hmuit RHP IT IW THE WWMTAOS! ? I3UV ? HIRE r R A O P DEADLINE OndllM for Claaiifled Ads: StOO Monday. Rata; 50f for each_ insertion 25 worda or leas "or three times for $1.25. More than 25 worda, If par 1 word. Cash MUST be received I with ordar. FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1941 Chevrolet Oldsmoblle engine, now paint, good condition. J375 cash. Call VE 7-2986 alter 4:00 p.m. 28-ltp FOR SALE - House and 5 lots. On Ridge Street. Write Box 233, Murphy, Lemon Sutton. 28-lqp FOR SALE - Antique A Model. Reasonable. Inquire at Gladson Texaco Station. 28-3 tp PLANTING CUIDt CATA LOG in color Free on request. Offered by Virginia's largest Growers of Fruit and Nut Trees, Berry Plants, Grape Vines, Flowering Shrubs, Evergreens, Shade and Flow ering Trees, Roaes. Waynes boro Nuraerles, Waynesboro, Virginia. 28-etp SPOTS before your eyes - on your new carpet - Remove Ihem with Blue Lustre. Cherokee Furniture Co., Mur phy, N. C. 26 -3 cc FOR SALE - Forms tnd equipment for every record keeping need - We now have the National line of office and twslness record forms. Day Books, Duplicate Receipt Books, Payroll Records, Ac count Books, Cash Books, Ledgers. Younameltandwe'll get It for you. The Cherokee Scout, Murphy, N. C. 28-tfn FOR SALE - House and 3 1/2 acres. 3 other buildings, 2 acres amber, good garden. Located north of Murphy on old Fain Mountain Road, just oualde city limit. School Bus by door. Will sell, pay cash or term*. See Chester Rltch, Rout* #1, Box 75, Murphy. N.C. 27-3 tp . Blue Ridge Trucking Co. Only Motor Cirrier In Murphy With Terminal Facilities Specify Blue Ridge And Be Sure PhSM Vt 7-2932 I FOR SALE FOR SALE - Ledger Sheets All Shapes - All Slz*s. Easy Eye Ledger sheets. The Cherokee Scout. For Sale - Speeary Magic Marker - Ready to Write Just lilt the cap - Write, Sketch, Mark, Color - Perfect for making posters or marking clothing - Only 57 ( - The Cherokee Scout. FOR SALE - 4 -Room house with bath In Andrews. Also 2 room apartment. Contact W. H. Curtis at Andrews Gulf Station. Andrews N. C. 27-3tp For Sale The property 0/ Mrs. John H. Rogers, And rews. See Jav kPlercy, Adm., Murphy, phone VE 7 - 2949. 20-tfc FOR SALE - Six pack Ad ding Machine Paper - Only $1.49. The Cherokee Scout. 14-tfn Wf have a Shipment of Lad ies used loafers - Also have Army Surplus boot*, perfect condition. THE BARGAIN STORE - Next door to Delux Cleaners. 27-3tp FOR SALE - 39 AcreFarm. 4 Room House - Other Out Buildings -GoodSpring Water. Located on Ed Owenby Road, Martins Creek. Mrs. Bessie Hogsed. 26-3qp ? FOR SALF - ?arm in lower Tusquittee Valley. 170 teres. 80 acres i n cultivation. Balance in woodland and pas ture. 2 houses, several other buildings. $400.00 per acre. 50 heed dairy cattle. 2 trac tors end equipment. See Floyd Glbby, Rt. 4. Hayesvllle, N.C. FOR SALE -Signs ForEvery Busin?ss-"Keep Out"-"Waik ln"-"EmpIoyees Only"-"No Parkftig" - "No Riders" "Ladles" - "Men" - "Pri vate" - Only 25tf each. The Cherokee Scout. 26-tfn FOR SALE - Boston Bull dogs - 3 Months Old - Black ? & Cute - Perfectly marked. See Leon IClmsey, Cherokee Restaurant. 28-ltc FOR SALE - SRoomHousefi bath-trees-acre - Room for another house, trailer parke ?lte - $2,500.00 cash. Assume small mortgage, pay like rent. 271 -W, Andrews. 28-3tp Wonted To Buy WANTED -Good feederpigs, seven to ten weeks cfld. Call VE 7-3475. 28-3 tp WANTED TO BUY Over Stocks - Distress Mdse., Obsolete or discontin ued mdsa. Cash Immediately. Write Full Details to -B. W. c/o Post Office Box 190. 27-3tp In Yugoslavia, 50,000 needy families get CARE Food Cru sade packages every month as goodwill gifts from the Americans. STOP SWARMING TIRMITIS FOR RENT 1 - 2 Bedroom House 1 - 4 Bedroom House Call VE 7-3113 E. C. Moore Jewelers Expert Watch Repair By A Graduate Watch Maker fian ilta with i^afanc* FOR RENT FOR RENT - Grocery Store, fixtures. 4-room apartment. Hot and cold water. 10 Miles west of Murphy on Hwv M. Will vacate any time. Call VE ? 3332. 28 ltc FOR RENT - In Valley town new two bedroom house, large living room with fireplace, electric heat, stove and re frigerator furnished if nec - essary. Located in wooded area. Call C. E. Holier, I44J in Andrews, N. C. 2" -3tp HELP WANTED BE INDEPENDENT. Sell Rawlelgh Products. Good nearby locality openlnChero kee County. Write today, Rawlelgh's Dept. NCB-200-5, Richmond, Virginia. 27-4tp Help Wanted - Do you want work? 1! so. list yourquahfl caOons In Want AD Section of this newspaper. Also the type of work you desire: IT will pay your. 19-tfn Position Wanted POSITION WANTED: Lady would like to do household chores. No Sunday Work. Phone VE 7-2836. SERVICES WELL DRILLINC - Have your well drilled; modern ma chinery. Six and eight-Inch domes tic and commercial wells. Macon Pump and Well Co. Write F. B. Rogers, Franklin. N. C., or call LA 4-3135. 33-tfc JAMES TV and Radio Ser vice. All work guaranteed. Call VE 7-3238 day or night. 34-tfc SPECIAL! $7.50 permanent wave - $3.95, including hair cut and set. Also, all types of beauty work. Georgia's Beauty Shop, Andrews High way, Phone VE 7-2902. 28-3tc SINGER SEWING MACHINE Representative, Doyle Mat thews will be here every Tuesday all day to service all mtkeg of Sewing Machl ne> and Vacuum Cleaners. He has a complete line of new Singer Sewing Machi nes and Vaccum Cleaners for Sale. He can be con tacted by calling the New Regal Hotel, Phone VE 7-2341. 27-tfn SPECIAL: Edwlna's Beauty Shop'. $10.00 Body Permanent Wave for only $5.00 - Call VE 7-25-5 for appointment. 26-3 tc Card oMhaiiks We wish to express our sincere appreciation for the many kindnesses shown during the illness and death of Mrs. Belle McLeymore. The Family A dollar buys a lot of "pasta" for destitutefamllies in Italy through CARE'S Food Crusade. For every $1 don ated, CARE can deliver a 20 lb. package of Italian mac aroni, made from U. S. sur plus flour. SHELL HOMES DEALERSHIP AVAILABLE Own a profitable shell homes business in your area, backed by experienced company. Your sales ability essential. We do all financing and building. Write P. O. Box 9171, Chatt anooga, Tenn. 28 - 1 tc ZEB*S USED CAR SUPERMARKET 1960 CHEVROLET 4-Door V-8 Straight Drive - Radio - Heater -Tutone Blue - 9,000 Actual Miles - Just Like New. 1958 MERCURY Monterey 2 Door-Automatic Trans mission - Radio- Heater Beautiful Tutone Flnlsh Llke New 19S5 OLDSMOB1LE Super 88 - 4-Door - Radio - Heater - Good Solid Auto mobile - Very Reasonable Price. 1959 CHEVROLET Bel Air 4-Door - Radio - Heater White Wall Tires - Auto matic Transtn'sslot-Tu* tone - Like New Inside and Out. Thit One Will Co. 1960 PLYMOUTH 4-Door Stratght Drive - V-8 Heat er - A Real Bargain. Community Motors LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY MUlie Leon* Hughes Wallace, Plaintiff -VS Randale Clark Wallace, Defendant To Randale Clark Wallace, Take nonce [hat a pleading seeking relief against you has been (lied In the above entit led action. The nature ol the relief be ing sought la as follows: The plalndff is seeking an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony against you on the grounds of sepa ration for more than two years next preceding the commence ment of this action. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than March 9, 1961, and upon your failure to do so, the party seeking service against you will apply to the Courts for the relief sought. This January, 11, 1%1, James C. Howse Clerk Superior Court Cherokee County North Carolina 25-4t LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the estate of William Jackson Barton, deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed at Pest Office Box 185, Canton. N. C., on or be fore February 2, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded ' bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at Post Office Box 185, Canton, North Carolina. This 24 day of January, 1961. HERMAN A. BARTON EXECUTOR 27-6t c LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF SERVICE OF PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE of NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT J. B. BELCHER AND SON, INC., Plaintiff, -vs- J. L. SHIELDS, d/b/a. SHIELDS I. UMBER COMPANY, Defen dant. TO: J. L. Shields: Take notice thac A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought Is as follows: A Judgment In the amount of FOUR HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE AND 44/100 ($471.44) DOLLARS plus Interest and cost due Plaintiff b y Defendant. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 28th day of March, 1961 and upon your failure to do so the party seeking relief against youwill apply to theCourtfor the relief sought. This the 4th day of February 1961. JAMES C. HOWSE CLERK SUPERIOR COURT 28-4tC LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the power and authority contained In that certain deed of trust executed and delivered by Willis Loudermllk and Opal Loudermllk, dated the 21st of j uly, 1960, and recorded In the office of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, N. C? In Book 221, at page 165, and be cause of default in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby se cured and failure to carry out and perform the stipulations and agreements therein con-" tained and, pursuant to demand of the owner and holder of the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will expose for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash at the usu al place of sale in the county ~ourt house of Cherokee Coun ty, In the city of Murphy, N.C., at 10 o'clock, a.m., on the 18th day 'of February, 1961, ill that certain lot or par cel of land, situate, lying and being In Cherokee County, >tate of North Carolina, .and ?nore particularly described is follows: Two lot* In the. Town of Marble, N. C., the wo lots being 100 feet front ng on Coljege Street and 150 eet deep, and adjoining the iroperty of Fred WlUon on he East and Elste Moss on he West. Above land convey ed to Willis and Opal Louder n ilk by deed of Elsie Moss WEAR DENTURES'1 Don't Get Sore in LYONS AU-DAY i DENTURE CUSHIONS m. Ma ?. M 4$ !** I |tw MM (Mat / r- -LA MAUNIY MUG CO. MUltrMY, h. c Thurs. Feb. 9, 19o0 Page 7 New Vice Presidents Named By James Lees & Sons Robblnsvllle Announcement has been made by President .Horace C. Jones of the ap pointments of Carl E. Annas and Leland W. Hovey as Vice Presidents of J ames Lees and Sons Company, carpet manu facturing subsidiary of Bur lington Industries, Inc. Mr. Annas will cononue his duties In charge of all Lees manufacturing operations and will also assume responsi bility for company plant, me chanical, and the Industrial engineering. He has been associated with Burltngionfor 15 years. Mr Hovev will continue in charge of the carpet varn sales division. He has been associated with Lees for 33 years. Vice President Robert J. McCann was named to the Lees Executive Committee and will concentrate on company plan nmg. operations audits and acT as product development ad visor. He has beer, with Lees since 1935 and was named as Vice President in September 1955. Lions To Hoar Blind Aid Report At RobbinsvilU Progress reports on blind aid and prevention of blind ness programs o n the community, county and zone levels will be reviewed at the winter quarterly meeting of the District 31-A Lions Club Cabinet Sunday. Feb. 12, at 1 p.m. In Phillips Hotel at RobblnsvlUe. Cabinet officers represent 36 Lions Clubs with more than 1,(S00 members in 12 western mountain counties. F. Gudger Cabe of Candler.District31-A Governor, will preside. Regional projects will be presented by three deputy dis trict governors: FrankMartin of Franklin, Region 1: Charles A. Smith, Jr., of Canton, of Region 2: and Wlllard F.Hen sley of Ashevllle, Region 3. Activities reports will be given by si* zone chairmen: joe El Khourl of Andrews, Zone I; Hugh Battle of Cul lowhee. Zone 2; Herschel Caldwell of Hazelwood, Zone 3; Dan W. Foster of West and husband. C . W . Moss, dated V-16-6O. and recorded In Book 224." page 294. Cherokee County Registry. Subject to unpaid taxes and liens if any. Thl*s sale will be held open ten days for upset bid as by law required. This 11 day of January, 1961. Daniel J . Walton, Trustee Wayne M. Brendle, Attorney 408 Liberty Life Bldg. Charlotte, N. C. 26-4tc LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Allen Dewey Kephart. deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed, at Route 2. Murphy. N. C. on or before the 9th day of February, 19ft2, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recover. All persons Indebted to said es tate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned a t Route 2, Murphy. N. C. This 3rd day of February, 19M. ROBERT D. KEPHART 28-6tc z uv. flfiSH Regular ? ? - Gas 27.9< Ethyl 30.9$ s A V E Hy - Rocktt SERVICE STATION K.E. SOU*. Mfr. M. ? Highway 1* MUMMY. W. C. Happenings In and Around graham county < MISS MARTHA GILLESPIE Phone GR 9-3470 Robbinsville, N. C. Personals Robblnsville-Miss Barbara Mill saps, freshman at the Uni versity of Tennessee lnKnox vllle, visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mlllsaps during the week-end of Feb ruary 3-5, in Robbinsville. Miss Francise Parsons, who is a senior at Brenau Academy in Gainesville, Ga., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ear] Parsons. She had as her cuest. her roommate, Miss Bonnie Beck. Mr. Robert Tippett, County Farm Agent, attended a spe cial school for county agents in Raleigh, N. C? during the past week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hamilton, a 10 lb. 13 oz. boy, February 5. Mrs. Hamilton is the former Reba Hyde. The Hamilton? have four other children: Sharon, Keith, Lamar, anri Lisa. Mrs. E. V. Humes is visit ing Miss Ann Massey in New Tort Richie, Florida. Home Demonstration Agent Announces County Schedule Robbinsvllle - Miss Nellie Jo Carter, HomeDemonstrat ion Agent for Graham County, announces her schedule for the week of February 12-16. Monday - Mountain View 5th, 6th, and 8th grade 4 H Club meetings; MountainVlew High School 4-H Club Meet ing; HomeDemonstraaonClub conference. Tuesday - Ste coah 5th, 6th, 7th. and Sth grade 4-H Clubmeetings;Ste coah High School 4-H Club Meeting. Wednesday Two Robbinsvllle Sth grade 4-H Club meetings; the Buffalo Home Demonstration Club meeting with Mrs. Joyce Long. Thursday - Snowbird 4-H Club meeting. Friday Home visits: the Santeelah Home Demonstration Club, meeting with Mrs. Dave Orr. Ashevllle, Zone 4; W. B.Bed dingfleld of Black Mountain, Zone 5; and Edwin Leland of Saluda, Zone 6. Robert S. Matthews, Jr., of Erwin District, District 31-A Director of Public Relations, will discuss plans for Lions of-the-Year Contests being conducted during the 1960-61 club year on all levels, local zone, regional and district. District budget and various contest regulations will be outlined by Wallace W. Craw ford of Candler, District 31-A Cabinet Secretary -Treasurer, Robert W. Easley of Murphy, WNC Director of the White Cane Drive, will repp- . in progress of funds camh.;^n for the benefit of blind aid and prevention of blindness programs on a statewide basis. Agayah Club Meets Robbirisvllle - The monthly Cheoah Baptist Association meeting was held Monday night, February 6, at Sweet tjum BaptlstChurch.TheRev erend Otis Orr, Moderator, was In charge of the service Miss Hvma Starnes, new associations! missionary pre sented her schedule of work for the coming year. The Rev. J. B. Greggory, pastor of Old Mother Baptist Church, delivered the Inspi rational message. The title of his talk was "Consider." Upper Peachtree News By Mrs. Bill Lsatherwood Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brendle of Clay County visited Mr. and Mrs. Math Leather-wood Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bobbie Lea therwood of Atlanta, Ga. visited their parents over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leatherwood and Mr. and Mrs. Marson Moore. Rev. Ham Coffey will be preaching at the church Sun day night and special singing will be rendered by the choir and other singers. Clad to report that all the sick folks are Improving. A birthday party was given at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Curtis for Ancle Curtis. Re'reshments were served and several were present. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gul - ly have been in visiting relatives from Atlanta and also Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vlstal from Copper Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John Curtis were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Claton Raxter of Marble Sat. The 1961 North Carolina cot ton allotment Is 508,810 acres ? 7.2 percent more than 1960. Cheoah Baptist Me< Robbinsville - The Agiyi Clvtc Club met Monday nigh February 6, In the B?m Memorial Library. Mrs. Ml' dred Humes, president, prt sided. The officers for the comu year will be as follows: Ruby Nell George, prea dent; Margaret Watts, vlc< president; Helen Radfor secretary; and Norvelle Ho* ell, treasurer. International relations wi the theme for the program There were about twel'j members present. Hostesses for the meed* were Helen Tippett af Frances Carver. No action, whether foul !atr, is ever done, but It lei ves somewhere a record written by fingers ghostly, asS a blessing or a curse. - Longfello Joe Crover Invites His Many Graltam Covtty i FRIENDS R to visit him I at Sossoikoh's 0 T3 Furniture Co. '' Murphy, N. C. t Lancer's the Answer in C om pacts! SEE THE FINE SELECTION AT DODGE Hea dq uarters . . . where you don't worry about the weather because you choose > new Dodge in our INDOOR showrooms I E. C. MOORE r? 107 VALLEY RIVER AVE. MURPHY, N. C. At any hour, day or night, you can make deposits here You'll like the safety and convenient* of our night depository No need to riik the loss or theft of lubitantial turns of money by holding them over-night. Our night depoiitory ii ready to take your deposits ot ANY hour. It's a greot convenience for oil who do not find it practicable to deposit during regular banking hours. Come in, get the details. CITIZENS BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Murphy? Andrews? Robblntvlll* ? Haytsviu* SKRVING SOUTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA m HEMIC! OF FEDERAL DEPOSIT IRSURARCE C0?F0?ATt0? . : ...1

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