legal xomcE forms or auvicic or f boles > BY PUBLICATION ?TATE Of NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT EMMA GARLAND BRYANT |U? BRYANT. BY HER NEXT FRIEND, EMMA GARLAND BRY I ANT, AND STEVE BRYANT BY HIS NEXT PRfEND, EMMA GAR UAND iJRVANT Petitioners vs ?QATRJOE BRYANT. {MARY BRYANT. ERlVIJST BRYANT, GLENN BRYANT and wife. GRACE CARVER BRYANT. CLARENCE BRYANT, and wife, RUBY PATT ERSON BRYANT. FLORA BRY ant WILLARD and husband. JACK WILLARD, WILLARD ^ Bill ) BRYANT and wife. ANNA JAC OB BRYANT, MILDRER BANDY ' BRYANT COLEMAN and husband D O. COLEMAN, and SANDRA BRYANT Defendants TO: GLENN BRYANT and wife ' GRACE CARVER BRYANT, FLORA BRYANT WILLARD and husband. JACK Wll.LARD and WILLIAM ' BiH I BRYANT and wife. ANNA JACOBS BRYANT. MILDRED PANDY BRYANT COLEMAN. j ad husband. D O COLEMAN ami ' SANDRA BRYANT Take notice that A pleading seek ing relief against you has been Hied in the above enti led special pro reeding. The . nature of the relief beine sought is as follows: A sale of 3,'' acres of land in Notla Township in which you have an interest, said sale being sought in an action for partition by certain of your co tf nants. You are required to make defense to such pleMrng not later than the 3rd day of February 19fi0 and upon your failure to do so the parties seeking relief against von will apply to fhe Court for the relief sought. This the 12 day of December. 1959 James C. House Clerk Superior Court. Cherokee County, North Carolina. 21 -4tc NOTICE north Carolina CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as Administratrix of the es tate of Charles Garnette Owenby. deceased iate of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having eiaims against said estate to pre sent them to tf,P under?" vd on or berore the 9th day of December 1 1950. or this notice will be nleaded L in bar "f their recovery. All per Jsyns indebted to. $akt ^estate will YPase mske immediate payment fo ?*ne undersigned. This fihc 9th day of December 1959. RUTH GM^E OWEN8Y ADMINISTRATRIX 515": Hiavassee St. Murphy. N. C. 20-fitc EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having Qualified as executrix of the estate of George Lovingood. de ceased. I>te of Cherokee County. North Carolina, this is to notify *11 persons havine claims against hhe estite of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned at ho>- home. R 'i>tP 3. Muiohv. North C-?-olina on or before the 1flth d?v cf December. I960, or this notic will he nleaded in h*.r of their re covcrv All persons indebted to said estate wlH please moke Immediate payment. This oi h day ot December, iVstl Uora Lovuigood, fcxecutrlx u i the estate ot George Lovingood, deceased At-bU TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE UNDER AMD BY VIRTUE of Uie power and auhurity contained in that certain deed of trust execut ed and dehvered by Robert Hughes and wife, Julia Hughes, dated the 8th of April 1959. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds at Cherokee County, N. C., in Book 210. tti page 107A, and be cause of default in the payment cf the indebtedness thereby secur (i and failure to carry out and Ltrftrm the stipulations and agree ments therein contained and. sub >titu e to demand of the owner ;.nd holder of :ne indebtedness se cured by said deed of trust, the for sale at pubiic auction to the undersigned trustee will expose highest bidder for cash at the usual place of sale in the county courthcuse of Cherokee County, if the city of Murphy. N. C., at 1? o'clock, nwon, on Monday, the It h day of February 1950, all that certain tot or parcel of land, situate, lying ami being in Cherokee Coun ty. State of North Carolina, and more par:icularly described as follows: BBGINOTNG in the eenterline ?of Peachtree Creek and in the line of W A. Boya and running thence *>'ith the line of W. A. Boyd N 65 W 100 ft to a Locust; thence S 25 W 100 ft to an iron post: thence S 65 E back to a point in the een terline of said Peachtree Creek: thence northwardly with eenterline ef Peachtree Creek to the begin ning. Together with 'a right-of-way 20 ft wide from the lot described j?ton? Peachtiree Creek to Peaichtree Road, same to be used as a perma lient means of ingress, ingress, egress, and regress to said lot. < The undersigned Substitute Trustee was appointed by instru ment duly recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for said county in Book 217, page 227 1 Subject to all prior liens and enctrmb'-ances and unpaid taxes .">nd assessments for paving, if any. This sale will be held open ten days for upset bid as by law re quired. This 31st day of December 1959. W. FAISON BARNES, Substitute Trustee 906 Johnston Building, Charlotte, N. C. 23-4tc NOTICE OF RE-SALE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY Under and by virtue of a Judg ment of Che Superior Court of Cher kee County, made in a civil ac tion therein pending entitled "Cher okee County. A Municipal Corpo ration, Plaintiff, vs Lura Voyles 3nd husband. George Voyles. et als, Defendants", and signed by fhe Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County on November 9. 1959: and under and by virtue of Order of Resale oivn an ad vance bid made by said Clerk of thn Snoerior Court, the undersign ed Commissioner will on Friday, the 15th day of January. 1960. at Here's Exciting News For Home -Minded People ! If you have a mind for a home of your own. the IVews is that you ean buy or build it years sooner than you nay have thought possible. We'll work out a low cost financing' plan, geared to your eircu instances and income that will smooth the way to proud home ownership for J#?t CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. H?rpky - Andrews - Robblnsv'lle Hayesvllle 8BBVW0 SOUTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA Mill an I HI li twelve o'clock noon, at the door of the Courthouse la Murphy. Cherokee County . North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bid der for casu upon an opening hid 0 $2,071.25. subject to the coufuma ion of the Court, the foUoutng (ascribed real estate In Cherokee | County: A certain piece, parcel or lot of land, situate, lying and being in Third DistUct, Notla Township Churokee Cou;.:y, North Carolina, and bound and more particular ly described as follows: BEGfNNINC on a maple on a 1 illstde S E corner of No. 41 and runs East 112'ti poles to a stake: >en runs North 75 poles to a rock. i then with a conditional 3 I Northwest direction to a stake on line of No. 42; then 113 poles to ' the BEGINNING, containing 66 1-10 , acres, more or less. The above t'eiscrrbed parce: of land being pan o! Section 42 of the William E ! Evans land. Being the same lands as describ ed in and conveyed by Deed, dated February 13. 1913, from H. C. Hed ! den and C. W Evans, to J. H Hed , den and Martha Hcdden and reg- j tiered in the Oftlce of the Regis- 1 | ter of Deeds of Cherokee County. [ | X. C.. in Deed book 67 at pose 398. ? reference to which Deed is hereby made for greater certainty of de scription. This the 30th day of December. I i 1959. * L. L. MASON. JR Commissioner 23-3i c NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY CHEROKEE COUNTY. A Muni- 1 cipal Corporation, Plaintiff. ? vs ? GEORGE REID and wife. EDITH K. REID: SAM REID and wife. ORA REll): LORETTA REID WILLIAMSON, widow- VESTA REID. widow: ALGER REID and wife. VIDA LEE REID: WILLARD REID and wife. LENA REID: BEULAH REID MOSES and hus band. WILSON MOSES: HORACE | McCONKEY. widower: LARRY McCONKEY and wife, OTELLA McCONKEY : WANDA McCON KEY, unmarried: OLIVER WIL LIAMS: and wife. NELLIE WIL LIAMS: LILJLIE WILLIAMS RAD FORD and husband. 09CAR RAD FORD: MAMIE WILLIAMS TAY LOR and husband. FRED TAYLOR; LUTHER WILLIAMS and wife. AN ME WILLIAMS: DIXIE WILLIAMS I O'DELL and husband, HENRY | O DELL: IKE TAYLOR, widower A NDREW TAYLOR : E L D E N | TAYLOR and wife. ISABELL TAY LOR: DOROTHY TAYLOR HOL LENHEAD and husband. WHITT HOLLENHEAD: BOYD TAYLOR and wife. IRENE TAYLOR: LODE MIA TAYLOR PROCK and hus- 1 band. MEARL PROCK: EARL | TAYLOR and wife. BERNUCE TAY LOR: FILOYD TAYLOR -and wife. SHIRLEY TAYLOR: LENA | MEARL TAYLOR SIFEL and hus band. BOB SIFEL: and LOUISE | TAYLOR, unmarried Defendants. By virtue of authority vested in I me by a Judgment of the Cherokee Count v Suoeri?r Court dated the ?nd day of January, I960, in the f>bove entitled action. T will, on Thursday, the 4th day of February. !%0. at twelve o'clock, noon, at 'lie Courthouse door in Murphy. North Carolina . offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, sub let to the confirmation of the Coiirt. the following described ,!>nd in Cherokee County, North Carolina: A certain tract or parcel of land I "'n Cherokee County. State of North | Carolina, adjoining the lands of S. Ledford. A. E. Nichols, and others, | and honnded as follows, viz: In Shoal creek Township and on I ''he waters of Shoal Creek, BE GINNING on a stake and pointesr pnd runs South 45 East 60 poles to a smraN Hickory, thence South 40 T>cles crossing a branch to a small White Oak. then South about 2fi ?poles to the line o I No. 684 at or near a road, then with said road a West course on Hne of A E Nich ols. then South about 2 poles to a Black Oak the corner of No. 340. then South 75 West with the line of said No. 18S poles to a small Past Oak N. W. corner of Nto. 340 la the line of an old survey. the? -w-Wi the line of said survey Norrti to a Bla?ck Opk ia conditional cor ner made by Adams and Kesler, then a Northeast course to ia con ditional line, comer in Grain's Hne, ?hen Bast with Crains line to the I BEGINNING, being part of Tracts | No. 336 and 332 land contains one hundred land two ( 10B) acres, more I or leas. - Beiina it he same lands and prrtn tses as described in and conveyed by a Deed, dated July 30, 1912, from James Tfenner and wife. Susie Danner, to J. H. Reld and wife. Martha 'Raid, and registered in the OMoa Qf the Register of Deeds of r*W*aa Qpuofr. Nor* CwoHna, lit Deed Book 1M at pa* 190. ret ?nwm ta mklek Daad 1* hereby' made for greater certainty of de-t scrifiiM. SAVING AND EXCEPTING, j HOWEVER, from the land above j ckscribed >hose parts thereof which were heretofore conveyed, as fol- ! lows: (11. EXCEPTING that part thereo.' which was heretofore con veyed by J. H Redd and wife. Mar tha Reid. to "J. M Hamby and wife. Mauda Hamby. containing 30 acres, more or less, by Deed, da t td September 18. 1931, and recorded in Book No. 139 on page 32 in the U.fice of the Register of Deeds of Cherckee County. North Carolina, reference :o which Deed is hereby made or greatr crtainty of descrip tion ( 2 > . EXCEPTING that part thereof which was heretofore con veyed by Martha Reid to Jerry Hamby and wife. Mauda Hamby. containing 20 acres, more or less, by Deed, dated April 25. 1936, and recorded in Bcok No. 138 on page 110, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee Coun y. North Carolina, reference to which Deed is hereby made for greater cer Usintv of description <3 1. EXCEPTING that part thereof which wa s heretofore con veyed by Martha Reid. widow, to Charlie Payne and wife, Gladys | Payne, by Deed, dated March 18. ' P50 conveying one ill acre, more or less, and registered in Book 197 on page 142. in the Office cf the Regis or of Deeds of Cherokee County. North Carolina, reference te which Deed is hereby made for I greater certainty of description. This the 4th day of January. 1960 j L. L. MASON. JR Commissioner 23-4tc 1 Fort Butler Played Very Important Role In Early North Carolina History BY MRS. JERKY DAVIDSON Near Murphy is one of the most Listeria! places in North Carolina This military stocKade known a 1 crt Butler played an importan. role in the history of Nor.h Caro lina. It is primarily known for it"> part in removing Cherokee Indian to territory in Mississippi. According to tradition the Chero kee Indians belonged to the Iroquo ian group of the North but a power ful enemy drove ;hem southward a an early date. They were firmly established in the Appalachian region when the first white men came to the ter litory. A census taken by th,' I nitcd States government in 183"? gave the population as 18. (MX) I? is said there were 64 towns and six thousand warriors. Their govern ment was democratic. The execu live authority was vested in a main chief with an assistant. Un der chiefs were in charge of cer tain areas. Their legislative body, chosen by the people was made up of two houses which held regu lar meetings. The capitol of the Cherokee Nation was Echota. or "City of Refuge," situated in East Tennessee. With each treaty the Cherokee Nation made with the whites their bound ry shrank. The eighth, and last. The Trea.y of New Echota I was signed in 1835 In this treaty. | the tille ta aH lands in Norih Car I olina. South Carolina. Georgia I Tenntssee ami Alabama was ex tinguished The Cherokee agree j *o move west of the Mississippi to I'he Indian Territory. The lime of the removal expired May 23. 1838 Yet 13.000 Indians ' let1 by their chief. John (toss, re inained. President Van Buren or dered General Winlield Scott to take , command and remove the Indian I by force. The event has been called "The Trail of Tears' due to the heart break. sickness, suffering and I death. The Indians trusted the white ' man and suffered because of their i trusi. The Missionaries at th?1 Mission Place which is now Peach nee in Cherokee County has spread' :he Gospel of Christ. They had taught the Indians to be less war like. Now they found the white j man under false pretense taking J heir land The work of gathering the In I dians began May 26 1838. Due to ? unfavorable weather, it was re ! cuested by John Ross to allow the I itmaining Cherokees to be respon sible for the removal and that the jiurney be postponed until fall. John Ross was elected superin tniutru. U lot expedition. It ?a> decided to divide tile Indians ini > 13 parties of nearly equal size Tc carry out the removal of In- j dians. it was necessary to erect :orts or military posts. Early map-, show western North Carolina a liaving many Indian towns and be ? ng thickly sc. lied. Consequently the greatest number of forts was established in this section. Fort Lindse.v was established in present | Swain Courtly: Fori Scotl in Macon; Fort Montgomery in Graham Coun i y Fort Hembree. Clay; Fort l)e l?ney and Fort Butler in Cherokee County. Miliary names were given to most of these forts. Butler was named for Secretary of War. B F Butler. Fort Butler was established op- , ? posite the mouth of JCoaehee do | ? - (he south bank of the Hiawassef. _ It is of interest that several sold iers from General Scott's arnfy ? died and were buried at Fort But ler In 1906 the bodies jvere re moved to the National Cemetery at Marietta. Ga. Following the removal. Fort But Itr served as a Temple of Justice. It is written in North Carolina laws that Be it enacted by the General Assembly ?>i North Carolina, ani r i* hen j v enacted by the au tlioniy of the same, that the first County Court trf Cherokee si>a!l l?t held in one ot tue houses o i >?.r Butler. Bank on K \ prettier skirih 1 2 price ? sale : TUSSY WIND & WEATHER LOTION tl.\l NEY DRUG u-r&SfZ: i COMPAQ Hand Crcan, I ?. raf. 92. OO, LIST YOUR NOW PROPERTY GIVE IN YOUR POLL NOTICE IS HEREBY fiHNHI - That tbe List Takers for Cherokee County, will sit at the following places at the times named (and at all other times during' the month of January I960, at places and dates as follows), at which places and in which month all property owners and taxpayers in said township are required to return to the List Tak ers for taxation, for the year I960, all the Real Esta te. Personal Property, etc., which each one shall own on the first day of January, or shall he required to give in then. All male persons between the ages of 21 and SO years are to list their polls during the same time. Return of Properly and giving in of polls are re quired. under the law and penalties imposed hy law. All persons who are liable for a poll tax. and fail to give themselves in. and all who own property and fail to list it. will be deemed guilty of a misdemsanor. a nd upon conviction, fined or imprisoned. All automobiles and trucks must be listed ? these list ings will b^ checked against the State Rsgistration. If von fail to list, and your car is listed from State Registration, you will be charged penalty for late listing. RE SI RE TO RRIING A LIST OF ALL VOI R CARS, T RCCKS. TRACTORS. ETC., showing make, model, serial numbers, etc. Rlrnkv upon which a verified statement of property is to be made by each taafipayer can be had of the un ders'fned. Fill these blanks and see to it that statements be free from error, thereby saving time and trouble. Only females and non-residents of townshi ps and persons physically unable to attend and file their lists can appoint agents to list property. Failure to list will subject you to a PENALTY. Examine | four fist before signing. This penalty is 10%, cannot he removed from tax. I H. W. HUGHES, Tax Supervisor VALLEYTOWN TOWNSHIP Andrews City Hall ? 5th to 9!h ? Jan. I960 Topton, Hollaway Store ? 11th, 12th Marble, Ladd's Store ? 14th Marble, Craig's Store ? 15th, 16th Andrews City HaH ? 186h to 23rd Marble, Craig's Store ? 25th. 26th Andrews City HaH ? 27th, 28th Murphy Courthouse ? 29th, 30th Pitt Almond Bill Dockery, (Listers* MURPHY TOWNSHIP Murphy Courthouse ? 5tti to 9th of January. 19K0 KRpairick's Store ? lltti, 12th Drive-in Cafe at Prison Camp ? 13tti Dub Martain Store near Martin Creek School ? 14th TomoUa School ? 19th . Murphy Courthouse ? 16th Boiling Springs ? lf#h Fair Store ? 19th Clyde Dockery Store ? 20th Murphy Courthouse ? Gist to 30tb Mrr Ma* Sneed Voyd Hogan, (Listers) HOT HOUSE TOWNSHIP Wolf Creek School House - 9th. 6th, 7th, Jan. I960 Harris Store ? 8th Charlie McGill Store ? 11th. 12th Forristeirs' Store ? 13th Hilton Store ? 14th, 15th Murphy Courthouse ? 16th Jack Westmoreland, ('Lister) SHOAL CREEK TOWNSHIP Oak Park Grocery Store ? 5th January, 1960 Williams' Store at School House - 6th Voyles' Store ? 7Ah W. B. Dockery Store ? 8tih Howard Verncr's ? Store ? 9tti Donley Store ? Liberty ? 11th Stanley Wood's Store ? 12th O. C. Payne Store ? 13th Allen BremHe Store ? 14th River HHI Church ? 15th Uastell Hawkins ? lfitti Roper's Store at Ubegjty ? 18th Murphy Courthouse ? 19th Vesta Stfles. (Lister) BEAVERDAM TOWNSHIP New Hope Church ? 5th, January, 1960 Ogretta Church ? 6th Upper BeavtnUm ? 7th Violet Church - 8th Sherman Coif Ren ? loth Unaka Stortey Store ? 11th Orawe't Store ? ISth. 14th CouHbouM h Murphy ? 15th. 16th rrerf WwOln, (Lister) NOTLA TOWNSHIP ? , . ' * R. H. KMC Vtare ? 5th, ?th. January, I960 Ralph LedfoM War* - 1th Walter Idwrf Udom - m. m GtodtM atoiK - nth Frank BqNfrTfto* ? latk. ISth Church - MKi Radrilir stun - tM Cowthmw* l? Mumhv - nth. 19th ? Horn* Dwtdma. .LW*r) m ? ; ..d FARM CENSUS NOTE FARM CENSUS. Each farm owner shall prepare a list of the acreages of each crop grown, including Iwtlu of total acres cultivated by the owner, also the acres cultivated by all tenants on each separately recognized farm, tlw Other lands. He shall be prepared to report the numbers of bearing fruit trees, the numbers of livestock of u ? during past 12 months and tons of fertilizers to be used during this crop year. This information is kept con! for agricultural education, enonoipic analysis and safer guidance of county agents and faroMKi generally.

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