. <? ? j r :i I lr The Cherokee Scout Dedicated To Promoting Cherokee County VOLUME 61 NUMBER ? U MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 1*. IMS EIGHT PAGES THIS WEEK PUBLISHED Fifteen Cases Tried In Recorders Court Nov. 30 Fifteen cases were tried In Re corders Court on Nov. 30. Bo1} Hedden pled guilty to the violation o( probation law and pray er for Judgment was con inued. Aiiicr Henderson Taylor pled guilty to the charge of allowing t an unlicensed person to operate his aut' mobile. He paid court cost. * L. J. Tcwnson pled guil y to the chc ~ge of driving an automobile while in'.oxirated and reckless driv ing He paid $ 125 and cost of action. Virgil Laney was charged with timing an au omobile while in toxicated. He , paid $100 and cost of action. Fred Howard was charged with improper registration and no li cense. He pled guilty and prayer for judgment was continued. Randell Towell Morgan was charged with speeding 80 miles per hour. He pled guilty and paid $50 snd court costs. James Hayden Stiles was charged with rpck'ess driving and disre garding siren. He pled guilty and paid $100 and court cos:s. Golden Edward Brown was charg ed with aiding and abetting and I reckless driving. H? paid $75 and court costs. Hobart Neil Mashburn pled guilty to the charge of driving an auto mobile while intoxicated. He paid $?150 and court costs. Chprles Fred Beavers was charg ed with disregarding siren, driving with ao license, no liability insur ance, carrying blackjack, reckless driving, speeding 70 miles per hour ?nd improper registra'ion. He pled guilty and was fined $300 and court costs. ? Robert Harold Fox was charged with violation of probation law. He was Riled $25 aifrttourt costs. Also Guy 'Fox was charged with vio lation of probation law and w as fined $25 and court costs. Claude King Jr. pled guilty to the charge o ( improper opera ors license, no insurance and improper registration. He paid 125 and court costs. James Graham was charged with violation rf probation law. He paid $15 and court costs. Mclvin Billy Abcrnathy was charged with having operators li cense Prayer for judgment was continued on paymen; of $5 of costs. Lynn Gault To Read Christmas Carol Lynn Gault, quauiy potter at Brass, own and former professor of dramatics at the University of Nor.'h Carolina, will read Dickens' Christmas Car:)! at the John C. Campbell Folk School at 8 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 17. Beginning at 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 18, there will be a special par y of folk dancing and folk games for all ages. An admission of 25 cents for children under 12 years old and 50 cents for adults wUl be charged. Refreshments will be served. Hubert Sneed Named To Student Gov't Hubert Sneed of Murphy, a stu dent at King College. Bristol, Tenn., Is a member of the college Student Government this fall, as a reprc s.n ative from the Philothesmian Literary Society. Mr, Sneed is a member of the senior class arwwr aw i?"wm?? lag in psychology. % He is the son of Mrs. Evelyn Sneed of Murphy. SCIENCE TEACHER DEMONSTRATES VARIOUS EQUIPMENT Wayae E. BithMi WU1 Vtalt Murphy High School For Lector* . Demonstration! Traveling Science Teacher' To Hold Special Lecture-Demonstration Here Wayne E. Robinson, "traveling science t*a:tier" from Oak Ridge, Tenn., visited Murphy High School during the week of Dec. 7 to pre sent a series of special iectuae (kmonstrations on ? variety of scientific topics. Mr. tRobinson is one of 29 science teachers, trained in Oak Ridge dur ing the past summer, bow touring bigh schol i!>roughout the United States. Including Hawaii and Puerto during the 1959-60 academis Sixteen ct the teachers r#p ilel the Oak Ridge Institute ae SuAes (OR1NS, which ?lie Oak Ridge Traveling Demonstration Lecture P ro under the Joint spotsorship I National Science Founda aad the United &*?Ha Atomic J villi J visk school in several states. Eleven of the remaining teacher* have been selected by department! of education In the states In which they teach, and will confine their visits to schools within their home state borders. The 12th and 13th Uacbed were selected apd spon sored by fri wfeii Kentucky State College and Hareiwood School Dis trict. St I/Mis, Mo., resgectivety; like the other M. tliey wil visit s . htols oaiy Id their home states. M>. RrttasdH'ii missibVt it ' o stimulate student Merest In science and scientific careers. The "travel ing teachef' wtl also be available for discussion and consultation wi h the science staff and oflpt faculty members . IHjf- m$fk? of exrHntj , ing idea* *n& experiences He MD .u M his fellow traveling teachers built tfcemdves this rammer In Oak Ridge tram simple, inexpensive components. Designed to present scientific principles In a graphic, meaningful manner, (he homemade epptratus can be easily and inex pensively duplicated toy students and teachers r * A The travelog Sctefye Demton ttrAtlon Lecture Program is now in 1% fourth year. (The cost of training and equip ping die teachers In O ah Ridge was assumed by the National Science FouadaUoo *?" cooperation wtili the United States Atomic Energy Commit^ on. The program is conducted by the University miatlem Division of the Oak Ridge Ins'ltute of Naplear Studies, which ,'lL _ ^ ftf II ? - -? 11 ? I JTM ruu ? 14 ^ nooyjni wiciWDai corpora tf>7 Bid For New Post Office Is Accepted ARCHITECTS CONCEPTION OF NEW POST OFFICE TO BE BUILT HERE Local CD Will Receive Federal Funds i Last Wednesday Cherokee County qualified for money allocated by tiie Federal Government for civH defense purposes. This county is the 41st county in North Carolina to qualify for this aid. In case of an at ack, citizens of Murphy are in one of the safer zones due to the mountains, ac (ording to Jim Ed Hughes, Murphy Civil Defense Director. Mr. Hughes said that as far as fallout is concerned the mountains v/onld break up clouds. - "Murphy is within ICO air miles wow 1IUM !??? w*arfq tsvpt a siigCit miscalculation in timing cou'd result in a rocket armed with a hydrogen war head land ing right here in Murphy," Mr. | Hughes continued. In case of a national emergency the local civil defense would act. Fire whistles would be uesd to warn forthcoming altacKs. All radio and television stations would go off the air and citizens would be advised on conditions by use ot CONELRAD? 640 or 1240. These stations will broadcast points of attack and follow fallout clouds over dangerous areas so that peo ple could either take shelter or evacuate. Cownty M a receptee area for east Tennessee. The county would toe required to take care of at least 20.003 people and keep traffic moving for at least 200,000 going to other receptive areas. The traffic from east Ten nessee would have to go through Murphy to get receptive areas, which are areas presumed safer than areas from which evacuations would come .Due to the flat coun ry in east Tennessee, it would be more dangerous than mountain 1 areas, Mr. Hughes added. One of the biggest problems in this area would be water. All open water would be contaminated. The best protection wculd be an under Ladies Night Program Held By Civitsns Murphy Civitan Club held its an nual ladies night meeting, Monday evening, Dec. 7, at Duke's Lodge. Atcut nine y Civitans, their wives and special guests were present. T*ie ladies were presented with a Christmas corsage and a gift. ?Bud Brown, president, welcomed all special guests and thanked the various commit ees for a fine joj 'Of arranging the meeting. Paul Ridenhour acted as master of ceremonies introducing S. S. Williams. Mr. Ridenhour next read ? letter he received from Ml*. Wil liams during his stay in the hos pital. Wayne E. Robinson, a travel ing science teacher from the Oak Ridge Institute of Nuclear Study, gp.ve a demonstra'ion of science 'axysterics he plans to use in the Mtar>hy High School this week. The Clvitan Men's Chorus next sang a Christmas song. John Jordan did 'hree skits ending with ? pantonine of the late A1 Jolson. Ted Thomas gave a pantomine of "Rock-a -bye baby in the Tree Top." Bud Alver rcn told of his life in Mississippi relating some stories concerning his neighbors. Doc Headrick also told some jokes. The entire group concluded the pregra mby singing Christmas Carols led by Rev. Tom Routs and accompanied by Harry 'Brown at ?be piano. The arrangement committee for his -special meeting included Mr. iad Mrs. Bod Brown, Mr. and Mrs. JOm -Jordan. Mr: and Mrs. Kerf rMk Davis. Mr. aa* *ft-s. Howard Martin and Harry Brown Chester Lcwaoa, Walter Puett and Paul Ridenhour ware in charge of (he pnMrMD. ground shelter with at least three feet of earth or sand above i . Two feet of concrete will give the same protection. An ordinary house without basement would cut the radiation in half, if occupants would stay on the first floor near the center of the house. Staying in a house basement will reduce ex posure to about one-tenth the out side exposure. Sandbags placed in the windows, would be a further reduction. Large buildings give good - protection. Their masonry or concrete construction makes it iwrtfrr to* radiation to c^-thr.-wfth Basements, inside rooms/ or corri dors are safest. According to Wayne Robinson. Traveling science teacher who is in Murphy this week conducting ?ecturcs-dcmonstrations at the Mur phy High School, if a bomi> like the atomic bomb which was dropped at' Nagasaki were dropped in the heart of San Francisco at high neon, approximately 96.000 people would be killed. He added that if a bomb were to be dropped any where near fallout clouds could possibly pass over Murphy. The enly actual defense against radio activity is distance. Each citizen should determine which is the safest area in his home or place of business. Shel'er areas should have enough space to take care of a family far wo necks including sleeping arrange ments. A two- week's supply oT water and precooked foods for a family should also be placed in the shelter. A battery operated radio to receive official instructions should be in the shelter along with an extra supply of batteries. AIs" needed is an elee ric lisht. battery operated with extra batteries, a first aid kit. blankets and beddin". stove for heal and cooking and con tainers for garbage and human waste. These supplies and equip ment should be stored in the shelter are?. A 'hurried trip can be made outside cf the shelter but it should not be made unless it is absolute ly necessary. Farmers have an ideal shelter in trench silos. Further information may be ob tained from Mr. Hughes or at The Cherckee Scout. Fallout is tiny particles of dust and debris, which are made radio ret ive by nuclear explosions. When a hydrogen bomb is exploded close i to the ground, thousands of tons of these particles of dust and debris are sucked upward high into the sir.' Tbey b?lp f?mv-the mushroom cloud which is always seen with one of these explosions. Some radio cctive matter falls out of the cloud near the explosion. Most of it is carried by the wind for many miles. Even'ually it settles to earth. It is called fallout and continues to give eff radioactivity until it de cays. Normal amounts of it are not dangerous. Only when radioactivity is present in large amounts does it become dangerous. Hydrogen bomb explosions create large amcunts of radioactivity fallout. 1 From the center of a bomb, a five m:le radius would be totally ccstructed, a 15 mile radius would be burned completely to the ground. A 200 mile radius might be in nanger of fallout. Should the fallout clouds pass over anyone in the open, they would be exposed to nirre r3riia'ion than they could stand. Anyone in the open within a 50 mile area would stand little hope of surviving. Members of the local CD will he supplied with radioactivity <*clec'ors. They have two now ind with the federal aid hope to have 100 to 150 within a year or less. Crurses in the use of 'he detectors will be given ti all science stu dents at the high .schools in Ctiero kre County. Key civil defense staffing of Cherokee County Civil Defense are: director, Capt. F. W. Swain of j Continued On Back Page Completion Date Hoped i To Be By Early April Thr Pest Office Department has ncejlcd the bid of Bruhson and Wolfe, P. O. Box 472, Albemarle. N. C? for 'he construction of a new ]io: .al facility at Murphy, N. 8., it has been announced by Post master General Arthur E. Sum merfield. News of the acceptance was con Christmas Program To Be Friday Night The Sunday School of Che Messiah Episcopal Church will present its Chris ir as Program Friday at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. iBen Warner's class will pre sent "Merry Christmas". Fred Van Horn will be the reader and Pat Ccle, Reba Alien and John Van Horn will also participate. Mrs. Paul L. Nave's class will Rive "God's Candles. My Peace and Merry Christmas". Members of the class are John Smith, Kenneth Howell, 'Hubert Bourne and Carle ton Van Horn. Mrs. Nick Howell's class will pre sent "He Came to Save Us". Mem bers of her class are Elizabeth Bcirroe, Jimmy Murray and Mary Ellen Nave. "Personal Gifts", will be given by Mrs. John S. Smith's Class Part'.:ipating in this part of the program will be Sarah Alice Jef fcries. Luke Nave, Botand Dreher, Bobby HUUm, WH>ara Smith and Tripp Bourne. Money For Bonds Must Be Received By December 16 The Cherokee County Develop ment Board is in the process of completing fie raising of funds from people who have subscribed to bonds for ine new industry which will operate in Murphy. To date $115,350 has been col lected. according to Herman Ed wards, member of the Develop ment Board. Mr. Edwards stressed the importance of getiing the re mainder of the money this week. Said Mr. Edwards, "All money must be in by Dec. 16." IT any person who subscribed i'o the bonds has not been reached by some member of the Develop ment Board they should contact W. A. Singleton, C. L. Alverson. Frank .Forsyth, Merle Davis or Doyle Burch. A contract was signed between Rlmco Manufacturing Co. and the Cherokee County Developmen' Board in November. Copies of !hc contract will be marled to each person who subscribed to the in dustrial bonds sometime this week. Grading and clearing have al ready been started at the Rimco building site. Murphy High School Has Opened It s 1959-60 Basketball Season By JAY WILSON The Mljrphy High Bulldogs open ed the 1959-60 basketball season in a big way last week, winning four games on two consecu lve nights. The girls and boys won their opening games from Swain High and Sylva High School. The girls beat the Swain girls 8S to 81 in a thrilling last minute win. The Murphy team had been behind since the first quarter and it looked like all was lost until the fturth period when they star ed hitting. The first quarter ended >7 to 34 la favor bf Swain and the lead was- increased to 46 to >8 at t be half but in We third pario* the Murphy team picked tip six of the lost poin's. In the fourth period the lead changed bands many time* and MUrpfcy once bad a six point . ,? , .? ? ?; ' lead but this was cut down by foul shots and field goals. Wl.h IS seconds to go in the ball game and the score tied >1 to 81 Margaret Cole 'hit (or two points and the ball game. Mi.c.s Cole led the scoring for 'be Murphy team, with 44 points. Linda Jones scored 23, Joan Morley 11, and Frank ie Beat S Murphy points Linda Smith. Linda Totherow, Phyllis Gillenwater, Gay Hatchet. Virgina Wells and Maxne O'Oell also played good Ml. in the bays game Murphy took the lead In the Hrat quarter and led for the rest of the game. The see re at Uie half was Murphy 84, SWaia 16. In the last halt the two teams stayed about the same and the Ant scare iwaa Murphy 55, SWatn U. Jerry Kephard was high WW fair Murphy wit* M potato mt V ? r-uv.iUw Milliard (Long Tom) Laning and Charles Lovlngood were next with 10 points each. Other ?carers and players were Emanuel McDonald 'With 7, Jerry Johnson with 8, Tom my Arms and Billy Carrlnger with 2 each and Roy Xshe. In the Sytva games, fee Murphy teapis romped to easy victories. In 4iie girls game Murphy took ike lead in the first quart*- and the score at the end ?< that period was It to 5 la favor of Mi*phy In the second quarter the Mmttf team slowed down ? Nt and the ?core was Murphy a; gytva 14. (a the third parted the iftrphy team went wild and scored U poiata to Sylva's 1. and Hhawtee ta fee foarth quarter with itepiqr scoring II tained in a release from the ?f fice of W L. Crawford. RcgtOMt - Operations Director, Atlanta, which ~ slated that the new quarter* would ? be located on the soutti aide of T lllawassee Street between Church ? and Sycamore Streets. ~ It will be an air-eondltlone^ ? building of modern construction Z. with fluorescent lighting. There will' ? be 4,247 square fee: of in'eriar. _ space. 215 square feet of platform spare, plus 8,205 square feet of ? parking space. The lease proposal is for a period? of 10 years with two five-year re-"_ newal options. The estimated com pletion date is April 1, 1960. In connection with this announce ment, the rciea^ pointed out that, he Murf'iv post cfiice is one of 180 such projects in North Caro lina which are now receiving at tention either from the Postal la-. spector-in-Charge or the Regional Estate Manager or area real wail ing departmental action. It was explained that this does not mean 180 new buildings since many of the projects call tor en largements. remodeling, lease re newals, driveway paving, and the installation of new equipment. AH of these improvements are in line Willi :he Postmaster General's modernization program. Postmaster Joe Ray announced that the building will be construct ed on a lot adjoining the present Post Office. The house owned by E. H. Brumby wiQ be torn town to make way for (he new strue "This building will be a to the town." said the PosisrWwter, "It wiH be the culmination of two or three years' planning and vedb We are very fortunate to he ski* to get this building at thU time." Mr. Ray declares that Murphy al ready has on* of U14 best md services of any community in the State. The aew facility will help to maintain the peik of efficient*, 4 Be stressed the impotm ice . of > good mail service in attracting new business and new industry. Calendar THURSDAY 7:30 p.m.? MLrphy der of tl at die FRIDAY G:30 p.m.? Regal dinner Henry House. MONDAY Circle o#^, Chrtsteswf. social halt-** 6:30 p.m.? Rotary Restaurant Road. ? R?h Bagwell the rtnt Charcb. Parly in the of the church. ^ , ?Cherokee Uatt NCK V-? win meet at the Church. 7:00 p.m.? Business and al Vooti'i Christmas dinner mm - party at the New Bi Hotel. 7:10 p.m.? Business Women') of the T kat Church, ?t 4 W.

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