The News In And About Andrews Half of all Mil and turpeottatt p; oducatf lit to United ftatot oaam from Dm pine troes of Georgia AMITONE* relieve! UpMt Stomach the w if MflkRefieret Ulcers t my Aattaao takMa antinllr haMthaacid noutraHMnf pow? of a full pint of *ltk! Yei, Amitonel cxeludTt oijcine MMta m ta all of mnai aaatfc ?1AW ^ ? ? ? ? II ? * Ul# pOwwf ( ? ? WIWX /CcHlOW IvUol v In aaoofkia. that iaata lor houni MMAUNfYlDitUO CO. MURPNY. R C Andrews Schools To Open New Term On August 26 ANDREWS? Schools is th* An drews Unit will opto (or UN 1966-61 term on Friday, August M. with a full schedule ol flint for the day and with cafeteria in operation Teachers will report en Wednesday, August M, lor pre planning and organisation work, Superintendent C. O. Frasler has announced. Faculty lists far the coming school term are as follows: ANDREWS HIGH SCHOOL: Al vin J. Stiles. Jean Christy. Aline E. Bristol, Bob Cooper, Lillian W. Freel. Ruth E. Hamilton, An na W. Lunsford. Cecil W. Mash e^HOM ELITE (zT!l% CHAIN SAW ?i fy few cvif nfty w/fft big taw p* rfwwwwi ? evrt* 18* troot In (V! It Mcondt Ail ? MU troo* up to 3 foot In ditmtltr JS ? w?(tw only It poundot V ? oooy to corry. oosy to woo fc|?\ _ ? dirtct drivo cut! flit ?rot r Mm *?* tat ?* cMM NratPIII ?IMOMTIATION RADFORD SAW SERVICE VE 7-2419 Murphy, N. C. gum, Ahrtn AuMil. Ruth R Sur] a?M Mut Hi E. Whitsoa, Ralph 0. ftobarts and Meredith Wfaitaker. Mrs. Pauline B. Gauit will serve as guidance counselor ind Jams* S. Webb will be lite astructor la driver educates. ANDREWS ELEMENTARY : L. Carr Browne, Pnaci|?al; TriV )y S. Glenn, Came R. Womack, Louise C Zimmerman. Ruth S. fulliuin, Leona H. Ford, Blanche C. Garner. Louise P Enloe, Veanah R. Radford. Elisabeth Kllpatrick. RuA C. Pullium. An ile S. McGuins, Leila II. ItMmas ?oa. Agnes W. Price, Batty P. Harris, Hasel W. Elliott. Alice r. Hoped, Louise C. Rector, Sartrude B. Walsh, Mary Ruth Stiles, Mellie R. Stewart, Annie iuby Baraett, Billy M. McFalls, Dean Truatt aad Leila 0. Vaa Sorder. MARBLE ELEMENTARY: Oe wva Che stain. Vesta W. Wood, Maude D. Radford, and Helea R. *ak*oup ANDREWS COLORED SCHOOL: Ida Mae Lagaa. Tri-County Methodist Men Meet ANDREWS ? The Tri-County i Methodist Men's Fellowship com ?sed of >11 the Methodist Men rom Cherokee, Clay and Graham bounties will meet in Andrews, Friday, July 29 at 7:00 p.m. Hie Andrews Men will be host to a Ish-fry at the Berkshire Knitting Mills 'Picnic Grounds. Mr. Boyce W. Padgett, Prind jal of the Blue Ridge. Georgia Schools will be the main speaker. !. J. Gernert of Andrews is Pre* dent of the Tri-County Group. Stiff* (food Uuutg Don't Settle for lets Homo . . Settle in o LIKDS HOMI ^PUTUVeL"0 QQCOO JUST 4)VVV NEEDS HOMES now offers you another First in Shell homes, the "Split Level," First in the South. With the "Split Level" and all the LEEDS HOMES, you get value THROUGHOUT, and materials and workmanship are GUARANTEED IN WRITING. You save hundreds oi building dollars to start with, and LEEDS quality means years-ahead savings in upkeep too. A wkl? choice of floor plant, including the popular "Split Level,' 'It avail able for every need. Here are just a few of Leeds value features . . . ? WRITTEN GUARANTE on materials and labor ? Full 8 foot callings ? Double 2x10 sills and girder ? Aluminum windows throughout ? Large picture window ? Aluminum screens ? Chesler all-aluminum rust-proof locks ? 2 coats Glidden paint (choose from 12 colors) ? Thick-butt 20-year roofing Sm Mr. J. D. Tayter, ItftuH No. 1, Murphy, N. G. NO DOWN PAYMENT! Low Monthly Pftymenft JUST BRING YOTO DEED - THAT'S ALL TOD HEED (Me ?v Smltor't Shjdlo) ANDREWS LITTLE LEAGUE ALL STARS The Andrews Little League All Stor team with their coaches are front row, Johnny Brown, Ford West, Roger Adams, James Pointer, second row, Chipper Heot on, Boyer Watry, Boyd Rogers, Jomes Hood, Leon Tatham, Ronald Luther; third 1 row, Lawson Roxter, coach; Larry Mclntrarff, Charles Deloney, Jimmy Sursavoge, Donald Anderson, Jimmy Mulkey, and Lowell Trull, cooch. j ANDREWS VISITORS Mrs. Gerald Mathii hat as her gusst Miu Ingrid Malsh from North Bergen, N.J., Mr*. Mathis met IngrM in Heidel burg, Germany in IMS. Ingrid came to the States four yean ago. Her first summer in the states she came to Andrews to visit. She has returned each year. She lores the mountains aad the people and her many friends took forward to her visits here. Andrews Calendar Thurs. 28?1 p. m.. Methodist Youth Fellowship Installa tion service and picnic at Fontana. Fri. 29 ? 12:30 Valleyrlver Garden Chib picnic at Carnegie Li brary picnic area. Sun. 31?10 a.m. Sunday School, aH Churches. ?11 a.m. Morning Worship, all Churches. ?6:30 Methodist Youth Fel lowship. ? 7:p.m. YPMS Free Meth odist Church. Mon. 7:30 W. S. Guild meets with Mrs. Allawayne Stratum. Tues. 3 p.m.? WSCS of First Meth odist Church meets with Mrs. W. M. Neel. ?6:30 Rotary at Hamptons Grill. Wed. 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service at First Methodist. Among The Sick In Andrews Dismissed from July II to 2S: AMOftaWI Mr*. Mitt ia Painter James Perrtta# Lorry Melnturff Mrs. Gaines Luther Jack Long Mrs. Ronald Ray Mrs. Donald Stemey Mrs. Edwin Wetkins ROBBINSVILLI Mrs. Clyde ierker asr?. k o?v(t Mrs. Raloh Carpenter Roy Sheffey Jo Ann Satterfleld Mrs. Arnold Nichols Mr*, tetfir tven* MAYSSVILLt * n. e. Mr*. Betty DHt* MARftLI Johnny Moore opa loc ka, pi a. David C a vender Danny Calender MURPHY censu* en July ft 1*0: MVflRHY Mr. and Mrs. JKfc ANOtawt Tri-County Methodist Ministers Elect Officers ANDREWS - The Tri-County Ministerial Association elected off icers at a recent meeting. Offi cers elected were: President, the Rev. C. W. Sartin of Robbins ville; Secretary - Treasurer, the Rev. D. P. Smotherman of An drews. Plans were made for the next meeting to be held at Robbins ville on August 2. There will be a picnic at the Beaman Lumber Co. Wilbur and Orville Wright, who built the first successful air plane. earned their first pocket money by making kites for boy hood pals. Picnic Grounds with the families of te ministers as guests. Three Car Smash | Up In i Andrews Monday ANDREWS? A three car smash up occured about 1:45 p.m Mon day afternoon. Involvedi n the accident were Bill Webb, driver of a truck. Roy Kirkland of Robbinsville, N. C. and Dr. Charles Van Gorder of Andrews. Presbyterian Women Hold Meeting ANDREWS - The regular monthly meeting of the Women rf the Church was held in the Educational Building of the Pres byterian Church on Monday even tag with Mia* Francs McPher ?n and Miss Polly Hicks as hostesses The president, Mrs. Herb Sheidy presided over the business discussion. Mrs Joe Suraavage. Spiritual Life chairman, gave the Bible study containing the study of the Book of Genesis. The program topic for the month was, "Believ ing and Behaving" and the leader for the month was Mrs. John Slagle. This study is a part of the years' programs on 'The Bible Speaks Today." Mrs. Lea Nichols presented an article on "American Citizenship and Loyal ty". The following members were present: Mrs. Ben Ray, Mrs. L. B. Nicholas. Mrs. Harold Young, Mrs. Herb Sheidy, Miss Polly Hicks, Miss Prances Mc pherson, Mrs. Joe Sursavage, Mrs. Lee Nichols, Mrs. John Slagle and visitors Mrs. Lenna Barker and Miss Nell Van Gor der. Gm. De G tulle' s MO. Philippe, is in the French Ntry. Tht mtrUwmwt | wort* ? most " wonderful wtertawmwt! i uhsx solllH PflCinc mmmmum * ili ? l *i towM* mttaamiM ** mnosKm S??n through Wad. July 31-Auf. 1.2-3 CMMtmi FOR HOME IMPROVEMENT ? ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES & APPLIANCES ? HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS ? ROLL A SHINGLE ROOFING ? DOORS ? WINDOWS ? PANELING HUGHES SUPPLY, Inc. FREE ESTIMATES VE 7-3222 MURPHY, N. C. Who Is BOB GAVIN? Robert L (Bob) Gavin He is the man the Republican party of North Carolina selected for its candidate for Governor in 1960 because he is qualified to serve with distinction as chief execu tive of the State. He was educated in Sanford public schools and the University of North Carolina; a promi nent and successful Lawyer, a veteran of World War II, United States District Attorney 1954 to 1958. He dis tinguished himself in public service by prosecuting and convicting the Communist leader, Junius Scales. His particular interest is in improving education for three good reasons: Edwin, age 10, Grace, age 7, and John, age 6. He is a member of the First Baptist Church of Sanford, N. C. WHAT DOES BOB GAVIN BELIEVE? Bob Gavin stends immovable on certain boric principle!, on* of which It financial re sponsibility. In no com doe* the Republican Administration In North Carolina intend to spend more money than It con take in under its tax structure. Tho Republican Administration intends to explore tho possibility of tax reduc tions for tho individual. Corporations have had some tax relief in this state, and Bob Gavin feels that tho tax load of tho individual should be reduced, if pottlblo. Tho Republican Ad ministration, both national and state, maintains tax cuts mutt coma during times of national prosperity. This we hove now. If rod actions ara not made now, wo will never hove tax re duction. ? With respect to public education, Bab Gavin stated emphatically: "I have mM severe I timet during thlt campaign, and I believe the firet time wat at a Board of Bducatien meeting in Albermarle, that It would be tragic te close the public schools In North Carolina. I will da everything In my pawar te keep the public schools opan so that tha children of this stata con roceive their education at stata expanse". With reference to Independent!, or Demo crats for Gavin, when Robert L. Gavin is the next Governor of North Carolina, It will be hit purpose to make all polity-level eppointments on the basis of merit. The policy of the Re publican candidate for Governor It to afford all citizens that which Republicans hove sought for so long; namely, minority representation shell exist on all Commissions end Agencies of this ttate. Democrats shall NOT be excluded. In non-policy appointment*, ho wiN retain the qualified personnel In oil deportments. Contribution! from any pressure group in side, OR OUTSIDI, the state of North Caroline will not be accepted. When elected, the Re publican Administration will bo responsible only to the citiunt of North Ccraline and It will be under no obligation to any specie) In* forest group. However, wo welcome the rapport of all citizens, regardless of political affiliations, in electing Robert L. Gavin 01 Governor. Wo urge all citizens interested In "Bettor Government with Rob Gavin" to form Independent political organizations using such titles 01 they see fit. BOB GAVIN REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR Dal M. ft mm Chairman Ch?rok*? Cm*(| BmhMIam