SENATOR 1 SAM ERVIN * SAYS * WASHINGTON - The drama of a nominating convention dis NYLON OK TYRE)?!' your bast boy ftr Pfcn Tn and Rtctppable Tin ? Viscose Tlp? C*rT . 6.70*15 Tub* Type 100% guaranteed against all rood hosords, such at cuts, bruises ?nd blowouts. This is not e third lino tiro, but ? second Km nylon cord tiro. Andrews Tire Shop Andrews, N. C. tract* attention from other signi ficant events. Whiie in Los Ange les. it w difficult to maintain proper perspective on the inter national life-and-death struggle. RESPONSIBILITY ? la this sountry there it the deterioration >f old and tired values such as ndividual responsibility, self-re tiance and respect for law and order and individual freedom. So many ot our values are being sacrificed on the alter of expen diency; the emphasis is on the group and its goals rather than ? the responsibility of the able wdied individual to advance him self. As a consequence of these wessures, there is the fear that he federal government will be come the master of the people and he mediocrity' that results will urther erode our valued instrtut ons to the point of destruction. A HOPE ? My prayer for our wintry is that political leaders vill resist the temptation to com iromise with the expedient and nstead take a stand for funda mental approaches and everlast ng values to strengthen our unity it home and the responsibility >f the individual in order that re may face the storm that is gathering against us. If our citi :ens can be told the truth about what we face. I have confidence hat their decision will, be right ind that we will survive as the tope of democracy and freedom n the world. Those charged with responsibil ty should set the example. THE AREA OF Maryland la 10.577 square miles, of which 690i square miles are inland water! ;urface. County Taxes Must Be PAID Before August 9, 1960 To Save Advertising Cost and Penalty William P. Walker Accountant Cherokee County -%4hat extra? "Coffee" What a great big difference that extra fliok of flavor makes in a oup of JFG Special Coffee! Brightens up your breakfast, coffee breaks, social times. JFG starts with a spec ial blend of select coffee beans. And since it's roasted practically next door. It oomes to you fresh as fresh oan be... vigorous, alive, satisfying ooffee. So try a oup and you'll agree, there's extra flavor In JFG. * C.C.NOWWi "MOTHER SAYS YOU ARE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT Or THE WOMEN'S SOCIErY, BUT SHE DOESH'T THINK YOU'LL GET ELECTED " PUBLIC RECORDS J. B. Shields to Willi* Lou Shields, property in County. A. E. and E. A. Sudderth to Cyrus and Ethel Witt, property in County, deed made in 191*. East Brainerd Lumber Com pany, et al, to Hiwassee Resort Villiage. Inc., property in Shoal Creek Township. Charles and Reba Piercy to George and Dovie E. Payne, prop erty in Murphy Townshiu. Paul and Emogene Lovingood to B. P. Lovingood, property in Murphy Township. Ruth Martin McKown to Alma Chapman, property in Shoal Creek Township. Lillie C. Hampton to Robert and Bertha Hampton, property in Murphy Township. Sylvester and Betty Gunter to Lewis A. and Edna Roberts, prop erty in County. Zeb B. and Ellen O'DeU to Loren Davis and Roscoe O'DeU, property in Murphy Township. Ada Bell Hoblitzell to George Thomas and William Kenneth Hoblitzell, property in Town of Andrews. John H. and Kate Ladd Cooper to Frank Cooper, property in Town of Andrews. John King, to Vernon A. King, property in Valleytown Township. Robert A. and Sadie Reid to Ralph and Frances Hamby. prop erty in Shoa' Creek Township. Clyde E. Starks Cr., and Mil ASC News By L. L. KISSELBURG 1960 WHEAT UPPED ONE CENT Price suppdrt for 1960 crop wheat in North Carolina has been increased to $1.97 per bushel for No. 1 wheat. The rate announced for this state of $1.97 per bushel compares with a national average support rate of $1.78 per bushel. Support in this state last year was set at $2.00 per bushel. The total supply of wheat avail able for the 1960-61 marketing year is now estimated to be 192 per cent of normal. The variable range of support permitted under the law is from 75 to 90 per cent of parity. The level to be used is determined on the basis of the indicated supply and demand. Cherokee County has a small amount of wheat allotment. There is no farm in the county that has as much as a 10 acre allotment. The law provides that any -farm is allowed to grow as much as 15 acres of wheat and be eligible for price support even though the farmer does not have wheat al lotment. This is different from burley tobacco. Burley tobacco is not allowed any acreage in ex cess of the allotment even down to 1 hundredth of an acre. I (eel that many farmers could profit by growing wheat on their farms and seeding lespedeza each year. It is a very good way to build up the fertility also. Cherokee County farmers have pulled away from wheat due to the fact that it has become a problem to harvest it. If and when farmers can be assured that combines will be purchased by some one in the county or communities to harvest this wheat and the news gets around we will see more farmers growing wheat in our county. With the support rate of $1.12 per bushel on corn and $.197 per bushel on wheat It makes the production o( wheat look pretty good. Mr. W. E. Matthews. Chairman of the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation State Commit tee is cautioning farmers that In order to be eligible for price support they must be in compli ance with their acreage allot ment. This means that no fanner in Cherokee County could grow more than IS acres. Boiling Springs News Mr. audi Mrs. Wendell Sneed and son returned home Sunday after visiting relative* here. Mrs. Lela O'DeH returned to Andrews Hospital (or treatment last Mooday. Mr. and Mrs. William James and family and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McRae and family of Owl Creek and Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Sneed of Ebeneeier were visitor* at the Boiling Springs Church Sunday. A revival meeting will begin at i the Boiling Springs Church the Isth Sunday in July. IL - : ; . . . . . I dred Ruth Star Its, to Jack and | Frances Ramsey, property in I Shoal Creek Township. Marble News Mrs. Archie Gibby left last Sun day for a visit with her sons in Cleveland, Tenn. Rev. and Mrs. l^unn Owenby of Blairsville, Ga., visited Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Rich last Friday. Mrs. S. Donaldson is on the sick list this week. Rev. and Mrs. Avril Swanson and Mrs. Vinson Hall visited in Franklin last week. Mrs. Olson Hall and grand 'daughter, Kay, have returned I home from a visit in Tampa, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Gibby and family of Cleveland, Tenn., are spending their vacation here. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Garrett and family of Nashville, Tenn . are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Garrett. I Mr. Archie Gibby and Fred | Barton went to Bryson City one day last week. Mr. Richard Powers of Hayes ville has completed a two week singing school at Marble. Mr. Mamie Rich visited Mrs. Ann Palmer last week. Harley McHan is on the sick list this week but is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Yotherow and family of Murphy and Miss Joyce Garren of Gastooia visit ed the Riches in Marble recently. Mrs. W. P. Hall and Nolan from Franklin, Ky.. and Misses Carol and Jane Eitel from Akron Ohio were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mann and other rel atives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Queen and daughters. Marilyn and Kathy. from Atlanta spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mann and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Queen. Mr. and Mrs. Herman West and sons left by plane Wednesday for Manila. Utah, where Mr. West is engaged in business. Mrs. Kate Donaldson has been on the sick list for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Ernest Kilpatrick was call ed to Greensboro. N. C., las* week because of the serious ill ness of his sister, Mrs. Eilene Armor. Mrs. Olson Hall and Kay Park er have returned from Florida where they have been vacation ing. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Barton of Canton, N. C., have been visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and family and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Locust and daughter of Winston-Salem were the week-end guests of Mrs. Lo cust's father, Mr. Rolline Loving ood and friends at Marble. Mrs. Locust was Miss Geneva Loving ood before her marriage. The Rev. Arvil Swafford and the Rev. John Willis of Franklin, N. C? will be the speakers for a revival which will begin July 31. at Marble Springs Baptist Church The public is cordially invited to attend the services. The Saturday night prayer ser vice was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Moss. One person was reported converted Notla News Hie Dooly Home Demonstra tion Club met at the Baptist Mis sion Wednesday. July 10, at S:W p.m., with eight members pres ent. The meeting was called to or der and the devotional was r**d by the president, Mrs. Norma Potut. After the business meet ing, Mrs. Cok gave instructions on "chair bottoming." The next meeting will be held with Mrs. Ttmrstm Potut. Mrs. Coi wtU Mrve as co-hoetass Can Produce Chicken Kiev At Home Some famous American res taurants serve Chidten Kiev, but any earnest cook willing to follow these directions PMn produce this i delicacy at borne. Ingredients 4 whole chicken breasts from large broiler-lr> er*). salt, pepper, V? pound bard chilled butter, *4 cup flour. V? cup of milk, 1 cup Tuie fresh < bread crumbs, corn oil for fry- ( Method Prepare breast*. Place I each piece o ( breast between two | sheets of waxed paper; pound I with flat side of cleaver or wooden ; mallet until meat breads out into a thin slice: remove waxed paper, i Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Cut I butter into ? equal croaswise piece*. Place a piece of buttei yt( center toward narrow (kick end of each piece of chicken; fold thick end over butter; roll over piece tightly and press down edge: turn under side edges, press down and fasten with toothpick^ Dust rolls wRh flour, Toll m m 1 1ST"* hen in crumbs. Refrigerate 1 hour or more. Heat com oil in a flatbottomed heavy saucepan a quart of oil in right for ? {-quart pan) to ITS decrees Add rolls sbvl); turn with spoon to cook and brown all over ? 3 to $ minutes lower temperature if rolls get too brown i. If rolls are fried in two batches, keep first batch warm in slow <250 degrees i oven. Drain on absorbent paper. Makes 4 to ? servings. LOOK FOR THE NEW LOOK! LOOK FOR THE NEW BLUE BAND WRAPPER ? NEW BLUE WRAPPER ? SLICED MADE WITH BUTTERMILK 24-OZ LOAF YOU CAN PUT YOUR TRUST IN A&PS "SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY MEATS! National Hat Dog Month Valua! "Sapar-Rigltt" Delicious ALL MEAT FRANKS * 45c Morrell't Pride Specially Priced ? Canned COOKED HAMS 5 ?- s3.59 ['SUPER-RIGHT" LEAN FRESHLY GROUND BEEF 39 bTL-MONTETEACHES ? 29c mnmsc 2 ? 45c Armour Brand CORNED BEEF, HASH ^ 35c Special Low Price! NABISCO PREMIUMS ^ 27c CAROLINA BEAUTY FRESH PICKLES KOSHER DILLS JA? CUCUMBER HGAl CHIPS JA" 49 59 ANN PAGE ITALIAN DRESSING SPECIAL! 2 BOTTLES 45* ANN PAGE CHEERI AID'zrr 6"* 19< Special $a!e! w/nStS&Gmm CHROME PLATED ? STEEL FRYING \ PANS I lO'/a INCH SIZE EACH I NOTICE! ALL VOLUMES OF THE GOLDEN BOOK ENCYCLO-x PfDIA AND WORLD PICTURE ATLAS ARE NOW* ON SALE. COMPLETE YOUR SETS AS THEY WILL: BE REMOVED PROM SALE SATURDAY NIGHT, ' JULY BOTH. | i n A&P PRODUCE VALUES Fresh Plump-Rip* Blueberries Botket 29c | We?t*n? Grown ? Sis* f? Honeydew Each Melon* 59c Califrorwio California Rod Rip* Sweet Plums * 25c r CALIFORNIA WHITE SEEDLESS Lifebuoy Soap ITllc Lifebuoy Soap 16c Lux Soap *nr iOc Wisk Liquid & 40c & 73c r r , ??KM m nozm POODS MM Umi l-U rv? 37c Mr Um l-U. PV? 17c Gm> ha l-U. Ft*. ? c Cat Cm l-U Pkf. I?c CiMh Cat fiwdi hM l-U N|. He Condensed oil M-Ol M. Piekift J/C , . . ??. J WOT PAM* MtOOUCTS SotJmh MWm Tlan 2$t m Fluffy oil PX.79C t ,