The Cherokee Scout SEND RENEWAL OF SUBSCRIPTION BEFORE EXPIRATION DATE ON ADDRESS Dedicated To Promoting Far Western North Carolina . Ml 7 - NoA/BtK p BL^hED WEEKLY Commissioners Oppose Nantahala P ^'erSale ^ ^ _ .... Smoking Ruins Tuese smokinz rjins are all rua' :~e !r ?: >r-~r-n V.urph> . bchoci buiMine :ua' ra/ed bv ' : e Tjesdav evening, 'anuarv 31. Hie rv.jilviinc v. as ^overei n. !"Sarar;e arn^nting co Jf^, 000. School a..,v-'~>r nes esnna-e : ? '* 1". take ru ce that amount ro replace "e st x ? .re. Murphy Calendar THURSDAY, FEBRUARY o 1:00 p.m. - Cherokee, Clav. and Graham Cancer Clinic will he held a: the Dlsrrlc: Health Office. 3:30 p.m. - Concord Choir a: First Baptist Church. ?:30 p.m - Communl ry Y ra yer Service a1 Free Me thodist Church. Murphy Chapter No. 10 Order of the Eastern Star *211 meet In the Masonic HaiU Rescue Squad will meet In the Murphy Power Board Building. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 5:30 p.m. The MFY will meet at the First Metho dist Church. 6:30 p.m. - Training Union a' First Baptist Church. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 13 6:30 p.m. - The B&PW Club w:K meet a' "he New Regal hotel . The Rotary Cluh wil] meet at the Family Restaurant. ?-9:30 p.m. - A dinner will be held at Tevana School. Proceeds will go to the benefit of the school lunchroom. Tla*e SI. 25. Everyone Is invited. ^:30 p.m. - The To*n Coun cil wJl' in the Power Board Bull 'dine. The Ruth Bagwell Circle of the Firs: Bapast Church w.-l meet with Mrs. Walter Puert. The Men's Choir of Flrsr Baptist Church will mee' at the Church, Tl -ESDAY, FEBRt ARY 14 10:00 a.m. - The Gladys Mor ris Circle of the FlrstBap tis: Church will meet with Mrs. A.J. Headrlck . 3:lt:> p.m The Sun Ream Choir of F!rs* Baptisr will meet a * the Church. 1:30 p.m. - The F're-baster ( nmmunlr anrs will mee' a' :'re Presbyterian Church. 4:." p.m.- T^e C hcrubChoir will meet a: the First Bap st Church. T^e Celestial I heir *111 meet a- First BaptJstCh^r - h: 30 p.m. - Circle No. One will serve a spaghetti sup per at Firs' Method: s' Church. Price: Adults. $1.00 C hildren .^Of. "liOp.rr. Circle of First Baptist Church will nee: wirh Mrs. t .eorge Worlev . The Frankle Mar tir C I r>. le will meer a" the home of Mrs. F.I len C rawf ord. The Alcoholic Anonvmous will mee- ar the New Regal Motel . W1 ONFSDAN . FFBRI A R \ !' 3:10 p i, Chapel Choir *:!! be heM a' f :rsr Baptls: ( huri v . p.m. fiainlne Union Worker* supper ar Flrsr B aptist Church. ":20 p.m. - Mission School at Presbyterian Church. ":30 P.frL,- - Hour of Power a' FlrsT Baptis* Church Mlil week services at 'he F irst Methodist Church. K:00 p.m. - Choir Rehearsal a' Presbyterian Church R:30 p.m. - Choir rehearsal at First Methodlit Church. Adult Choir rehearsal at Flrsr Fiaprlst Church. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY I* 7:00 p.m The Lions Club will celebrate their 3^th Anniversary at New Regal Hotel. A SSBt HEART t1 a Wf FUND 1 1 The WEATHER T^e week's temperatures an 1 rairiaK below are re ? or Jed in Murphy the TV A Hvdralic Da:a Branch, Chest er Lawson. Area Engineer. Readings 'or 'emperarure are for :we 24 bojr period, endlnst at 4 r.T. on :w? ia\ ! isted. MIRTHS High Low K a . Tuejan.31 H 0 Wednesday ^3 23 Thursday - i Friday 44 32 Sarurday 42 Sur.da> " 4 Monday ^ 2 2 Tuesdav 3^ ANDREWS Wednesday c4 1" T^ursdav 2 2 F rtday Satardav 41 > Sunday ^ !4 Monday * Tuesdav 40 2 4 2 Teenage Boys Caught With Stolen Car Two ] ~ \ e a r ? 1 ho . s i :ghr V? edncsda* r a s?o ? . ar were turner on Th irsda . to a deputv I. . S. marshal who took 'hem before I . S. l otitti] ssroner Henr* Truett in Brvsor. City for a preliminary hearing. The boys were arrested in Murphy by Sheriff Claude And erson and city policeman C-.enn Bates. The officers were looking for the car after eertlng a .all from. Forester's Service Station claiming the bos s had left without paying (or a tank of eas. The bo vs. one fro^ Dur ham C'oun"v a*rd 'ho other from T.^.aloosa, Ala.. *a: ? ved a hear; "t.s sinner Tr ier* -r* :v- Is of >1,000 ra ' nahle po^r bonds. 'he\ wrr^ hoi re hrl 1 I" the federal sr--or of ':>? .jn . omhe ( mm:. T"1 .rsiav n r h : . Svcr V A i <-h' i e br , s ^ I ml *red veal "? rhe ? a: :n | acksor, Mis-- He said *h o\ told r^e if ; cr * that ?hev ' >oit r, *' *he Mississippi tajs a- d r^plaicl *wem with ^'ol^n platen fro- a Loui siana v a r . 5th Grade Ballgame P-^ Mh zrade girls of Mur phy Momentary S. hon[ will play the vh grade hovs .n basketball eame Saturday, February 31, ar 2:00 p.m. In r^e Old Roc k < ? vm \ Jm i ss ,on w; I ] be I Stf 'nr hi Mr en. 2 V 'or adults. AUNT HET I read about divorced peo ple beln' friends, but I couldn't. ! can Mind a lot. but when I get fed up with anybody I wouldn't jtve 'em air In a jug ?r .,ey To Write .olities Board '?it '? e .. ?< ... r\ a'trrne. to r< q ies' in- \ i , Ass-:;, =r. or v o-..rr> i. ?' ! r" 't .^s: oners v. prepare and or .torse .egisla ti " 4oc a s:atj*e of 1 1 rr? *a son *o be 1 r.r '<]d aje assistance ? ases tot :wree 'f> 'en \earc Ton cate o: Jea'^ o! re :p e-t. 1 *- a men on bv V\ . T. Moore ,jr.: s?; onde b\ vs. 5. Dick c. . *we board voted to pla.e ? *he ?? ap I 4 mile of road K-.ov,: as trie Andersor Road " VaIIe\to\fcr To*rsh;p. Hcrr\ Tr -ert *as app^irr e: . cunrv sjrvevor bv ur anivojs vote. The v om rv i ssioner s agree 1 to give The Cherokee Scout par; of the countv print:-. g pro v. Jed the "scout meet pr:>. e and q .aJirv of v?ork cone nv o-her printing fr:ms. The Scout is to submit proof of the printed matter for ap proval tr* *he County Ac countant before quantity is p r i n ted up . Children's Home Drive Meets $45,000 Goal The Children's Home Socie'v of North Carolina crossed the ':uish line of their Curtsrmas Fund Drive on ' an. . : with soal accomplished - a :otai of $4^,0001 Eleven hundred and sevenrv rontrtbu'ors, several from Cherokee County, helped to swell the figures this year ?n an increase of $2. "00 over proceeds from the 1^5^ cam paign. TMs special appeal a* ?ke end of *he year, conducted especially tr. communities Ir. v-ich there are no 1'nlted Fund agenries. Is to finance 201 of the statewide adoption service's operating expenses for 1 9M . Local Mvsiciais To Ploy For Merrill Party Miss Jerrv Ruth. 5mi*k and Mrs. Free? Smith, a cordla" ists. a r. d J arnes v alduel 1, gir.tar;sr. will furnish specia. music for the benefit parr-, for Phi] lip Merrill ro be c.r. Feb. 1 ~*h, p.m., a' the 'ohr C. Carpbeli FolkSjhool, liravsrow-. Or^er feature* the vour.g and o I i alike. * ill like, are a- old 'a^u:one:1 ake walk. a *h "vnrimv" homemade ake^ as the prizes, and "grab basts" 'or che children a ' suo-Tvjff" auction, with all kinds of real bargains, an! of course, the dancing, which Is rhe popular activity every F rida^ night. This parry will Initiate the spring opening f o r the community dances ro he held each succeeding Friday ntgh*. Flveryone is invited tc brirg family members and ioir. In the fun! Sales Tax Collection Up During December Sales 'ax colle^ nons from C herokee County were $1~*,219 during this past December as compared with $13. "*90 for I)e - cember of 1959, according to figures ]usr released by the N. C. Revenue Department and analyzed by this news paper's Raleigh Bureau. This is a 25 per cent increase. Collections reported to the State during December re fleeted sales totaling ro I1.I70.92S In November. In the State as a whole, saJes tax collections re ported In December were a total of $7,610,359 as against $"',474.3951)2 for December of 1050 dross retail sales for th? State reported In December were $445, 481 , 21ft as com pared with $463,052,9R1 ft ported In November. N d ' la ' . d . rj ! * ? 4 \fter I >eai : \V IV: NT i> :o V <. o-r.rvenvle ' f?>r " . r line efforts n. >. or.tair .rty rre bia/e ttidt ^ompk'Telv ictro. eo. The elef.ertar-, s bui. tin.t las' T ues da v 1: v a s ^eef vo.*. e i .ir an ! ?;in* n main STreet 1-..r "j *he pa st week rr a : *we Tow. t Murph> needs a bieeer a-d better fire ct-.k k Mavhe so. hut there aza.n, 100 s-'r f?verv town. "The . s f of 'dahora'e fighting equipment is pro for a sma^l tow Of more :rr mediate . oncer n should be The rep^a eirent of oM *nrr '.re hoses, an,: we ?.an afford new hoses, I ^opc. Or. several o, ? as ions d' rhe school fire, hose burst ? a jStng jr.due le. a v. ?^irh the tremendous water pressure that Murptv. eroys, fire trucjes with pumps Jo not seem to be the most immediate need. .VI 1 we need is rood, durable hose with a depend at)]e mode of transportation tc get the hese ro the scene of rhe fire Did you hear trie one about the driver of a Coble Dairy tank truck being confronted outside of Clayton, lmar was flagging down Traffic because the road over the noun rain v> a s closed. \s he walked up to the cab. he said, 'It's :oo Jurr. cn]d to have :o stand here and tell vol more than once that this road is . losed." The Coble truck is report er to have taker its place behind other trucks and cars parked on the side o4 the road to wait for the road to he cleared with no argument at ali . Let'* build a ? omplete ?cuoo. plan: wuen *e re pla^e the building that burned down last week. Now that the need has abruptly risen to build a new school house in Murp^v, it seems natural that we also think about including in these plans a cafeteria, and administrative offices for the Murphy elementary system. I* ;s understood that a meet - Ing w:i; be called next *eek for all interested citizens to ?a Ik to school officials a bo i; ? the needs nf the system plus the means of obtaining these nee -is . I . 1 . -ra^es. v '? ^rokee (. our r\ Reg i s rer of I )ee Is. ha^ heer- mmpla nine for days abojt noi getting a-.v heat. 1 lumber Shorty Holder f.xed this Tuesday morning bv giving him a steam bar1-. Shor'>. trying *o unsrop a clogged stoam line, remoyed the kon'rol val\e on the rad iator. The furnae. havlrg builr up a good head steam, blew rusty water and steam to the ceiling In the Reglver of Deeds office. Book Clubs Meet The fourth Grade Rook Club ~er o~ Mondav 'n 'he Library of the Murphy F lemenrarv )vvool. Fennv s*r. ti<, the I resident, preside' ovrr !ue business session, romrrv Mc Gdlre, the program chairman, presented a program of M\s rr rv Stories. Those *ak ng part on The program were: Bettv Wells, Mary Ruth Dor kery, Peggy Hyde, Donna Wilklns, Mildred Coleman. Rimona Joseph, Shirley Ro gers, Sue Totherow, Gary Hedrick. andG raham Baviess. Betty Wells and Ramoni Joseph ti^d for First Flare in the voting for The most Interesting report. The Fifth Grade club met on Tuesday with Phyllis Wil liams, President, presiding A short business session was hejd aft*r which Elian Davis, program chairman, presented a program on "Blographtes of Famous People". Reports were given byEllen Davis. Roger Stlkes, Robby Minor. Gall Head and J ?n?t '? lamilton. Celebrates 93rd Birthday f ' ? s ' a > i ' d ! - "> ?t r d ' - ' ' a ' M ii "p' ! 'a: r . ' V ? ? j ' M . ^ Yar I r- - .f : r : - Error In Kennedy s Address Last Week p-P sc. en'..- ; " Kennedy's Ir.ajz.?ral V.'ri^ which appeared : ? ,ak - ?*ee>,,: paper was ! r err r P Inline :s ?: ?' h' ? -? ~ .1 1 hav e bee-. To those ne* +??-?*? v?p now AflvO" e ' - I e i it ? .r word :? a- ore !"tt o' i"ocrrn. s ^ a 1 1 -or have ^a^sel -r.ereiv 'o he rop.a.e" h\ a far rnore iro- tvram-. . e c h a . i nor aJwavs expecr ?ue-' s upper ".ng ojr ever, v.ew. P ..' we shall a. * as s '-?ope to ;ird them strong! v suppoT'i^t their o\*n freedorr, and to remerr ber th a * , :n 'he pasr. -^-oce *-0 ' 1 1 s h i v sought 1 power rv r:.lin; on the r;zer* : ha k , ne v; rahl v enried :p ins: le Civil Service Employees To Meet P ;rvlav, dTtrr ! " . '? c ->';pper Brittain Promoted RonaJd H. F^ritta::. so Mr, an- Mrs. Hie'- R r. *ta ; ^ nf Murpn-v, beer pron^'eri tn A:rrra-. Firs: v. lass E-4. Hp er'ere! *'-e Air F or e :r October Vrer erarf iat'. rj; !ro*r Electronic School ar Keelsler A'r-8, Miss., Ajc. ?qc,q ?? ^ .,0t; >->pp- stan one ri at Tvniall :1a., as anA.r hor^e Electronic Navigationai Aids Rcpa. . Nantahala Regional Library Moves : ; rv.-ror. Mr. Pehx I aimer, and Ray h L . : c- rt ; arr. s.en to -.e<* l \ ar.or. Explorer Scouts Come To Rescue Of Nontahalo Regional Library fv. Ph.! Matrox On r .csiav, 'anuarv >1, 'he pr:"^r. r>u:Idjng o' :nc - '? ".f \ School s ?js roral.; '.cstroveri bv fire. The .<-<*?* : ? ? i ? 'nui 1 ii r>g icf * -;v- r J -;rs: i-.d se?.. ond gr adcr s * s i. -on i rnoms, icsk1-. r r ho^k . Tea -rrs and vo;.r.terr cr.i'.ion:< ' ..ive worked hard 'o repair a " ? rework d ar if 1 .irsk ml f airs in order ' r,T r f - ?- students v: ,to rv ?* i rh * h ? ; r i earner pr'? [-./ a'-ct' the iassos hr 'old"1 Pd s was thr proble*r tha ' cn rf rented S .iperi r. tender,: Hoi" an.: V "Swain . Thr on* -dated grarirvar ? building ^as the o nl ?, .. '-oire. Since 'hp '. onp>'lor, of :'~e nr\k high school a' Irs if*. a:.n** nutstde o' town, ,l r ?ra"" ar huilding has hwr usr.,1 r ? r crnrage space a~ a* a^nni^rmoi hull ii-.g. ho r Ing :'t -r ->rds and '[/?; ? ; r V 1 . i r p h ?. ( lr\ s.'hoe] S v s I : was * hr~ V, ? ' a ' :hr schorl o ! f 1; e 1 be moved i*"'0 *he hon,r* e-onornrs building. The horr economics building was ar that time the headquarter s for the Nantahala Regional Librarv. which serves our thr^e countv area (( herokee, ( lav, and ( 5 r a h a m . ) The Regional Libr?r\ ro nove to its new lo at', on on the ground floor of rhr Town Library. But how was the Library going to move nearly 20,000 books b\ noon Saturday? When Explorer Post 416 of Murphy heard of thii problem, the Post immed iately offered their services. Saturday morning, seventeen F.xplorers and Mr. Felix Pal mer. their advisor, were on hand ro assisr in the moving of the Library. By three o* clock Saturday afternoon, the explorer*, the L-hrarv staff, volunteers Jr-m "ho rv ~ar*-nrrt ? ~ ! iTfers ; r^n ' s 'hoo* !^a . -r ! ' "c nnojc ?? r-? . . ? -s , n i . fqi;*r' ? "?"?* . -i " as a<> a-. r " ? nr. * ? ? ? ?[-(? s'c!,?1.^. n r '?:'ks s'i/ ? a\c >' arrant.- ?. '? r . -1TT-- ' or-irr. :??./ bi^e- ? oh ' as be. " .!:" Bank Names Officers, Directors It Annual Stockholders Meeting ? ' ' 1 . -.c* r i t : a ? % f - - : --5 In '.. i cr < .. 4. - ? ? i f : ??'*: r rt- ' " d r ?? ant-: ' > .r; . ui 4 " < r^d sr ' ,i' ?<:/?> '_!' h i t'-. " f d.1 j /'f ' k n QT * .. r ! : ?T ' '? r ? -a. ? 5inQ,f>> d" ? ?? d a ?di - * K 4. f *? s-o Icr? . j.-r s r.e- '*>?*. * ":C 1: rtj. fr s 'or ,K e ' -s ' . !dif 1 ^ a r . *. : a . \ . V. a . A : ; - - a" t'S i* . r ^ret>- ?. . I a . j r a ? * r r s v : ? 'A . ; . . a ? . d m.T . : . . Mocrt t . '?? i- V ? r- v . v. a;.. 3ts \ rf , : . : tT ;?: exe o*T"r i*tee: a , f ra." * : r s , ?*? H . * . Marto* h ? ' tv r * . 'A eaver ~ . Moore: a a; rer I ole-^ar; r . ?ae Voo r>\ Pp *ol lowing ?>..[** ornm.rtee: ' . ^-;,der ' . v. 1 . vV . A ?_ ] so " ' I a'T"" I wi.!:ps, f-' . 'nil :^s. ["? e 'olio* "j <*erc e.e. :e*. to *r e Haves* ;i > rxe i; Ti v p ./ t tt. . 'tec: A# \ m M " . j .^rv A al i a e * . ra**or1 rivuna* . ,;a v\. , . V;nji>. I re:. :o vr ext-c j*:\ f t ? -tr-v r' r - rtrS'..ii :a *f '??*' * "P ~ " a s ? . ! > a \ A . I j . a f . ? a iter ; . " . Ho*e;i- a ?* ?s . Kennedy Names Horace D. Godfrey F re1- 1en r ' ir - F. Ken pel'. Sa'..ria. arr-. ed 'he ap pf'ir.'Ter: M^ra^e [). !.o: frr. a<- ^ d *r *ra'nr o' rue t'^T:r-.o1:r% s:at\!: zar.or Ser v: . c. ?: ..->d' rev hac be^n e"rp]o\ed bv r'-e Nor'h t arohna Azr. c uj r.iral S'abil ? /anon and Con - scrva*!or 'or 2* vearsardhas been rre Srate \ .rmnis'rat: ve Officer since . The l ommod: rv Srab:!:/a no? service :s "e Aeen< \ ;n r?-e I . S. Pepar'Trent of Azri culture :ha' ^anJle^ all I'ri e Sjpporrs, Acreage A Jo men's and Marketing Quotas. zover rmenr owned aericuJtura! srocks, and ad-r i-.srers the^e and Azricultural L observation t'rozran i- the ! . S. ihrn'jzh rne stare and v n .rrv \zr\ ?. .jJ'ijrai Stabilization a"dC on servant- Offices. T^e v ot - modirv redir Corporation, the til! i - billior do] I ar aeencv for pr..e supported rcrrT.o ci.'ies, is opera ped bv 'he of fibers and employees o* :re Beginner's Sewing Class To Start Beginning ? n Marcw. Miss Hloise McRee, Hor.e Ecor.o t i c s teacher a- Murphy Hiz^ School, '*ii! star' a class ~f Instruction In soivfz simple and beginning probieTS of . !o* cons T . . *10-. F"e !ass ^ 1. heue!iever? T..e"i '.a\ mzh* i : i r ne March 'he Mjrp'-'. Hizh School H ? '" ? ? : r!x-r 11 . F- rank r : s . t ercy . * .*? "c ? crting of 5 ?. i ? ? . in '.:.i Mewly < W-: : r ' and r.r 'r ? ?: c ? .. + . n*: ^r! : ers: . : rrcLre i resident; ? : d ? r ? i. ie uflve < \ : A . D. >n an: ^t-.i . c 1 resi - a' : ---r re'di ? . * ? '? ... c i resi Jen ? and d^Mcr Ko Db.r.b v . lie office; ' ? : . d b ?. . . -'d . , '?> ; , e \ resl if - ' dp J ( a* ? .er . Mi'. es vlHe ? e A :l.;a-! ' . a r:er, Vice t rt-b'. ten' " Auditor: John \ ^ . ? Vu e \ rest - > ' a ' dst ler. Murphy ? ??fur M : Irt- 1 K Ray, dVltT, A" lr?*5 nff.i_e; v r an th f . J ~>hnsor,, Assistant ashler, Murphv office; ?. -aries b, [ )elane> , Manager, Insurance iJeparr^nen', An office; ar : Robert V, Aea^er. Manager. Insurance ! 'eparr':en M :rpKv office. T ruck Loaded With I F urniture Destroyed By Fire Pnbtmsi. :! ie A' 11:00 p.m. -a ; .r ia> "ijM. h ebr ..arv 4, on ar . "d Hi^h* av 28, ? . :e- ?? s -f a mile west . 1 :?rana, a Tractor Taller] . - Lines, Inc.. of the 1 "Kas !~ Jertenden* Movers, Jail as, Fe\as, was J "" plcte ] v 1estro\ed. r^o frr-er, lookinc bis1 r-'-ar ^.ev. ? !rr?r. noticed that' rear tractor -pulls ng * * ? ??e! * as c" '.re. A hen hey brakes, he dis-" vvere: r - a r he a., none. He' ^d.ateh c..t into a side:l - :'-e left-hand side 1 o: '-e road. The rractor struck l a rock. b-, *ke gas lank, l and a..s;rz the 'ank to burst11 : "o 'lame? r~e drver. Ed N o ; e ? v\ iiiams, aze 4b, of Dallas, Texas, managed to escape from the burning truck. His 'ace, hands, ar.d left lee were covered with first and second degree burns. He was taken to the Fontana Clinic* b-- Jimmy Morris and was treated by Dr. Stuckey. He' was tuen taken to the Bryson l lb. Hospital bv the F on tana Ambulance Service. The accident v?-as in-l vesbgated by P.F.C. W. R.i Boyles, assisted by Lt.j F rank Srr. ley of the TV A Law: lr. nforv e-^ert of Fontana, J oej Over, a-.d Elliot Cabe, Cb.ef' of S?vru;5' Offices :r F or. tana. I 75 Attend Town ' Meeting At Andrews; Scvenr\-Mve persons te~dp ' a town -^eenne 1nAnd-i rows las- Thjrbdav todiscuss c of \a- rahala i ower a ? . :z*". v o. in Duke Power Ma.'r {>n\ P. Ferebee to..! -Kr croup that the town officials wanted to abide by ? the wishes of the people. He sa; f. 'As I see it, we have J. a crur i a I point in the* future of this area. If we do -nr do what '.s best for1 :hr area now. we will have* rr, issri our only chance," Uhile the Mayor did not' rxp rrss anv concrete plans 2 to so^e the siruar.on, he did ?H vp a t'-'orojffh resume of1 enr rr proposed sale daang : r. r a nu--her o( vears. -or Ion Butler of theNanta aia Power and Light Co.: cot. mended Mavor Fere bee NN Sl/.l I )a ( >1 Mr *. Mrs, < i .Si/f OAVll) ( R Alf ? Son ( V VI r . Mrs. J i k ( r 1 1 s (ACME LUNSFORD Son Of << Mr*. Jack Lunfford J