*.*Jicini ? r, this 1 week with his three sons in Cieve land. Tenn. i (Jeuri?:.* and Hubert lluskiu oi Mt '/.i. m community \ .sit t* .1 liie.r uinl recenth. Mrs. Claudie 1 lu^kin on 1 Lang Branch. Mrs. Rebecca Moss and son ! Fl< yd visited with Mr and Mis. j Will Garrett Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Dennis Garrett an I ; family of Nashville. Tenn . spunt the holidays with Mr Garrett's i p. rents, Mr and Mrs. Monroe Gar ; 1 elt. ! Plans Completed For Annual I > Christmas Bazaar h u j! .ifc vf m.ute >y Ji.- Oit*i okc* Hoot* CaiJen Ou.j ' r their annual Christmas liazaar tH? hekl De.- 5 at the parish iiuusf of the Murphy Episcopal hurt h It will begin at 1(1 a m. and v\>n iinu* until 4 i> in A i n< Hi? suc*i items will be baked ?? mis .41 1 H'li's t.f Sewing, doll ctotftet cod Cfetfaunaa arran#* rututt Rt.'remhmenta will be I have been wonderfully bliaaed Is betag attie lo return to active life Hfifr sui'erm: from bNd to f >ot with m:?-ular aoren.^ and pain Musi all Joint". aeemed aflevted Ace> i 4in i to roedlcal dugoculs, i RheunuiuU Aithruia, Rbeuma titm and Bunirls For free Informs iK^n write MHS 1E1-A S. WISH ?28U5 Arbor HUla Drive ?&3 P 0. Box 2S?S Jarkion, Mississippi ARTHRITIS? Has your insurance kept pace with values? Fir ? Insurance and Extended Co verag*. e Life Insurance! Retirement, Fam ily Protection ? Accident, Liabil ity, Theft and Auto Insurance. - ? ? ? ? 1 The cost of Hep lucing your pro perly lius been steadily on (he up liruile. Kuf are you sure that your insurnnee is Adequate to eov er your possible loss in the event of fire? I.ei us rlieek with von INSURANCE DEPARTMENT CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. YFrnon 7-21 II Wiirpliv Andrews SANTA WILL HE AT Collins-Crain Dept. Store I MIL ( lIRISnilS Friday* From 2t30 - 4:30 Saturdays From !> - 12 1-5 (unit* In 4ll