? READ THE WANT ADS ? i ....... . Buy the Retread that Carries thfe Seal of Qualitv! good/year SEAL RETREADS Pay as low as SA78 I Sin 6.70 t IS I Plus Ui ind m reapwbH ttr# The Seal is Your Assurance of ? Goodyear approved tread design ? Goodyear high quality tread materials e Goodyear't recommended processing methods Goodyear Seal Retreads are the best you can buy for the money ! Terms as low as $125 weekly! J. H. DUNCAN TIRE COMPANY TIRE SERVICE HEADQUARTERS Peachtree Street MURPHY, N. C. VE 7-2821 ^Round About Andrews Mr aad tin Clyde E1U> ant daughters Lima aod Marilyn, re tuned Satorday from an I dayi vacation at Daytaoa Beach. Fla Mr. and Mrs. BUI RaxUr and family of Chattanooga, Tenn. ar rived Saturday for visit with Mr. ?nd Mrs. Woody Raztcr. Mr. Rax ler returned home Junday. Mrs. Raster and children will remain [or another week. Miss Brenda Lindsay of Black Mountain was week end guest of Mr and Mrs. John Love and amily. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jordan and ions, Chris, Mike and Jay of At anta, Ga. visited Eb's parents Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jordan this Mr. and Mrs. Kdward Hunt and amily moved to Shelfby, N. C. Sunday. Mr. Hunt has been em ) toyed at the Berkshire Knitting >lant for several months. Mrs. Wade Reece has returned rom a ten days visit in Union iown. Penn Enroute home she visited in several towns in New lersey ; also in Richmond. Va. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. McCardy, rrendy and Chucky lett today for heir home in Homestead. Fla. ifter spending a month at their iummer home in Andrews ."hucky will return Aug. 8 with elatives for another visit of sev ?ral weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hooper and i Cevin were guests of Mrs. Flos lie Hooper and Mr. and Mrs 'lifford Sea 50 of Svlva, Wednes-i lay and Thursday. Miss Jean Christy and Ada I ornwell of Lake Junaluska left londay morning on an extended rip to Monticello, Va. Wakefield, itratford, Richmond, and Wil amsburg, \'a., also eastern Caro na. Bob and Bill Christy, sons of tr. and Mrs. Bob Christy of isheville are spending a week nth their grandparents, Mr. and Irs. John Christy. Mrs. Pauline Bever of Pinel ss Park will arrive August 1st jr visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wil am Neel. Rev. Earl Norris. newly elected iastor of the Free Methodist! Church, will arrive August 1st toj egin his new work in Andrews.' Mrs. Lucille and James Holland f Columbua Ohio returned home ifter a 3 weeks vacation with her! larents. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Best Reverend and Mrs. T. C. Christ nas and sons. Tommy. Billy limmy are vacationing in Char lotto and Oceaa Drive ?M be gucat preacher while mv. | Chrutmax H away. , Mr. and Mrs. I. It Spears of| Aaheville an i law Mr. aad Mra. W. C. Gray. Mr. and Mrs J. R. Castle and daughter at Knoxville, Tenn. visi ted Mr. and Mrs. E U. Bui Friday Overnight guests were Mr. and Mrs. Winston Byrd a daughter, Diana o( Decatur, Georgia. Mrs. J. S. Truett of Gastania, N. C. is spending several weeks with her son Wayne Truett and family, also her sister. Mrs. W. L Whitaker. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brown of Deland, Fla. are spending one |or two months in Andrews. They have traveled since April 5th in Fla., Alabama, and Tenn essee before stopping in Andrews. Mr. Brown says they like And rews and plans to visit again next year. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Standridge and daughter. Mrs. Allen Caven der and children. Danny Douglas Fal. are visiting Mrs. Standridge's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tat Imm. Mrs. Ella Hoffman of Asheville. IN. C. and Mrs. W. C. Penland of Canton. N. C. are the guests of Mrs. Ethel Walker Slagle of An drews and Orlando. Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Gibson Terry and Wallace, and Jack Mc Guire returned Sunday from a tour of Georgia and Florida. They visited friends in Savannah. Ga., Jacksonville, and Daytona. Hiey also visited Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Olson in Ocala. Fla. Miss Elaine Heaton entertained a group of her friends on Friday evening at her home. The occas ion was her 9th birthday. Square dancing was enjoyed by all pre sent. Mr and Mrs. Vick Woods and daughter Mrs. Ann Lineman and children visited Mrs. Gert Ham of Duncan. S. C. the past week. Mrs. Ham accompanied them home for a visit with relatives. Mrs. Elizabeth Davis and Mrs. Florence Huffman who are em ployed in Fontana spent Monday in Andrews. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zoellner of Pensacola Florida arrived this week. They will spend the sum mer in Topton and Andrews. Mrs. Will Coffey and Mr. and Mrs. James Garren and chil dren. Gary and Beverly were week end guests of Mrs. Cof radiae, Ky I* spending this with his family in Andrews Mr. and Mrs E. M Solano and children. Char let Alan, Kay, Don na and Larry of Jacksonville F]a. visited Mr and Mr*. John Cooper this week. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Richardson were Judge Pat! Cannon and Mrs. and Mrs. Sam| Bobfaitt of Miami. Florida. Mr. and Mrs. George Pullium tnd daughter, Martha Elizabeth irrived Friday for a visit with relatives and friend*. Mrs Jill T. Parker and Mrs rom Brooks of Atlanta, Ga. re umed to Atlanta Friday after a /isit of several days with Mr. and iCrs. Melvin Thornton and Mr. ind Mrs. Fred Morgan and fam ly. Mrs. Brooks and daughter, iandra spent Thurs. in Bryson ?ity visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arvil Calhoun. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knapp and on Douglas of Riverton, New Jer ey returned to their home Sun lay after a weeks visit with re al lves. Jay Bryan Howard is the name ?hosen by Mr. and Mrs. Kelt toward for their son, born July 7 in Honolulu, Hawaii. The mat rnal grandparents are Mr. and ?rs. Lawrence Winfrey, of An Irews. Paternal grandparents are Irs. Lon Howard and the late Ir. Howard of Murphy. This child has the honor so ar as we know of being the first hild of Cherokee County parents > be born in our new state! lawaii. Mrs. Hal Fulford returned to 1 er home in Tall ash asee, Fla. Fri ay after spending 2 months with er parents Mr. and Mrs. Grady tiles. Mrs. Fulford is the for- j ler Miss Grace Stiles. Mrs. Anna Winfrey attended a Hood Program at the Asheville ? leginal Center Wednesday. 11 1 .m. The Bkwdmobile will be in Andrews August 9th. Mrs. Sam Clayton of Greens oro is visiting her mother, Mrs. t. T. Heaton and other relatives. ives. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Dewar had s their week end guests, Mr. nd Mrs. Harry Dewar from At anta. Ga. Mrs. Dewar's sister, liss Gertrude Glassev from Fort lorgan. Colorado, and Mrs. Paul Coring from Canton, Ga. Mrs. oring will stay for a week. Mr. Bob Slagle who is serving n the $taff at Camp Chaub i Waynesville is spending this eek with his parents, Mr. and Irs. John Slagle. Mrs. Barbara Thompson and! on, Gary and Mrs. Bruce Battle r. of Chicago, III. are spending everal days with relatives in Lndrews, and Murphy. Vincent Parker and daughter andra of Oceanway, Fla. spent a wk with his father, M. N. Par er. Desmond Parker of Fla. is ome for a few days visiting his 'ife and mother. Those attending the 13th annual draftsman's Fair in Asheville rom Andrews were: Mrs. E. U. lurch. Mrs. Linda Huggins. Sue Jest. Vera Moore, Ruth Barnard ind Elizabeth Morris. Members of the St. Andrews 'Utheran Church enjoyed a pic ic Wednesday evening on the burch lawn. Mrs. Flora Huff of Asheville eturned to her home Saturday iter a visit with her brother. 4r. Sam Best and family. She 'as accompanied home by Sue Mr. and Mrs. James Martin and *>n. Billy of Lake Alfred. Fla. visited friends in Andrews and Ftobbinsville this week end. Mr. Hartin is the former Miss Hope Donley. Mrs. Hattie Roper of Morgan on is ipending a week with ler sister, Mrs. Clara Sherrill and >ther relatives. Mrs. Muss McGuire entertain "d at her home Saturday at 6 >.m.. with a dinner honoring her taufihter, Mrs. J. V. Brooks The ?ccasion was Mrs. Brooks birth Twenty three relatives were onesent. Other guests were Rev. and Mrs. George Pullium. Oversight COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. -Thieves entered the home oc cupied by Doris Campbell and Doris Baaquie. They took cloth ing. food, rugs, drapes, light bulbs and ash trays, Taey missed me item? (he telephone. The fol lowing night the thieves returned . swiped the telephone. Slow Traffic OAKVOLE. Iowa .-A sign at the outskirts of this town reads: "We tUok this place U heaven Don't frtve Mke tell through It." ?? . .w fi iriffft-ttitriiillh y Haw's your "rainy day" avenge? .. . Y? r best umbrella on a financial "rainy day" it CASH on deposit and quickly avail able io you in your savings account her*. Better start building yourself this kind of protection against adversity NOW while skies are sunny. You'll be glad you have it, even if it NEVER "rains." So many of the best things of life can be yours through ?very-pay-day saving! OTHER BANKING SIRVICIS CHECKING ACCOUNTS AUTOMOIILE LOANS SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES PERSONAL LOANS HOME IMP'T. LOANS TRAVELERS' CHECKS FOR BANKING THE CUSTOMER'S WAY... SEE CITIZENS BANK and TRUST COMPANY Mirpby - Asdrtws - RobbiasvflU - Niytsvillt ? 1 ? Area Men In Service POPE AIR FORCE BASE N.C. I ?Airman Pirtt Clan Boyd M. Arro wood of Rout* X, Murphy, N. C., arrived at Pope AFB re- , cently for duty as a loadmaster i with the Id Aerial P.ort Squadron. He came here from Hawaii. Airman Arrowood, S, ii the soo of Mr John B. Arrowood, Route 1. Murphy. He is a grad- 1 uate of Murphy High School. Air man Arrowood is married to the 1 farmer Winona Hedden of Route1 4. Murphy. The couple has a son, Richard, 1 Pope AFB, where Airman Arro wood is now serving was founded more than 40 years ago on the Fort Bragg military reservation, and today is home of the 464th Troop Carrier Wing. Man wing mission in support of airborne forces of the Strategic Army Corp* which ha* headquarters at the big Army poet. The 464th, a unit of Tactical Air Command's Ninth Air Force, flies twin-engined C-12J "Proyideers" 100.000 airborne troops on practice jumps, assault landings or other tactical exercises. Meanwhile the wing's C-123's also fly a heavy schedule of logistical missions, lirlifting thousands of tons of es sential supplies and equipment anually for the Army and the Air Force. John Scott y Hardin, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Hardin, is taking his basic training at Lackland Air Farce Base, Texas. Scatty is a graduate of Andrews High School and his friends will re member him for his outstanding record in football. Local Men Responsible For New Shopping Center By LUCY LAUGHTER ANDREWS - Two local men Grady Garrett and Blaine Blevins, have recently made an outstanding contribution to the growth and commercial develop ment of Andrews. They have co structed a high quality, fire proof air conditional building which will house the Atlantic and Pacific Tea Company and the Garrett Beauty Salon. This fine structure contains Dver 8000 square feet of floor space and a connecting 24000 square feet of parking area. The building is located on Main and 2nd Street in the very hearrt of Andrews. It assures the people of Andrews and surrounding areas an excellent shopping center and brings a really "Big City" type store to serve the needs of tie people. Mr. Garrett and Mr. Blevins deserve a lot of cradit in having the foresight and courage Backward Glances... 1? YEARS AGO JULY fJ. 1*5? Elite Fysal. Safety Sennas; Field Representative of the Amer ican Red Cross. is conducting a Red Cross Water ***??? tor's course at the : A Murohy Swimming Pool. Classes for the instruction of ^tructor and Life Saving are held eacn morning from 9 until 12 od? as a free service of the Ameri can Red Cross. ^ ^ , Murphy Lions will observe Ladies' Night on Tuesday. Aug. 8. according to ?nou"cf/"e^uebs> President Dale Lee at the Tues day evening meeting Official temperature and pre-i cipitation date released by the U S. Weather Bureau shcws that the year-round temperature In Cherokee County is "m^raUv^ ly mild. The average here is ^ Lar-t* sliehtly warmer than tne s? .u ?? <??* " area. 56.5 degrees. ^ {? YEARS AGO JULY JS. in# Murohy and Cherokee County received another muchly ure article in the Greensb^o Daily News describing the many outstanding features wd advan tages of this area both to tour ists and industry. The booster was none otner than E. B. Jeffries, pr^'dent 0' the Daily News, who visited jere recently on a tour thrwgh VV^ ern North Carolina. Mr. James was greatly impressed by the ?ow completed H.wassee Dm. our na tive marble courthouse, and nu merous scenic attractions of the repo" ... A series of farm tours will be held in Cherokee Ownty during the week of August 5-10. accord ing to plans now being made bj the extension service, both at Murphy and Raleigh. 30 YEARS AGO JULY ?. !?? The people of Murphy are i-swSes: stalled all-talking equipment and will open to tbe ^blic with hU Brat all-talking picture Fnday 01 this week. # # The Singing Qm * ford Orphanage, Masonic iwtitu tioo, willmSe it. annual *? pearance at the school aud^ am here Mooday 14, according and porter* placed ta thT*in' dows of business houses here. The Cherokee Scout | 6000 HUNTING SINCt IM9 Dial VI 7-2222 to erect such an outstanding bus iness structure. ' We feel that the people of this area will rspond to the opportun ity provided by these gentlemen and will appreciate this forward move in community progress. Methodist Church | To Join In j Radio Program ANDREWS - The official Board of the First Methodist Church has voted to join with the other Methodist Churches of Cherokee County in sponsoring the Chero kee Methodist Hour to be heard over WKRK each Sunday at 8:06 a.m. The program will be conducted by the Rev. A1 Smith and the Rev. W. B. Orr of the Murphy Circuit: and Rev. Tom Houts of t h e Murphy First Methodist Church and the Rev. D. P. Smoth erman of the Andrews First Methodist Church, and will be called the Cherokee County Meth-< odist Hour. Iw KvCvlYlny Social Security GRDAY GKUBB8 FtoU RepreaMtatfvc Some household worker* in Cherokee County are not receiv ing toe nl security credit) for their earnings, according to Grady Grubbs, field representative of the Social Security Administration. The law makes the employers responsible for reporting for so cial security purposes the cash wages they pay to workers in their household, said Mr. Grubbs. Household workers who receive ISO or more bi cahs waged during a calendar quarter have earned social security credits for that period. This might be as little work as M per week. These work ers should make sure that thier employers report their wages be cause social security credits are based on these reports. The law requires the employer to report the cash wages paid to household workers to the Dis trict Director of Internal Revenue, together with the social security tax due on these wages. The re port mush show the name, social security account number of the worker, and the amount of the wages paid. The next quarterly report is due by July 31. Mr. Grubbs emphasized that all household workers should keep a record of their cash wages. At least once every three years, they should check their social security records to make sure that alt cash wages have been correctly reported. They can do this by calling or visiting the soial security office at 40 North French Broad Avenue, Asheville, N. C. . There's A Way BALTIMORE ? -One Balti more woman insisted on reaching her husband when he was a pa tron of a tavern with an unlisted telephone number. "I'm having a baby!" she screamed to the operator. "I've GOT to talk to my husband." The emergency was honored. The call went through and the husband was called to the tele phone. "Ed." said the wife, "bring me home two hard crabs." MURPHY READY-MIX CONCRETE CO. WILL OPEN August 1st Savo Time, Labor, Monty fwv for everyone AIR-CONDITIONED ?| ^ j^Vjrenera Oglethorp HOTEI rr,SOU CLUB ? COTTAGES Om Hm worWi fiMit m?rt> oHin rrtfy f?eilif? lcti?itT twimm tag, tani*, bojtiftf x>d ul? nlw fnkiaf * f . . 1t-ltok fU?>inM>ii> ?*H CMIW it 4m r . . . 4*cm$ ' ? - ? ? &L* L,*.,*,!.,! B M _ - - - J _ m m M ? - ? - - * J 1 m ? ? 4 ? ? ?I|ll7 ni Down nil Mill MOv ROM ? W?HI 0R9UW a, ? J ajAIh&Iu ? ? J mA .1- ? a-l ywMo juinini iro ??'hi iiiiwiu. Cbote* erf Ajscricoi or Earopaaa Man. COMMIT! MClimil n>* MOWM AMD CONVmmOHS /V7* SAVANNAH? Writt May far Nil llariraM Iracfcira ar M* yaar T ratal A?aal Help Insure Your Children s Future! WORLD BOOK hnM to 10 _ Inttoil Brad? tin UK |0U ?Unpii^ md Mp tdf fOdiac tut H m Give Them The 1960 WORLD BOOK BNCVCMTBD1A Now in 20 Volume* Childcraft (Ma tlM WBbknUn World Book/Chtld?r*rt Pin It ? hug* saving! Beth aata iuat tit down tit a month Tear y??nf*Uri will live and grow with th?aa impor tant educational work* hi year heme! Childcraft offer* the very inert help ja child training and anpa ration. World Book Ency ^ ? ? | ?? ? k. ? ? ? * oopwii rm wt| Dsn nm fa aalta. New, the brilliant 1M0 World Beak hat bean ' ' - e ? i L. "miriw, nroujni mmpletaij ay te date? ae ??ea meter value than ?**?! Inquire today. .1 CHILDCRAFT -U3-u3/ IS Volumaa in handnoiM HariUy BtnHinf MMOSAY A. WATBRS * ? N. c. *? ?wt I ??t m (to M J -Jl

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