LEGAL NOTICE I NOTICE N THE RECORDER'S COURT ORTH CAROLINA ?EROKEE COUNTY rATE \ Ua Luce Under and by virtue o I an order the Judge of the Recorder's wrt entered in the above entiti I action at the term o< said ?urt held on July Itth. I960, id by virtue o< the act of trans (rting intoxicating liquor, in Mation of law. in the automob-| i hereinafter described, the un raigned will, on Tuesday. Aug t 23. 1980. al 10 00 o'clock M.. at the Courthouse door in urph> . Cherokee County. North irolina. sell to the highest bidder r cash the following described raonal property, to- wit: One 1953 Model Ford four diw dan automobile Motor No. B3CG 2317. with a Georgia Tag ). 90-1852. K This the 1st day of August. 1980. Claude Anderson Sheriff. Cherokee County. j l-2tc. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SERVICE OK PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT GLENDA I VIE BRANDON. Plant iff VS JOHN WILLIAM BRANDON Defendant To: JOHN WILLIAM BRAND ON. defendant in the above en titled action: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: An absolute divorce from the defendant on the grounds of two years separation. You are required to make de fense to such pleadings, not later than October I. I960, and upon your failure to do so. the plain tiff herein, seeking service against you, will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 26th day of July, 1960. James C. Howse Clerk Superior Court Cherokee County, N. C. l-4tc FIVE WAYS QUIETI NEW JOHNSON Sea-Horse j I Enginoorod to run I of 4300 r.p.m. No v motor-racing roar. I Spiral - 8???l goars tliminal* annoying whino. 3 Und?rwat?r ox hauil mirffl#i mo- S tor noil*. W Sim from p Fiborgloi hood Mali sound in. 5 Spociol mounting! took up vibration. W* lo 78 hp at... ELMER TAYLOR'S LODGE LANDING VE 7-2536 ROUTE 3, MURPHY, N. C. Buy the Retread that Carries the Seal of Qualitv! GOODYEAR SEAL RETREADS Ray as low as SQ78 I Stzf 6.70 I IS ? Plus In im) raapptN* hra Tho Seal it Your Assurance of ? Goodyear approved trood dotfgn ? Goodyoor high quality tread materials ? Gaodyoar't r*retta Reid Wil liamson died, seized and possessed of and with lien exists on account of Old Age Assistance payments made to her by the Plaintiff dur ing the period from October 1, 1951. to and including the 30th day of April, i960. You are required to make de fense to such pleading not later than September IS. 1960. and upon your failure to do so tbe party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This, the 25th day of July, I960. James C. Howse CLERK OF THE SUPER IOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY | The undersigned, having quali fied as Administratrix of the estate of Andrew Levi Fancher, deceased, lata of Cherokee Co unty. this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate | to present them to the undersign ed. at Box 353. Andrews, North Carolina on or before the 30th day of June. 1961 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said eslate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at Box 353. Andrews, North Carolina. This 24th day of June, 198#. Fannie M. Fancher. LEGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROUNA CHEROKEE COIFNTY The undersigned, have qualified as Executrix of the estate of J. W. Malone. deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persoM having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned at Rt. J. Culber son. N. C on or before the nth day of July, 1M1 or this notice will be pleaded ia bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleaee make Im mediate payment to the under signed at Rt. S. Culberson. N. C. This Ond day of July. ISM LEGAL NOTICE | BY PUBLICATION STATE OF NORTH CABOLLNA CHEBOKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Plaintiff -vs- ROBERT CAGLE. ALIAS BOBBY CAGLE. Defcod aot ANITA THOMPSON CAGLE. -vs. ROBERT CAGLE. ALIAS BOBBY CAGLE. Defendant TO. ROBERT CAGLE. ALIAS BOBBY CAGLE: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled act ioa. The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: For divorce on the ground of separation for more than two years. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 10 day of September i960, and upon your failure to do the party seeking service against >ou will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 19th day of Jul). 1960. James C. Howse v CLERK SUPERIOR COURT! 51-4tc. CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having qauli fied as Executrix of the estate of William H. Bates, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to noti fy all persons having claims > against said estate to present' Ihem to the undersigned, at Mur phy. North Carolina on or before the 30th day of June. 1981 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment to the under signed at Murphy. North Carolina.' This 23rd day of June, 1960. I Mrs. JOE BATES, Murphy, N. C. 48-6tc NOTICE OF SALE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Trust executed by Jack Crawford and wife. Thelma H. Crawford, dated the 20th day of March. 1956. and recorded in Book 200 at page 269, in the Of fice of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness there by secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms therof subject to foreclosure the under signed Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Murphy. North Carolina, at nooon. on the 15th day of August. 1960, the property con veyed in said Deed of Trust, the same lying and being in the County of Cherokee and State of North Carolina, in Murphy Town ship and more particularly des cribed as follows: Adjoining the lands of J. L. Hall. Cody Clayton and others, and bounded as follows, viz: Begin a lot of land consisting of about one >1' acre and being aj part of the home place of J. L. Hall: BEGINNING on an iron pipe and runs a Westerly direction along the U. S. Highway No. 64. 265 feet to a stake; tbence South 185 feet to a pine Tree; thence East 310 feet to the BEGINNING corner, being in a triangular shape. It is expressly agreed and un derstood that this conveyance (re ferring to Deed Book 169. page 75' is to correct and remove a restriction in a Warranty Deed from J. L. Hall and wife. Oma, Hall, to Jack D. Crawford and wife. Thelma Hall Crawford, dated' April 16. 1947. which is recorded! in Book 165 at page 120. Reg-' ister of Deed's Office, Cherokee i County, Murphy, North Carolina And being the same property described in a Warranty Deed I dated September 12. 1947. from J. L. Hall and wife. Oma Hall, to Thelma Crawford and husband. Jack Crawford, which is recorded in Deed Book 169. page 67. Reg ister of Deed's Office. Cherokee County. North Carolina. But this sale will be made sub ject to all existing liens and en cumbrances upon said land. Thi$ 13th day of Julv, 1960. L. L. Mason, Trustee |51-4tc 'NORTH CAROLINA : CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, have qualified as administrator of the estate of Richard Murphy, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to pre sent them to the undersigned, at Murphy. N. C. on or before the 7th day of July, 1161 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recover. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at Murphy, N. C. This 30 day of June. 1960. John B. Carringer Murphy, N. C. U9-?tc. NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having quali fied as Executor of the estate of Martha Fain, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this la to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned, at Box No. SUA Rt 1. Coppwhill. Tenn. on or before the 21 day of Jul}, 1N1 or this notice win be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons in debted to said estata will pteaae make immediate payment to the undersigned at Box No DBA, Rt 1. Cqmrfaill. Km. This lfth day of Jo.y. 1M John Hampton . DEADLINE FOR CLASSIFIED ADS: Nm TMafeyi Kate: Mc far net laaertiaa U wards ar taaa three tune* loi H-iS. Mare than 2S wards, twa crate per wart. CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our heart - fell thanks to our many friends for their sympathy and thought fulness. and Ivie Funeral Home for their service in the recent death of our loved one. Family of Thomas H. Cole 1-ltp HELP WANTED MALE HELP WANTED - RE TIRED ? Are you between ages of SO and 70 living on a retirement income but in need of additonal in come Opportunity to sup plement income with Wat kins Dealership m Cherokee and Graham Counties. Average earnings $2 to $4 per hour to start. For in formation write R. L. Rol lins P. 0. Box No. 1092. Golds boro, N. C. 49-5tp HELP WANTED - WANTED MEN OR WOMEN to earn $2 50 to $3.00 per hour part time or full time in Chero kee County. No investments needed. Will train }ou. Write Rawleigh's Dept NCH-200 31. Richmond. Va. l-2-2tp FEMALE HELP WANTED - Beauty is your business. Avon Cosmetics has im mediate openings for mat ure women to service excel lent rural AVON territory Pleasant, dignified work No experience needed. We train you. Write P. O. Box 1676. Hendersonville, N. C. Phone 0X2-3739 1-ltc FOR RENT FOR REM? Two-Bedroom house ? Oil Valley River Avenue ?Adults Only. See Don Gentry 32-ap FOR RENT ? 3-room Apartment on Springdale Street. Adult or couple. Phone VE 7-2261. 52-3lc FOR RENT OR LEASE IN MUR PHY ? Modern fireproof warehouse ? Railroad sid ing and loading dock ? Roll er type doors for truck drive-in. Contact Dick Rich ards. Phone VE 7-2612. S2-3tc FOR RENT ? New 3 bedroom House in Valleytown ? Electric Heat ? All Mod ern Conveniences ? Avail able August 5. by month or week. Call 144,1. Andrews. N. C., After 6 p m. 52-31C APARTMENT FOR RENT - Cool, comfortable, close in. Ideal for one person. Call days VE 7-2211. nights VE 7-2751. 51? 3tc WANTED TO RENT - Thr^ bedroom home with electric heat in good neighborhood, close to school. Being transferred to Murph> . Washer and Dryer connect ion. Write Raleigh DeBord. Box A. Cherokee Scout FOR RENT - Apartment" ~4 large rooms, bath, hot wa ter heater. Economically heated. Convenient to school bus. Phone VE 7-2586 or VE 7-2122. 51? 3tc RUPTURE-EASER ML ?? p.*. PaOJf U Pl*r iMH trwi* m\\ m ?j.ti p., \y & S495 N?. MMJ1I ~ hvM A atrcng. forp-fHUDC mthafcle sup port for rcdad&i lanlnal hornU Btck mmm. mtmim. ilMm. IUI aHm rl*? ??M?t ??M hww> part ?# ?M? mmm. ttoto r%M. Ml dit, Mlto. MAUNEY DRUG CO. MURPHY. N. C. 1 1 . . FOR RENT FOR RENT ? One 2-room fur nished apartment Hot and cold water See Miss Lydia Nlallonee or call VE 7-3162 M? *p FOR RENT ? Furnished 3-room apartment Private bath. Couple only Near Court house Call VE 7-2246. 31? 3tc FOR RENT ? 3 bedroom house in East Murphy. Living Room. Dining Room and Kitchen Blinds and Oil Fur nace furnished. Call Marie Pricc, VE 7-2413 3tc ARTICLES WANTED WANTED ? Dalmatian puppy ? Write Box 188 or call VE 7-2222 in Murphy 46tfn WANTED ? Cotton Rags ? Must be clean. No overalls or buttons. Contact the Cher okee Scout. VE 7-2222 1-tfh FOR SALE | For Sale ? House Trailers All ] Sizes available. Hermann'1 Trailer Sales at Shield's Tourist Home Phone Andrews 40 or contact Hermann at Forsyth 1 Furniture. 44 tfc |FOR SALE? Gaited Saddle Horse with 3 months old filly colt. Mare 5 years old. Contact Evelyn Gladson, Culberson. N'.C. 51? 3tp FOR SALE ? 30 acres timbered land. Several building sites on paved road. Martins Creek Community. Running water. On school bus line, mail route and power line. Contact Noah Hembree. Phone VE 7-2524 or VE 7-2732 . 51? 3tp IF HEARING IS YOUR PROB LEM THEN BELTONE IS YOUR ANSWER. Arthur I. Mason, Beltone Consultant will be in Murphv, N.C. twice monthly. He will be glad to call at your home lor free consultation con cerning y our individual hearing problem. IF YOU HEAR BUT DO NOT UN DERSTAND. write Box 188, Murphy. N.C. or phone VE 7-2923, giving directions tc your home. 51 ? 3tc FOR SALE ? '4fi Jeep. '53 2-toi Chevrolet truck, '49 1'2-toi truck. See E. A. Mintz a Mintz Gulf Station, Marble Route 1. l-6t] FOR SALE ? Westmghouse stov ? Good condition. See Har est King. Rt. 4. Murphy near Hiwassee Dam School l-3t| FOR SALE ? Two Gas Stoves? 1 Temco vented BO. 000 BTl ? 1 small unvented usee one year. Reasonable. L. B Womack, Andrews, N. C. 1-ltp FOR SALE ? Fresh young cow. See Mrs. J. L. Hall. Mur phy. Rt, 4, or call VE7-2802. l-3tc BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY - After 15 years of successfu operation here in one of the best sections for the suppli of good logs, we are mov ing five miles away am building a new plant foi the manufacture of Veneei and Lumber, and we offei land, buildings and part o our machines at very lov prices. Many of the mach ines can be seen operating now. Come in and see then and buy and see the bai gains. Saw Mill. Venee Lath. Steam Engines an< miscellaneous items. Con (act: R. G. Davis. Murrei Veneer Co., Inc., Murphv N. C. Phone VE 7-2914 1-31 1 STOP ITCHING! IN 15 MINUTES, After using ITCH-MI-MOT, gat you