Mr. a>4 Mr*. J oka Jordan ud children attended Mmm coming Day Md *t Cullwrliii an Saturday end Sunday While dart they ware guests of J ack Barnea. -M Mr. and Mr*. Ray Berahert at Rockwell. N. C. are visit lag friend* la Marphy far aavaral day* tfcta weak. -M Mr. and Mr*. R.D.Ckaad ler return id home Friday altar several days visit with friends la Newport. Bristol. * Tena.-Va? and Aihevtlle. -M Mr. and Mr*. Howard Hall aad daughters, Belinda and Sharon, of Ashevllle spent the week-end with Mrs. Hall'a parents. Mr. and Mr*. John 1 Davidson. M Mrs. Henry Simmons and daughter, Cindy, of Cleveland are visiting Mrs. Simmons' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam L. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole man returned recently from Atlanta where they attended the showing of the 1961 Frig daire appliances. lit* daugbMr. Mailarta. af I leveland. T?a?. MM weak ead guests af Mrs. Brandon's pa ran is, Mr. aad Mr*. P. C. I vie. Mrs. Brandon rsairaarl Kama Sunday and HMiada re maiaad far a visit with har ?unt and tacle. Susanna aad Griar lvle. M Douglas Bargaaa who la a studaai at the UMvaratty af N.C. spant the waak-aad hera with Ms parents, Mr. indMrs. S. C. Burgess.' -M Mr. J. P. Coleman of Hay asvtlle is spending tMs week with Ms son and daughter In law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coleman. -M Mrs. W. D. Townson re turned home last Wednesday from Emory Hospital, At lanta, very much Improved, her many friends will be glad 10 learn. M Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Hall of Hayesvflle were visitors in town Stindav. NOW. IN TIM rat CHttSTMAS ?VMO. IU announcvng VP the NEW V ULTRA SUM Attaatioa Hard Of Heariag Free Coasaltatioa Far The Hard Of Haarfaf Aad Haariaf Aid Usars Latest Models in Eyeglass Hearing Aids as well as Conventional Type Hearing Aids Also Behind- the-ear Hearing Aids Monday, November 7th, from 10:00 am. to 2:00 p.m. - Cherokee Hotel, Murphy, n r ACOUSTICON ASHEVILLE COMPANY Gabriel S uhle. Manager 1107 Jackson Building Ashevllle, North Carolina LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Mrs. Ruby Winchester 418 Cherry Street Murphy, North Carolina " Persona I Mention Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odnn Mr. *ad Mr*. Henry Hyatt and Mr*. Joe Bites spent Sunday U (jests of Mr. *ad Mrs. Ed Herbert o ( Hayes - mile. -M Miss Myrtle Sea rues, and sister, Mrs. Cor* Hedley *f Kaexvtlle, Teas, and Mrs. Ed itfi Dyke of Powell. Teen, speat last week as guest c t Mrs. Vesta Houley and Miss Dot Hensley. While here they visited Ellitay and Blairs vtlle. Ga. M Mrs. Frank Hensley re turned to her hpme Sunday at Lewiston, N. Y? alter spending a month here with her sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Don Gentry, and mother-in-law, Mrs. Vesta Hensley. M The Rev. R. T. Houts will leave Sunday for Highlands where he will assist the pas tor. Rev. John Vernon in con ducting a revival beginning Sunday, November 6, through F riday. M Miss Patsy Kaylor, student nurse at Grady Memorial Hospital. Atlanta, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kaylor. -M Week-end- guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Bruce were his mother. Mrs. Myrtle Bruce, of Niota, Tenn., Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Bruce of Mil waukee, Wis. -M Mrs. Inez Parson of Athens was a week-end visitor in Own. Mrs. Gladys Dawson of Buf falo, N. Y., and Mr. and Mrs. Kinley Kaylor of Mineral Bluff were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Kaylor. -M Mr. and Mrs. Tommy. Moore of Clemson, S. C? spent the week-end guests of their res pective parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cloe Moore, and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Stiles. -M Mr. and Mrs. William Tut de and children spent Sunday in Cleveland. Tenn. -M Dr. and Mrs. James Red fearn of Atlanta, Ga., were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. Paul Hill. -M Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wills of Atlanta, Ga., andMiss Bes sie Howell of Young Harris, Ga., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom. -M Mrs. W. A. Wishon, Mrs. Eva Nell Lauria and brother, Frank Mauney, attended the Athens and Oklahoma game at Athens, Ga. Saturday. Mr. Md Mr*. Sun Dav.d M returned home rtCMlly from a visit with Mr dauffc wr and Ha-K-laa. Mr. a ad Mrs. Phil Goforth. Whila ttwra they attended ?w chris ?iunf of their wo grand - aona. -M Mr. and Mr*. Bruce Young 41 of Hiwaaaae Dam aad Mr. and Mr*. C. E. Hyde attend ed the North Carolina Tena essee fame at Knorville on Saturday. -M- - Mr. L. R. Butler of Win ston Salem is vUltlng Mr. and Mrs. Merle Davis. -M Mrs. Kenneth Davis has returned borne alter spend ing a week visiting her par ents of Raleigh. -M Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoo ver left last Thursday for Winston -Salem where they spent the night wi'th their son, Lonnie, who is attending Wake Forest College. From there they visited Dr. Hoover's sis ter and brother-in-law. Rev. and Mrs. Johnnie Farrar of Culpeper, Va. On the return trip they spent Friday and Saturday in Forest City where they were accompanied home by Mrs. Hoover's mother. Mrs. C. E. Sullivan, who .will spend several weeks with them. M Miss Ruth Bates, student at Western Carolina College in Cullowhee, spent the week here with her parents, and Mrs. Creed Bates. -M Miss Ada Harshaw is vis iting her sister. Miss Helen Harshaw of Asheville. Mr. A. B. Hampton has returned home from a recent visit with his nieces. Mrs. James Burch of Rayburn, Ga.. and Mrs. Lillle Emerson and Mrs. Paul Swafford of- Chat tanooga. Tennessee. -M . Miss Belvia McDonald of Murphy, Rt. 4, was in the office the other day to renew her subscription to the Scout. Miss McDonald is 74 years old and says she has been reading the Scout ever since she was six years old. Says she cannot do without the Scout. -M John Phaup of Waycross, Ga.. spent the week-end here with his mother, Mrs. J. H. Phai$>. -M Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Frasch are visiting friends in New York. -M Mr. and Mrs. John Posey fo Waynesvllle spent Sunday | with Mrs. Posey's mother. Mrs. B. L. Padgett. | 'A? f(xd Go cmvuion. i Birch Motors Murphy, N. C. ^"SUPER-RIGHT" BEEF SALE! ' ? ' "SUfCH-tKJHT*" HIAVY GRAIN FED BEEF 45 to 60 FOUND AVERAM? THIMMCD FULL LOINS f MARCAL FREEZER "| t] WRAP ] ? j22_89=J t "Super-Right" 330 to 3*o-Lh. Avg. ' ^ SIDE OF BEEF u. 45c "Super-Right" 1(0 to 1?- Lb Avg. HINDQUARTER ">? 55c "Super-Right" SO to 100- Lb Avg. ARM CHUCK u 39c "Super-Right" 10" Cut 26 tu, 30-Lb BEEF RIB 59c "Super-Right" SO to 100-Lb. Avg. BEEF ROUND ? 55c "Super-Bight" 20 to 25- Lh Avg. SIRLOIN BUTT 75c FOREQUARTER QUALITY HEAVY PFB ? GRAIN FED BEEF 170 TO 200 POUND AVERAGE Here'* another big AtP Freezer Sale timed just right for stocking yomr freezer for Hie fall monthi ahead. Your choice of hoof cut to your speci fications, wrapped in market paper at no extra cost, and the contents marked on each package. If you desire, your meat will be wrapped hi freezer paper at an additional cost sufficient only to cover the cost of freezer paper. Don't miss this big sale. Come in today and place your order. You may pick it up later. FRESH GROUND H BEEF * 3-LB. PKG. $-| 17 BIRDS EYE FROZEN Cram Pm? 2 U>. Pkg Sit , Cat Com ? l-U- Pkg. 29c I ifay Limat . I -Lb. Pkg. 39c Cur Okra .lO-Oi. Pkg. 20c | Onto* Ringt 4-0i. Pkg. 25c Ivory Soap 4 27c Ivory Soop 10c Ivory Soap 16c Ivory Liquid 39c ^ 67c j Ivory Snow & 34c & 81c Camay Soap R^"10c Camay Soap 2 Bui 29* Mr. Clean IX 69c STRAINED VARIETIES Gerber BABY POOD 6 J*? 65c Fresh Chestnuts "?? 23c Yellow Onions 5 b?? 19c Grapefruit Med. She 25c Emperor Crapes 2 25c BANANAS LBS. JANE PARKER AMERICA'S FAVORITE FRUIT CAKE Si 49 il $289 1 Vi-lb, Coke DAILY ASSORTED FLAVORS DOG FOOD 48 ft as $3.49 12 89c ANN PACE ELBOW MACARONI i 2 ? 35< PEANUT BUTTER - 55< ANN PAGE CAKE MIXES 4 ~ 69c G P KICKS IN IDS AO AKE EFFECTIVE THRU SAT. NOV. Mfc l/rs TIME TO TACKUP ?- -m crystal cifAR piastic Flex-OGlass