N.C. Savings Bond Staff Receives Special Award W H * Jr I S hav ings Bonos Volunteer Chairman (or Ae Slate of Norm Carolina announced that U S Trr> ur\ had presented ihe Savings Bonds stall oi North Carolina a special d Aa;d ' in recognition and appreciation for rx>leworth> con tn but ions to 'he elective and ef fluent operation ql [he Treasurv Department " These awards were presented at a special ceremonv in Wash ington o> James SuJes Nation al Director, on behalf ot Srcrelar> of the Treasury Robert B An dei'M/n The basis tor tins recognition w^s Nor h Caioiina > >:ai: n atki rounleer-' out>tand.n^ per o Bnance n promotional work w all media which contributed greatly to raiding the North Caro lina standing kn sales during V}fto In Janaary the State or t North Carolina ranked 3?>t h in i the nation As of November 30th the state had climbed to the lithl ranking position In accepting this honor. Wallet P Johnson, Siaie !)i recto i ex presses! the Savings Boi.ds >talf appreciation for the man. -idi viduals. media bank*- and hjvi messes whose cooperation made this recognition ;xxsMb:e "The ?uceess of ttie Savings Bond^ T'io gram depends almost too per cent on \olun:eers Kver> bund f and sta-i p *e sell ever\ bit oi advertising pubJn.it> and pro UKXlon vse get est-: ? pa o.. ver signed s !ro:ii ui :hiuugt a volunteer Juhnson :xi.d Particular praise *as given U ihe puolii.it ' nied.j 'or giving m 6*eneicu:?i\ ut their '. :iit- c?;k1 -[wet lo ad\erL^iuf and publuizuig aa ^<ng;> bond> N>j otfier state rtr reives bettrr >uppor'. tfrt tid\ert%ini! ,.j! . . ' ? art: rifA? CjeJd than do we in N at t ti Can* [ma Thtrie rtfir j rr.uie pn> v i iun> in liie L ri *.oi Sta^o j". tik prid of !?'*'" ifuni at !he l>e?;I:'.:..:ij at that >^ar ] Stephen C Hembree ' Hem&.'tt 12 *hos parent M' cttki Mrs N^ati v\ (HemOtre ..ve i>o rwulo J Mm ph > N C rt-cer:... was prt 'moied to specialist four a For Ca.npoe.i. K\ wtwre r* nwnik: of '. :.e 1 -! A.rborrj Div .i ion Hema:ce a a: . ^i.jii * .: JiwsiOQs t omjTW?ijj a:.u 1 uir. rc 1 bdl'.aljoi trulerej [fit A: :: Maft.fl l^ati aliO CO; I ' kJ-t" tf'.i 'cjs. I vji 1 1 t>u I l.a.ll-ils? d\ toll .'d!. k>Uf . A > >6 g: Jviud'.c o: N>L.:(' Hig'i !v huoi fir dUfJidcvJ -No.', fa: a S ! a ' e i'o!!cL!6 BA4.FI P Kh IN ASIA Bagpipes probdb.) im.^rnate Ji I .VV^leiTi \^.a I !s..v -'..;:!i- [iOA vui-iiOtl t\l dlr j; . . t . s !>iyf i^h - - a ? : ' ? f.a ? e '? v.: viU^'H ? tJ: u u U : i-ly. i .i"i . ri\ -k-iv .- :.i.r . ?> < .i - uJO Hey Mr. Driver! How Are You (ionna Miss What You Can't See? On tolil mornings >ou're like! to i i nd (rovt on 1 he tar window ^ espev ;all\ ir ! - l>een ief: on' side Scrape oil the f ro^r sav? the Depart men: of Motor \e ih.le- Serape olf lite tAirtdshieid the reaj .side ami ha; k windows helore >ou ^tai: oul or fi?* road \ ou iru.>f .1 ! i ? >tt* t le:i; 1 1 1 j!I ? i . tviions If iilete>^ar\ take tinie Jo pull uJf the roa aii'.i wipe 41! f the ^sh-up fror uthf ! ears r : ;i\ einii^ oil wet dirt ;> a '? e m e r. t If you t an ? se ";n i.ikjh .[' Hll.l, CKOWi- 1.!.. \! ?!?- V eh'i le- Dena1 . II. i? :h Noi ttl < o :;.j for that extra - j flick of flavor SPECIAL COFFEE 'Most everywhere folks are noticing that there really is extra flavor in JFG Special Coffee. It's there because of a very special blend of select coffee beans. And also, because JFG is so | fresh. You see, it's roasted practically next door, so it comes to you fresh as fresh can be. So have a cup and youll agree, there's extra flavor in JFG . . . " the best part of the meal! Words of Life I*HL KEN ALEX B. HANSON Episcopal Churcfc Murpb} N C 'jScripuit Headings KioO J< ? end of chapiei ana M slai * - h:2 13 and II Si Petei. 1 ?* end .lot chapter Text 'IMS 15 n"> beloveO boo D Heat h.m St Mai k, S 7 c Theie 15 one statement >ou tan! '?|:,iaiie about the Bible and IK I one I a ill tr\ to argue *itti V4>u 11 lv , ' Tlltr Blb.e IS inspired Ask a Vioien yeopie '< lt*> Tt.hU H.ble or il tties live b> 'be Bible, and sou will gel a dozen dlllerent .unswer- .ncluding some lew j evasions But when sod ask U1 U* B.bie inspired >ou gel one answer and thai answer is 0 ":h the Bible itself <.0d gives I \ :,e all-wet eternal ill 'tie abuse 11 -,'.plu:e passage from " St i v And il sou want soui ?*n ' also. the> aie ea-y .? I.nd As sou read .n tlie Bible, >ou , ome to realize ttk>t tnese authors .va.ked wittl l.ud - the Bible : IS inspired because it inspires \ OL recognize wiio Knuw- (>?d Ana J, ,ou read in the Bible, jou tome io realize that it result is i. correct I ? recorded so as to show d 'lie real cause, the answer alwa>s n leads to God. as author, compan V ion. or punisher.-NOL are in e -nired io understand eternal truth. And still later, you come to rea m/<- thai the Btule ssa- written ,i:id pieserved so tha' \Ot cou.d lie trie lit. HO of sour own We 1\),\ ?.?..'ii '.lie cradle to '.he km^ 1 t!,mi i.f i .oil This is inspiration. Mo-e? was Inspired And his e\oe: ernes wore not too d.iterenl ;:U?I 0,.us He was born into a hostile world without hu know ledge or con-em He grew up an al- en ? a Hebrew orphan su con sidcrei! anions Egyptians Around hull, and in 'hose near to him. there was not one person wno he could tru'l witn a secret, o: a< an ufL-etJish triend. If any of you have ever been the "new comer in a well established community, sou have probably been in tne '-ante posit.on. And in leading the children ol Israel across the w M erness to the promised land, he was met perpetually with the spirit oi complaint and rebellion. You si ho hase raised children al ready know that that is the na 'ui\ 1 reaction of untrained nu man beings toward any attempt to lead or to compel into ngr.teous ness An j. .11 the end. he died -hort o! tne promised land, toward svhicn he had ted others Is that experience any ditferer.i from 1 ours'' And. even as sve lor our | seises hope, he seas seen la.er 1 1 St Mk St 2-!3' in conversation, with Elijah and svi'.li Christ our Lord. When we look upon -Jesus trie Christ, in the moment of trans figuration. we are stirred within, and tn two wavs. For one thing, we are stirred to upward hopes, and wonder if we ourselves can ever be like that The answer ol course is. "flesh and blood can noi inherit the kingdom of (kid" :] for. l.V 50'- But, thanks be to Goo. that :s not the whole answer. The second answer svhich stirs us within, and which means every thing to 11s. is "that which is born 0! the sp.nt is spirit" 'St John. WORTH MORE BECAUSE THEY WORK MORE Chevy's new torsion springs and Sturdi-IWt design are dunging everybody's ideas about bow modi work a track cm do. Last rear's schedules are out? Chevrolet trucks ride faster over the rough ran to get In More trips a day! Big repair hills are m longer a problem? Chevrolet trucks soak 9 pom state* t that means downtime to other make*! And trade-in time's put off for extra thee sands of miles ? 80 Chevrolet trucks stay new like never before I He* Doflar-Savmg Prices Step- Vans, 4-Wheel Drives, many light-duty models with automatic transmissions ? all are lower priced. Prices have also been reduced on ail optional V8's. New Tors.on-Spnng Suspension Eliminates I-beam shimmy and wheel fight! With torsion springs up front there's a brand-new, smoother, easier handling feel behind the wheel. New rear suspensions include wide-based coil springs in moat light-duty models; tougher variable-rate leaf springs in medium- and heavy-duty models. Electronically Balanced Wheels Front wheels and tires are bal anced at the factory. Helps make that new ride revolutionary! New Cabs? Wider, Safer, More Comfortable Many models are a whole 7 inches lower (without sacrificing road clearance), so it's easier to hop in and out of cabs. Still there's more space inside: more room for hats and hips, more foot room with suspended pedals. Cabs are safer, too; new build makes them 67% more rigid. Plus Improvements Ail Through the Line A new steering linkage system that cuts vibration, means better control. There s new V8 effi ciency. Sues long famous for saving. New key-turn starting. Higher, wider visibility. Talk to your Chevrolet dealer about the world's most advanced truck*. CHEVROLET TRUCKS FOR '60 <4* Sm Tin Dinah Shore CHrry Slww in cotar Sund?ri NBC TV? Ih* Pit Boon* Ch?vy Sho*ro?m wMtty *BC TV NOW? fast delivery, favorable deal! See your local authorized Chevrolet dealer. DICKEY CHEVROLET-OL DSMOBIL E CO., Inc. Murphy, N. C. 3 6 V\e CjD be ..Ke un'.u Jesu^ vAii Loi u and it >ou sleer voui sou! la l he living of a J.fe which Is the expression u- ^ck! 5 w .. ?> ou wii. find lhat sou! tdCe luu iranstigui ed n proportion di > Oj ill aw near to God Man has nio:e tn^n a conscious m.t.j Uur conscious in. rid can' riiuk^ us reach tui an apple hut the subconscious mind can t<?*e the fcite of app-e w hich *t have swallowed, and make it into et. erg> .n a muscle :o enable us i.j stand up anil wdik Uur conscious mind can lead us lo :ead the Bible 01 to join thr Church but it 1^ the' spirit within. 111 .ouch with God through tne spirit which brings lonh !tie trans t kg ural ion in ou. . ves In certain wavs wnelhe: we think of God in * lie past tense u: it: "lie tut ure ten>e is the ke> lo ou: salvation J: we think o? Goo 011U as a leader .11 ! he past oui (reji^:.ou> i.\es ma;* t>e devout '.4" we do no hi :iig lu.ir; ' ne K111J ilom of God in our acts Bu" it we | think oi God as our pie^eni and ;hXTURK companion and judge then our lives begin to change '.0 [lis pattern I A telephone is useless un-ess we 'pick it up and use it So is prat er So is ever> contact with a ! human being. So is ever> opport ; nil y *o contribute to God's work So ls our own abilitv wirtun to know God as a companion and 'fnend >even da\s a week we van ii\e the t: ar.Migura: on even unto heaven in the eiui In eai i hour ot praver we 1 an -eveai ou:**\ves to God as one who is !i?.ten:ng In each contaci wih a human hein^, we can he >oen : : \ liie ;?esson as one who put* him a' ea*< and leaves hin. reeling thai human beings were a h'tle sweeter and more spiritual than .'ie had thought And in each spending ul our mone> . we can so spend it that some of it goes for the main taining and pushing oi God's or ganized work in this world, puil mg humanity a litl:e closer to th? kingdom of heaven. The transiiguration is intended for US Bobby J Parker Bobby J. Parker, fireman. USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence C. Parker of Havesvtlie. N C. and hiisband of the former Miss Miri am G. Knight of Birmingham. Ala . is serving aboard the des troyer I'SS Cowel! operating with the U. S Seventh Fleet in the Western Pacific Scheduled to return to Long Beach. Calif., .'.larch 16. after spending five months in the Far East, the Cowd! and her crew participated in various operation exercises atv! lave visited Ha waii. Japan and Hon? Kong. First American to win the Nobel prize for literature was Sinclair Lewis, in 1930 I Jerry T Sudderth A.ffrw?n Sevond Clasi Jem 1 buUJerU) sun ot Mi anc Mi s Dock budOe!"'D ol Peachtrec and Henderson wile has just spent a month > iru^f dl noint Wh.ic attending a 28 wtek low. st at Chanute \.r farce Base 3n Illinois he wa; awarded an honor certificate toj academic achievement Airman Suddertt. a 195H grada ale of Murphv High School is no* stationed in Alaska SPITTIMi I MACK Ui i^m v'. I r?e exp' <?>.-. oi. *p* i.i? in.a^e iti :..h centur> England and 5 ten,- trom the be lief that one - ?a! ?a t!ve es v#?rA e *?' one - hein^ \ ch;.d ! r.r!i vs :iu .?.(!? ! J.e Aj ,'. and ma^e of Miniwne r>e ?*d> ion~"itred exacr.'v ! *e b m n evei> re -pe'. ' a: ? a* *?-. 3? >pir \\l IKM MKH) !';ie bee' u i?inaU\ ^rew wild m trie ( jspian Nea region It wa> u>eJ a- food in anc erH times and was grown in Spa.n during the 15th centur> LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COINTY I'nder ami by wrtue of an Or dfi oi lilt- Siifierior Court of Cher okee ic)Lijit\ North Carolina, made in the Spec i a i Proceeding entitled GLORIA JEAN EVAN'S FORMERLY KNOWN AS GLO RIA II. AN E\ ANS LEDKORD. Het:tiynt-i ? ? A !i V IL BH : LEDKOKD Respondent ' t lie Hi de: signed Commissioner* ap pointed b'. the Court will on the 17!h da> oi l-'ebruarv . l%n at 12 UU o clock Noon, at :ne Court house door in Murph;. . North Carolina, utler tor sale to the highest bidder for cash that cei tain tract or parcel oi land in Cherokee Count > North Carolina . descriL.j as follows: In Shoal Creek Township. Dis trict No. 8. on the Waters of Turtletown Creek, par: oi Tract No adjoining the lands of Ralph West. Oran Ledford. and others, and bounded and more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING or, the South side ot the graded road on a small Walnut, thence up the H,l! straight to top of a Ridge on a Rock corner, thence with the ine anders of ihe Ridge to Oak corn ei : thence South course with me anders of a Ridge a conditional line lo the original line to a rock corner in the West line: thence with said line on East corner to ?he graded road thence NW with the graded road with Leonard Jones' lire to the Beginning corn er. containing 14 acres, more or less. Said sale will be held without reservation but subject to out standing taxes and encumbrances This the 13th day of January, 1900. HERMAN EDWARDS Herman Edwards. Commissioner. | JS~ TRUCK LOAD OF TIRE VALUES.. up to 25% MORE SAFE MILEAGE from Goodyear Turnpike-Proved Tires! S> FREE INSTALLATION ^ k k a k a /\ /\ a. a /v 1 ,\\v J v V " v V v ^ 3T NYLON Safety All-Weather Best Nylon Value Ever! 95* $ 6.70i IS tHacfcwWi tu&e typ? ROCK BOTTOM PRICES ON OTHER SIZES, TOO! TUBE TYPE SIZE Now ! Value Priced* _7J0_x 15 7 60 x f5 S20.85_ 22.80 TUBELESS SIZE Now Value Priced* 7 ,50 * 14 8 .00 x 14 8 50 x 14 _$20195_ 23.35 25.55 "plus tax and 'ecappacle t"e only fl00 DOWN! <S ALL-WEATHER fcy GOODYEAR 95* $1 #? i.7f * 15 f \i II 95* ill A rtal rvggt( ?alu?! Siit 6.00 x 16 Sin 7.10 x 15 $ II 14 16 8 5* 1 < | Jm. 2 5 7.60 x 15 5 * bleu ku.tdl tut* -type pint tax and rectppable t$rg J. H. DUNCAN TIRE CO. Peachtree St. Murphy, N. C. VE 7-2821 1 a message of interest to every Chevrolet owner in Murphy and Andrews, N. C. (and to all other car owners, too) Chevrolet's Owner Relations Program makes your satisfaction our first consideration Here's an important message for people who own a Chevrolet or are thinking of buying a new one Chevrolet Motor Division operotes a Deportment of of Owner Relatons ? as far as we know the only one in the industry Its policy is to see that Chevrolet owners are completely satisfied with Chevrolet products and Chevrolet service Dickey Chevrolet has this policy in action ? seeing to it that you're well token core of when you do business with us. Here ore the extra benefits you II get as o Chevrolet owner WHKN VOL BUY CHEVY? enjoy (hp confidence of kriowins: 'hat Chevrolet is built with the quality 1111 expect That's because of the excellence of Chevrolet's engineering and rigorous inspection of de rails a: the factory Dickey Chevrolet pledges Itself lo delivering your new Chevrolet in a condition of complete quality WHILE YOU DRIVE CHEVY? Dickey Chevrolet Is prepared lo take belter care of you with better service after you buy this fine product. It's our way of assuring you of the continued pleasure and satisfaction originally built lnU> your Chevrolet WHEN YOU TRADE CHEVY? Dickey Chevrolet salesmen are ready to serve you again! Chevrolet traditionally brings you more at trading time and if you're about to become a member of the Chevrolcl family, vou, too. can count on us for a top appraisal Your satisfaction it our business. Dickey Chevrolet Dickey Chev.-Olds., Inc. PhM* N*. 151 Aiidrtwi, N. c. Pkont No. VI 7-2132 M ? ?

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