la the ttu i?sue of th? Scout It ? MM laeorrectly reported mat Btrn |f ^ -to* was chained with lari t*y. ! It w?s u lnach'erteai e to. whicb tkr Scout regrets RUPTURE-EflSER f * ??* UlCti ^ Star* Nait aa.uh i ^.xupoi I (luriii M uf , Y 1 Scripture Hc-atim^ s> J.?hu 1 j*kv Tc.\t. St Jihu. 1 14 And the \\oi\i 'Vas riiav'.e floti and dwelt aniJU? lis Wt art- at t 'flTlStnUib aIkI .\?JU ^fi?r j i.iijr i J 'k- . This 10 kJ.. ! :k [?-?<- I W hrti \\f 1 1 nit . . Ji?i I J W ?*?> tji>i U ill o 11. ? .-%.u Uf v. ru-n \i .. ..!. .:< : -'.'tn an^f (Jad iiiJv ' i . ? ii- i-: Ins ..u.1 'he tnrtft i? ? i ? : i:.'j i.'.ia v. or!d ii~ ' c t- ^ . ! us ever siifc-e And. fi < i i-i i r* a- fur many tins . ? i- t : w-jr K>r Ui** annual ^uiji annual taKr-off un re ^pn.rnre s* lien so many people inhKe Nfv\ \ ear* resolunoas'" km; King that they are umply mak ing an t*mpt> ge-ture, a show of u-peuu-ncc whkvh la not repentence ar all nut simply a Joke on the tapir, r }>Lwt ramember th*a, no *xm? Bexel Special Formula ^ Vitamin Insurance Nourishes Blood for Better Health #y I* ?nderoourished blood due to iron deficiency causing ywsr fttigue?* Are you lure there are enough vitamins and iren in your diet to insure rich, red blood? Bexel Special Formula ii rich in blood building iron? guarantees the vitamin insurance you seed for better health! IM Blood BuHtUnt Supplement! Bexel Special formula ?orate* S time* daily iron requirement* phis valuable vitamin 8u and other B vitamin*. A special boon for women with re carting Artigue from undernourished blood due to iron deficiency! Why Take Expensive Tonlctt Bexel Special Formula added to your diet builds rich, red blood. Yet it costs only U a day! Guaranteed) Either you look better, feel better after one bottle of Bod Special Formula or your money will be refunded. k fimthmal, wgam* m 4m to oOm must i, m y*tr dsxtm. IW> tto Right Bixd Vitamin Formula Ptr Sotry Mtmbtr of Tottr Family 3% BETTER . . . by McKESson MAUNEY DRUG CO. Murphy, N. C. piuOtKi is lmltaied ui?* it ? Dovxi Ktveoteoce aad turning !0 . I^lilt-ouaoeas. ?s good. juxl reals ..'i spiritual yearning* wttlun or ?e would never put ?u U* i*jw nil's niiittttloo of reyeuteuce Yiibm v>e ctMtuut twrgrt .ik?i Wi arc ^puil as well as tnnly aial I inliiJ ? '* * ^ Our .scripture readij)? lor tills ' ili**JSage tl?g,jhQ ^ .tjl Jt*n i In- Ba p ! i 'st speaking,- he wMtt ?wo ul ! tie Gospel ?r ker?. ipo*#'fc ?inM : *>t- same ?-ordS ? < St iVjM il 11 ml Si Luke. 7 ?8) ?among those iivru ul vi no! one* greater than John ye( he w?o 1?' least in he kingdom ot Cod is greater than ? he Who is Ibis man as gre?t as any I.- ei' born ot woman, yet So much iess than any Chris.ian He was i the man ?bo was U> introduce Jt-sus the Christ to the woj-ld Had you been in his place* wJiat kind ot Introduction would Jtou have tiven Many of us might have 1 ^iveu a very elaborate- Speech John simply says,- "Befi?W the ,amh ul God ' In effect, he te say hi behold the sacrifice on ;he I', 'OSS which God is wtHing to Make in order to call mankind to nuii-self" Kven at ihiS time, the . '.siutial events in ibe life of our ; ind were prophetically forsf.een. John came to baptize with water >1 Jnhn, 1:33 But, Jesus was1 inii'1 lo lake it a step further - he \V3-s going lo tup ize with the Holy Spirit 'Si Jo}?, 1:33, and St J nil it 3 :5-61. Wbv that addition ! I lite Holy Spiral, instead of just a baptism of vWKer'' 11 is because if ne are to dp that which is good e need a change of character ? iihin He who leads off into good teds so does because be wants to. And he who leads off into evil deeds s > d ies likewise because he wants t;i So, the Spirit within must be ' changed To paraphrase our text,' the spirit must become flesh, and thvell among us And passing on to St John 3:5-6. the spirit must now only dwell among us, but must BECOME US. So, after John had initialed baptism with water, ?lesus provided that we should be baptised with the Holy Spirit. Notice also, In our scripture reading how the drama moves on Alter the introduction, two of the i!t ciples follow Jesus and ask. Where do you live". And Jesus aii-SAers. "Come and see". We too It uk lo Jesus, and io our spirts ask. ? "Where do you live,? where i :m I visit with von -+iow can I vet to know you"" And one of the correct answers is "look within" See also St I.uke. 17 21' For It Is in YOU i h it Cod Is glorified, HI* patience i ii the cro?s it glorified When YOU j are patient with loved onei and neighbors who are trlsll Hl3 love of little children Is gloMfled when YOU bring the little on?* to God 's resurrection is glorified when, vou so live that to your death is a ISWS STEADY] Wide-Track widens the ?>?na?, not Mm car. With the wideet track of any car, Pootiac fives you better etaMHtft laaa leaa-and cwajr, accarat e powtoal. Ml WH lQCgT?om? CHEROKEE MOTORS , N. C. Pho* VE Deaths GBOm>K T BOBLKTS ROBiijNSVlLU: - George Thjtiiss Roberts 84 died at tils ti oire Bear RobtMnsYiUe at 1 15 p m i Thursday D*c 31 afire a khw Ill ness Surviylug are the widow. Mrs Mae Hyde ftooerta fi*e daughters "dr? Laura George. Mrs Aruanda H.?aXeu-r.?p and Mf=> Eva Wil 1 hams' of RobhipsvHle MH Frankie C(tsp 01 Siwaati and Mrs tieorge Tayiani at Ml Vernoo Wash thl*f spns. Hv?ey and iHts of H.j*j t-iWvUte, and Hob of Cu> ah y j falls. Ohk) two brother^ l>anti\ ol Robbinsville. and Jim ol Burl ingion and a half sister Mrs Mar , Mm Lovio of Caatue Towssoa fuoeral Hotiie *its in charge "< 1* arrangements ? .nu. JANK U?AN CLINK R0B81NSV1LIA ? Mrs Jane Ue?a (Use, S3, died iu a hospital Tuesday CW 2#, after a long 111 I ne*s Mhr iras a native of Graham I rotiaty. * daughter of (be late Wil liam A and Milo Crisp (Van Swrvtyiag are four brothers Charles a ad Fred fVas of Gra ham t'ouoty Jeff of Voaore. Tenn and Rcberl at Gastooia; and sev era! aieo*s and aepi>rws ServVfs were held at 2 p m Wednesda\ Dw 30 m Sawyers' CYef* Baptist Church Burial was in the church ceme tery Townson Funeral Home was in I charge of the arrangements RAYMOND BRYANT Raymond Bryant. 49, of Murph.v died early Tuesday Dec 29, in a Murphy hospital after a long ill- 1 nss. He was a native of Cherokee County Surviving are the wkfcw, Mrs Lassie Olvey Bryant, three daugh lers, Betiy. Bonnie and Shirley of the home: three sons. Junior, Bu | ford and J. C. o I Murphy; four | brothers, Leonard of Culberson, pllisha and Donald of Isabella. Tenn.. and John of Frytown, Ga : five sisters Mrs Lena Elrod and >|rs Mildred Elrod of Gastonia. i and Mrs Grace Allen, Mrs. Loretta \ Bales and Mrs. Lou McDougal of I Isabella; the step-mother, Mrs. I | Mary Elrotj of Isabella and four' grandchildrea. Services were held Thursday Dec | 1 31. at 10 am in Calvary Baptist] Church. The Rev Raymond Carroll and i the Rev Poley Helton officiated I and burial was in Salem Cemetery j near Mineral Bluff. Ga. Town son Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. MRS B P. LIVINUOOD MURPHY ? Mrs. B P Lovin good. 75, died at 5; 30 a m Monday De.". 28, at her home on Murphy 1!FD 3. Surviving are the husband: four! daughters, Mrs. Lola Millsaps o: Chattanooga, Tenn , Mrs. Ruby j Davis of Stow, Ohio, Mrs Mildred Palmer of Murphy , and Mrs, Hazel Brooks of Camilla, Ga ; three sons j Ben Charles of ElUjay. Ga . Paul! of NPurphy. arid Ned of Disston.' Ore.: a sister, Mrs Verna McLamb | >1 Savannah. Ga , a bmilier. j George Brooks of Akron. Ohio: 21 j 'r'm'i-hrdren : and a great grand child Services were beld Thursday J D*c 31, at 2 p m. in Whi e Church The Hev Raymond Carroll an I , tie Rev M3rvin Hampton 1> fi^i :i ; J and burial was in the tihurrh , i emete ry. Townson Funeral Home was in h&rge o the arrangements. n.teway to heaven For, God is a: work In US And ihe word became fiesta, and dwelt among us Every so often, the TV programs | play up a plot which is as old as! hrlstianlty A little child. living | i i a home wthin love, and where ^iirply ta live is to be persecuted. nd wh< re liv ng leads naturally to crime, is suddenly adopted In o a i Ch-istian family, wliere love comes i ? tural. And his prospects of life] ian?e from crme to good clti ' So h-s G~d adopted us ..nd our prospect of life has chang pi f'-rn death from our own sinful ,rilees to live eternal in heaven because God in Christ has loved us. Oar closing thought migfct wall be. "Who am I?" When people gel 'o know me. wihom do they know? Do they get to know me only? Do they get to know me and sat-an? Or do they g H to know me and the Christ? If the answer is a ay except the l??t. our wofk tor the new year is already cut (tit lac aa. "And the word ^fa fle^i. and dwell among ua." FRED 0 GARRISON HAYESVILLE - Fred O G?rri-| son of Han\pton, Va , died aud tienly at 0 p in 5**icV.a> Dec 2t 1 in tus home Services were held at 2 p ni | Monday Dec- M in Miuis MentJi'iai HapOSt CtRircto in Oay C ounty 11k He v Karl Cttble and the Rev Les | irr St oive officiated Burial ams j in the church ceineCerv Surviving are t'he wiJo*. Mrt> 1 Hazel Hampton Waters Garrison, j I a daughter Miss \aiK> Gambia 1 a step*. n Jen > Waters a step , JuU^tiler. iiult Walrii ah of t ti .? , lioiiu the parents Mr .?nd Mr* ' II H (ijinson ul Haye-.ille i*o| 1 brother- Floyd and (>rai1y (iarri son i?i HaxesvilJe l!i:tv >..s i-r i Vli s Hut dee it Marshall M.s | biivK-1. Shaekietord NeAjU'i't . \e?ss \ .t and Mrs ( :ss\ Hull ul h i aid. Im PAll TOTHEROW AN1HKWS Paul liarvev To h | crow 16 of Andrews v*as kdle ! I about ID p m Saturday . Dec 2tj in ? JaMwi County in a car accident Services were held at 2 p. in I Thur*da> in Red M nt>le Raptis' Church Ilk* KV\ Kran.e Pi -lell officiated Burial in the v of Vantahala. Ivie Funeral ff me was in charge Kinriorpurft'ii (.lass EutortJiin Vallcv Riv??r C lub llombors ANDREWS ? *mbers of Mrs Edwin Bristol's Hilltop Kindergar ten Class presented a program of songs and dances at the meeting of the Valley River (harden Club last Thursdav afternoon Mrs. I. C Brooine was co-hostess. Partiripatim* were. Stove Wch ols. .Janet and Susie Feivbce .Ion i?i .? Biistol. David Frazie'\ Chi.- 1 tin.? Re;chman. .?ml Vtnce Hunt During the business petiu.l Mrs. Alaert Brcwn. president . announc ed that appruximateh 00 w i . raided frem rhe re em s de n Christmas de. . ii aJ rt-. .oi-l t>:i k? ? safe The therapy ami tue ticulture (ornm tree announced i ? T ;i n ^ lor tray r.>r patienb in the luxpit.d Fjllcwin-; reports rroni standing tommiUeis "ills were exchanged During .he social hour the hos te?s^, seived relreshmeiiN _ . i Savings Bonds Reach New High In Stale T\ s he oj t S. Sjvire s Bonds j in *orth Carolina conlnaed to. limb during November It was' the see nd consecutive month in which the Series V. and II Bonds showed substantial increases. W I) Whit >ker. Cherokee Coun ty Volunteer Chairman in releasing this i'i ,'iirt said, More people ire uyir \ more savings bonds now | th *n in many years This fact re suits primarily !rem the public be coming better acquainted uiih th higher interest rate of 3***7 now paid >n Savings Bonds." January - November cumulative sales totaled $43,120933 This Is approximately 85 per cent rf the1 s Ate's 1959 qucta Cherokee County sales for No vember were S21.9S3.35. Through November, county sales for the year amounted to $207.828 60 which is 84 9 per cent of its quo! a for the >ear The following counties have reach?1 their annual quota for 1959 Bettle. Bladen, Craven. Cum berUod, Dare. Durham. Granville. Heoderaon. Hertford. Hoke. Mbcon, Pamlico, Rockingham aftd Gasoline Taxes Top First Year's Revenue in 2 Days bafcurduy, January 2, marked the day ou * linti u> al im* tax col lections in North Carolina just bincc ihe beginning ol Ux ue<* year reached the sum of $J*08.0Ui> North Carolina motorists i*u* pa> as much gasoline tax wirtdo two days as they originally paid in a w hole year This was pointed out by N W l|jn%* hi it t his state ai : rare i?f $1 Million every t.w> and one-half days" This meari> j aN much tax within two days as | ilv *,S0K ?^H) collected in a "wiiole 1 f.jllo^iny enactment of NTo~th Carolina s original 1 cent gasoline tax in 1921 " This sear's tax estimate is bas t il ot: ihe assumption that >iasolink- j sales will con inne as in the pas?, | i!es;iki' signs oi glrowin^ public u-idaiue lo this tax noted par- | Ocularly in the present trend small. ( iconamy cars." O'Haver said "It is a surprise to most mot orisis that ioday's regular gasoline price, excluding taxes, is substant ially below the 29 8-cent average price of the gasoline of 40 years ago Other retail prices are now 4-4 per cent above the 1920 level but gasoline prices? except for the j tax are actually lower." Andrews Students Presented In Piano Recital ANDREWS ? Mrs. J G. Carrier pi eseMed her piano pupils in td\e Hlh annual Christmas recitaJ in, the Andrews High School auditor j H'm recently. Mrs Carrier has taught piano i ;i Aiidrews Tor the past eleven years. She was a music instructor Lencir-Khyne College in Hickory tor 12 years Prior to moving to ! Andrews ?he taught music in Gas- i fonia She is a member of t!.! Nil'v Christmas Howard I li'.wri, Dartene Creasman. Danny !\it:)a nek. Connie Sue Garrett.) Pli .III ;> r.i:uier, Laurj Jean Weeks, Cuoper. Donna Sue Firller, DrKHa Watson. Joyce Bradley,1 A iiii Pirlium. Ken ben Battle. H ?n- , t \! \\ .-Son. Maltha I'lm, Phyllis siand.K 'c and LmJa Carringer. J koia nit licet a Women 4 leil> Mi'ir^?rs Hear >lrs. ('. II. Kill in ii ANDREWS Mrs C3rl D Killian "f CuIIouIkp. En?!sh ia^tructor at Western Cart ina College, was guest speaker at the meeting of the Kon naheeta Woman's Club held at the Shell D.ning room last Thuns ni^tit , She A rts in r.idnce.i by Miss Eliza ! lieth Kilpatrick. chairman of the L lernture Department Mrs. Killian jvive n group of: Ohristm 'S rei Jirr^s. including: n brir; rwiin of Streeter Ald rxh's ' V I. ante n in Her Hand.". Tb ?? Wor hip of a Little Child" ? a 'O'it' bv Franc': Thomps *n"; Dor : thv 1 h >m - on Te'ls Her .Son About Obrislmrs ao.1 Presents for a l.adv " fri m he Home Book ?i rhri?tnia? Storks. Toys were collected for the Christmas Cheer baskets. Mrs. .fames Baer president, announced plans for the new year R wa* an nounrrd (that new member* will be added at the January meeting Those who were former members at some time are invited to Join automatically Hostesses /or the dinner meet ing were: Mrs F E, Btakx-k, Mrs. James Ferebee. Mr B M Gtbbs end Mi? Jean Chrfcsfy THE CHEROKEE SCOU1 Jul*, imm fubtistuMl /every lfcurwlM) at Murphy thrrukee Cuunty \ t JEKUE UaBB fuDllsBcr PHVLJ-1S B iJAbb C'AHL CAKKULL. JK Editor MectunkaJ Su^iviaw. ?UHSCJUKUUN HATES if Clttrukec Cuuuty Uue Irli 12 30. Sl? Muulbr H !*i uuialtle Cbcrukw ( uuuey uik Year U uu B u Muotto II 7a *ert and Ardith. have re urnei1 home Ironi Biynton Brach. F'orida. after spending the holi days wi.h his parents, Mr and Mrs, Ne^i Hay T Sgt James Cathey and Mrs, Cithey art spending several weeks with Mrs t'ailiey's parents, \. am' Mi.'s. Richard Flowers S^t Cathey has recently returned from a :our o! duty in the Azori s, Mr. and Mrs Stewart Been and children Pegxy, Debtee and Aubrey | Stewart have returned to Oak I Rid?i , Tenn . after spending the! week end with her mother Mrs., Iv.i Galusha Mrs Bruce Battle, Jr and son] Tommy, and her son-in-iaw and daughter Mr. and Mrs Blaine J Thompson, and rheir son Garry, of! Roscoe, N. Y. have returned home. ' after spending the holidays wi;h Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs J P. ralhnun and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Battle, Sr Miss Ruth S Pullium has return- ; ?l home after spending the holidays with her father In Neiman. Ga.. ?nd with her sisters in Atlanta, Ga Mr and Mrs L C Broome have returned from Monroe after a two weeks vacation at their home Mr. and Mrs Joe Womark and children. Aleta. Bryan and Nala have returned to their home in Aiken, S. C., after spending the holidays with Ms parents, Mr. and Airs L B. Womaok Mrs Maude Jchnson of Asheville spent the weekend with her sis ters Mrs J. W Brown and Mrs. Luher Nicholson Mr. and Mrs. John Christy spent ! several days of last week in Ashe "ille as guests o( their son Bob Ohristy and hie family. Mr. and Mrs. L B Nichols will return this week ironi Villa Kirn, Ca.. where they spent t lie hu'i.lay with her f 'her. W. B C.:nJ!< ' Mr. anJ Mrs C?r-ol We'd and lUfir three sons have returned lo1 heir home in Jackson. Tenrv, alter ?pentiini ill- liclkii-ys with Iter parents, Mr ni Mr." W A Hyde.; Mrs R T He ton h;id as heri fciiests (lurino the holidays her son I Pail! Healon of M^rlh Wilkesljoro; her son. Cirence Ment^n an I his ?'juehter. Karla of Anderson. S C ; ver i^te weekend Mr and Mrs Harlan H Enloe arrived home Sunday a/ter a two week';' vslt with their son-in-law an I daughter. MY and Mrs Elgin White on.i their family in Tallahas see. Florida. M and Mrs. J. V. Ivester and I their two children of Canton were litest- of his parents. Mr and Mrs j W D Ivester for ihe weekend | Mr and Mrs Joe M-Kektrey left Saturday for W'nston-Salem after spending the holidays at their *?ome herr Mr. McKeklrey is a mem ber cf the faculty of the Reynolds Hi??h Sch ol in Winston-Salem Mr and Mrs. Jack Remfer have returns fn their home In \r' o? I Inn. V i after a two weeks stay ! v-Vh her b-othprs and sis ers ? the Wvkr- '?'Trilly M"s. Remfer Is the former M'*q Irene Wyke Mrs Kathertne Unman leN Sat | urrt-y by pline for her home In J B->n"o-. Miehlfan, after spending I the holiday* with her (toughter ln law Mrs. L. G. Unman and her \ children Capt Unman. Anne-* husband Is on a tour of duty over seas MJsa Karen Pattnn has rrturned to Pontlac. Michigan a/ter spend ing the holidays with Mrs Alice Barnard and family Other juests ol Mrs Barnard during the bolt days Included her aofrta-taw aad daughter Mr and Jimmy Pickett and *008. Jimmy aad M i e> , of Charlotte, and Mrs It n : lurd'a brother. (' F Suauson o ? jaurUoti. Tenn. iM . and Mrs Karl Simmons I i-'hi ut'O 111 . were hoese quests t>: Mi -nd Mrs Roland B t>a\ on Fairvievv Ho ad durn i I tit* holid v reason. en i >ute u? Florida ?ii. : ? ihey will spend sonw* tii?w Mrs W T H iblif/ell and n*., ; Bute ils and Kenny, of Anniston, Ala . It- ft Saturday alten spending la ?t veek as jjueat ol Mrs \V I Te.;-.. The liobiil/ells foj imrU lived in Andrew- fur a number ot years Mrs John Atwell ami -son, John ! rle. of A. (Irabrm IVlrey and son. Johnny. of Pllzahe liion 'it* nil., have returned home alter ? vist here w h Mr. and Mr>. h Carpenter ant i .ther relatives Mi and Mrs H A Dew iv ?nd ! r.s ths ir quests der n ' the holi las season the:r son, H'.rrv Dewar :i r? I his family from Decatur, (la.. their daughter, .Mrs. Alice D Harris ol Knoxville, Tenn and an. ther daughter. Mrs. Pan! Borin;1. and her family of Canton. Ga Mrs. G. W. Cover left last week for a visit u* h her daughter. Mrs J.ane c/Orr in Fort Meyers, Flor ida. Mns. Qrr came up I rrd deemed it be.-t to use h;* present parsonage fcr a fellowship ha:l, additional Sunlav School / room? and pastor's study. It is he peel he said that construc tion can begin in the sprin? ' Students Return To Colleges, Universities ANDREWS? A large number or uuents )?.ft ever .he weekend or w?!! leave during this \it-ek for he various colleges and univer i: es rfier spending I he h<'irtay.s tit home with relar ives. Air ng fhem are: Mr. and \Tr-; George Pullium w ill ri turn tn South Kost?rn Baptist Seminary at Wake ''.i < ?> t Vieki iDnrreborry, Mi-redith Cntle"'- Rnleigh: Ardi' avid Gibson. Uovd Dnrrebewy, David Anderson. (tall Anderson. Janice Hogsed. ' Virglola Gamer, Wade Brooks, f Bobby Nichols. Bobby Cooper. WU fna Jean Crisp, Goy Trances Slew- f ?r< and Hugh Kajtoira ,