LKAL NOM LEGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKfcK COUNTY The umlerKiened. bavins qualified as administratrix of l<hc estate of kenneta liar (tin. dereabed, late uf Ctoeroltcr County, litis is to notify afl persous IkavtuK claims Against said estate to prrsenl litem to Kir undersigned. at Murphy, North Car olina, on or before the 18*41 day of February. 1961. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of tbeir recovery. All persons indebted to said et> ate viU please make immediately pay ment to the undersigned, at Mur phy, North Carolina. This the IS h day of February, 1960. I Cetia Greene Administratrix Box 474 Murphy, N. C. 29-ttc Lemon Adds Flavor To Many Delightful Dishes By KaUh turreat SEASON AND GAKNISU WITil LEMON? Home economists tell us thai lemons have many mealtime uses. Lemons can add flavor, color and vtiainin value to mauy foods. They are a rich source of vita uiiu C. lx?-h a little lemon jtact in fruit juice Hype 'tiers. Use lemon slices on tomato or clear soups, or as a garm-sh with all kinds of fish, steaks or chops. Lemon {tarnishes ran be decaratcd with paprika, piimeato. chopped mint, or parsley. Cu'. calories by using lmmin but ter to season cooked vegetables. Allow one 'ablespoon of lenum juice for each lablespoou of melted ljutter. Lemon butter is especially &ood served over cooked aspara gus, broccoli, hrudsels sprouts, green beans, beets, carrots, celery, aud leafy groeti vegetables. Thin mayonnaise Willi hnion juice when nuking cole slaw or wakkirf salad. Serve a wedge of lenion with melons and avocado pears. Lenwn juice preserves color of cut, frash fruit aueti as apples, ban anas, pears, and |>eachcs when you're preparing salads aud fruit cupc. ?Use graded 1-niton peel for flavor ing breads, pk.'s, cakos. cookies, fri'stinas. sauces, and desserts of all kinds. Wash the lemons and grate off only rtie outer colored peel; this is lite pall thai contains tlio oils tha'< give flavor. 1 r WHEN YOU BUY A NEW CAR t ? ; ^ ^ . . . \i f it at Inwest cost Compare . . . and see for yourself. When you're buying that new ... or late-model used . . . car . . . you'll save when you finance it through this bank . . . because bank rates are lower. We give you fast service, too, so you can start enjoy ing your car, sooner. See us for full details. MONTHLY PAYMENTS ARRANGED TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE \ou pay as you drive . . . you pay less t with a low cost bank Auto Loan . . . and you pay in easy installments arranged to fit your income. f*"* * See the new cars; then see us for financing! CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY Ml'Ki'II V ? ANDREWS ? ROBB1N8VILI.E ? IIAVESVILLE Serving Southwestern North Carolina Member f ederal lK|H)sit insurance Corporation NATIONWIDE'S BUDGET MASTER HOSPITAL INSURANCE! -? : -M &&&&$*& , . TAILORED TO FIT YOUR NEEDS AND DUD6ET! YOU choose the cash benefits you want from the Budget Master's complete Hospital Protection plan. Includes payments up to $7500 for Dread Diseases! ,Your budget determines your cover age and premiums! Cash payments are made directly to you ? and are not reduced because of other Insurance you may carryf Call your nearby Nationwide Agent for full details on the BUDGET MASTER Policy! M.*v, mmd* ri ATIONWIDE NkTiMYnit mvtui mi?WK( ci., u? mmmmcc ft MTIMWtlE MUTUAL fill INSVMICt CI., NMt IffKl: COLUMIUS, WH# MIWMl IFflCl: RMIItt . i, Cokes-Then And Now:1860-1960 In a delightful oM cookbook published in ago, the di recti obu seem very amusing to the Her predecessors were admonished to take a be heavy and fall. She was warned that "it is all ingredients be heated before and warmed, currants, sag batter and eggs beaton to warm water.. "Sugar should be mPuf with a weighed?Firkin batter cut to quick cake, beat whites at too eggs far Now aren't you gbd you Ewe to ef cake an ? cup Danish Btoo (%eo? cup chopped California Corf cake slightly, spread " ?P At Mc anrl Pa courted for two years regular and ilien w<> got married and started in Kctt'in' aquainled with one another. RUPTURE-EASER T M R?? U.S. Fai Off (A PiMr Br?c? Tnu?> nTet* m Doub,? ?-9!> p.W S&S*95?X NO. 26Ub551 ??quired A ?tr<*n*. form -fitting washable mi> port Tor reducible inguinal hernia. Back l?nn* admstabte. Snaps up In front. Adjustable lea atran. Soft, flat (troin pad No PtrrT or feather bards For wom?n. rhlldrrn. Mall *rd*ra vIti measure around lovfil part of abdo men. state rl?ht. left side, doubt*. Miuncy Drug Co. Murphy, N. C. Highest Quality NANTAHALA AGRICULTURAL LIME Now $005 Per Ready * JL Ton Loaded On Your Trurk Or Kailroad Cam ... A( Our Plant ? llcwitl, N. C. NANTAHALA TALC & LIMESTONE COMPANY Car got the SHAKES ? out WHEEL BALANCING g/?eeia&"' Reg. $6.00 Value $4?? [ Jkis wtiiTtoty Wa balance all four ? wheals and Install tha weights you naad. This >w prlca Includea all walghta. YOU i $2.00 SAVE ^ J. U. DUNCAN I IRK CO. VE 7-J PrarMirt SI. Murphy. N. C. FAST ACTION /FROM WANT AW|*% Mrs. Hampton Hostess To Circle Mrs. Marvin Hampton was hos tess to tlx.' Ruth Bagwell Circle of ihe First Baptist Church at her home on Tuesday. March 8 at 7:30 p. m The meeting opened with prayer Sy Mrs. Wiley Kinney. Jr. Mrs. .lames B. Hall, president of the circle presided over the busi ness session. . I Mrs. Walter Puelt nave a pro gram on "lis up to you," and Mis. Kalph Rhcrlcs closed ihe meeting j u'Uh a special prayor for our revi val to be held next week. During the social hour the hos tess served refreshments to tha : following: Mrs. Charles Bryant,,: Mirs. Verlon Jones. Mrs. Wallie 1 W'illiams, Mrs. Kenneth Godfrey, Mrs. B. J. Fish. Mrs. James B. Hall, Mrs W>'!ey Kinney, Jr.. Mrs Ralph Rhodes. Mrs. Gladys Hinton, Mrs. Walter Puett and one visitor, Mrs. Hubert Wilson. Help Her Walk Buy Easter Seals SUBSCRIBE TO TBE SCOUT i nariri | CATHOLIC INFORMATION By Rev. Joseph Ueun The Church and Elections I ? 'li (Docs the Catholic Church in 4 he Uri'.ed Slates .ake part la politics? No. The Church as an institution .-toes not. No bishop S tells his priest how to vote. A priest is not permitted to tell ? his parishioners how to vote, lie ?<? not allowed to endorse or denounce candidates for public office from his pulpit. Like other Americans. Catholics enter the poll. rig booths as free ci isens. ? responsible only to their own consciences. and to Almighty God. | ? 2 ? Are there any in receni years when the Catholic Church : advised people on voting in other coun ries? One well known case in modern times where the Catholic Church : did advise people, how to cast their v< :es, exists in Italy. The 5; Church considered it a Chitistian obligation ,o make such a rec ommendation in this instance. It was in J!Wa. The CummunLst party had gained control of much ol the political machinery in Italy. | The Communists had iden.ified themselves as social benefactors : against the past-war evils. The Chur.h did ceme out and reveal '( the true nature of those "socvial benefactors" and advised Cath olios not to vote for Communis s, especially because (hey teach there is no God, and because they eventually make man the | slave of the state. The people were still free to vote for 3 or 4 :5 other groups who were no. Communist, and thev did, t hereby | electing a government that was anti-Cc mnuinist and oro-Amcri can. This action is what is referred to by some people a.i "Vatican I? discipline over voters". Every religious group has this same obligation So advise any uninformed nrfmbers to rhc true nature f an election, when such major .issues are at stake, as atheistic Communism, or || racist Naziism, or secular Fascism. Pope Puis XII condemned | Hitler's theory of supremacy of one race over another, and he js': broke with Mussolini over secular Fascism The bishops in Latin U America advised against dictators like Pcron and Trujilto when basic human rights were being violated to an extreme degree. These majoi moral issues touch so closely upon the cultural and religious life of people that the Church must exercise some authority in warning her members ol the exici points involved. Regarding the American scene: What would a CithoYc president do il he were confronted by a law of congress that nditates agains. his conscience? One instance would be a law legaliz ing abortion. May he, as a Catholic, sign that law? No, but he may leave it on bis desk for ten days and then it becomes the law ol the land by authority of Congress. The some conscience problem would be had by a Quaker in case of war. or a Baptist in case ol legalizing whiskey sales, or a Methodist in legaliang gambling. What is called "Vatican disiplinc over elected officers" can also I: : called "Mefhadist discipline" or "Quaker discipline4' over membcrr" because religious consciences are involved in all these eases. Separation of Chirred and state is a sacred principle among all religious groups in the United S.ates, But it must not be carried to such an extreme that we shall have in America a separation of God and state. Paid Adv. DRESSES for EASTER Featuring these famous names Vicky Vaughn Toni Todd Martha Manning Mr. Simon Carol Rogers ? s5M to Sizes 3 To IT 10 To 20 12* 2 To 24 V2 $1/95 V VELVET STEP LADIES DRESS SHOES WIDTHS AA AND B $5.95 to $10.95 COLLINS-CRAM =? " Store Of Ifependnbitt Values'' Mm rpfcy, ' ? . ;-s'

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