Routt 3 News Ml*s Katharine Nfx. who It employed with Pilot Life Insurance Co.. InCraar.s bora, N. C? and taw of bar friends recenclv visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Nix. While here she vis ited her cousin. Wanda Sua Waac. at Toaaessoe-Wesleyaa College, tad they also toured Rock Cliy Garden -on Look Out Mountain. J aires Oockerv has return ed D his )ob la Whinng. Ind. after visiting his mother, Mrs. Mary Jo Dockery. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Nix and Children of Chicago, vis ited his parents, Mr.andMrs. C. D. Nix last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Cook and children who have been visiting friends and reladves here, returned to their home la Indiana on Sunda> . Mrs. Hershel Stiles of Tomotla. was guest last Sun day of her brother, G. D. Nix. Mrs. Grace Hall. Rex Kep hart. and Harold Kephart. at tended a dinner at the Coco nut Grove in Asheville, NrJaf Spteys Ntws Rev. Hosea Woody, Mi wife and daughter of Diana. Oro. are visiting friends here this Mr. Guy Bryson of Aiken. S. C. It visiting home folks this week. Mr. Cuy Willis of Grape Crook visited here last Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. 0"Dell returned last Sunday to their soa-la-la**s, Ralph Graves. Mr. and Mrs. William Allen moved to the M. C. 0*Dell home last week. M0VyU^ ? We need to know both your old and your new addresses. Please print. Allow two weeks for the change. Write to: The Cherokee Scout BOX 1