Area Obituaries ELDfl) L PARKER HAYESVILLE - EJibu L. Parker, TT. of Hayeaviile BL X diad Friday morning. July XX. Ha was a native of Oay County, a 10a of the late Alfred and Lava Killian Parker, and was a mem ber of Tusquittee church of Gad. Finis E. Davis of Louisville, Kentucky, was elected Interna tional President of Lions Inter national at the Association's 43rd Annual Convention in Chicago. Lions International, with <10,000 members in 106 countries or ra tions. is the world's largest serv ice club organization. Lions International is best taown for its many youth pro grams. community service proj ects. sight conservation activities and aid to the blind. Last year Lions Clubs around the globe completed more than 1(2.000 in dividual community service proj ects. LYON'S All-Day Adhesive DENTURE CUSHIONS IS tMth tight ? Ph the breath ? Srves genuine comfort without odor-causing massy powders or gluey pastes. a MNTtsrs oiscovfir MAUHEY DRUG CO. MURPHY, N. C THEATRE N. C. Thu. 28-Frl. 29 'Tht Last Aigry Mob' PAUL HUH DAVID WAYNE IETSY PALME* Sat. 30 DOUBLE FEATURE 'Volley off the Redwoods' JOHI HUDSON LYII VERIAY Also 'The Sheriff of Froctired Jaw' -IK COLOR? KEIRCTN MORE JAYIC HAISF I CLO Sat. Lata Shew ?Tk? Hot Bod Girl' 4 116 DAYS Sun. 31-Mon. 1 Tim. 2-Wed. 3 'South Pacific' ? IV COLO I Mltzl Gayner Roaaano Brazzl cmmti in ,*B?LT? f|( Surviving art two rlainhtai. Mr*. MenU Rea Parfcar of Hayev vilk. Md Mrs. 1m* Crabtree af California; two aons, Jama* of Hayacvillt. and Fred of Toledo. Waal). ; throe brothara. Andy of Hayes vtlle. and Sam and Jamas of Cleveland. Terns.; and a sister. Mrs. Bertha Blanfcenahip o f Hayes vilie. Services were held at 3 p.m. Saturday in Union Hill Church. The Rev. Jack Thomas and the Rev. Emerson Davenport offici ated and burial was in the church cemetery. Ivie Funeral Home was ia charge of arrangements. REV. FRED SHIELDS The Rev. Fred Andrew Shields, 58. of Andrews, died at S:8 a m Tuesday. July 1*. after a long ill ness. He was a native of Macon County, a son of the late Robert and Molbe Lee Shields, and had been an ordained Baptist minister for 10 years. His last pastorate was at Junaluska Baptist Church. He resigned a few months ago be cause of the condition of his health. Surviving are the widow, Mrs. Mary Piercy Shields; a son, Har old of Andrews; a daughter, Mrs. Christine Rogers of Andrews; three grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Hughes of Frank lin; and three brothers, Garland. Melvin and Everett Shields of Franklin. Services were held Wednesday at 2 p.m. in Second Baptist Church of Andrews. The Rev. Jim Trueti, the Rev. Andrew Hogan and the Rev. Ho mer Wilson officiated, and burial was in VaUeytown Cemetery. Ivie Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. MRS. SUSAN P ARRIS ANDREWS? Mrs. Susan Jane Parris. 75, of Andrews, died at 9:30 a.m. Saturday, July 28 in an Andrews hospital after an ill ness of two weeks. Mrs. Parris was born in Gra- ' ham County, but had lived most I of her life in Andrews. She was a member of First Baptist Church of Andrews. Surviving is the husband, D. L. Parris. Services were held at 2 p.m. Monday in Andrews Funeral Home Building. The Rev. T. C. Christ mas, pastor of First Baptist Church, officiated, and burial was in Valieytown Cemetery. Townson Funeral Home was in charge, Andrews, N. C. Thu. 28-Frl. 29 ADMISSION 75c Sat. 30 DOUBLE FEATURE 'Four Fast G?rs' JAMES CSA I A MARTHA VtCKERS Also CartooR Carnival Also LATE SHOW 'TkMdtr Ir CoroliRo' -IN COLOR? RORT CALHOUR Sun. 31-Mon. 1 Tut. 2 'Who was that Lady?' TORY CURTIS DUI MART 1 1 JARIT ICIfiN W?d. 3-Thu. 4 'Tk( Toll Starr' ;; ? f ? ' :? X ^ ' ? ' ' -i ? ^ ? Great Returns ? J B' ,ffr Jfr ' * - ? ? . From Freexers Anybody? Certainly om of th* moat pop ular mm) imprtMi appliances nowaday* is the Everooe is In terested in get ting as great re turns from their investment possible , conse-| quently , many > inquiries about about freezing fruits and vege tables and prepared dishes are pmiwg around. The trouble with asking Just anyone is that you may get same "short cuts" that will be disap pointing when you prepare the food several months from now. | The short cut that I have par ticularly in mind is failure to ' blanch (or scald ? the vegetable ( which stops the ripening process lor enzyme action). This step is . imperative for a good product and t do not be misled by someone who ; will tell you it la not important. \ Vegetables frozen will retain , their flavor for a few days with- , out blanching, but keeping them ! for several months necessitates ' following expert recommenda- , tions. , For best results with fruits the ; rules are very simple. Use tree ; ripened fruits if possible. Fruits do not require scalding , or any application of heat before freezing. Do handle the fruit ] gently and work with small i amounts to avoid bruising. Wash fruit thoroughly, stem and tort < discarding the soft or overripe t parts. Fruits like vegetables continue to ripen but instead of scalding fruits to check this chemical ac- : ttw, ^ ar syrup is uaed to coat to* fruit Here again, torn art aona heipfui suggestions: Uae dry wg ar if preferred only oa fnuu that will not discolor. A few fruit* may even be packed without sugar or syrup provided toey will not dis color. and depending upon how you want to uae them. If you art not thoroughly famll method*, then you will be Inter ested in the printed help* avail able free at the Home Agenu Office. To spend money, energy and time to be disappointed In qpuhs is luineoitary - LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP SALE The Cherokee County Board of Education will aetl at Public Auc tion on Auguct 1 ISM, at ?:00 a.m. at the Courthouse door in Murphy, N. C. the school property described as follows: Being part of Tract Number 70 in said Stat* and County. Dist rict Number 1, on the water of Slow Creek, beginning on a white oak near the road, running thence north about twenty poles to a stake, thence with the road in ? southern direction about 25 poles to a stake in said road, thence NW to the beginning con taining one acre, more or less. Being the land deeded by J. C. Huskins and B. Mayfield. agent for J. N. 0. Abernathy heirs, re corded on page 7 of Deed Book j Number 2-27, Records of Chero kee County, and known as Slow, Creek school property. The Board of Education reser ves the right to reject any and all bids. Cherokee County Board of Education. Secretary. 51-3tc. (Editor's Note: This poem was written by Victor West of Marble. Mr. West is presently a foreman with the H. H. West Construction Co., in Manila, Utah.) I SEE THE MASTER By Victor M. West I see Him in the Sunrise When the dew is on the Ground I see Him at Evening When the Sun is going down. I see Him in the Springtime When the leaves start to unfold I see Him in the Autumn When they turn to Red and Gold I see Him in the Mountains And upon the rolling Plains 1 see Him in the Valleys And in the Springtime Rains. I see Him in the Forest Among the stately Trees I see Him in the Desert In every little Breeze. I see Him in the Canyons And upon the lofty Hills I see Him by the Brookside And beside the trickling Rills. I see Him in the Flowers Along the dusty Lane I see Him in the Roses And in the golden Grain. I see Him in a Christian Who walks with Him each Day One who points Souls to Jesus Along Lifes narrow Way And when this Life is Over And I have run my Race I know that up Yonder I'll see Him Face to Face. THE CHANGING SCENE soymntocx aon kmngn the sun omw ?DT A AMEN SOAKM& MANPOWER wtviMTOteOCTowonoimmD. ' II J>S MftMMSTOCMruttOCASt SO TMBrCMI (TOM TW? GUAM UMl TMf HA* KIT F?IC? 13 RNHT. HWTT1 AM HMNIR. TW?! ? HO WtATVIft WCX. Smoky Mountain Gas Co. '"four Philgo* LP Distributor" Vf 7-2111 Murphy, N.C. ? ? -nxz ? ' ? ifc J- 'nil,- ? - p*?*t>e of progress r 1889] DIRECTORY 1 OF BUSINESS 7t YfAJtS CHEROKEE SCOUT PriaNn ? hibliihiri Good Printing Sine* 1889 bfeMbM Mr '??? M YfAXS 1924 - 1960 "Cowp/id Out Stop Bmnklmj" CITIZENS BANK and TRUST CO. AlldiWI ? H?y*irill* Murphy ? RtbkhffHIh Mwk? F.D.I. C 24 YfAXS 1936 - 1960 DUNCAN OIL COMPANY Phillip* 66 DMicr Hut Witfl OIL . . . It Costs LESS! J YtAKS 1957 - 1960 CHEROKEE RESTAURANT Serving Good Food Daily "Air CwiditteMd" 56 YIAMS 1904 - 1960 C Quality A Mam* Brand N Merchandise D L . E R i S Ladi?$' R?a4y-To-Wear 34 YtARS 1926 - 1960 DICKEY SUPPLY CO. ? Hardwire ? Building Supplies "We Ml for Less Because We Sell For Cash" MURPHY, N. C. 24 YtARS 1936 - 1960 J. H. DUNCAN TIRE CO. PMcktfM St. Murphy, N. C. 1 YEAR FAMILY RESTAURANT Special i ting In ? Charcoal Broiled Steaks ? Home Cooking ? Chicken in the Basket ? Country Ham FAMILY RESTAURANT "Air Conditioned" 55 YEARS 1905 - 1960 ? Pittsburgh Paints ? Hardware ? Sporting Good* MURPHY HARDWARE COMPANY VI 7-2110 30 YEARS 1930 - 1960 MAUNEY DRUG CO. Fast - Accurate PRESCRIPTION Service ! 16 YEARS 1944- I960 DAVIS JEWELERS Keeptok* Diamonds Watch fir Jewtlry REPAIR! J YEAR Now In Our Second Year . . . COLLINS CRAIN DEPARTMENT STORE "Your Stor e Of Better Values" We Give Red M Tickets! 49 Yf ARS 1911 - 1960 "Th? Rexall Store" PARKER'S DRUG STORE "For 49 Years Murphy's Leading Drug Store" 29 YiARS 1931 - 1960 Walt Coleman Appliance Store Sm Iki Beautiful New Frigidaire ? Ran*** ? li(il|?nnn ? W*sti?rt ? Dry?n ? Fmim ? 75 YEARS 1945 - I960 TRUDY'S The Ladies' Shop In i Murphy, N. C. FIRST YEAH Murphy's Newest And Smartest Outfitters For The Entire Family! LENA'S Next Door To Pott Offico MURPHY, N. C. 41 YEARS 1919 - 1960 E. C. MOORE DODGE Safes and Service VE 7-2316 MURPHY, N. C. 27 YEARS 1933 - 1960 WE TAILOR SUITS for MEN and LADIES and WE CAN FURNISH YOU WITH SHOES, HATS, and GROCERIES CARRINGER'S 75 YiARS SMOKY MOUNTAIN GAS CO. ? L-P Gas ? RCA Whirlpool Gat and Electric Appliances ? Motorola Radio and TV 41 YtAHS 1919 - 1960 MURPHY SUPPLY CO. "Ow Many Tim Of Ixyarianc* M IiuHwiilcil Opmtfe* ImMm U> T. OHtr Tn Q? m? MafcKan^tl* Far Lm Mwwy." MURPHY SUPPLY CO. 26 YtARS 1934 - 1960 Ivie Furniture Company and Ivie Funeral Home Murphy, N. C. 14 YEARS 1946 - 1960 Duke's Lodge and Lodge Landing ? Boot* oiid Boit ? Good Food ? Cabin* Dulu 6m WMrin, llm?r T?yt?c, Omm amd Om"'ki 40 YEARS 1920 - 1960 DICKEY 'Chovrolof-OMimobiU Company Scl#s hwte? "i ?It Y? Wmmt A Cm* Umd tmr, In Ut" Wl ALWAYS CARRY A COMftlTI STOCK 25 YiAMS 1935 - 1960 "BARGAINS QALOHM" LAY'S 5 & 10 "Murphy' i OMxt mnd Uf*Mt S A 10" TtOY PLKMING, M?f. . 9 YEARS 1951 - 1960 SOSSAMON'S FURNITURE CO. "WHh Ui eastern* Satisfaction It A Mint" "ON TNI SQUARI" VI 7-J11S MURPHY, N. C FM up your toltonk now w*h Gulf Hoot ? tho dmrm* burning hoatinf ill you can bt?. ? Mmhi ft | now wnin? ?% tew. ? low sum- i OntaMtan u/to* A^L * FOr CLEAN HEAT | lor?tc? ImSRmiI W. C. KINNEY & SONS, Inc. DAY PHONC VI 7-2523 NIGHT FMONBS VI 7-2MJ W 7-290S VI 7>2S5t Murphy, N.C

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