| LKGAL NOTICE tmnoni county ni in superior court IHOMAS J. ROSE and wife# URY R. ROIB. Petitioner? ?. P. R06I and wtfe, ELSIE 10SE; LYDIA ROSE VANPELT, Jnmarriad; M. L ROSE. Unmar led; MRS TINKIE McCLURE, Vidow; PAULINE THOHAS and lusbaad, ESRA M IHOMAS. "RANK WO and wto. vjcie lOSEs FLOYD ROSE and wife. ifRS. FLOYD ROSE; EPPIE IOCS RAKEY and husband. fOWARO RAMEY; OLIE ROSE 'H AMBERS and husband. ROB ERT CHAMBERS; and ANNIE tOSE JENKINS and bwband. I ? JENKINS, Defendants To Mra. Ttakie MeCtare; Mrs. 'auline Thomas and husband, 5ira M. Thomas; Prank Rose nd wife, Vide Rose; Floyd Rose ind wife, Mrs. Ployd Rose: Ef ie Rose Rarey and husband, toward Ramay, and Olie Rose 'hambers and husband, Rober* Chambers, take notice that a >leading seeking relief against 'oo has been filed In the above n tilled action. The nature of the relief be ng sought it as fellows: TSe above named petitioners tave instiutad this special pro ceding to hare the land de icribed in the petition herein, ba ng a tract of land in Beaver, lam Township. Cherokee Coun y. North Carolina, sold for par ition. You are raqulrad to make de enae to each pleading not lata: han August 17th, 1900. and upon your failure to do so tn? par lies seeking service against you will apply to the Court for re ief sought. This the 2nd day of July, I960.: JAMES C. HOWSE Clerk Superior Court \ Cherokee County, North Carolina NORTH CAROLINA I NOTICE OF SURVICE OF I PROCESS BY PUBLICATION NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUTNY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT CHEROKEE COUNTY, A muni tipal Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. CLYDE WILLIAMSON and wife, GILLIE WILLIAMSON: RASTUS A. WILLIAMSON and wife, EL SIE WILLIAMSON; GORDON WILLIAMSON and wife. MILLIE WILLIAMSON; GRADY WIL LIAMSON and wife, ALMA WIL LIAMSON; BEECHER WILLIAM SON and wife, NOLA WILLIAM SON; ARVIL A. WILLIAMSON and" wife, MARCELLIA WIL LIAMSON; MYRTLE WILLIAM BON HAMBY, widow of FRANK HAMBV, VESTA WILLIAMSON MURPHY and husband, GREELY MURPHY, and P. G. WILLIAM SON and wife, BUNIE WILLIAM SON, Heirs at Law of WINNIE LORETTA REID WILLIAMSON. Defendants, TO GRADY WILLIAMSON, ALMA WILLIAMSON. GORDON WPILLIAMSON, MILLIE WIL LIAMSON, RASTUS A. WILLIAM SON, ELSIE WILIAMSON. P. G. WILLIAMSON, and BUNIE WIL LIAMSON; Take notice that a pleading seek ing relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: The above entitled action was instituted for he purpose of fore closing the lien on real estate which Winnie Loretta Reid Wil liamson died, seised and possessed of and with lien exists on account of Old Age Assistance payments made to ner by the Plaintiff dur ing the period from October 1, 1961, to and including the 30th day of April, 1960. You ere required to make de fense to such pleading not later than September IS, 1866, and upon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief soufht. This, the 16th day of July, 1980. James C. Howie CLERK OP THE SUPER IOR COURT. NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as Administratrix of the estate at Andrew Levi Fancher. deceased, late of Cherokee Co unty, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to preeeot them to the undersign ed. at Box Ml. Andrews. North Carolina on or before the 30th dav of June. 1961 or this notice wiD he o leaded In bar of their recov ery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the understood at Box IBS. Andrews. North Carolina. Tills 34th day of June, i960. Fannie M. Fancher. Mt LfcGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, have qualified M Executrix ef the eetate el J. w. Malooe, deceased. lata of Cherokee County, this ia to notify all persons having claim* against said estate t* present them to the undersigned at lit t, Culber son, N. C on or before the SRh day of July, Ml- or this notice will bo plaited in bar W their recovery. All parsons indebted to said estate will piaaaa make im mediate payment to the under signed at Ri. 1 Culberson, N. C. This 22nd day of July. i9?o MaIKa A U?1nn> IwVIUW #%? mpH . Rt. J, Culberson, N. C. .. ?? - LMAL NOTICI Nana: ?itu MOFTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY UWer and by virtue ?f die power of *aW contained in. i cer ta? Omi 4 1** mmcmi ky W. L. Cknu UknwrM ta H. U McKww. Trmt, dated lUnti U. i9*| ad recorded h Bwd W at Page 47 records of Cherokee Count). North Carolina ; of the default having beaa made in the payment of the indebtedneas thereby aecured and the aaid Deed of TVuat being by Ha terms thereof subject to foreclosure, and the holder of the iwdahteriaesi thereby aecured haraif ifrmnndsri the f credo* ur* thereof far the purpoea *f satisfying aaid iadebt edness, the undersigned Trustee will ofier for sale at public auct ion to the highest bidder for cash at the Court Hou?? Door in Murphy, Cherokee County, North Carolina, at 13:00 o'clock noon on the 17th day of August, 19(0. the lands conveyed in said Deed of Trust described ai fallows: . A certain tract of parcel of land in Murphy Township, Chero okee County, State of North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of Posey and others lands owned by C. M. Wofford Estate, and bound ed as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the Posey line, a corner common to i. M. McGuire and C. M. Wof ford, and ram with said line be tween Wofford and McGuire, South 3 West 97 feat to a stake on a lfr-foot driveway, thence with driveway South 71 West 3t feet to a stake, then South 72 West U feat to a (take on a 20-foot drive way; thence North 7 East MM feat to a stake in the Posey line, at ? fence: thence with the Poeey line about South 7? East 90 feet, more or leas to the Beginning. BEING THE SAME Lands des crjjied in a deed dated October 23, 1948 from Mattie Hendrix and husband M. G. Hendrix of Ball Ground. Cherokee County, Geor gia and Corrie W. Hyatt and hus 6and, P. C. Hyatt of Murphy, Cherokee County, North Carolina, to Frank Robinson and wife, Lit he Robinson, said deed being re corded in the office of the Reg ister o I Dead* for Cherokee County, North Carolina In Deed Book 169 at page 97, reference to which 1* hereby made. BEGIN the same lands describ ed in deed from Frank Robinson and wife, LUlle Robinson to W. Frank Forsyth and Jim H. Gibbs. dated November 19, 1952. and re corded in the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Cherokee County, North Carolina, Book 191 at page 11, reference to which is made. Being the same lands described in deed from W. Frank Forsyth and wife Ruth Forsyth, and Jim H. Gibbs and wife, Margaret A. Gibbs to Flonnie Mae Bates, dated, July 17, 1953 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, North Carolina. Book 191, page 215, re ference to which i* hereby made. This the 13th day of July, 1960. H. L. McKeever, Trustee 51-4tc. BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Plaintiff -v?- ROBERT CAGLE. ALIAS BOBBY CAGLE, Defend ant. ANITA THOMPSON CAGLE. -vs ROBERT CAGLE. ALIAS BOBBY CAGLE, Defendant TO, ROBERT CAGLE, ALIAS BOBBY CAGLE: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been fUed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: For divorce on the ground of separation for more than two years. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 10 day of September. 1960, and upon your failure to do the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 19th day of July, 1960. James C. Howae CLERK SUPERIOR COURT 5Mte. LEGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY 11m undersigned, having quali fied an Administrator of the es tate of Gratia Ellis, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all perms having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, at Murphy, North Carolina on or be for the 26th day of May, 1961 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at Murphy, North Carolina. This IS day of May 1960. PEYTON G. IVIE CHEROKEE COUNTY The Undersigned, having qauli fled as Executrix of the estate of William H. Bates, deceased, late of Cherokee County, thie is to noti fy all persons having claims lagaioat said estate to present | them to the undersigned, at MUr , North Carolina oo or before aoth day of June, 1*1 or this notice wfl) be pleaded in bar of their recovery, All persons indebt ed to aaid estate will please make immediate payment to the aider signed at Murphy, North Carolina. This flrd day of June, 1960. Mrs. JOE BATES. ) Marphy. M. C. 4MtC GAL NOTICE NORTH CASOUNA CHBaOKE* pQIWTY Under mi by vat i* at the power of mfcioad in ? Mr tain Dm* oi Trm mtcvtad by Jack Crawistd and *k TfaafcM H Crawford, dated the ath day of March. IN. and iterdtd in Book MO at *ge K8. in the Ot-: Bee of tbe BeSifec of Deed* of Cherokee County North Carolina, default having cwae made in the payment of tbe indebtedness there by secured and said Deed of Trust being by the tarns tberof subject to foreclosure the under signed Trastee will offer (or sale at public auctioa to the highest bidder for eash at the Courthouse door in Murphy, North Carolina, at nooim, on the 15th day of August, 1910, the property con veyed ip nid Dead ef Tmat, the same lying and being In the County of Cherokee aad State of North Carolina, in Murphy Town ship and more particularly des cribed as follows: 1 Adjoining the lands of J. L. 'Hall, Cody Clayton and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Begin a lot ef land consisting of about one iir acre and being a part of the home place of J. L. Hall: BEGINNING on an iron pipe and runs a Westerly direction along the U. S. Highway No. 64. 265 feet to a stake: thence South 185 feet to a pine Tree; thence East 310 feet to tha BEGINNING corner, being in a triangular shape. It is expressly agreed and un derstood that this conveyance ( re ferring to Deed Book 109, page 75) is to correct and remove a restriction in a Warranty Deed from J. L. Hall and wife. Oma Hall, to Jack D. Crawford and wife. Thelma Hall Crawford, dated April 16, 1947. which is recorded in Book 165 at page 120, Reg ister of Deed's Office, Cherokee County, Murphv, North Carolina. And being the same property described in a Warranty Deed dated September 12, 1947, from J. L. Hall and wife, Oma Hall, to Thelma Crawford and husband, Jack Crawford, which is recorded in Deed Book 16J, page 07, Reg ister of Deed's Office, Cherokee: County, North Carolina. But this sale will be made sub ject to all existing liens and en cumbrances upon said land. | This 13th day of July. 1960. L. L. Mason. Trustee |51-4tc. LEGAL NOTICE I NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Power of Sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by W. L. Clonts, dated the 21st day of March, i960, and recorded In Book 221, at Page 47, in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there by secured and said deed of trust being by the terms thereof sub ject to foreclosure, the undersig ned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidaer for cash at the Courthouse door in Murphy, North Carolina, at Noon, on the 20 day of August. 1980. the property con veyed in said deed of trust, the i same lying and being in the County of Cherokee. State of North Carolina, in Murphy Township and more particularly desribed as fol lows: A certain tract or parcel of land in Murphy Township. Chero kee County, State of North Caro lin. adjoining the lands of Posey and others land* owned by C. M. Wofford Estate, and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a stake in the Posey line, a corner common to J. M. McGuire and C. M. Wof ford and runs with said line be tween Wofford and McGuire, South 3 West 57 feet to a stake on a 16-foot driveway; thence with driveway South 78 West 38 feet to a stake; then South 72 West 62 feet to a itake on a 10-foot driveway; thence North 7 East 106 feet to a stake In the Posey line; at a fence; thence with the Posey line about South 76 East 90 feet, more or less to the Begin ning. Being the tame lands described in a deed dated October 23, 1948 from Mattie Hendrix and husband M. G. Hendrix of Ball Ground, Cherokee County, Georgia and Corrie W. Hyatt and hus band, P. C. Hyatt of Murphy, Cherokee County, North Carolina, to Frank Robinson and wife, Lil lie Robinson, said deed being re corded in the Office of the Reg ister of Deeds or Cherokee County, North Carolina, in Deed Book 169. at Page 97, reference to which is hereby made. Being the same lands described In deed from Frank Robinson and wife, Lillie Robinson to W. Frank Forsyth and Jim H. Gibbs, dated November 18, 19S2, and recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, North Carolina, in Book 191, at Page U, reference to which is made. Being the same lands described In deed from W. Frank Forsyth and wife, Ruth Forsyth and Jim H. Gibbs and wife. Margaret A. Gibbs to Flonnie Mae Bates, dated July 17, 1163. and recorded In the Office of the Register of Deed# Carolina, in Book Ml. pop 211 reference to which is nereby made. But this sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and un paid taxes and encumbrances This the 23rd day of July, 1960. H. Lk McKeevtr Trustee |S2-4tc. CARD OF THANKS CABD or THANKS We wish to express our heart felt thanks to our many frteadt and urighhhfu ? for tkalr iyn> pathy and thmHHI'ikwai at tbt recent d?tfh ol OW lovad OH. ruMr * J. W. Maloa* e-itp LOST AND FOUND STOLEN ? About t:K Sunday morning. 1-28 size boy* red and white bicycle ? chrome fenders ? initials H. P. printed an rear fender ? fn?Kfi on hAndWbwi ? Usbt on front 8m Harold Phillips. B-ltc HELP WANTED ATTENTION . . . Ladles. House wives, Can you draw a straight line? With a ruler of course. Have you ever bad experience in mechani cal drawing? Do you have a good sense of proportion? Have you ever tried your hand at drawing? WOULD YOU LIKE TO MAKE SOME MONEY working part time (three or four days a week) right here in Murphy? If so, write tn your own "handwriting to "Drawing," Box in. Mur phy, N.C., giving details about you. Jl-tfh HELP WANTED - AVON - World's largest cosmctic company has immediate openings for energetic wom en to service excellent Avon territories. Part-time work. Earnings start at once. Write P. 0 Box 1676, Hend erson viile, N. C. Phone OX 2-3739. 52-ltc LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as Administratrix of the es tate of Vernon L. Klsselburg, de ceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, Rt. 2 Culberson. North Carolina on or before the 23rd day of June, 1961 or this notice will be pleaded to bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at Rt. 2, Culberson, North Carolina. This 21st day of June. 1960. LONA KISSELBURG ' 47-6tC CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as Executor of the estate of Martha Fain, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, at Box No. 202A Rt. 1, Cop per hill, Tenn. on or before the 21 day of July, 1961 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at Box No. 202A, Rt. 1, Copperhill, Tenn. This 19th day of Ju.y, 1960. John Hampton. Sl-6tc. CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, have qualified as administrator of the estate of Richard Murphy, deceased, [late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, at Murphy, N. C. on or before the 7th day of July. 1961 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recover. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at Murphy, N. C. This 30 day of June, 1960, John B. Carringer Murphy, N. C. 49-6tc. STOP ITCHING! IN 15 MINUTES, After using ITCH-ME-NOT, get your 4dc b*c* IF THE ITCH NEEDS SCRATCH INO. Ym tool ttM medication tak* field. Itc* burning disappear Uu instent-dryftif fTCH-ME not day or night for ectwna, ringworm, Intact To"*Y,0S! PARKER1? drug" STOKE*' I ttttt rnri . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SPECIAL ? Beautiful 4 bedroom modern homo (furnished or unfurnish ed), ground* landocoped, 30 acres timber land, situated 7 miles SW of Murphy on US 19. Have listings on town property, modem country estates, largo and small acroage. Rentals, furnish ed & unfurnished houses, business property. CoW or write far infor mation on what we bore for lo/e. Bulletin sent on request. F | VI 7-2*71 Ret. Dick Richards Realtor ?m 411 Mwvfcy, N. C. VI 7-2412 Off. DEADLINE pok cuubfiko ADi: Naaa Umitj, *t f? ?Mk toaarttaa U ** ?rlMkMhwhi ?U* wr weed. HELP WANTED HELP WA^^^ED ? laiiminj jn good I seated nun. U yean or older. Preferred married with no mort then two chil dren. Must be good driver. If interested write to Box IH. Cherokee Scout. Mur phy. N.c. si? ac MALE HELP WANTED - RE T1RBD ? Are you between ?8?s of SO and JO living on ? retirement income but "J need of additonal in come Opportunity to sup Knent income with Wat Dealershlp in Cherokee ? n d Graham Counties Average earnings $2 to U per hour to start. For In formation write R. L. Rol lin? P. 0. Box No. 1092. Goldsboro, N. C. ? HELP WANTED ? WANTED AT ONCE ? Rawleigh Dealer in Cherokee County. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. ..CG-200 3. Richmond. Va. 50-52-2tc FOR RENT FOR RENT ? Country Home ? ? rooms, 3 bedrooms. On gravel road. Mail and school bus by door. Telephone and water in house. Furniahed or unfurnished. Phone VE 7-2968 or VE 7-3185. 50 ? 3tp frOR RENT ? Two-Bedroom house ? On Valley River Avenue ?Adults Only. See Don Ge"try 52-2tp FOR RENT ? It-room Apartment on Springdale Street. Adult or couple Phone VE 7-2281 52-31C FOR RENT OR LEASE IN MUR PHY ? Modern fireproof warehouse ? Railroad sid ing and loading dock ? Roll er type doors for truck j drive-in. Contact Dick Rich ! ards. Phone VE 7-2612. 52-3tc FOR RENT ? New 3 bedroom House in Valleytown ? Electric Heat - All Mod ern Conveniences ? Avail able August 5. by month or week. Call 144J. Andrews. N. C.. After 6 p.m. 52-3tc FOR RENT ? Furnished Apart ment on Mooreland Heights Street. Two rooms and bath Private entrance. Ideal for person working in town. (No Children). Can be seen by glfcig to Harry Burgess home or call collect Duck town 7128. 1 50 ? 3tp FOR RENT ? 3-room house, wired for stove, on Peach tree St. Also, 5-room house with bath, large porch ga rage and basement. Partly furnished. Two blocks from Square. Call VE 7-2098 al ter 6 50 ? 3tc APARTMENT FOR RENT - Cool, comfortable, close in. Ideal for one person. Call days VE 7-2211. nights VE 7-27S1. SI? Mc WANTED TO RENT - Three bedroom home with electric heat in good neighborhood, cloee to school. Being transferred to Murphy. Washer and Dryer connect ion. Write Raleigh DeBord, Box A, Cherokee Scout. ATHLKTI'S FOOT GERM HOW TO KILL IT. IN 3 DAYS., H Ml e?IHM? wfltl STKONO, UntMt *ryt?? T-4-t, nor 44c kack ? a*r gsspfavr1 * Mj5s$jr FOR RENT FOR RENT ? Apartment ? 4 large room, bath, hot wa ter beater Economically heated. Convenient to >chool bus Phone VE 7-2586 or ve 7-ua. 51? 3tc FOR RENT ? Furnished 3- room apartment. Private bath. Couple only Near Court bouae- Call VE 7-846 tl-Jtc FOR RENT ? One 1-room fur nished apartment Hot and cold water. See Miss Lydia Mallonee or call VE 7-3162. ARTICLES WANTED WANTED ? Dalmatian puppy ? Write Box 118 or call VE 7-2222 in Murphy. 46tfn. FOR SALE FOR SALE - TWO HOMES - 1 mile East of Marble. Ap ple trees, grapes. Chestnut orchard and two wells. Sign on road left of An drews highway. 50? 3tp For Sale ? House Trailers. All S 1 1 ? a available. Hermann's Trailer Sale* at Shield's Tourist Home. Phone Andrews 40 or contact Hermann at Forsyth Furniture. 44 tfc FOR SALE ? 200 acres of tim berland in Ivy Log. Ga. near Blairsville. Also 2 acre tract on Hwy. 19 with 1 room modern cabin. Phone Riverside 5-5287. 50? 3tp FOR SALE ? Cub Tractor ? Mower ? Rake ? Disc Plow and Harrow. Excellent Condition. E. C. Suit. Route 4, Murphy. Phone Liberty 7626. 50-3'p FOR SALE ? Five-room house with double garage and apartment. On highway 19 In Marble. Contact C. Breed love, Jr., Andrews, N. C. 50 ? 3tp WANTED - TYPIST -Must have had experience with elect ric typewriter. Part time three or four days a week. Write Typist, Box 188. Mur phy, N.C. giving qualifica tions for an interview. 51? tfl FOR SALE? Gaited Saddle Horse with 3 months old filly colt. Mare 5 years old. Contact Evelyn Gladson, Culberson. N.C. 51 ? 3tp FOR SALE ? 30 acres timbered land. Several building sites on paved road. Martins Creek Community. Running water. On school bus line, mail route and power line. Contact Noah Hembree. Phone VE 7-2524 or VE 7-2732. 51 ? 3tp | "IF HEARING IS YOUR PROB~ LEM THEN BELTONE IS YOUR ANSWER. Arthur L. Mason, Beltone Consultant will be in Murphy, N.C. twice monthly. He will be glad to call at your home for free consultation con cerning your individual hearing problem. IF YOU HEAR BUT DO NOT UN DERSTAND, write Box 188, Murphy, N.C. or phone VE 7-2923, giving directions to your home. 51? 3tc E. C. H00RE Jewelers ? ? SEE THE NEW BULOVAS ? Expert Watch Repair By A Graduate Watch Maker FOR SALE FOR SALE ? Dining Room Fur niture ? Tabic. I Chair* and China Ciosat. Phon* VE 7-2355 or VE i-am. FOR SALE? 12 ft. House Trailer Completely turnuhed ? Sleep* five - was Contact Marvin Hampton or call VE 7-3211. 51? 3tc FOR SALE - Six Buainaaa Lot* ? 100x200, across from Hall Dairy. One-third down, re mainder 1 and 2 year*. See J. B. Hall, Murphy. Box 223. 51? 3tp FOR SALE? OFFICE SUPPLIES ? No. 10 Envelopes, 500 to box ? $3.95. Bond Stat ionery, box of 500 ? $4.00. Cherokee Scout, Murphy. ?_tf FOR SALE ? 1956 Dodge Pick-up ? S Cylinders ? 5 New Nylon Tires, 6 Ply on Rear ? Reasonable ? Can be Financed. See Richard How ell at Howell's Market, Mur phy, N. C. 52-3tc FOR SALE ? Six-room House ? Bath and Carport. Good gravity water system. Near Hlwassee Dam School. Price $7,800 Contact Homer Floyd. Hiwassee Dam, N. C. 82-3tp FOR SALE ? 14 acres bottom land. Any acreage can be bought. 1955 JEEP PICK UP ? Good condition. 33,000 mileage. Outboard Motor ? 14^2 Foot Boat ? Corn Planter ? Harrow ? Plow ? Chicken Feeders ? 1 Block House See Glencc Hardin. Andrews, N. C. S2-3tp FOR SALE ? Two Bedroom modern house ? Gristmill? 2 springs piped into house. 7 Acres ? Good Motel Sight ? On Highway 19. See Ed ward Gibbon, Topton, N. C. 52-ltp FOR SALE ? New Philharmonic Portable Electric Organ. Steel reeds ? Cost $300, NOW $145. Life-time guar antee. Can be seen at Gib son Furniture, Andrews. N. C. SPECIAL d used car ft| y values! ? 1939 Chevrolet Biscayne 2 Door ? 6 Cylinder Motor ? Power Glide Transmission ? A Good Buy At ... SI 733 1936 Oldsmobile ? 98 Series 4- Door Holiday Hard-top ? Hydromatic Transmission ? Power Steering ? AIR CON DITIONING ? A Real Cool Buy 31433 1958 Chevrolet Biscayne 2 Door ? Standard Transmiss ion ? V8 Engine ? Extra Clean 31393 Cherokee Motors VE 7-2183 MURPHY. N. C. FOR SALE FOR SALE ? Two milch cows. Contact W. E Moore. !U. 1. Murphy, N. C. ?-3t? SERVICES JAMES TV and Radio Service All work guaranteed. Call ve 7-3238 day or night M? tie rOR ELECTRIC REPAIRS oa stoves. irons, fan*, ate., tee McCombi end Morgan next door to the employment ol flce. Alao bouae wiring by lioeoied electrician. 5 U phone VE 7-isn. sight phone VE l-WU er V? 74147. 20 ? tic BULLDOZER WORK. Lar?a ma chine for hire or contract. Phone VE 7-2338. Dockery k Roberts, Murphy. N. C W? tic I GENERAL . REPAIR: Extra rooms added to your home and decorated Inside and out. Floor Tile laid, plumb ing and electrical repairs. Twenty-four hour services. Telephone dsy VE 7-2M7, nifit phone VE 7 20JJ or VE 7-3147. All work guar, anteed. McCombs and Mor gan. Next door to employ ment office. 30?tfe SINGER SEWING MACHINE representative. Tom Hunt will be here every Tuesday, all day, for sales and ser vice, and can be contacted by calling the New Regal Hotel. Telephone VE.7-2341. 29? tfc REAL BUYS In Good Transportation CARS Can Be Financed 1 95 1 Chevrolet ? Standard 1951 Plymouth ? Standard 1952 Studehaker 1950 Dodga ? Standard 1951 Hanry-J 1952 Willis 1955 Plymauth 1 95T Dad (a Corona* ? 8 Cy lindar Motor ? Radio ond Heotar ? Auto motic Transmission ? Whitewoll Tiras. 1957 Chevrolet ? 2-Door 210 ? 6 Cylinder ? Standard Transmission ? Radio ond Heater. FIVC 1955 and 1956 Fards To Chaosa Fram. 1952 Chevrolet 1 Vi-Tan Truck 2 Spaed ? Good Bed ? Excellent Buy. 1951 Chevrolat Pick-up ? Good Buy. COMMUNITY MOTORS Across From Miami Restaurant VE 7-2001 HI-ROCKET Swvka Station Regular Gas 27.9* Cthyl 30.9< | More power in your engine, More money in your pocket, Mhen you fill your tank W i th Stile#' Hi-Rocket. HI- ROC K ET Service Station ' H, E. Stiles, Mgr. Andrews Road Hwy. 19 Mu rp by, N. C. CALL AN EXPERT SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY CATTLE Artificial Breeding Top Slr?s From Five Mo?t Popular Breads AMERICAN BREEDER SERVICE JAMB MIICI Phono 2964 Hoyoivtllo, N. C BLUI III Ml TRUCKING COMPANY In Murphy With r iBn/ pjg^i Miono VI 7-2922 8peeH> BLUE RIDGE Awl Bo Bar* . . . QUALITY JOB PRINTING The Cherokee Scout Permanent! $6 up For Appointment Call VB 7-SttO CANDLER'S B?aaty Shop Watch flr jewelry REPAIR Ke?ptak? Diamond* Davis Jewelers "For Dependable Service" - CALL - MEADOWS RADIO ft TV SERVICE VE 7-2327 Wedding Invitations Dial VI 7 2222 The ChtrokM Scout M ROUB Wrecker Service Id T*wmm Act* Co. DV VE 74m, Night V* 7-BH ROGERS Electric Service Electrical Contracting and Repair* | D?y VE 1-tm. Nlffct VE l-wt RADIO-TV REPAIB ANTENNA INSTALLATION LLOYD'S RADIO fir TV SERVICE V* MM CALL AN IXHRT CITY SIGN CO. Waynovill*, N. C mm mt AN Typm * Mpn Mr Pmt WMMt untm ... cm - ew* Mill