The News In And About > Andrews The to Bermuda artl roaa colored theUs wash ashore, and mix with the NYLON OR TY REX your but boy for IMa $12?5 IJ lb h 1 Plu> Tax and IkihiM Tin ? VIscm* Tir* Coni 6.70*1 S Tub* Typ. 100% guaranteed egointl all tl rood haiards, luch as CtftS, bruises W ?fid blowoufs. This it not ? third F lino tiro, but a second lint nylon cord tiro. Andrews Tire Shop " B Andrews, N. C. a ^Round About Andrews ? Mrs. Hugh Pbilkpi and child en of Gastooia visited Mr. and in W. H. Stover this week cod. Mr. and Mrs Melvin Covey and iuldren. Dean and Nancy of iahetta, Ga., and Mn. A. K .emming of Rome, Ga spent a si week with Mr. and Mrs. W t. Martin. Miss Toni Martin is visiting ler Uncle and Aunt. Mr. and Irs. Gerald Raxter in Fontana, E c. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Jordan and hildren are vacationing in Jack ionvilie, Fla. Mrs. W. D. Neal of Aquone. raoved to Andrews Friday. She ?ill live in her new trailer parked it the home of her sisters, Mrs. )ock Carpenter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Roy ones July 8 in Plattsmouth. Ne braska. a son, weight 7 lb., 4 oz. "he mother is the former Miss letty Wilson. T-Sgt. Paul Day left Monday fter a visit with his parents Mr. nd Mrs. Fred Day and other elatives Paul has recently completed a dree weeks mission in Hawaii. He as stationed at the Hickam Air 'orce Base. T-Sgt. and Mrs. William Hayes nd children, Mike. David and ilarilyn of Langley Air Force lase, Hampton. Va. are spending week with relatives. They visit ed Mr. Hayes, parents. Mr. and Mrs. a J. Hayes of Wrens. Ga. this past week. Miss Mary Hope Day and Ronnie Stover, niece and nephew of Mrs. Hayes will ac rompaoy them home far a visit if several weeks. Mr. Steve Battle oi Salina. Okla wma and his too and da ughler - n-law. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bat Je of Denver, Colorado left Mon lay after a visit with Mrs. Bruce Sattle. Miss Laura Battle, Mrs. Jay Seay and other relatives. Mrs. John Atwell and son John ?y are visiting Mrs. Atwell's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buchan m and other relatives. Miss Melba Wyke will return o her work in Miami. Florida, luly 17 after a two weeks vaca ion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Wyke and other -elatives. Melba is a member of he staff at the Wesley Founda ion at the University of Miami. Miami. Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Williams ind sons, of Atlanta. Ga. are risiting Mr. and Mrs. Jake Wil iams and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams and family. Mrs. Frances Barger of Ashe ille returned to her home Sat irday after a visit with her tunt, Mrs. Laura Mashburn. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Russell and ihildren, Debra, Steve and Regi la and Mrs. Russell's sister. Faye "ochran have returned from a i NOW! Korlan ... a more effective longer-lasting fly spray KORLAN*, America's newest, neatest fly killer! If your present fly spray is losing its power and you have to spray every week ?then switch to Korlan! Korlan kills flies that have grown resistant to other sprays? and it lasts up to six weeks. Korlan is approved for use in dairy barns, poultry house* . . . and other farm buildings, it's easy to mix with water . . . and it won't stain whitewashed or painted walls. Get Korlan today. *Tradtmark of TV Dow Ckrmtcai Company WAYNE'S FEED STORE MURPHY, N. C. weeks visit In Jacksonville. St Augustine and Fernandina Beach, Fla. Mrs Hattie Hardin of Gastonia spent this past week with her daughter. Mrs. Homer Wilson and family, lira. Hardin'* too, A-1C Glenn Morris Hardin and his wife and son will arrive in September from Alvino. Italy. They plan a visit of several wieks, with rela tives and friends in Andrews. Mr. George Handura and daugh ters, Lynne and Elaine, of Clear water, Fla are spending several days at their summer home here. Week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rose were. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Rose and son. Randy, of Long View, Washington. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nelms, Brenda. Beverley. Betty and Randal of Robbinsville and Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Posted, and daughter, Vickie of Topton. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCartney, Frenda and Chucky of Home stead, Florida are spending a months vacation in Andrews. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Piercy and children, Jerry, Michael, Tommy and Anita of Newton. Massachu 1 setts are visiting relatives in An drews and Nantahala. Mrs. Roy Williams and grand daughter, Debbie Crawford, left Saturday for Niagara Falls, N.Y. to visit her daughter and son-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Kay Stover and family. Before returning they plan, to visit in Buffalo and sev eral places of interest in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Cooper, of Orlando. Fla. Mr. Kyle Cooper of Birmingham. Ala., Mr. ana Mrs. Howard Watkins and daugh ters, of California, Md., Mrs. Macie Wilt of Bolair W. Va? Mrs. Burdell Pace and Mrs. Lucy Ault of Struthers. Ohio spent several days in Andrews this past week due to the death of their father, Mr. R. A. Cooper. Mrs. Vernon Reynolds and children and Miss Bertha Ellis of Gastonia are spending several j weeks with their father. Mr. Wal ter Ellis. Mrs. Reynolds is the former Miss Ruth Ellis of An drews. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Morgan of ayesville and Mr. and Mrs. Mar Stop! Look! Listen! By Popvlar Demand MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE will open a Second Extension School in the Murphy? Mc Cays ville Area Wky go olsowboro, whoa yo? caa got yoar Basiaass Collaga Traiaiag ia yoar aroa! BECAUSE OF POPULAR DEMAND. MASSEY BUSINESS COLLEGE, the South's largest business college, has decided again to bring to residents of the Murphy-McCaysville vicinity Its famous Extension School. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, high school graduates, housewives and business girls are Invited to attend this special class. No age limit or high school diploma required. SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS by training in your own area for a better pay. ing position. MASSEY BRINGS TO YOU Its staff, equipment and reputation. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES WILL BE HELD. The Secretarial Course, featur Ing the world famous ABC Speedwritlng Shorthand will be taught or you may choose the General Office Course which includes bookkeeping. You can complete any of the above courses in just 5 short months. Choke of Coarsos: Day aad Night Classas FOR YOUR FREE INFORMATION. CALL MISS PHYLLIS PATRICK. Representative at the Masonic Bldg-i McCaysville, Ga., Phone 243, or mall coupon. CLIP AND MAIL COUPON NOW Professional Office typi?? tOOKKEE'LM I US I V ESS EN6LISM LETTER W? I T I ? 6 U S 1 1 ESS MATM emat i cs r i l i e? CALCULATOR 0 I CTAMOR C. TIIIICIIIIII Professional Secretarial ?ri(0W?ITia? - SHORTHAND TRARSCRIIIU ?OORRHPIRS ?UtIHtSS CRSLISH LITTtt VR IT I It riLias CALCULATOR 0 I CTAPNOR t TTNHS Mitt PHYLLIS PATRICK, I* ? ? 1 1 NAttEY IUI I H Ett COLLEtE OF tEORtlA MAIOIIC ILOV HcCAYIV I LLE, tA. ( J tECftETAIIAL COUttE ( ) DAME ITMCT CITT w ?r " i i ? _ 1 MASSEY COLLEGE (Of Georgia) McCAYSVIllE, GA. PHONE 243 lor Bradshaw o I Shooting Creek visited their sister Mrs L i. Cathy oo Saturday, They also visited their father, V. A. Mor gan who is a patient in District Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Palmer and children have been visiting Mrs Palmer s sister. Mrs Felix Brady in Niagara Pall. N. Y. Mrs. Annie Ensley and son Billy have returned from Gas tooia where they visited Mrs. Ensley s twin sister Fannie and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raxter and daughter, Jackie, have returned from a vacation in Mississippi and Atlantic City, New Jersey. Walter Jr. Broun of the Mer chant Marines is spending a month with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brown. Mr. and Mrs. William Neel, and grandchildren. Cindy and Ricky, visited their daughter and son in-law Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Curry in Raleigh for several days this past week. Dr. Curry is at tending the University of N. C. Mrs. Mary Coffey, mother of Cindy and Ricky, will arrive Thursday and the children will return with her to their home in St. Petersburg, Fla. Miss Mary Jane Wyke. Billy and Meiba Wyke spent Wednesday in Asheville Mrs. Gerald Mathis, and daughter Teresa, Mrs. Grady Pul lium and son, Robert are spend ing a week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knapp and son Douglas, in Riverton New Jersey. Ronnie Crisp visited Roy Con ley at W. C. T. C. Thursday and Friday. Miss Carolyn White is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dageling of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Franklin have as their guests. Mr Giles Franklin and Jack of Canton. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Thomas son Jr. and family, of Waverly, Term. and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hawkins and family of Knoxville. renn. Mrs. Inez Erickson of Balti more. Md. is visiting her mother, Mrs. J. R. Ddton and sister, Mrs. Clarence White. Another sis ler, Mrs. Edna Guthrie, and sons.' Rush and Rank, of OiirUowi. Tenn. will arrive Sunday and will ?cconpuT lira. Erictaoo la Maryland. Mrs. William Franklin, who 1* attending Barber School in Win ston-Salem, spent the week ead with hii parents. Mr. and lira Ernest Franklin. Mr*. R L Cabe has as her house guests this week, Mrs. Edna Cur ley and Mrs. Silas Nichols of Waynesville. Mrs. Nichols is the sister of the lateR. L.Cabe. sister of the late R. L. Cabe. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams of Fort Ritchie. Florida spent the week end with Miss Mary Jane Wyke and Mrs. Kate Shope. A County Craft Leaders Work shop was held Friday at 1:30 p.m. at the Power Board Build ing in Murphy. The demonstration was given by Mrs. A. B. Chandler Sr. on the basic principals of flower ar rangements Each leader made an arrangement, which was judged by the group. Those attending from Andrews were Mrs. Luther Nicholson, Mrs. John Whisenhunt. Mrs. B. M. Gibbs. Mrs. A. B. Chandler Sr. and Mrs. Peter Hlobil. Mr. an Mrs. Lathan Wright, an children, Sharon. Barry and Tim of Dallas. N. C. spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hooper and Kevin. The Wright's are former neighbors of the Hoopers. A-2c Lamar Ledford left Fri day night for Patrick Air Force Base in Florida after spending a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ledford. He plans to return in October on leave before going on overseas duty in Novem ber. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hooper and j Kevin spent Thursday in Frank lin as guests of the Elmo Rogers's I family. Tommy Cooper of Bryson City spent several days this past week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gregory Jr., Diane and Tommy III of Glasgow, Va. recently spent a week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gregory. Other brothers and sisters who visited them were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gregory and| TERRY THOMPSON, MISS JULY 4TH Celebrates Big Fourth Of July ANDREWS-Mrs. E. U. Burch, general chairman, and other 4th July committeemen are to be commended on their outstanding work for July 4th celebration. Andrews celebrated the Fourth with a Kiddie parade, main pa rade. street dancing and sporting events. In the Kiddie parade there were 46 entrants. First prize went to Terry Truett, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawin Truett, and Johnny Lynn Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Wood. The two boys were dressed as fishermen. Second prize went to the sons o( Mr. and Mrs. Dump White who dressed as clowns. Their names. Barer Dene, Irin Gene, and Phillip. Third prize went to Suzanne Fere bee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Ferebee. She was dresaed as a bunny rabbit. Highlights of the parade were floats from Civic organizations of Andrews. Color Guard from the American Legion led the parade. Floats were sponsored by the Ro tary Club. Cub Scouts. July 4tb Queen, and her court by Koone heeta Club, Citizens Bank and Trust Co.. 11m Jack Mintz family. Little League teams, Herman's Trailer Sales, Methodist Youth Fellowship. Valley River Garden Club tnd Jack Herbert and son Youth Fellowship, second. Rotary Club, third. The parade was climaxed with the crowning of Miss Terry Thompson as Miss 4th July, by Mayor Percy B. Ferebee. The queen's court consisted of Judy West, Anita Luther, Carolyn Wyke and Dottie Jordan. The evening was highlighted by a street dance. Country Moun tain Boys of Robbinsville provid ed the music for the event. Judges decisions were as follows: Best girl dancer, Catherine Sur savage. Best boy dancer, Kent Laugher. Best couple, Sarah Rowland and Butch Love. Sec ond. Mattie Angel and Harold Walsh. Third, Debbie Crawford and Lynn Mashbum. Baptist Circles Hold Meetings ANDREWS ? The four circles the W.M S, of the First Baptist met at the Carnegie LJ Thursday ?:? dish supper, each circle family. Mr and Mrs. Howard I Gregory, Keith and two (rait, I grand children Mr. and Mrs I Ray Gregory, Nancy and Randy of Bryson Quy, Mrs Kenneth Morgan and children and John I Gregory and hit daughter Sandra, i who ia spending the summer with her father and grand parents. Mrs. Robert L. Wilson and chil- ] dren. Barbara. Linda and Robbie , of Murphy are visiting Mrs. Carrie Wilson. 1 Mrs. Judd Whiiaker of Gastonia, N C. and her saon and daughter- 1 in-law Mr. and Mrs. Willard Whi- ' taker el Powatan. Va., mttad Erieoda and relatives to Aadrm this week. Tha Church Council meeting of Km St Andre in Lutheran Chi*ch met at tha home at Lyna Wood Monday evening July II. Mn Herman Brauer and Mrs. Prank Swan attaaded the feym City Chapter Eastern Star meet ing. Monday night. Tha Worthy Grand Matron and Worthy Grand Patron of the State were praaent also the District Grand Matron ud Grand Marshall. P?f < ? TK? ClwwkM Scout, Thursday, July 14, 1X0 The Dishonor Roll b j Jerry Harem Speed caused more than 900,000 highway cas ualties in 1 959 . . . Brought To You At A Public Servic* By W. A. SINGLETON "Your Independent Insurance Agent" To Remind You That- The Life You Save May Be Your Own Report Of Condition Of Citizens Bank & Trust Company of Andrews. HayeivlUe. Mnrphv and Robblnsvtlle, in the State of North Carolina at the dote of biilmi on June IS, 19W ASSETS 1. Cash, balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection $1,517,231.28 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 3,313,794.10 3. Obligations of States and political subdivisions . . 806,371.46 4. Other bonds, notes, and debentures 153,104.16 5. Corporate stocks 'including None stock of Federal Reserve Banki 100.00 6. Loans and discounts i including None overdrafts) 3.236,923.86 7. Bank premises owned $117,969.30, furniture and fixtures $24,896.43 142,865.73 iBank premises owned are subject to None liens not assumed by bank) 8. Real estate owned other than bank premises . 9,626.31 9. Investments and other assets indirectly repre senting bank premises or other real estate . ? None 10. Customers' liability to this bank on acceptances outstanding None 11. Other assets 134,734.68 12. TOTAL ASSETS $9,314,751.58 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations $4, 817,798.00 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 3,383,153.70 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings I 174,578.77 Deposits of States and political subdivisions .... 418.506.3S Deposits of banks None Other deposits (certified and officers' checks, etc.) S4 ,328.03 TOTAL DEPOSITS $8,646,382.89 Bills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for borrowed money None Mortgages or other liens. None on bank premises and None on other real estate None Acceptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding None Other liabilities 175.429.96 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES *8,821,792.85 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital* * 200.000.00 26. Surplus 200.000.00 27. Undivided profits 92,958.73 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital) Nona 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 492,958.73 30. TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 89,314, 751.58 ?This bank'* capital consists of: First preferred stock with total par value of None, total retirable value None. Second preferred stock with total par value of None, total retirable value None. Capital notes and debentures of None. Common stock with total par value of 000.000.00. Total deposits to the credit of the State of North Carolina or any official thereof ?60, 470.48. MEMORANDA Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and other purposes $1,031,109.21 (a) Loans as shown above are after deductions of reserves of 223.400.24