The Chum exclusion acts ot the United Stwe e were repealed m j 1M1. I I Scrap troa dealer* in the one* likely to get a break *?Den an uuUi driver craves a red Utfu H JUMBO SIZE! YOU'LL ME FKiSM MSTAKT COfftt BETTER! iiiiiiiuiMuiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiuiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiMiiuiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiuiMiiiiii' ' i"tiitiiimniiiniii iiinnmnti SPECIAL! Ami Page Cn .imy Smo' Hi Peanut Putter i1,; 29c j ' 55c SHI ( I \l ' Aisii I* .-;:r 1'!.. i> i-r Chcrcy Preserves 2 air 55c SPKl I ^ ! <- t'ccoi ile ? f Warwick Thin Mints u 35c VAI ( t. ' oiiimv field Br<:?W Sweet Crcrm Butter Mr u9c J. 1. 1 Twin Pack Oo: ' Cookies 45c .t n? l'ar Lt i |ip? ri Pineapple Buns i ^h27c ( P.uker Sliced ? W^oU V/'ieat Bread 2 Lo;i ves 29c 1 ?T-?hf P.^rUrr | .ar^v Rini: Angel Food Cake Each 39c SPECIAL! ANN PAGE AN A&P EXCLUSIVE BRAND A&P's Own Shortening dexo 3 s- 65' Salad a QOc Dressing ' 09 SPECIAL! MAtftOfc MCMIUMft ? 27c lilflHi ?:; JUMBO PIES ^ jn?. t ?>???>** W'a.ix .. ? ??>?? .| !it?< ? mi -ii ?i hi i i i ??;. s vauik f dcxola Oil I fcx 49c JANC PARKER FRUIT CAKE U.L.. $275 u.L?. $389 YOU CAN PUT YOUR TRUST IN Super- Right" Quality Meats ! SPtCIAL! "SUrHl-JUGAir- U?AYY CtAIM FED B?EF Chuck Roast m 1 37 Nrity Sr*m fed M Boneless Chuck Roost tk. 53c Clod Roost , J SPECIAL! "SUPER-RIGHT" HEAVY HOMELESS Lean Stew BEEF Morrell's Pride Morrell's Pride Canned Hams 5 ct.\ $3.89 Canned Picnics 3 $3.8S "Super-Right" Thick "Super-Right" n'l; i"OS Sliced Bacon 2 r?g. 75c All Meat Franks ?? 43c IVnf; Kis> With TC :?? For \ '*ng 1 sting Protrcfiwi Tooth Posto 2 T?br 49c Lir > Aver ado Pears 2 ?<* 29c D For 29c 5 1% 23c FK i i-'U 1 ..srrr Size Crc-p^fi'uit T< iul.-r Vr Ho'.v Orisons fir shl- i trd AGP To^vf -, SPECSALf U. S. >:0. I WHITE IBS SIS POTATOES ???*= i&ll ' Csdl'/ n-i LARGE CRISP HEADS OF Fresh Lettuce v 15' . ? GRAND LOW PRICE! A&P CONCENTRATED ? FROZEN 6-OZ. CANS FECIAL! Icon's Corned EF ^ 83c 1 FECIAL! Austex Beef STEW 2 65? 2 ? 12-0*. Cons 57c c LUX RINSO LIQUID BLUE v. & 39c & 34c 67c & 81c . : BREEZE 35c Gt. Pk*. 83c SILVER DUST 35c Gt Pk?. 83c Sail Lg. Pk? SteH Park u Pkg. 23c Gia.U 37c 1 53c | BACKWARD GLANCES BY HATTIE PALMAR 1# Year* Ago basket* valued ?< , H<26 90 ?ere disj-tbuted by cbe Murphy Ltoas Club to 155 needy 1 f.imilies aad blind people Approxi | mutely 775 people enjoyed Che j lruits, nuts, candy and groceries included in tbe baskets An entirely new world was open- j ed up to William fain at Clhrist- J J mas. Never having reimemtoered | j hearing a thing he was given a [ , C hrislmas present made possible 1 tile hearing of the most minute! sound Now he can enjoy music. 1 the voice of his family and friends. [ and all the wonders in the eirl w pves that bearing people take for granted Under the go foru.ird bond road '.I'ogram cf the Stale contracts for a to al of 26 05 mile:; of blaektop pmg Will ';>? let on J iuuaj v 31 an. 11 ounces L. D. Thr?nh. 10th Division highway Commissioner. 20 VEAR.S AGO Murphy Chamber of Commerce will meet Tuesday night at ttic most important session of its brief ! cxi- tence A board of directors will be elected, who. in turn will 1 i'i minate regular oflicers to serve ? lirt ughuut tiie year. 1* or the first time in more toaii ;? i|uar:er cf a century the Ilia- j "Ssee River was frozen com- 1 i .Ccly over Tui ^t.iy morning, and the same time, probably 75 per tent nt the hemes 111 Murphy and vi. amy were w ithout running wat- j 11; tile plum iiing irozen so tigbt | laal it took a strong man even to turn the spigots. Not that turning them did any good! Icy roads came near costing the lite of Dale Snodgrass. Assistant County Farm Agent, on Monday. Returning to Murphy from a week < lid trip, his car skidded olf the road near Bryson City, and turned I over twice. Although badly hurt Mr. Snod grass refused all but first aid t: raiment in Bryson Civ, and <i:ove his car back to Murphy. 30 YEARS AGO Chevrolet Metor Company an nounces a new car for 1930. known The Greatest Chevrolet in Chevrolet History." with startling reduction cf from S20 to $60. setting a new low price range in the six cylinder ear field. The annual banquet for Baptist pastors and Sunday School uork ; ers of the Western Region of North Carolina will be held at Bryson ' r c ">? 011 Monday night. January 13.' 1 hi* region comprises the Hay vood. Tuckasecgcc. Macon Coun ty. Tennessee River. Western North Carolina, West Liberty and the Cherokee Indian associations, em bracing seven counties west of Asheville. Book Reviews K, M.. / \irler THERE'S BEEN AN AWFL'L CHANGE By \V. II. Dancr I he many thousand people, Wiw've crossed the western plains, Have -seen that in ihe ages past There's hern an awful change. ? For on these pi j ins and deserts, ! Wr ? " 1 ran sec t<he signs. | H'n-rp pe?p|e on r hue lived, j M; '?:< hi ihe former tunes c rt f have on e <le:i! -i-.SjriJ 'In re. ; HI?'. ?. their snp i-. f.'uie. * lid 1 1 ?ey"; c laying in I u , \ pi ve j A' I lurnerf into a si me The r :?und around has a doleful j leek. ! U hi* '? MIK our hr n l.s wi,li gl'v-ni. | %n i ?n ?ke\ 11. think of ofher flunks T <?'" i*\ |onr 't-nr 'ik? Ibp I ?mh. i Tlir ?<nr w-Tift made fhese Irees at | ?:s:. I Wl< > * "w n ? ihe ra'*:h awl ?*ky. i Kimus ulirn this change Iris laken place. j A ec I he knows the reas m why. | Wc i ja/e upon Ihese grcit stone trees, \ nrJ much wonder fills our frame. Then pass along upon our way No wiser than we came. We see the dolesome looking hills. \s we are passing by. WMh iheir water hungry barren lops Pointing upward lo the sky. We do not know how long it's b^n. Though its many generations. Since these trees s'ood there alive With other vegetation. But there could come a time. No human being knows. When these deserts might revive again And blossom m the row. ['News For Veterans G1 Insurance poiicytoaider* some six million strong are urged by j the Veterans AdminislnaUou to check their records to be sure that their designated beoefksianes are up to date The law gives G1 policyholders the rigflt to change their benc/lc laries at any time without the con sent of the prior beneficiaries 3ul unless the change is officially made, no choice is given to the VA but tu pay the claim to Dhe beneficiary U record Carelessness in designating bene i -Claries may result in undesired consequences, the VA pointed out An example is the veteran who designated his wife as beneficiary She divorced htm, and he subse quently married again and raised a family. Should he neglect to ? hange his designa ed beneiciary b;ore he dies, his insurance may !<? paid to his former wife, and his wido.v and children will receive nothing. Policyholders also bave several different optiens as to how the in surance eiiall be paid Explanation of these options can be obtained !>y contacting any VA o!fice. C.incress has liberalized the defi- 1 siilion of an "adopted child 'of a] veteran eligible >o receive bene- 1 fits administered by the Veterans' ^.dminis! ration. If at the time of the veteran's death, the child was living in the veteran's household, and if he child is legally adopted by the veteran's surviving spouse within | two years after the veteran's death. ! e or she is considered to be the veteran's adopted child, the VA explained. Formerly, the adoption proceedings had lo be completed I f fore the veteran's deat h for the child to be eligible for any of he benefits, including compensation pension, war orphans educational assistance, dependency and indem nity compensation, and accrued benefits. If at the time of the veteran's death, however, the child was re ceiving regular contributions to ward its support from an individual ether than the veteran or his spouse, or from any public or pri vate welfare organization, then the child may not be recognized as the veteran's legally adopted child, ihe VA explained. Watershed To Be j Demonstration Project By TVA ANDREWS? In a meeting of the Andrews Board of Aldermen held recently in the City Hall the group voted unanimously a proposal to make the town's water shed at Beaver Creek a demonstration project by the Tennessee Valley Authority. The request was formally made I iv the Andrew's Planning Board after TVA Forester R. E. Vogen berger had made the offer. He had recently completed a survey of the water shed which included an es<i mate of merchantible timber that) might be sold by the town. It was stated that TVA offered ( j make the water shed a demon Area Men In Service :4 JIMMQE R CABLE Jimmie R Ca'ne, aviation me chanic third class, U&N, son of Mrs. Verna Corn of Route 1, Mar ble, N. C., is serving witlh Attack MARBLE NEWS By Mamie Rich Victor West wiio is employed in Manilo, Utati. spent the holidays with his family here Mr. and Mrs. Larry Trull of East Branch, N. Y . visited rela ives icccntly in Marble and Andrews. Mrs W S. Medlin of Skyland visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Davis, here Inst week. Mrs. 'Ebbie Tranthani jikI Mrs Eiiza Adams ol Andrews vis .e 1 1 Mrs. Algie West I iven.iv. Mr. and Mrs. Hoytt Lunslo.'ti. Mss Joyce Rogers and Mrs. Mam mie Rich of Marble attended ? it singing convent ion a; Hang In? I?.> 1 last Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. Sherdan Gihby jnd family of Cleveland. Tcnn , spen" the weekend recently with their parents at Andrews. The .Elbert TolCieroivs of Murphy visited relatives in Marble recent ly Archie Gibby spent the week wit , relatives in Cleveland. Tcnn . last ?week. Mrs. J. B Medlin and daughter of Oanton were recent guests o relatives in Marble. Mr. and Mrs., Jack Dockery of Wayncsville were visiting in Mar bit recently. Mr, and Mrs. Glynn Palmer, Eto wah, Tcnn., visited relatives her" recently. Boiling Springs News By J. >V. O'iJEI.L Mr. and Mrs. Ra'ph Graves ?an:' faintly e.f Ebetieezer were Sunrt:v visitors of Mr. and Mrs S. M O'Dell. Mr. and Mrs. Windle Sneed antl son of Decatur. Ga.. were week end visi ors of Mr. and Mirs. L. L Gaddis. Roosevelt Rhodes and son. Ben. of Kannapolis were Christmas visiters at Boiling Springs. Mr. and Mrs. Clingman O'Dell and children of Cherryville visiled relatives here Saturday and San day. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Luther iDockery of Texas were visitors ?here through Christmas. Mrs. Tina Arms and grand daughter were visitors Saturday cf Mr. and Mrs. D. G. O'Dell. i Squadron 145 at j!?i* M Vival ' Air Station. S.:n t-?. ( i. The squad oji i- cl ed to , depart for the Kir .. >.ixi | the aircraft ca. a. I'iS i.rUkjjiy j ntxi May. WILIJAM A. CO v William A ( >i ? a-i n 11 \ ZS. I Oil i?f M .If L ? ! ; hy. N (.' >5 ?' i I. " a - ti?rK airci i'? i i ? J . \. | v> iinisst A i h?* i ,r < i ?? i r I craft Inn, in ? I,1 . ?. ?? ;il? ? carricr ;;c i n* n <r- lit :? . v v: uisor USS !> M n , <i "i s; I'CiU Kid] . a. \ I l> .! y t-hoai :? . w is t ji , i. . i ' 'in , T4ic Essex , ! .<! I li 1 ? , '? ilni' l.ttis a Ki .K *t . .?i i\:v S \ y" ; .'(ii-tlliie I tCi ,1 h .<? - ? ?rail cnri it r ' > S r ; T!u* S:i:a's ..i . v :? i-r,' .lore 11> 13 v.h u .? a s <in< y i.j. i s. l.. ^ . . !i . . ii. ,i m '??kini. .* ' or the K . : " "s early h r.p verier! t ?? an .-??at t carrier. \ i ii'-ns I > "i? :*??:? ' \ : I ' h > 'i: ?? .tn-r t;.' .rr Cash in on Your Woodlot with a VflOMELITE Chain Saw Homelites are powerful, light weight, chain saws that make woodlot cutting profit able ? whether you're cut ting hard or soft wood, tim ber or pulp, you'll find the |ob easier, speedier with a quick-starting, fast-cutting Homelite. Four models avail able. 3!4 to 7 horsepower. 19 to 29 pounds. Ask for a free demonstration today. Hewnlltt inntuiKH SIM* 4-H Forestry Scholarships. Get ? free descriptive folder here. Had ford Saw Service 1 Murph? . N. t I {Moe* everywhere fefts am noticing (hat there really is extra flavor ,?</' J K in Special Coffee. It's there because of a very special * * blend of select coffee beans. And also, because JPG is so , fresh. Yoo sea, ifs roasted parartirafly next SobaveaenpandyocTlagrea, then^ extra lJPG *ti* bad part o/ Ute neaC ? !i " l

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