The Cherokee Scout Dedicated To Promoting Cherokee County VOL I' ME M NVMBER ? U Ml HPH) NOKII! ( \ I 1 1 (. K ^ 1 ? \ ^ .1 \M Utl n . I \i.i> 1 1 1 ttthh PI BUSHED WKEKLY Murphy Youth Receives Fata! Injuries In Ball Game Twenty-Six Cases Tried In Recorder s Court For Weeks Of December 21-28 I . ,1V ? > j .. ? 4- f. k ?! II! ? I if-r > I i?'i b >r ."*? 1 ? ' ' '.1 '? 1 *'< I and I >t' 28 .i ?; ? id it. i .1 ' r ?? - i I \ st\ fit rk ? t nit t Km1. \ f ? 1 1 > s ? 1 1 1 pied i ?? >: v In like rharue "I 1 h i 1 u i i ? >icld r ' i ^ht 4 f \\ ay <. :i.l found ne'cndant not ^rirrltv (i.vnm A:Tmvs?o rs w ;t s eharjed I I h reciprocal non supjhuM Court ? d ? ed acl mil 1m.' returned l i the ? i- ? ' i's ori:;n -itre Hairc- .\a? i.i*l a recent oi Cherokee Caun'v Sam T i* h arced th speed mil b.~> nu'e^ per hour Ti ? di r"i' " lii was I ; r?*<1 --f II. 1 \\ N<"aIdii a s rharjod ss *T h ?'?in'nm .IS nn)e- ]kt hour in ;> .J." miles per h uir /one The de fendant pled !_? u- ; J r > aiwl routl order 'ha1 ho pay one half the cost of < h : action Howard I- Hart ? ii was , iiat' Jcd .ih MH'ediiu; "?S Miifv per Inuir in :o ii* df per hoar /one He pVd ;.:irl v ;nv:l co'-f ordered lie pa' ? :t hal' o4 'he e".-t i-.f rhr a . lid iK> i -Mirt n dcred he pav the i o.-i o: a* r i- ?n ( har'es I'lJUCiie Sief: n!ed guilty u> 1 lie charpc i>f speed' ivj 75 miies pc ? hour. Ccup? ordered he pay ( c st of action. Fi berf Newell Huches pled giriHy to t lie charce t f having tmproper i ( t ? I i'dl ' 1 i' 1 "I* !? * 'I l-.i\ ')*' r lit lit ; h> j 'i t 1 j . , < li < .MCh rt-^ i.ilt ? pi | fin. I ht ?bt -it ii'Li in pJt'd if ?' ; f \ f> viiii th?- i j-. t-m i j ji,: ju t> a.s ^ Jia* t < <1 He w !> i I ' .Iflvl < OS* *?f H ?K'H I) *:?!>>' Cro' j?lt* i uJiltv , ihe ( lift i" :*? of ypoedme mile-* \.? r 1 ?>? w: )i trailer .vlaelied ! 1 . ul:-m >\ v t oi: ? ? ndered he pav < o .1 ' ' ;u-t n: 1\ I > 'II l! J 1! U' i 10 ^ : i i" - v' : x i li .H-iiliirj 70 rn.irv :>c\ :mij'" 1 iU plot gu.'Kv aiai j - ' i n i ? 1 li ? j . . s o| the a. t j. n Billy Honrv Johnson a< -harsrd I wMh speeding iii'ifv p or hour ile f. Yd _ u: 1\ a::'' -wa< charge'! ( i (.1 actum i:a Jo% K \ <: of ae'.on On Dee 2ii Fred ilya:t Nichols | I v charged \p I u remslration. Tlu* ca>e u a.> mil. proved x\iHi leave l>te Coleman " :is charged Willi; LT vin'j an immobile whtie uiloxieat i 1 rd. ld:e cominuod lo :he Jan I !8cJ> term Her Coleman ?sj */harg I 'Mlh dnvinu aul,xm:?bil? arjUv n \K-aled 'second offense 1 Case1. .' r< nued lo Jan Iftlh lerm F.i Aard Cecil Rogers pled guilty'. ' t {he charge of speeding 65 miles' pe:* h ur Court ordered he pay j ce.? c1 aet:on. I Fred B Lun-forri was charged : ut H speeding H5 mites per hour, Crane Cites Minimum Wage Law Requirements S' ft?' Labor ( : mmissioner Fr ink t i anc issued .1 nummary of the 1 ivrf provisions of North Carolina's l row Minimum Wage Law. which; urn' in n effect en New Year's. [>U i ane . 'Ilr f jfirfrf <-i\ r.. r4i<- fi?' ' i'1 in; pi '?vf*:n n . ? W the V?. r# ' I em I 'i'vc 1 . i\ or it>' *rc coverd vsker- mu1-' p:?y ea< h e??\eredj '?"> ?Tkci o. ages 4*1 n.'t ess than 7.? 1 ? ? 1 - an hoi;r fr>r all hours worked '' \n employer. " a > defined in | li e s f>tL'fe. means "any individual ?/artnership. association, corpora tion business trust, or any person 1 o: ~ oup; if persons acting dire t Jy ??' ,n lire -Jv in fihe infere--' of an ? .or' 1 < r m rel^non i.? -n em pU'Wc ? I I ' H 1 a*T IM?d? I l?r la" I - v < 1 1 r r i out 011 ,111 nnr'm rr ? : i'.' an C'-t^hhshii'^nf b>.-i If art ( w>|oyci y - as many as s \ n n i x< mp? em pi ?% cis. *h t>\ a:e all imered ex en though thev may v nrk n (l.'ferent places through r ; l r|;e S ite 1 4 1 H? up1' ??' t :?r ? ni| 'p\ nj f >1 < > if t n-. V 1\ ; < * r aze ' - the "? h 1 '1 1; l'1 h\ 'hn einpl??Vf Sri'. 1 n- Sr on >\r r , h 1*1 -in #? * \ r>- n f \f -up- ? ? Vers i?n l>i , ! p . pH. ill vy are imnnl hy rjie la>\ f' ? l H m i? \ prri"?l Knloreerw r ?-r thi lav. 1. the I 1 csponsihility of the i Apartment o LaN>r, uD.tpr the Commissioner of I W-r The Commissioner or his ir-pecf.n- nny inspect payroll rec I oicfs ani may require from nny' (?vered cnr>' oyer a It ?] and 001 lcc' tiomei I in uni'tig <>-f 'he ""7* v h nrs. nanies and addresses of Ms employee 1 Covered employers ^re reqiiir I ed I"* keep polled 111 their places cf bui?ness. in a conspicuous and r rr ?ihlr p1 '* e a sunvimry ot "he m Wage Law and any ap \A t"p wage orders or reffir'offrws. 7. PenaUles for vio'.atiofi inelud? p fine of not less thw $10 00 or m ?re than $50 00. or imprisonment for w>t more than 30 clays, in the (?^crcfte>n of the court After ?n employer has been nt>*iified by the OolftlMin toner or his inspector that be Is vk4ating the la*v, each i>^y perr^d during which the voaJation continues constitutes a sjparj;e. in-i ct 'or able oHiw* 8 Kmployee*. may sue individual ! ly fi?r colleision of unpaid w rco. ( p'.us m\ per i-rnt intcrc f. in any . jrurt of rompe'ent jun diction In | addition in any back w a?e> or o.hcr judgment awarded to die cm player the ivurt must require the defenl-i . nt to pay court r 1 hs employee I hf la\s exclude^ from < ?>x ? ? > ? ?? i ?!1 employers of five or less work-l frs Coverage begins only when s many as six non-exempt work f :'s are employed The Attorney I General h 's ruled t h it in e tabl s,'n ; iu coverage. w~* nire. the laws definition) an employer i ' h ' jp-oijps of pople sreii i.-jl | K ??ompted fmrn coverage 'nrlude | ' u workers ht servant-' mi pnva'e Ki?mes. hc principal par' of thrir watfes; persons confin ed in penal, corrective ?*r ntenJRl ins i'ut ons boys' aivl girts" sum lver < e*np empl?>Tp^: all persons ( irrler IB yra v? of agr. all jicrsons 6S years of age or older; and part t'rr~ or piece-rate employees in the ?oaf od oi f>shh>g industry Dc^pk'e these exemptions the new law -will benefit gome 55.000 T>ar Heel men and women wfw> have been receiving less them 75 cente hi hour - II. ' j 1 1 j i *' I" > - -:n I ? . I ? ? ' . 1 1 I f v.l -i 't \ and a-> it 1 i v? < 1 ;u turn i . |(, il H . ii "in !u-? ^ as t 1 '? ? WJ ini!< I i. .i.ii I >t mdani a- < r ?? t . ii \ i . ed ( . j;>peai Ju:1*rnt-nt . r:: s: I i \ ..n-'t -r . . ' t ;?! t r:- ??fc-tv' ui;h larceny of property ? : vatur less I'&n $100 on five He pled nuiliy a^ charter! : ri t*;ioh li#' and 1 o' action B ?W>y Cagle Jr. pled tfuilly to f ve counts ol larceny involving propt".-r\- !cc:in Pulliuin pled guilty io fourj conn - of laiveny involving prop < r:> le-s than $100 He wa?- fined 5200 and tost of court ?Porter Mercney was charged \u'Jj ? puMu drunkenness Defendant pled .nilty jnd 11 vac fined cost of Mayo.- 1 < *u-' and Recorder's Court. Ftu~ear. Freeman was charg ed with v reckless driving and pos ee^ ion cf tax paid vhiskev. De fondant pled guii > at previous term and prayer for judgmen* was continued to this term Hr was f-ncd M"*i and cost o' action I ainiliivs Ilooeive ltnskrl> Crmstmas cheer baskets con ain 'ng clothing, toys, and ftxxi were I aizatn given neerty veterans fam- ] t ies by the American Legion ?rid \ux'.Uary ; Mrs. WilM?n Palmer * collected. | bi-u^ht dnd packed the l>a^ke^ Mid, had Ithem delivered before C'hn.>:-| iras. Mi'm. Palmer ^,i rehabilitation char-man <*f the American Auxil iary Lesion Methodist Honor Roll Is Announced The Honor Roll foe- thr Y ir^t ! Methodist Church, Murphy, is a> follows: Nursery: Teresa Palmer. ! C'hryl Size. Joe Lo.haby. Mrs. Gay L> vxi^on and M~s W. E Johnson; i kindrr^'art en B?U Ke-\pr. 1> ' IVun m' anil l?Oi*ei ? * (Juim. Pri ?? ? y I Sha vn L< llu?> Br.ft-nn P imar\ II. bmn e B r 11 S c\ e WHI>. PhiJ'ip ,M l> nald and Clara MCo-v?b>; I\ n*rr> III Tommy McGuirc. ; (?r?hnm B^yless and Tommy Sizes j Ah-n. .1 u 14 i r>r I\ Summy Carler. i .Vnurl MVlVmaid. Johnny Mooro . n* C vri Tow n -on Junior V Jurt* | C>? in. Bnr >\ ^roll. Hu'^er- Well- ' i 'vm t 'ark frank Dickey. Fred-' r 1 rt 'b^by and M '? R u I h for ? ? Jiin'o- V| l.ifkr B^ylpss. j lanr lit > n Jan l>^\i(ivn De\\ < \ J 'ids- 'ii and IJ.nnr Martin In ci .?*?< *1 r * J udy Briila n. uis JNter.rtin. Phil Matlox. B enda Wuin i aiv1 Virginia We'ls: Couples Cla:-s. i. I" LiH.u'.n . Helm lanhahj an-.! Mr ; R T Houts. Jr John Wcsl?y Cli* s Mrs Umoard Marlm. M *t> Jerry Davidson. INfe ry Akin. Mrs ?M-aye S la-ton. Mrs. Opal IIowpII and Joseph nr Helg^wav: M^ns Class Pan' Hyatt. Nenl Davhfcmfi. Jerry1 Devidjjon. John W Davidson. Tod Thorps*. Rev W F EN I lot*. H?vndaon. Boston Hickey. E E Stdles. A Q Keener and Rev K T Hour's , Jr ?Hy~tt Bible Class Mrs Jim I Bake i. Mrs Meal Davidson. Mtrs McCeU EJUott. Mm B b Padgett ijid Mrs V. Wilson K i, Two Murphy Uifch Students lUveivr Awards llcnibrei1, rifcht. and KmanuH Mi Donald Pr< s? n:< d Quarterback Club Holds Annual Awards Banquet MujpJiy Qua: u i l>d*. * i i-ih ?iit i ? ? jis annual Awards Bantpio: s.i .ji jay uight December 1J Ki n,:i;or t'i, blii! D.'^S. vS 1U ok \ M- :uitj :| l hani;v. the.r C Gaelic ? and ih outstanding an-.l hick or ' the pa>t season ? The sc hool lunch r mr.'. I 1'm.vtTsity of Chattanooga m 1!K>? lias served on the coaching star* ?>:n e that time* ev.epl for ??varum:' x'ivico wuh the N.ivn ,is 1.; C?n?i ? : . 1 1 ; ? i i I le i \pt ? - : . > in ut ;s.r?-? : m I . i ? i.ian and Krnanuel \U!>o:uid i'u: <-r ,? utiia^ Bui k ' . in \ *. K* Sv ? ? fhe^e 'a-.i alliielr- ..i_r i!/r:' ? ' . > ? s l ;i- <-\ rit:av:s r.>r pn pir;i',?': l !?. Ii:i e.n .i! and I. K L..c :i;:h\ M < K >. ? r i;?:h \ ,.n I J.i;v. ? III'; 'n- r lir ,|. . ?' n Murphy High Teams Meel Swain For Second Time R\ \\\ W 1 1. SON Murphy llich N?y s and ~irU pl.r eel Swa^n High for (he ?><'.-?? 4nd (nip this season The girl* o; Mur;>h\ c"p defra?**'! arid the lwv> ? ' Su iin r]"f hr .i'rr i r = ? M-irplu . ? ' ^ 1 ? ? ? - ? '?? ? .1 hr i " t t.i'-' ' ? ? ii ;?i , n- hhI ??! r: ,t n r .?r l nr on I "It ' <| m t? l i l^cJ.v u .j ? ?> ?'? .11 M !l : " .'4 S-\ in ifil r i % i' [> ir - .i! ' '? ? s.l. . ' . ? ? ? i u r ? Murphy I, nr < -im.-J : ? ;? - p ? IP In itf ? ;t M il ^ f IK r ? |r*iji .ii d I it i I ? am |?i?l ? ? : n III d . I . W..V Mu?i .jar? i ( i'lr l?''l ill** Mm ,'l-\ M*ermc u i.-h 47 j>oir> s and l-.n-la J:inrs was nexrt w ii K 24 and .Mian Morley p'i 10 CiUrtirK wcrr Pin 1 vs (r llenvi atc*r. Gay ll.iii . Vn r.n;a Wells. and Maxuie O'Vl |.n fhe ','a'nc. Mnrph\ the Ira. I and held it all lh< rh Hie ~arne The s. orr a I l he h ? I > uas 2"i lo *\ in fi\ nnl 'hr frn il m-*?iv uas Mil i?h\ J f>f>. Swain 4R .Irrry K**pbar, wurrd IK |m,n(s I 'or Murphy and KmantiH \T l>?n , a)d scored 12 Billy Oarrinccr sc<* I e<1 10, Charles 'Lovii>gtx>d scored 9, ! Lm? Tom Ijanning iscorod 5. nrvrl | lommty \rms KODPcd 4 Hoy AsCv a r*- - \ : : 1 ? flrmp Tvi(> Tin s !hi;mmuv! In \ir;t ??J-i i ? i ?. ? : I . ' I , i 1 i J'.i .v ID :i :n ,i "rr h. :n. 'I i :i ? H; i -,*i w \ i i !.' ' ;r i i "I i;l ? ?l .. r|. i r ! ... pp. i rh- . vm. \ -.v b ?.* ,..i , I |>\ -1 'n.L ? ' Ml ' W I h: VI. V [ lip . i , /Viii: i *r .? II':- i/rr'ic h mis - ,\' 1 Mir .i ;? in W piIi mm\ I ?i*i ' .11 . M S Imv'r: .?s r-illrd ??{ ' | -strrilizer which Iwj<1 been lefl o 'ho s '< vo ratisrrl larur arrMnuif t moke fill M*' housr II \\-as also reported no daman sto the bmme. Citizens Bank To Donate Sn vices iii i'lliSl(Tsllij) Four New Films Available At Regional Library \ ii l . i' i , i NrL.M-n.ii l..n:-ar\ ha n iciu .l hn;r fir.*, ri.nis aI:u,i are ' i.MIIVh -T 'ijp> l AI. ;ui ?""hci i :i : . . i um-n I !" v .i' . \ .1. ii: in \u*untn > ivine.- > \ .< 1 I ? ? ?? : 1 1 . i - .i i; ! Argentina I Poip.i ' ; i ll >h ?'.* - ? ii r. * . iii ! i t.) ' ' ? f \i jen 1 , in: /. a ? the parnpa ami he 1-isir^a! lui-mcss ani shipping v*1 ??? ' ! R-.i'-n Burn - Airp< ; ' r i ? C. t.->pe " s i-..l)LI!U >< ; 'K "! Qiirt) -V S iraspe ! :i . ri - : i ' j T! . : .11 :?urh as deep sea iish I ii jl: ; : 1 1 ? . i aii.l picturosque ' | i nu i '? W\>y i>' tiif v inem:i. . ? > a siirvi-^ i>' The M-n .es j '' -w ? \ : \ >. 1,v ! rlil I" r'll primifu ( j ; -> * ir I^rjer-'hm-'if ? | . ivn .ii I.. 1 i I r iKii r imrnrnt ?> '?II I III n- ? |l || r n| I 'll- Million P ( - h - "'p' 1 ^ I ? iii i 'n i'k i . -in r f:r. r I ?v. i v 'f i 'ii ' m- '? hn - i ? 1 1 I \ I , ^ 1 i:r >" M ' r I ' i lir i ] ? ? 1 ' . I , . pr 'ii -' >rrv e. I ir c M i \ 1 1 ? ' i ??? M"i i \ ? I 1 1 ?J Mu- .in - , , . T'i/r-! TnV? ? ' - r pr !c* " ' ? Ir ? rot Tom-en t . 'he son n' formrr missionaries ' ? nNn served in thr Belgian Con .fca New Year's Baby Born To y Milrgan Couple i C! Ki:% baby born m Murphy dur ?in toho I.hvW* 'Sik* Mwt'n. t ''auvflfter of Mr and Mrs Cecil ?t Merman Ltivii Sur Vfls born ?t 1 55 a.m. Jan 2 a< Provkirnce Hospital. !e | Mrs is Hie former Miss | Dorothy Max toe Foretfor. . j? ^ MIMHf ii Death Attributed To Cerebral Concussion ? ...'I, _'[! \4'ri I ' j t-'f . 4?vf M ? - H . ii ? 'Hi1; ? r . i M i pii> * ? I . i j'uji ; I >1 ?> f i ?in .in .ujiti > . ui n.'r i.f A,is Sa-,k?* f ? 1 . [ inki> ii. j h t a: Have -Mil*' : f w .? ,i iik .'Ii'kt ?>f a Mu. ! u-dfti 'A h:di wa> p!a\ i i : -it ;? a \-- a r HMm from Hi:j . .? ? f..t ,n fournameiH in I he f (i tn ( ' ? !'.?>? sulfe: ed a ii ska i vv h<'i? hr ran .nl?> ? i :< r ?ai! irJtiiwl the iluv ^ > .it r: 1 .ikiQ^J j - tin; .i I the . ? h * I> L K Si a I'll Clay ( >unl> ?. i r> n r ( the atundinn pny-.c ,m .a I nbuted t'?*'U\v's death tu :i ? M ibral turn mission. The cor incr ! ( ' ? a v Onmty Sht*rif: Ne&l Kt: i .'! is wi h tne U ^ Suites : i res try department, had l>.t?ious!y served as a deacon in i- in; i I; in Rioiim >ml. Viry.nia. |>i Mil! ?as ordained to the j ciat-onate wirh prayer and die toy .lie im of the hinds o! the Session. ( Th s b "tly is made uo of the min- j ... t-r. Hi ? rt A- Potter, and ruling1 t'.dtrs C W Barrett. Holland Mc Suain. I )r R S Parker. W A Sin- i J, l -it. I- rank:. n Smith, and John V Thi'iH"""!. Mier the ordinan?>n fke de right hand of t !J,vu.-hsi> by members "f tiie Sea -i<.n and other deac'.'ttf, to .serve j Mth them *n 19MV 1 1 H Busier ot (1"> is'ee lum. K.lmrv Kilgore. L I Schuyler and R M White I s',ng 'he words addressed In tile . tijrcii at Sards in the Book of I ;o elation. Awake, and rfrcngthen Aha- remains." the minister spoke i n "Our Church in the New Year. The act ship service of ?r Trr b> ?fr ,ir Church ?s bein; ' rvr- station WKRK dur i r , ?' \r\t S^rK^y s th^Tnr i; ,i { . t . H wiJh - s , n : ? Christian*, \ .iiid Mn-j " Adam Rutherford To Speak Here j Friday Niilht V ! tm RuIherfOrd. a Fel'ow . f t ie Royal <.?-:>sraptiical Soiiet ? j ,.iv' I he author of several books nil I vramidology ?iN lecture on Fri rt.iy night. January 8. at the Mlir jliv Methodist Church. The lec ure will be given in the Si ?al Room of the Church T*e subject of l>r Rutiherford's lecture I will lie. The < ire.* Pyramid. Proof I of (hkI " lr sdditton to a number of books w rttten in #iis field. -t>r. Ru#*r ford is algo Kr of the mngariiie. Pj?ramk)ok>K>' " He U ?*?> Presl j dent of the InsitvO} of Pyraniidoi | ogy of London. England. He h?? i lectured on the subject Pf -Pyr* I mids throughout die United State* .a red In many Other oountrte* T*e vdbJlc 4* tavtted to attend Mi tor ture here ?m Wrtttoy, ftamary I, at 7:80 pA , ? ? i plained that t H tiuri He ?db taken to a v>\i lie in Hayesville. uv a. admitted tx> P*ovl(h '? t ili.s;>:sJ. in Murphy. I hr ba-kethall tournament was ? m2 held ;?> raise money tot the ?lb1 ? .lie midget football team v h. h '.us organized this yes*" Other teams which were paitieil?* ir'c Blstmlle, Oa.. Nantahaia. !ta>e\ilJe and Andrews. i ? :icy aj-, a baskrtbaJ star. He was em l o>?t b\ Wlson Tractor Cctopany. Surviving in addition to his p**v iti's ate a Mrs. Jane Owen; <>.' Brasstow-n ; si* bWthert, James, Zeb, Fred and Junetee ol Akron. Ohio. Sgt. lc Dextei- I* statnned with the Army in Ger many and Airman lc Birder Coffey if Travis Air Force Base, Galtf. A.rraac Coffey was expected to arrive from California sometime \S cdnesday. Ccjfej was a meaniwr of tnnr Feachtree Baptist Churci Funeral senices will be beld A. i be Fine Log Baptist Churck. toe Kcv. \ai>' Clover, the Rev. John Uade and tbe Rev, Vernon Daven port will officiate. Townson Funeral Home is ia charge ol arrangements. J. M. Cornwell Receives ? r Certificate j At the .staled meeting of Charo kee Lodge 146, A.K & AM. Morjlhy on Jan 4, a 50 year vet era# ?rt blem and veteran award certificate was presented ro James Martao Cornwe'1. - ? - The |-rf : er'a iirj was made by J C. who is Mr Cor*> v.el's Mr Hembree U past ma;Trr ef Cherokee Loige'lS ?nH past P. r <-t Drputy GratkJ Master ot IMilrtct 58 >t". Cornell lias served the Irdje 'or the past 50 years He Ins been aetrve in the work of the lodge up until rcent yars when ill health lias prevented him from aUetxfing meetings Murphy Calendar THIRSDAY : 3P p m S*ccy Hour for siulite t hree ?ik1 five c!d at the ttbr?ry --*?? .? p m ?story Hour Car cMMjVtt six and nine years e*d at the HbraiQ'. a iv p m The OfficW Aoertf "J? the Ftrst MWbotfUt (hurt* the church. . -