6%' : / f ' $ I VOLU'/VE. Or ?TiE Cherokee Scout Dedicated To Promoting Cherokee Count\ - ? - . . b . ,"f D WttKlY Improvements Made On County Roads * V\ . . i h , ' ; A K.... : >!? ?? w fw: ' . 'a . t < .1 ' ai ? \ Iv % I M .I - ' V Km., ID ; Hisrn ti.n h 1 ? ? k<.a': , ?? . .>? ? f.H Covt m*-^ < ifdti.m ? ? in . ? /.i-> '< % n n .,** ?' 'jr K R arvh K..a : rr.: ? r.f v Hr-.r " 1 " ! ?f' ? H! .if-; . . it: * of Maruev B ;r ? Ro.i'i * S 1 1*> r 1 '-n 1 hf V !owins Haywood 1 <.H,n! ?. r ? ?.nt> 0 4.j miif nf Ha wkim Kid tit- P. >a:i . (ft 45 rrf.e on Snepa:d Roav: "i m:.e of M Kk*..jp Ruad ' j mi.e of :n<;r>: a;-:* Ruad 1 n 1 it ? l\ evi.ie Ruad i' : rr..!*- '.f He:i:> \ Road 0 nil e Bejn'own 1 iad . 0 I mile ??>: 'iiarce Rua.i J ':.S mile ?.>' l>ark Ha'n:-^ Roa : liri mde of < i'rj" I! Me Rud-: 10 mile of < ;jAl:r.: Rou;: o 2 miie of Kdviard* Co-, e H-: ?a*'? '' 1 mile 0: Beaverdam Road an : u I mile 0? Timberane Road The F oar'.eentn l)r. i.^ior. :<? ?: uin Ir>o. ed of ;he fo. log ins count. e* Cherokee Graham Ha . a.-.. id. I H^ncer>on Ma; or Poik Tar. I sylvama. ('Ia> . Jackson a.;,: ? S'.va-r. Murphy Calendar TH1 RSI>A\ 2 V\ p rr. ? -vor\ H.?ur for rmlrt'en ' :hree five ;> ears o.d a: ? 'he Murphv Libran 4 3 p rr ? Slnry Hour for children >. x nine . ears *.? d d; : h e libra:;-. ' 7 3fi p m ? Murphv W"mar < ( i':i' f vmI] mee' a' ' he }\>uer Hoard Buitd:n^ A pro f gram on edia a^uT. "*;l. be presen^d /, FRIDAY * 7 30 p m ? Circle 2 n? 'he F- 1; <' ^ Methods- < hi.rcri w i' meet a! 'he home "I V Mrs VV I> Towns.. r Vj MONDAY 4 6 ,Vi pm ? Rotars Club w;l. meet at the Famih Res^a-J rani on Andrews Rnad f Tl'F.M) A Y ^ 2 3^ p rr ?Lottie Moon 'in ie .:l I hp First B a ;> ' ; s ' Church will meer a ^ 1he home of Mrs K L Shield* - Mae Perr\ firc.e o! ^ f i ne First B a p ' i * t Church "ill mee' at ? he home of Mrs J I Baugh fi 00 p m ?Cherokee C. anion Club will m^er at "lie home of M i ?? Cioe Moore Mij.phy Elementary Library Reading Club Holds Meeting Dr. W. D. Cann Named Health Director ' i -A . . jrn > ? n ? *? cen !? '-et-r iu:re.: neal'r. 1 ner"ke*' .a- jnd ' iraiui.tt cm in' 1 )? 1 anr i^ .1 n.?r e o* \e\ .t :.i and ha- wt'-'.rd r.t-jl'h d.ret <".r foi Bertie vo.i.'Vv to; trie ikiv* >.x >ear^ \ lor me; \avat ?loctu: . t;e a d> re'.rei: :n out- ' >> ;n juries ret el1. t>! r: V r . . a n Wo: id v\ j ; :! He received his \B decree a' !he I rn\er%;V% of \f\ add an: M< ' decree !r?rr Inland N. in n \ p' s;*'. Hp - rr.drried fo rre rrn?n?" M:ss \.;<e 'A a n.:fue s.! Nor'V. ia:o!ina Accident Fatal To Andrews Tot .Jr. i> Michael \dams ifl monun oid ><'n < i Mr and M.s James Jerr\ \dams of \rkirevvs u.-d anou' h a m Saturday in an A>hev.l:e ho-pita1 from injuries rece?ved :n a fal! :rom a 'oo: stool a; hump Kri<ia> msht Ji-i n 'A .t v fir*.: taken ro an Andre*- hu>;"id. Mien ? ai ! <ru o \sbevJe Thf \d?i.ms siinii\ tia<] :?veniU mox eo 'u \m:rfvvv r.' uru A' larva Mr Adams v?.as m hedi; l*-i2 iu lake v-ver n.^nauenwrv u: a M.irphy <**'. n e Italian Funeral sen u-> ^ere hriil Mun da's ai J ?ti ai the \ alles luun Bapt.v < hnrrVi Tre }U-\ Ralph Mathe^on S't*<i and bur. a. ?a4 in Vailevlnwn (VmetH\ Sun vm* in add. t on *.o 1 he parents are a si<lei . kafm bianne. of the horn*, tne paternal grand parents M 1 anrj Mrs Frank Adams and ".he maternal grand pa ren:s Mr a 'id M's. Fred a.: .V \nilrr*<. \ if Funer;*! Home as in Taps For Dead roU'MBl'S. Ohm - Fach clas* day. taps are sounded on Ohio Statp University campu* tor a former student who died in military senue The student r.euspaper announces each morn ing whirh forme? vnd^rr !??* remembered that da'. Station Wagon Receives S500 Damage f 'o* ?!? S :IH' ri ; H ^1! Mr. f ? !!\,n }{ , Pf Mr dr.inkvn The* ;icc:;jfnt ?k cm: ?:fi ;ao m.t-- t j-: \m::v-Av v. p:. , !'pv v, :?> not ir.];ir?i arid um 1ra\ i?i n? a! one a* \"f 'i.t.a j' tr.e a: ? idt r. r Dr. Scheaffer Dies In Florida ANDRFWS - [)r \\ ,.,am i a: ; Scheafrer. ;.ia>'.<?r of the S' .Ji < hn - Lu'heran church .n Or. a ruin Flor ida. former re>iden1 of \ndre-A>. passed away a: hi> home ,n Or lando - Winter Park Morula;. . January .8, accord.ni: '<? a a_!f : rt ei\ ed here n\ fnejid I)r Scheaffer during h,- pa>to .ite it i I lent or. Pa ^P' wd president o: 1 be American H ?ai-1 o.r Minion-* prior "o hi- mo1, in*! to Orlando five vea's ajo He mam laned a summer home n He rid er^onvi le and made fre^uen" rr p^ her e a* g'Jesl i?f Mr arKi M ' - c; W rover Whi e ?e r\ Miii a jM^o'aie i V:,i's here . n * he I'.irne^te I,i.*v.v before the p re-en' S? \nd:ev\ Lutheran church h.i- or^ani/ed and ua^ ?n^trurr.en'al . *'i fv.-tec: .nj p a n ^ '?>i 'h^ c.n ir r For a rumher of vcar- he >:vr the cummer montn- here a- ? i^-' Of Mr. V P Ouer Deer Loses H \ RF\ ISBTRG * \ Hi; 10-rtoml h j . k r.eer seen roam in: with a herd n north '-en'ra Pennsylvania wac sought eager!\ h\ sportsmen during the 1 9f>c deer season The magnificent an tmal fna'.K wa? killed 'ua dav< after the season ended when i r;in ; nlo rhe <ide h . -? r <* mshf ROY A TAYLOR Roy A. Taylor Candidate In Primary >|, \\ . , ; ? J'Y *.t- Vf'l.lf M . .? vi .1 hf te Si: :i ? . ? a ;r? T.e S\.le Boar:: .?! Ki'-'itu;- ?? % h t-ra aa: v in :ecr:-: ^ et- k - fit- ha- vi-ued a!] r.~e .f! oi.iMk" r? s d k. i n _ u;j the . - ti aniir^-^or.a! lJ;-r r:?: ? and ha< ??>-;; er.cvK.ra-ed I - me lav '.?r al'i?- > ?:<?:: to ruv '.andidacv M- Ta . v graduate <rf ?: \?:i.i.e:' H._:i Seh-.M/i. -Xshevi.'le Bi 'nare i :i. and Maryville 'IVan '? u.ie_;e \! \larv* I.e. he a .1 ^ ct mcm^r of the college iirha'ir.s '.earn and : apram of r.-.e ?...ft Irani -^et. .n.,/:r.g ,v< one .v., n: !e evens V Candle! )l j;; 'if w ,:n h; ! - e a; i H ? ..in aioiecs. wnntng M.v-? coi;rr ?? n^a'dv h . i operat.nj a ;>oul*- . ::: ?!??: w n.. he.'pe.-j : : :i n : e (ii? u.lejje a ' m.'i ;?h I a ii 2 h * ^hoo. :n R ack M" jntain Hun Scrum! :i?r >ev e:a, . cat- During *h;> penod. lie -'jdifd !;iw under rne late '.ii.de i. l.o'.e and Aa?< adm." ?f"] *<i ihe ha- :n IH.16 Prior to enter mj :he \av\ ,r. IfM.l. he crac ;ce<! ha a pa'tner of M: Une He <e: ved for 10 month- a* an e\e-:;;!.e office and iater a- com rranriin^ officer of an 1ST and participated .n amphibious land m :s i.-. l.u7on and Okinawa L'pon return from -erv ce. he became a iaw partner of Ronald F Pinch in Rlack Mountain Mr T;r. !o? v\a^ elected :o -he Stare [>>_j-.atire on the I \ ke' in I :'4b and re-elected in 1943. I't.iO and 1 t\2 leading rne h: k r- 1 .1,1 foui rampaiiir.5 In tne T>-^i>'a:iii e h?- w,i< a leader n ?he ^nv.jp in-: >choo! leg Mr - married to t:>e -ormr Mi- ! vrl-r Keevev of 'he Le, ce-ter M-(t:on Thev na\ e !*o chi!Hve" \ an, a tresnman a' Wr-rr-n < aroLna n ri;'!r>whee. i n ? i T'"?n a senior Owen Hi-zh S. h.N, New Look! i ae p:' *ee:'nt: rhnu , ,ii >, . r Iin k <iifereni ' m* ! Hr* ,i ' r ;re^? t > r m k e down !.,-? mr h lop Si/iur a i.I l>e p r ; n r - ed 1 1 : 1 1 ii' ' 1 1 ^ n for ihe rime being ? \mi "?> 'hosf h! vim. who were - late neUm^ \our paj-e< la >t week. : 'he Scou' af"?oiotii7et Hi j' ma< nine< ai^ ISe i honian^ i in- e i> a * hi.V " hr\ Why the Budget's So Big? Government Rock Gathering The U.S. Budget must not only cover current running expenses but pay installments on yesterday's and tomorrow's debts . . . 5?? . ;? - ,~yr /SS&.jHife&fce.'/y. ?ir<*c .: >c-c^ -'V-. -- -x ?*? - ? ... FUTURE COMMITMENTS National debt, plus past and future spending obligations - $750 billion mortgage "Iverybody wants to get Into the act" might b? ona way of describing the (HM at today's burgeoning federal budget. We legislate benefits, services ?nd suheidiee up to the hilt ? and then hang onto them. According to Budget Director Maurice H. Star*, the governOMBt la ao saddled with meeting JMtartfaj'i prtortttaa that it canoot anticipate tomorrow's Deeds a* K should. Built-in tncr? ? in procrama ara mother factor. Tor lMt alona, thay will add another U billion or mora to tha budfet, even without paaatnf another apandlnf bill. Sketch abov* depict* tha praaant plight of thli jorarament of tha peopl*. by tha paopla and mora end mora for tha people. Marble Post Office Dedication Jan. 23 John Morris To Take Key Position ? ??1 ; . i : . ' > ! liK** " pLut kf. ::.af !iie 'ifnon De.i .?:?> \ l.ir" iff i--" \ '.'."i \Wi- J ^|<1 ?>', ri.lL n! t.> h ' ? baf *? i a- \! \ < ' '! h<- ? .??-??> -.en inn-'xund halJ. Lac k tias ' a u ? ears ? t remain.., .ii Wake frorev Lie" [nji !n'!n?*> a r.-: <nu: Mri.le to tne tact* v! :'k*'a ! ? ?? >1 1 ? a 1 1 oucn B:! . H.demanc Nil- or.l> * M(?:ris one <?' :ne fa>'f^ men yn 'he -q^ad l,ul he ji3M/:n4 .h At-: fur h.s <te He pur-. e?:i that >.<v. more "h^.r une :k uis,'::: d !i " in l; '.he reason Miho.ijV. <*> <1 ><,-pnun-ore he . ;.in :.!i? n - : ? t ;i ? Bui :hf -l.-rerw: ruin;: ?,n !':r? sioec a nucno.-vin .ate in r rif f mh. "4-r ?cik+- a :4 i?*ad an<: ' ?>?? . lv r.ir.M r j ? <ho:1 On '.lit-* fii-.i.r.id kiiKoi! V.urr * u hrj na<i *>e<-n rwrted n I r: t* back po.*?.i.'>n bfcuj.se o* n;< >peed graauec! tne na.! on hi.- o'^n ? ana >ped pa si -+j,.eral \ lem^on tackle:^ be!t>re nt- r.nalk downed deep n T'.^e* ermory or. the 2b->artl l.ne H_> run was the ??nues" of ' r?e ?;ia> ? 'jT >ard> t ::n[] :?i** "A'h;. ar A cirvt' h "i ks; 3 .nj ' i. jfh-J"* : r:\^' m.rk or W AjKe h - \! \l ? \i :r. Morn* earned A.I Omrerener MI 'A extern Nur'n i j:?,.!rj jrV h;'r.nrj-).e :r>.-m.on A.i-Nav ? a.i- . rut .;: a: T\.'. the m : : i of .1 Bap';*" m;n>:er uoulu enroll al a Ba*K'i>r .nstit-tion l:i add.:ion ??> h.> footbd.l at Wake Fnre-i. Morris :s a -'sr da?h mar. or. :Se track fam Area Churches To Observe Prayer Service P o:e-ia:ii cht:.cne? of Mjrphy ano a Pci are ;o un.'e :n a ser \ (>? -Jrii ;cd prayer ai F rs4 Bapt.< I'hujib a' T 3u Sunday rii^hf. .January 31 Various minister r>f evangelical < rjr< hes Viav e pari .n ;he worship an-! a >:?: nt choii *'i.l !ead ;he >ir.^.nq Smith Howell To Speak At Lions Club ANDREWS ? smith HoweJ. M;j\ 01 nf Robninsv ilie and ca>h ier of the Bank or Rnhb:n<vi.!p. was the gue^t speaker .if 'he meeting of the Andrew.*: Linn* Club Thursday n;gni he'.d ^ the Hampton Grit! Mr How*1.! re.ated breilv *ne varous depart ments </ banking including complete ser\ ce^ of in surance and loan* In coirl!! ions be ia 1 Jed a'1Anuon to r ne sienic p. ace* m Graham <oun:v is shoeing a . i.m *trip He *.i* mi : r>mpanied by tb/ee members nf :r.M Robbin>ville L.on? rlub Following the program a spec a I business meetng wac iai.ed tor the purpose of diso.r^inc - an aK dav - program of broadcasts to bp staged during the ;:rsr week in February, through the courtesy of Raido Station WCyP who will donate an entire dav of public service with members of (he Andrews Lions (Vn n oViar^e of nterviewmg Complete i-.an^ ^ I. I*e :? n<-i ; **.r 'kd ,h' a lilt*'! ? J , ) ' f1 Jerry A. Hall Chosen For Who's Who J em \ Hal., L:>t: uclor r F.d jcdt.:"'ri a* \\ axe F 'o.Iese. W.n-lon XT. em anr. son of Mr :i r ? i Mr- I 1. Ha! of Murray ras been seiecied *o :ie included n tie ' ^ v>-ni> edit :on of Who \ Who In \mfr:ran Hcucat'on This publication i? a b.ozraph: ca. director) of 'he ouLs: anting educators in 'he I'mted Sia'e5 Mr Hall has a H A decree from Wake Forest ("< il.ece amd nn M A tlesref from fieo.-^e Pearxxn ? o.lege He ? no* a iJortora! * aruij<ia*e a' F J ^ h rn k i j. M- Ha.. aa? r re e.;ipen' of a Ca.'fiecie Fellowship n '*A anc ha.? received M"?fia! oth er >rho t an:; p' nJr>-nina hon M Hal reren:.;. complied a .>u: v e\ neat.^e on (natiequaie High Scnool Prepai a:ion a- a Cause for <'o liege Fa i/.jres. an:; has published several arncie> in pr o t e s > i o n a I journals M; Ha I was a 'oacner and pnnc.pa. .n Cherokee (Vjniv an<; :n Macon Hunt. be I or* a.^iim h < pre^n? pos ! .on He i> a merroe: r.f me \nier K an -\>so< la'ion of I r. ', ?i> .iv pm fe^o; s Pi liamma Mi; Fra'ernrv ar<i thp Nat oral Fiiuca'ion sociat.'Mi He :? ma;" i fd ir>* former Miss Virgin a Va e -'r ,ui . of W,n >fon >a em. Achievement Program To Be Held Plan* have been made 'or the second annua! 4-H Club Achieve- j men' Program for Cherokee Coun *v rn he he'd Thu'^d}. .Ian 23 a* 7 30 p m in 'he Murphy Kie mertarv Auditorium This ach.evemer.t program will he he id to recognize outstanding 4- Hers :n the;r project work and aclivit:es Pour 4 H er*. : h a t have received honor ? in 1959 v\ i!i he reeoiim/eil a1 m *? meeting T r"! ?a nner? u II h*> announced and awarded mc?ja.> and rertirica'.e? <>f achieve men: Pr >[*'.ike! wi.! he Mi-? Marv Harris. Dinner Home V. conomic* Aperv for the Western Di^tncl Friend^ of :he 4-H ' such a<; volunteer a<iu.i leaders and spon -.on ui.! hp recognized Sone of lh+"-e w i! awarded honors ior outMand n? >ei \ c e The program ha? been planned cooper a 1 1 vei > h i he F x tens .on Agents 'n charge of 4-H activities and rr>f- i'ner<iKee ( nunrv 4 H < inuii'1- f ?onsi'i'inc of me nllicer* f f rr-'P a I 'Op -1"' ? I r; fv n in j r v i :u .a a' v ;; . n tms ru Eirl t ur.>t:uc'. ? m..!.on -quart- re*" .?? so : :1:1m than m i - : ? n do.. a: ? Thvx- h,...ci.n_- f<-j bv ir .y* a p.: .i r: a>. cord a nee '* ? " ? fepa:"tn:enl - ;j [ :? ?:i - ar? ?tj-ed l'.n po-ta. LiM1 or, ,:i .vi: -r rr :>.!?;?? V ! hr tun: <>: ! ??>" r. ol m<rre tnan * ??% ? ? rv^ : .d:n> Arre V.r.u c^tic'^ \erv ?*< irking day V\e are io-tuna'e '.ha I h orrmun * ?? ontamed :h;< m1.: 1 ?inXieO r 1 e \s yo5tai facility M* afwar<i> -a.d "However 'he >? .i. >vr\ ice i- like a cha:n 1 e;>endent un each or it- i.nk f :he postal piant in a c.ry r> ih.ich we are -eridin.i: vc :ti<i - outmoded ihat eifeu- local/ **eau>e i' h a m pe r < '.he efroienr el.\er> of our mail ft estimated the po-ta: i:. e will need >ome 3 .5* jo bui.d nj- daring the next t : ve year> u keep pace with the count r> - uburhan .growth alone. There a-e n3P> other needs too ? tor equip ment. new vehicles. mechaniza on and modernization of exM ns and :n other area Terry Sanford To Visit Here Tuesday Ten ?- Sanford. often-mentioned :*iO Democratic Gubernatorial 'andidate '-*> ill ws.t in Cherokee ount> on Tuesday. January t 7 30 p.m. He w il] be at the te^al Hotel in Murphy for a neetini and talk with the peo ?le iv Cherokee County, concern n*: h ? plan* tor the tururp Mr Sanford expressed hoiv hat he would have the oppo* ? ani!\ 10 meel and talk w:th a ar.ce number of people in the "ounty a1 the open meeting San lord is a former State Sen nor and headed the Young Dem icraf Clubs in North Carolina a ?> president several years a?o le is also active in State politic n several capacities Sanford is an attorney in Fnv ?* lev lie North Carolina OES To Sponsor Bake Sale Sat. Murphy Chapter 10 Order of he Kastern Star w.l[ hold a lake sale Saturdav ar 9 .V a , r 'vie Furniture Store JANUARY 1960 s m t w f p r i j 3 4 S 6 7 ? * , K) 11 1? >3 U 15 16 17 It >9 20 21 72 23 I 24 25 26 27 21 29 30 1 31 ------ 1 DISTRIBUTORS OF (.AS, THF All PI RPOSE Fl EL FOR COOKING. HF.ATINC, AND REFRK.ERATION SMOKY MTN. GAS CO. Murphy, N. C. photo bv Smil??y'? Studio Anrtr^wi MR MARK TUTTLE Sob 0? Mr owl Mr*. WtlUan T.UI.

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