QUEEN REUNION Tto Quecs reunion wll be teid Um eecond Buncuiy ia Kagm at the Old Joka Qums Horn* place oa Slow Crack All rela Uvm and friend. an invited It F?T ACTION ROM . WANT .AW For Fast Action Use the Want Ads Dial VE 7-2222 What's That? ASHLAND CITY. Tm TSe Rev Prank SlmpfciM. M a retired Free Will Baptut m.iu* tar. hold* Um distinction at hnv tag a Methodiat church named alter mm It's the Simpkina Chapel Methodist Church near hare which the Rev. Mr. Simpkina served (or some ?80 years when u *u Mie non-denominational Mar i owtam Union Church Swede With Irish WORCHESTER. Mass. -The only group tf its kind in New Kngfand is Worcester's Hibernian, Gaelic Choir, consisting mostly of singers who have been in the United States only since 1949 and several, only a year or two, Bui ?who is the pianist who pounds out all the choir's traditional Irish music? Gunnar 0 Forsjund ?a Swede. ! ] | - m. immmmmm ?KNMa?amm mm m ?? a - ?? PICK YOUR PLEASURE POWER! NEW Cruising Johnsons NEW . Skiing . Johnsons NEW Fishing Johnsons See all the NEW Johnson Sea-Horses 3 to 75 hp. ?) d ELMER TAYLOR'S LODGE LANDING VI 7-2334 ROUTE 3. MURPHY, N. C. SO. Personal Men tion Qj Mr. and lira. L. R. Walker and daughter, Oail ipMt the rnmkmd with Mr* Water'* sister. Mr and Mr*. Tt* Duvall of Bryago City, and an Sunday they (peat tie day with Mr*. Faarl Wsodard. aj sister of Mr*. Walker at CoOaw Mrs. Brace Gordoa has returned from a visit with relntivw in Asheville. Miss Ada Harahaw and Mis* Lula Fain are (pending this weak at Junaluska. Tommy Gordon of Raleigh, vis ited nis uncle, Bruce Gordon last week. Zeb Tweed. Mr. and Mr*. B1U Wolf and children. Billy and Rosemary of Augusta. Oa. art vis iting Mr. Tweed's sister, Mr*. B L Foot, and their hal/ brother, Jim Tweed who i* a patient at Providence Hospital. Miss Mary Hensley (pent the veek-end with realtivea at Burns ? ille. Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Jones and Lughter and Mr and Mrs. J. M. Ramsey left Friday for a week s isil to Daylona Beach, Fla. Mrs. Ruth Forsyth and son. I Jobby motored to Charleston, S r.. to attend the graduation of j ler son, Billy, from summer campil 'itadel She was accompanied by't iilly's grandmothers. Mrs W T ? rorsyth and Mrs. G. E. Lail of t Andrews. While there they spent everal days sightseeing i n "harleston and on the Isle of t 'alms. s Mrs. W A. Hoover and chil Iren. Lonnie and Becky have re urned from a week's visit to dvrtle Beach. S. C. Mrs. J. B. Gray spent last Vednesday afternoon with her sis er-in-law, Mrs. J. M. May of tayesville. Mr and Mrs. Oliven Cowan of 'l.arlotte are visiting Mrs. Cow in's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. ind Mrs. Herman Edwards and amily. The Rev. and Mrs. R. T. Houts Ir. and daughter. Linda left Tues lay for a visit with friends and elatives at Denver. Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Pruden Davidson ind children, after a visit with >lr Davidson's parents. Mr. and Urs J. W. Davidson, returned -- -- Mr and Mrs. Km rd Hill tod Aahevllle *>ant tfca wit Mid ?kk Mrs Hall's pa?**. Mr and lift. John W. Davidson. Misses Carolyn and Ruth Bales spent the weskwd a guests of Miss J'Nail Pitman of Gatoesvtle. Ga Mrs. John Earwood of Andrews spent the week-end with her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Creed Bates. Miss Adiaah Brown returned home Saturday alter attending the Girl Scout Camp at Saultee. Ga. (or the paat weak Mr and Mrs. Fred Norris of Franklin were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs. Elkn Crawford Miss Carol Putnam of Gaatonia is visiting her cousin. Miaa Beck) Hoover. Mrs. W C. Mason o( Mobile. Ma. is visiting friends and rela jves here this week. Mrs. J. W. Hoover of Uncolnton s visiting her son and daughter in - law, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover Mrs. Milton Smith and children. Debbie and Rickey have returned o their home at Saluda. S. C? ifter visiting Mrs. Smith's mo her. Mrs. Bessie Derreberry. Miss Kathy Wheeler who has ' leen visiting Mrs. Ellen Wheeler ind Miss Thelma Wheeler return- ! >d Sunday to her home at Jasper. Ua. Miss Clarissa Kincaid returned |! iunday to her home in Rome.1' ia. after spending the past two ' veeks with her sister, Mrs. R. 1. Foard. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Barrlnger 1 if B?inettsville, S. C., are vlsit ng Mr and Mrs. Holland Mc- , iwain this week. Pvts. Eddie Joe Elliott and Joe Cephart after completing basic raining at Ft. Knox, Ky. have ieen transferred to Fort Sills, )kla. for advanced schooling in ilectronic and radar respectively. ( Mrs. Glenda Brandon and little ' laughter. Melinda of Cleveland. , renn. spent the week-end with ' rtrs. Brandon's parents, Mr. and Urs. P. G. Ivie. Trudy's Mid Summer CLEARANCE SALE 1 TABLE MERCHANDISE Consisting of Ladies' Skirts, Children's Rain Coats, Jama ica Shorts, Blouses and Many Other Items. Values to 8.98 198 each 2 SUB -TEEN DRESSES Sizes 6 to 16 Regular Price 5.98 Sale Price 1 TABLE LADIES' SHOES ? Sandler of Boston ? Fashion Craft ? Grace Walker Regular Price 9.98 SaSe Price Ct?? . W P?ir 1 TABLE LADIES' SHOES LADIES' GOWNS & SLIPS 198 each LADIES' 100% LACK TRIM NYLON PANTIES Sizes: 5 thru 8 98C P.ir 1 TABLE MERCHANDISE Children's Shorts, Sun Suits, Ladies' Knit Shirts, Ladies' Nylon Slips . . . And Many . More Items Too Numerous To Mention. 100 each ONE TABLE Bobbie Brooks JAMAICAS Regular Price 3.9S Sale Price 2"^ 1 RACK LADIES' DRESSES Regular Price 19.98 Sale Price 15" Regular Price 15.98 Sale Price 1298 Regular Price 9.98 Sale Price 5" 1 RACK LADIES' DRESSES Values to 7.98 Sizes: 12 to 20 Also Half Sizes: >4 to 22{ 2* each OUR DARK COTTON DRESSES ARE ARRIVING NOW . . . BE SURE AND SEE THEM ! TRUDY'S MURPHY, N. C. tin W. K. Howell left Mood*; for a visit with relative* tad friends of WhHtier Mr aad Mrs ItoaM Robert ton. Lynn tad Grefery after (pending th* summtr with Mrs Robertson's parent!, Mr. ?nd Mrs. C. D. Elliott. M returning to Flint. Mich whw? they >?ve accepted teaching position* in the dty school system. Mrs. Prances Barring* of Char lotte. Va.. and Mrs. B. K. Bar ringer of Salisbury are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Holland McSwain this week. Capt Christine H. Berry after | pending th* pest week with her mother. Mrs. W. E. Howell left Monday for her home in Phoenix ville. Pa. Miss Linda Palmer Student Nurse, at <Jfa4y Mtttfrial Has pital. Atlanta, Ga. spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hardison and children who have been vis iting Mrs Hardiaon's parents, Mr and Mrs. Forets Teagu* returned to their home last Thursday at Raleigh. Miss Patsy Kayor and Miss Margaret Hitch, student nurses at Grady Memorial Hospital. Atlanta. Ga. spent the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kay lor and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bitch Mrs. A. N. Hinton of Brevard spent the week-end with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gladys Hln- , ton and children. The Itev. and Mrs. Eugene Cur tis and children left Tuesday for Houston. Tex. to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Jud Stiles and Mrs. Jo Bates spent Sunday at Gatlinburg. Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kaylor spent :he week-end with relatives and Iriends at CopperhUl, Tenn. Mr and Mrs. Tommy Moore 1 )f Anderson, S. C., spent the week- ' ?nd with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cloe Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stiles. . Little Miss Diane Kaylor and grandmother. Mrs. J. E. Kaylor ire visiting relatives in Atlanta this week. Mr. find Mrs. H. u. Bruce spent the week-end with relatives and friends at Fletcher. Gus Hinton is visiting his sis-! I ter. Mrs. Winston Wiggins, of De I catur, Ga. this week. j Mrs. J. C. Amnions of Alma. Ga is visiting friends here this 'week. Mrs Frankle Martin of Clin ton. N.C., and mother, Mrs W. C. Martin of Lake City. Tenn. visited friends over the week-end. Bob. Bill and Vance Shields of j Jacksonville, N.C. have been via-| iting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shields. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Fain, Jr | of Atlanta spent the week-end via- ; iting his father, W. M. Fain, and. aunt. Mrs. P. C. Hyatt. Mr. and i Mrs. Charles Hyatt and family., Mr. and Mrs. 'Pat Coroneis and children. Robbin and Jody have returned to their home at Oyster Bay, N. Y., after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyatt. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shields of' Jacksonville, N. C. are visiting Mr. Shields' parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shields. Mr. Henry Hyatt and Virgil Odell spent last Friday in Ashe ville. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Kesley attended the funeral of Ray Elfer at McDonald. Tenn. Sunday. Dr. Koepp-Baker of Highlands was the week-end guest of Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Whitfield. Mrs. Paul Nave is spending sev eral days this week In Asbeville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hounsom of Atlanta. Oa. spent Sunday with Mrs. Hounaom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Bourne, Sr. enroute to gat their daughters who have been in a girls camp at Dellwood. Mr. A. r. Whitefield of Atlanta. Ga. and Florida Is visiting Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Whitfield this weak. Mrs. S*ra Kaye and daughter. Karoi, antf Mrs Guy BtttUta and children spent Sunday at Vepel State Park, near Blalrsvllle Ga. Mrs. Jerue Babb and little daughter. Laufla returned home Saturday from Hendereonville. Harry Seamon spent two days in GatneiviHe last weak on bus , Terry Hensley and Jtmmv Shar .rill have returned home from a JvWt with Mr. flMMU'i brother _SNo. Two ! Holds Meeting Circle No I of the First Math odiat Church met an Tuesday. July IS at ? p.m with Mrs. W. S. Cum Mn McCall Elliott. chairman ?iter which the masting wasi turned over to Mrt i. 1. Slaugt. Mr, who gave ike program on UUure Time." During the social hour the ho& Mat aarved rafreahments to Mrs. R C. Mattox. Mrs Dixie Palmer Mrs. F. L. Asburjr, Mrs McCa.l Elliott, Mrs W M. Pain. Mrs J. B Slaughter. Mrs. L. F. Loch ?by, Mrs. Ellen Wheeler and Mrs. A. B. Owen. BIRTHS HAMBY Mr. and Mrs. Thurman Ham by, o f Murphy Route 4, announce the Mrth at a ton. Darrcll Wayne, July tl. at Providence Hospital. Mrt. Hamby is the former Miss Moaelle Graves. PATTERSON Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Patterson, of Culberson Route 1. announce the birth o< a ton, Joey. July IS, at Murphy General Hospital. Mrs. Patterson ia the farmer Miss Helen Raper. and Mr. Hensley cousin. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Sherrill of Jackson ville, Fla. Miss Judy Ramsey of New! Richmond. Ohio is visiting her aunt. Mrs. R. H. Stewart. Dr. and Mrs. E. J Lyons and son, Eddie of Persey. Pa., are visiting Mrs. Lyons' mother. Mrs. W. H. Corn well. Mrs. Harry M. Seamon spent Saturday in Asheville on business. Buddy Ramsey of Fort Benning, Ga . it visiting relatives here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Sherdan Corn-' well and children of New Jer sey are viaiting Mr. Corn well's mother, Mra. W. H. Cornwall. Harry M. Seamon attended the! board of directors meeting of Qu ity Restaurants of North Carolina in Charlotte Monday and Tuesday tf this week. Mrs. Garnet Owenby after a two weeks visit with friends in Alabama and Florida, and with her son Staff Sgt. and Mrs. Jerry Owenby of San Antonio, Texas, has returned home. Swtetor Sop BURUNOTON. VI. - H KMotisu a I th* UttvMtr o i v?mM Willi ta ? dow * Ka tkM yMT. VMncot'i ?*rt - ma MM* TK? Ch?roke? Scout COOO HUNTING UNCI t$$9 i Dial VK 7-2222 Itlgltttt Outlly ? Lowest Prlei 'EDDING INV1TAT10NSI TW CWokn Scovt vi T-tat* MtMT. i.e. THE NEW ACOUSTICON means new hope for the severely deafened. If you hare Dtnr enjored all Um power yon wan tad fa ? hearing aid ... if yon nave been waiting for power fidelity in a compact and miniaturized new design ? com* in ana try the new Acositicon POWERMASTER today I ATTENTION HARD OF HEARING FREE CONSULTATION FOR THE HARD OF HEARING AND HEARING AID USERS Latest Models in Eyeglass and Behind -the-ear Hearing Aids as will as Conventional Models. Monday, Aug. I, from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. Cherokee Hotel ? Murphy, N. C. ACUSTICON ASHEVILLE CO. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE: GAIRIIL STAHLI, M?r. MRS. RUBY WINCHESTER HOT JACKSON BLDG 411 CHIRRT STREET ASHEVILLE, N. C. MURPHY, N. C PUN TO BUILD OR REMODEL Boforo yoo build or ronodol, gov tho facts or flit froo ?Uctrical ploiRiog services availabU from tho Mirphy EUctric Power Board. Here's e list 6 f the special services we offer: ?go. Cvery homo deserves adoquotO wiring* 'LIGHTING PLANS: He'll plan your lldhtlna . . . for ettrec fiveness, convenience, efficiency. BoOd 1 i aht I ng* s i oso'rt en t . . < for the feeauty of your ho?e . . . for the protection of your family's eyes. * H | T C H CN P LANH I H e: A trained and experienced ho** economist will help you elen your electric kitchen. . . aske your kitchen a ?arvel of work-and-t i ae-eav i ng efficiency. * EltCTft I C A L HEATING; Theooat aiodern heatina available. And we'll design a healing installation spe'c i f icel ly fer your hoM ? . . one to fit your needs. * A I ft CONDITIONING: You'll want air conditioning In your new * or reaodeled home. An eir conditioning engineer Hill plan * the job for you . . . you'll stay cool In the suooer . . . fait batter. Take advent age of these special services . . . they're yours, for the aek i jig . . . cost you nothing. We'll fee gladtohelp yoe eolve all yoer electrical problems. Jest call ye, or drop fey the office. For mora information, coll ut at VE-7-2SII. MURPHY (UCTMC MW1R lOARD

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