i*GAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE North Carolina Cherokee County The undersigned, having quali fied u Admrx of the estate of Sallie Mae Taylor, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, at An drews, North Carolina. Box SM. on or before the 5th day of May. 1961. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of heir recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate paymenil to the undersigned at Sara Pul !ium. Andrews. North Carolina. ! This 28th day of April. 19C0. I SARA PULUUM j 40 6TC , NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COCNTY The undersigned, having quali ' it'll as administratrix of the es tate of A. L. Cole, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to no- j tifv ail persons having claimsi ayaiifct said estate to present \ them to the undersigned on or be-i fore the 28th day of April. 1961. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons! indebted to said estate will please! make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 28th day of April. 1960 LOU COLE Administratrix 39-6tc. | iV THEATRE N. C. Thurs. 1 9 - Fri. 20 [ "THE STORY ON PAGE ONE" Rita Hayworth Anthony Franciosa Gig Young Saturday 21 Double Feature "3:10 TO YUMA" Glenn Ford Van Heflin Felicia Farr Also "INSIDE the MAFIA" Sat. Late Show "GIANT GILA MONSTER" Sun. 22 - Mon. 23 Tue. 24 - Wed. 25 "KEVER SO FEW" Frank Sinatra Gina Lollobrigida Coming Thurs. 26 "CASH McGALL" James Garner Natalie Wood LEGAL NOTICE I NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY Under and by virtue tt the pow er of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Hoyt Jenkins and wife, Marie Jenkins, dated November <1, IMS and re corded in Book 211 at page 260. Records of Cherokee County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trus- 1 tee will offer for sale at public auction for cash to the highest 1 bidder at the courthouse door in ' Murphy, Cherokee County, North ' Carolina, at noon, on the 2Sth < day of May I960 the property 1 c inveyed in said deed of trust ' which is described as follows: In Hothouse Township. District - No 4. adjoining |he lands of Jeff , ' Forrister. Elbert Arp. and Virgil Jenkins 1 BEGINNING at a Red Oak on top of a mountain at Elbert Arp'? line straight down the ridge in a North direction with Jeff For-i rester's line across old highway t to a steel stob. Then with the ' Forrister line in an East direction to Virgil Jenkins line. Virgil Jen-' kins line to the Elbert Arp linej [hen South back to the beginning. But this sale will be made sub- , ject to all outstandine and unpaid ' taxes and any and all other prior, liens and encumbrances. This the 21th dav of April. 1960 , W. F FORSYTH. 39 ? 4tc Trustee. j( VALLEY DRIVE-IN Andrews, N. C. Thur. 19? Frl. 20 'The Rise | and Fall of Legs Diamond' Ray Danton Karen Steele SATURDAY 21 DOUBLE FEATURE 'Gun man's Walk' I Van Heflln Tab Hunter Also 'Watusi' IN COLOR Sun. 22-Mon. 23 'Once More With Feeling!' IN COLOR Yul Brynner Kay Kendall Tue. 24-Wed. 25 'TheStory ON Page One' Rita Hayworth Anthony Francloaa Gig Young VISIT OUR MODERN SNACK BAR Area Obituaries MRS. RENA MCCURRY Mrs. Reoa Cynthia MrCurry. 74, ot Marble died early Tuesday, May It. She was a native a I Graham County, a daughter o / the late John and Cynthia Collins Davis. She had lived in the Mt. Zion Section (or the past 12 years. Surviving are to daughters. Mrs. lona Hyde and Mrs. Venue Mae Corn of Marble: three sons. > Colell Harvey Hyde of Marble. Winston o[ Canton. Ohio, and Or bin of Gastooia: 32 graodchil dren; 15 great-grandchildren; a brother. Troy Davis of Gastonia; and two sisters. Mrs. Opal Giles if Atlanta, and Mrs. Vanna Gra ham of New Jersey The Rev. Homer Wilson offici ated. and burial was in the! i-hurch cemetery. Ivie Funeral Home was io> charge of arrangements. MRS. Jl'DY MELTON ROBBINSVILLE - Mrs Judyi ?Jester Melton. 92. of Robbinsville lied at 8:50 p.m. Wednesday. May II at a Waynesville nursing home. She was a member of Mountain >eek Baptist Church Surviving are a son. Neal Mel on: and a sister. Mrs. Hettie ihope. both of Robbinsville Services were held Saturday at ! p.m. in Old Mother Church. The Rev. Clarence Adams andi he Rev Burger Shope officiated.! md burial was in the church1 :emeterv. Townson Funeral Home was in 1 ?harge of arrangements. NOTICE ( The annual Decoration day will 1 1 >e observed Sunday. May 29th at Yacbtree. Everybody is invited | o attend RABIES CLINIC Cherokee County SATURDAY. MAY 21 9:30 A.M.? Texana School 10:00 A.M.? Owl Creek Church 10:30 A.M.? Frank Kepart Store 11:00 A.M.? Fred Carroll Store 11:3# A.M.? Ogreeta Church 12:00 Noon? I'nka Post Office 1:00 P.M.? I'nka Post Office 1:30 P.M.? Beaver Dam Church 2:00 P.M.? Kent's Store 2:30 P.M.? Boiling Springs Church 3:00 P.M. ? Clyde Dockery Store H. CLOYD : PHILPOT i ;i for :< J I Lieutenant-Governor i Democratic Primary | May 28 ( ? ? Eight year* in ( State Legislature ' j, ? Four year* Mayor of Lexington !: ? Rotarian . . . Baptist Church deacon . . . Member Lf*>?"tnn ?choo| board 10 years... Chairman Board i of Trustee* N. C. Baptist Children's Home ? Furniture manufacturer . . . bank director . . . ? Supports UFE school program PHlpot Campaign Committee Lexlaftea, N. C. Paid Political Adverttstai _ . ? ..... JERRY DALE MOSS Jerry Oak Mom. infant too of Mr. and Mrs Amos Moss of Murphy, died Tuesday. May 1* in an Atlanta Hospital Surviving in addition to the parents, are a sister. Mrs. Vir ginia Anderson of Atlanta; and four brothers. Perry, Paul. Don nie and Larry of the home. Services were held Wednesday afternoon in the new Martin's Creek Baptist Church cemetery The Rev. Lee Cha stain offici ated. Ivie Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. DONNA PHILLIPS ROBBIXSVILLE? Donna Fran ces Phillips, infant daughter of Mr and Mrs. Frank Phillips of Robbinsville. died at 2:30 am. Tuesday. May 10 at a clinic here Services were held Tuesday afternoon in Mountain Creek Bap tist Church. The Rev. Roy Garland and the Rev. Clifford George officiated, and burial was in the church cemetery. Townson Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. WELL WIGGED Eng!and"s Queen Elizabeth I,, when she found her red hair growing paler and thinner, had some 80 wigs designed in shades of auburn, orange and gold LEGAL NOTICE \OTICE OF SERVICE OF PRO CESS BY PUBLICATION | STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA :herokee county IN THE SUPERIOR COURT ARRETTA G. BARNETT. Plain iff. vs. HENRY HUBERT BAR VETT. Defendant. To Henry Hubert Bamett. de fendant in the above entitled ac ;ion: Take notice that 1 A pleading seeking relief jgainst you has been filed in he above entitled action. The nature of the relief being' aught is as follows: An absolute divorce from the lefandant on the grounds of two; rears separation. You are required to make de ense to such pleadings, not later' han July 12th. 1960. and upon four failure to do so. the plaintiff! lerein. seeking service against fou. will apply to the Court for;; Ik relief sought. , This the 14th day of May, 1960. JAMES C. HOWSE Clerk Superior Court E? 4tc , ] NOTICE TO CREDITORS il VORTH CAROLINA :heokee county The undersigned, having quali- ' ied as Administratrix of the es ate of BENJAMIN L. FOX. de- I ?eased, late of Cherokee County, i sorth Carolina, this is to notify ] ill persons having claims against , aid estate to present them to | he undersigned on or before the , ith day of May. 1961. or this | notice will be pleaded in bar , if their recovery All persons in- ( lebted to said estate will please , nake immediate payment to the | indersigned. This the 2nd day of Mav. 1960. LINDA T FOX Administratrix of Benja-, min L. Fox, Deceased. 40? 6tc NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the pow ?r of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by Billy Clark and wife, Willa Mae Clark, iated July 12. 1958 and recorded n Book 212 at page 169. Records jf Cherokee County, North Caro lina, default having been made in! he payment of indebtedness there by secured and said deed of trust jeing by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure, the undersign- 1 ?d Trustee will offer for sale ati public auction to the highest bid-; jer for cash at the courthouse1 joor in Murphy. North Carolina,! at noon on the 25th day of May, 1960 the property conveyed in said; deed of trust which is described! as follows: A part of State Survey No. It in District No. S, on Bates Creek in Cherokee County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Mary Jo Dockery. U.S.A. and Detwey Mills, in Murphy Township, and describ ed as follows: BEGINNING on a stake in the East margin of Highway leading from Murphy to Grandview and runs with said Highway Two <2> courses: North 11-30 East 232 feet: then North 2-15 West 274 feet to a stake ton said Highway at the intersection of a 20-foot road as shown on map: then with the said 20-foot road two it) courses: South 67-45 East 462 feet to a stake in the White Branch: then up the center of said branch as it meandors: North 57 East 75 feet, more or| less, to the East boundary line of State Survey No. 18 or Govern ment line: then with the said line South 4-30 West 43S feet, more or less, to a cherry stump and Gov ernment Marker in the said line: then North 74 West 315 feet to n stake in Bates branch; then with the said branch downstream South 32-30 West 75 feet to a stake in the said branch: then leaving the branch North 71-30 West 119 feet to the Beginning, containing 4.70 acres, more or less. But this sale will be made sub ject to all outstandng and unpaid taxes and any and all other prior Uens and encumbrances This 23rd day of April. 1?80. H. L. McKeever. Trustee I m 4tc IWcawraiBuS CARD OF THANKS com or THANKS To uur many friend*, relatives and neighbors, we wish to ex press our deep appreciation for the many acts of love and for the beautiful floral offerings at the time of the death of our loved The family of Jerry W. Moore 42-ltc CARD OF THANKS To all our friends who was so good lo help us, also for the food and beautiful floral offering* during the recent death of Bob Kirkiand. Joe Hawkins and Family and the late Joe Crowe and Family 42-ltc LfclaAL NOTICt NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained in a certain deed of trust, exe cuted by Lee Roy McClure and his wife, Winona McClure, dated the 3th day of October 1959 and recorded in Book 242 at Page 20, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the in- j debtedness thereby secured and; said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclos ure. the undersigned will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door in Murphy. North i Carolina, at 10: CO a.m. on the 4 lay of June, 1960, the property! conveyed in said deed of trust, i the same lying and being in the j County of Cherokee and State of : North Carolina, and more parti cularly described as follows: This tract or parcel of land* lying and being in Beaverdam i Township. Cherokee County. Una ka. North Carolina, and being a parcel of land conveyed to D. B. Roberts 1 Deceased', and Josie . Roberts, said deed being recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chero'-ee County, North Carolina in Book No. 81. page 367. and being more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at an iron pin on Jie Northern side of the Joe Brown Road and runs thence Vorth a distance of 210 feet, more or less, to a marked dogwood ' tree. and being bounded on the West by G. J. Crow: thence East j a distance of 210 feet, more or less, to a marked Poplar and be- ; in? bounded on the North by Josie Roberts: thence South a distance jf 230 feet, more or less, to a narked Spruce and being bound- , ?d on the East by Josie Roberts: ihence West a distance of 210 feet, more or less, to the point of BE- . SINNING, and running parallel K'ith the Joe Brown Road: this lot ; seine almost square and contain ing one acre, more or less. This the 3 day of May, 1960. Joseph M. Kelly TRUSTEE 41 ?tc T When Elizabeth Barrett j Browning finished her "Sonnets From the Portuguse." she placed j them in the hands of her husband. Robert Browning, one morning ' after breakfast and told him to; tear them up if he did not like them. Then she ran up stairs.! fearing he might not like them. Real Estate Wanted Farms, Mountain Land, Cabin Sites, Residential and Business Property, City Lots. Dick Richards, Realtor Parker Rldg. Murphy, N. C. VE 7-2612 DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED AM: Naaa Tarawa r< Me far etck taaertt. HJi. Marc thaa ? war*, twa SERVICES FOR ELECTRIC REPAIRS on stoves, irons, tans, etc . aee McCombs and Morgan next door to the employment of fice. Also house wiring by licensed electrician. Day phone VE 7-2587, night phone VE 7-2055 or VE 7-3147. 20? tfc GENERAL REPAIR: Extra rooms added to your home and decorated inside and out. Floor Tile laid, plumb ing and electrical repairs. Twenty-four hour services. Telephone day VE 7-2587, ni*ht phone VE 7-2055 or VE 7-3147. All work guar anteed. McCombs and Mor gan. Next door to employ ment office. 20? tfc WELL DRILLING: Have your wells drilled; modern ma chinery. Six and eight-inch domestic and commercial wells. Macon Pump and Well Co. Write F. B. Bog- 1 ers, Franklin, N. C. or Callj LA 4-3132 33 ? tfc I Wanted: Judge Malcolm B. Seawell For Governor 38 2tp SINGER Sh.WI.Mi MAUHUNe# representative. Tom Justinn. will be here every Tuesday, all day. for sales and ser vice, and can be contacted by calling the New Regal Hotel. Telephone VE.7-2341 29-tfc JAMES TV and Radio Service All work guaranteed. Call VE 7-3238 day or night. This week . special All purpose Antenna $19.95. 34 ? tfc HELP WANTED Need a bricklayer? We build chimneys, steps, store fronts, veneer houses, patios, etc. Contact Raymond Smith at Shields Tourist Home, An drews. Tel. 40. 40-3tp WANTED YOUNG LADY to train to operate Headline r Photo graphic machine ? High School Education? No experience nec essary ? We will train the right person? No telephone calls ? See Jerue Babb The Cherokee Scout. 42 rf RURAL WOMEN - What county do you live in? Excellent earning opportunity for rural women to sell AVON to their farm neighbors. Choose your own selling time so that it doesn't interfere with farm duties. No obligation to in quire. Write P. 0. Box 1336? Phone OX 2-3739. Henderson ville, N. C. 42 ltc. WANTED AT ONCE Man or Wo man to supply families with Rawleigh Products on Cher okee County. Consumers write us for Product Can earn $50 weekly part time ?$100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh's Dept. NCE-200-1, Richmond. Va. 40 ltp 42 1-tp FOR SALE Split-Level Brick Home On four beautifully land uaprd acres ? Four bed rooms. two baths, large tir ing and dialog mom com bined, Urge kitchen with dis posal and dishwasher. Large carport. Game room, lann dry, and servant's H bath downstairs. Call VE 7-2889. FOR RENT For Rent 5 Room downstairs apartment, new finished floors, screened back porch, and large garden. Call VE 7 2990 Mrs. Ralph Dewwese.l J tp.j Apartment House ? Each apart ment has five rooms, priv ate baths and private en trance. Also five room house on Valley River Ave. Call VE 7-2597 41 2tp House ? Six Rooms ? At Boiling ' Springs ? Running Water ? Electricity ? Garden! and Truck Patches ? See! J. W. O'Dell at Boiling Springs Church. 41 3tp FOR SALE For Sale ? Murphy Grave Lou & Vaults, Cash or Time. A. R. Bell. Carthage, N. C. 41 Itc. Ft,r Sale ? Ornamental Posts ? 8 ft. double from $10.15 up? ft. double from $10.95 up ? Kaye's Auto Parts. VE 7-2172. 41 ltc. For Sale ? 1960 Chevrolet Pick up truck ? Equipped with Radio and Heater ? Like New Inside and Out Plus Us Priced To Sell. Commun- ; ity Motors. 42 ltc.! For Sale ? Gym Set-Two swings plus a see-saw. and two chin bars. Only $19.95 at Cherok ee furniture Co. In Mur-' phv. 42 ltc. I For Sale ? Three piece -Glider Set ? Three seat glider, i two chairs, portable Bar-B-Q grill ? ?Lawn Table ? ! Large Ice Tea Pitcher with : 6 glasses. This group ? A: REAL SCOUT SPECIAL -i This week-end only for the low, low price of S49.95. Cherokee Furniture Co. 411tc i For Sale ?1959 Buick LeSabre ? 4 Door Sedan ? Solid White Finish ? White Wall Tires ? This One Must Be sold this wteek-end. Cherokee Motors 42 ltc. For Sale ? 1955 Chevrolet 4 Door Station Wagon ? T u t o n e Paint ? V-8 Engine Auto matic Transmission ? Re conditioned Motor ? Clean As A Pin ? Cherokee Motors 41 ltc. For Sale ? Lawn Furniture ? "Chaise Lounge" ? Innter spring cushion ? Vinyl Cov ered ? Adjustable to Three Positions ? On wheels ? *29.95 at Cherokee Furniture Co. 42 1 tc FOR SALE FOR SALE: Farm ? lW term good bottom land, plenty good water, outbuildings: _J? ?d ? roan bouse. Contact PVed Me Donald, Route I, Murphy New 4 room house with bath, m <5 acres of land, school bus mall route. U miles W. a Hwy. R See Evelyn Gladsaa Rt i. Culberson. N. C. 4fr3pi FOR SALE ? (5 acres, ft roon house, barn, near Suit. Lane good for farming, timber Contact G. D. Howard Rt 1 Bryson City. N. C. 3 tp FOR SALE ? A large house ii good condition. See Lawsoi Trantham. .Andrews. N. C. Route 1. 41 3 tp We Have used television seti for $34. S3 in perfect condition Also new radios. $16.93. Call u for all your TV or electric* service. Phone VE 7-2084, Mur phy, N. C. 41-tfc FOR SALE: 6-room house, V mile from Hiwassee Dart School. New house, will bath, gravity water and cat port. See or write Homa Floyd, Hiwasse Dam. < Neai Walter Dockery's Grocery). 42-3t| PIANO FOR SALE *75. Cal VE 7-3445 41-lti BULLDOZER WORK: Large m* chine for hire or contract Phone VE 7-2323, Dockery I Roberts. Murphy, N. C. 42-34 For Sale ? Two 1956 Chevrole Pick-up Trucks. Extra cleai with heaters. See at Cora munity Motors. 41 It For Sale ? 1959 Ford Galaxi Fairlane 5C0 ? Tutone Tui quoise and White. Whil Wall Tires. Radio and Hea or Standard Transmissioi This One Is A Dilly. Brii In Your Old Car. We Are I A Tarding Mood. Cheroln Motors. 42 1 E. C. MOORE Jewelers ? ? SEE THE NEW BULOVAS ? Expert Watch Repaii By A Graduate Watch Maker 3 FOR SALE 5 Room House with garden spot, newly shingled, located 2'/i miles from city limits in Martin's Creole com munity. Priced For Quick Sale See Frank J. Siles at Martin's Creek Special -Friday Night ONE FULL PIZZA PIE ? aa Or All The f 'M UU fish 0NLY JL YOU WANT FAMILY RESTAURANT Andrews Rd. Murphy, N. C. CALL AN EXPERT SAVE TIME^ SAVE MONEY QUALITY JOB PRINTING ? Letter head i 0 Envelopes ? Statements The Cherokee Scout BLUE RIDGE TRUCKING COMPANY Only Motor Carrier In Marpfcv With Terminal Facilities fhame VI 7-2922 Specify BLUE BIDCE Am B* Sara . . . u 1 Kermil's TV "It It's tltetronie W. Fix It" VE 7-3101 Permanints $6 up For Appolatmanl Call VE 7-2330 CANDLER'S BMuty Shop L_? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Watch Cr J?w?lry REPAIR Kitpukt Diamonds Davis Jewelers "For Dependable Swriee" ? CALL ? MEADOWS RADIO I TV SERVICE VE 7-2327 Painting Contractor Floor Sanding and Finishing J. W. DOCKERY VE 7-2464 U HOUR Wrecker Service Ed Towrion Ant* Co. Day VE 7-Wt, Nlffct VE 7-OI# ROGERS Electric Service EUctrical Controctinf | and Repairs Day VE 7-2425. Night VE 7-2*? RADIO-TV REPAIR ANTENNA INSTALLATION! LLOYD'S RADldl & TV SERVICE! VE 7-I1H EUctrical Contracting | iUctfical Repairs liilJaatbl WMm ? ?? ?Wwew^P PbOM VE 7-ZSM Murphy Electrical Shop ,