The News In Andrews Fere bee On Birthday arrangements and and punch were following ; Dariel td Baxter, Scott Free!, Danny and Mitchell Shields. Su san and Dannie Roper. Ann Combs. Giles and Eleanor Marie Enras. (Catherine Ann Wood. Rob ? Mrv BtUy Per* Methodist Men Holds 1 Tri-County Meet ANDREWS ? Forty-five mac from ail Methodist Churches ia Cherokee. Clay, and Graham counties met (or their quarterly meeting on Friday July ?. at 7 p.m. at Berkshire Picnic Grove. IV Andrews men, under the (Srectkxi of Walter Brown, presi dent. were the hosts They served a fish fry During a short business ses sion. the group decided to offer assistance to any of their churches in this area for special services. in Anne. Sara Jo and Roy Burch. Johnny Wood. Terry Wolf. Eliza beth Frazier. Joly EUis. Tiwana Best. Stevie Nichols. Sara Lynn Hogsed. Phillip White. David and Debbie Crawford. NEW STEEL FOR SALE! Steel Truck Floor Plate liploci Ratten Wooden Track Beds WM Steel Floor Plate* From Kaye't Auto Porta. SPECIAL!!! All Sizes Angle And Channel Iron Full 4 01/C Lengths ? JL^m/2 P?r ??>. Single Posts m sr-.-'lO" Pointed Block Or White Just Installed New DuPont Color Mixer We Con Match All Cor And Truck Color* In Enamel Or Lacquer. Alto Refrigerator* And Stoves. WE HAVE ON HAND 1949-1957 Ford and 1949-1953 Chevrolet Rebuilt Standard Transmissions Auto Glass Installed KAYE'S AUTO PARTS VI 7-2172 * 3 MURPHY, N. C. we'll help you plan for electrical living free! To help you enjoy the full benefits of electrical living, kitchen planning . . . house heating and air conditioning plans . . . adequate wiring plans . . . home lighting plans are yours it na cast. See us ? or call us ? for these services when needed ? they're free! FRE E WIRINGr c:RVIC?| Per more information about Hi* frM cloctrical planning atrvieM ovoiloblo from Hi* Murphy llcctric Pow?r Board, dial VE 7-2211. Murphy Electric Power Board . V. ? \lA - i. A_a '.4** .sH .A^w .. . a*i- A - . f ^-. A..' ^Round About Andrews^ Mrs Paul Boru? ?f Cantoe. Georgia ipaat laat week with her mmIi, Mr. and Mr*. H A. Dawar She and bar mother spent two days with tor aster, Mrs Raymond Harris at bar new home ia the ChiMwwet mfMtatos. Mr*. Boring and har aoo Pan) Jr will leave Aug. 13th for Glacier National Part la Mont ana to visit har daughter, Sara Alice, who has spent the past two summers there. Sara Alice has accepted a posi tion (or the coming year to teach High School English to Great Falls, Montana. Mrs. Ola Williams and aon Billy a t Calderwood. Tenn . arrived Sunday to spend a week with Mrs. Helen Waldroup and her father. Mr W. H. Hamilton They were enroute from Ruston, Louisana where they had spent the past week Miss Carolyn Lynn Hamil ton of Augusta, Ga. who is also visiting Mrs. Waldroup will ac company Mrs. Williams home and visit Mr and Mrs. W. G. Hamil ton in Caldwerwood M-'Sgt. James L. Hamilton and Sgt Vernon Jackson of Fort Gor don. Augusta. Ga. were week end. guests of Mr. W. H. Hamilton.1 Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Rogers and children. Sarah. Grant and Mat tiew of Robbinsville spent Sunday! with Mr. Roger's mother, Mrs.) Louise Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Christy and family were weekend guests of Mr. Christy's parents. Mr. and Mrs John Christy. Bob and Bill, young sons of the Christy's who had spent the past week with their grandparents, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Kfenneth Jones of Cullowhee are spending this week with their parents. Mr. and Mrs Penn Jones and Mrs. Bob Allis son. ? ? ? House guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McConnell for the past week were Mrs. McConnell's sister. Mrs Nell Robinson of Gastonia. her daughter and son . in - law Mr and Mrs. Herman Wiley and children Carol. Glenn and Patri cia. While here they attended the drama Unto These Hill*. They al so visited other relatives here. Buck McConnell who is employ ed in Goldsboro visited his wife and his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McConnell this week end.| Gary Collett and Jerry Hicks . were week end guests of Mr. and! Mr*. Gene Collett in Atlanta.: Georgia. Miss Pam Windom of MariettaJ Gaorgia (pent acver&l days thia| pa* wacfc wife Mr. aad Mrs. K. U. Burch aad family. Mr tod Un Keith Alliaoa of KaaavilJe. Tana. ?era week end gueata Although the Burch's had picked up five children along the way. the care of the children did not take up the energy and desire for civic work that pr evaded the spirit of this young mother. So she resumed teaching Sun day School, became President of Home Demonstration club. 19(0 General chairman of 4th July celebration. I960 chairman of East Cherokee County Heart Fund, made a habit of reading a good book every week and taught her aalf to play a Hammond Chord organ. There are so few mothers that can cope with five children and ?till have time to cook (or their huibandf. We are of the opinion that a woman who can do all that and take-on a load of civic work on the ode. deserves public mention We would with for more of that kind of courage and endurance that can cause one woman to take on the work of two women in serving her family and her com munity. Masons To Meet The district meeting of the 58th Masonic District will be August 11. starting at 4:00 o'clock p.m. at Andrews Lodge No. 529 in An drews. Ail Master Masons are urged to attend. COOL OFF! ! MONDAY NIGHT, AUG. 8. NBC-TV ESTHER WILLIAMS ?*t si CYPRESS GARDENS!!' STARRING J . ESTHER IS WILLIAMS * WITH HER WEST ST MS FERNANDO LAMA: JOEY BISHOP DICK POPE, THE AQUAMAIDS, THE AQUA ; MANIACS, CYPRESS GARDENS SKI BALLET, ! WORLD CHAMPION DIVERS, CYPRESS GARDENS i AQUABABIES. UNITED STATES BREWERS FOUNDATION # m m REALLY GO PUCES . . . mm nm mm Wouldn't you like to have your own "magic carpet" to take you where you want to go in life . . . to give you what you want to have? To be very practical about it, today's "magic carpets" are, for the most part, made of moneyl This means that you can produce your own "magic carpet" without resort to wizardry or hocus-pocus. Simply set up and faithfully follow a program of systematic saving here! Make it a practice to deposit a fixed amount in your savings account, first thing every payday. Your regular deposits, plus liberal interest, compounded, will soon add up to what it takes to give you the kind of "magic carpet" you wantl OTHER BANKING SERVICES ? Checking Aecountt ? Troreiert' Cheekt ? Per form I Loam ? Automobile Loom ? Sate Depoiit Boxes ? Lmtitrt o4 Credit k* tmm at custom s mi . . . se CITIZENS BANK mi TRUST COWANY ??rphy ? Aafaws ? RtMinvilb - NflfMvflfe NCMM If fUlIU llftllT lismact CUMMTItl