"Gift of Low" (Editor's Nmk The following pom. "Gift ? Low", ?u WtOM by Miss Nellie Bmc?, a Hohi jmt old school flrl U Klwassee Dam School .) GIFT OF LOVE By Nellie Bruce With pas la haail 1 try to writs About the One who 1? The Light, And the ones that He has called To tall the massage id us all. The ones He has chosen from above. To tall about His woadorous gift of love. Whom we should try to understand. And listen to His great command Of love, honor, and obey. That is the least that I can say. For there are greater gifts above When we see Him in His unspeakable love. We should help others day by day. Help them as we think and pray. About the blessings 'fore told. Of the story that will never grow old. How Christ was born In a bed of hay, With only a manger In which to lay. How lucky, then, we can be If Christ, we could help other to see. Let's help everyone ? - no matter who And show them the right wsy to do. If we ourselves are In the right, t Others will surely see the Light. Pray as you go to and fro. Help the ones who do not know Tell them about the Gift of Love Sent from the wonderful Savior above. Hatred Is the vice of nar ow souls; they feed It with U their littlenesses, and take It the pretext of base rraanles. -Balzac Dislike what deserves it, but never hate, for that is of the nature of malice, which is applied to persons, not to things. -William Penn HENN THEATRE MURPHY, N. C. Wednesday 22 - Thursday 23 "College Confidential" Steve Allen Jayne Meadows Walter Winchell Mamie Van Doren Friday 24 - Saturday 25 Double Feature ^Oklahoma Territory" Bill Williams Gloria Talbott plus fThe Secret of the Purple Reef" -COLOR Sunday 26-Monday 27- Tuesday 28 "CttTOERFELLA" EdWynn Jerry Lewis Anna Maria Alberghetti Area Mea In Service JOHNNY A. CEARLEY MEMPHIS Johnny A. Cearley, airman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Cearley of Culberson, N. C? ia scheduled to grad uate Jan. 30 from Avladon Familiarization School at the Naval Air Technical Training Center, Memphis, Tennessee. Before entering the service in June 1959, Cearley was graduated from HI was see Dam High School. HEIDELBERG, GERMANY Army PFC Melford Colbert, 28 , son of Mr. and Mrs. Var dle Colbert, Route 3, Murphy, N, C? is participating with other personnel from the 30th Medical Group In Exercise Winter Shield II at the Grafenwohr Hohenfels training area InGermany.The exercise is scheduled to end February 8. Winter Jhield, an annual Seventh Ul S, Army winter field training maneuver. In volving 60,000 U. S. Army, German and French troops, marks the highpointof a year's training for units in NATO's "Pyramid of Power." MURPHY DRIVE ? IN Frl. 24-Sat. 25 "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" Sun. 26-Mon. 27 "Hell To Eternity" Jeffrey Hunter David J anssen Vic Damone Patricia Owens Tue. 28- Wed. I "The Time Machine" -color Roy Taylor ' Alan Young Your Car... ...or a '61 Ford Fairlane? Compare your operating costs with the car that costs least to buy'and drive! nan PROOF rouu. SAVE MORE ?HTM A '81 FORD MKaVc - Get your free copy of this "savings" folder now! See how you can save plenty in operating costs on America's lowest-priced.* full-sized 6-pas senger car equipped as most people want it! Costs least . saves most? that's the '61 Ford! And here's why. Fact: The '61 Ford Fairlane, equipped as you like it. is America's lowest -priced, full-size 6-passenger car. Fact: This stunning Ford saves hundreds in operating costs because it's beautifully built to take care of itself. Come in and figure it out with our free folder, "litre's Proof?" and you'll see you can't afford not to own a '61 Ford. And our Winter SAVE MOST DEAL will be the clincher! Hurry! HERE'S HOW THE *St FORD TAKES CARE OF ITSELF lubricates itseM- You'll normally |o 30,000 miles between chassis lubrications which cost only about J* 00 and lake about 20 minutes) because Ford has replaced conventional grease liltinfs with a sealed in lubricatHM system. Deans its awn efl? Yon'll go 4 000 rmles between oil changes because Ford's Fell Flow o*l filter gives you filtration through fibers . . . trapping more dirt than any other type of filter made. Adjnsts Hs awn brakes- New Truck Sue brakes adjust themselves automatically. Qnerds its ewn mffler-Ford mufflers are double wrapped and alumioired to last tkree times as long as ordinary mufflers Protects its ewn body- All vital under body parts are specially processed to resist rust and corrosion, even to galvanwng the body panels beneath the doors Takes care of its ewn Rnisb-Just wasb and dean Ford's new Diamond luslre Finish to make it glisten like new. it never needs waung. he '61 Kord Kairlane tf* and xnrrx the oat for the Irani! # Pa^d on a comrariboo ol m*nv'?c lore's WQ9^>kd n lai dtlwrcd pfictv inc'utfmo radio, h- at r. automatic tran>m!,i.on and *n-te si*K*aii lift* Got our Winter SAVE-MOST DEAL on o 61 FORD FAIRIANE! Burch Motors VE 7-2121 Dealer Llcante No. 698 Murphy, N. C. YE 7-2119 I T?v'r? InlaratUrf in an U? Colbert, (to ?i 1 1 ml ovar aaas la February 1989 oa Ml Mr o i duty, i ? regularly ? tattooed la HakMbarg u a lentrinr operator with the grots'* 5th Surgical Hospital. He a nan tad Murpt-y High School Mora entering tha Army ta February 1*52. 1ST CAV. MV? KOREA. Army Pvt. Frank A. Allan, whose wife. Gwendolyn, Uvea ?t 627 Oxford St.. Dalton.Ga.. recently participated with other personnel from the 1st Division'* 7th Cavalry la Ope ration Snow Tiger 11. a com mand post enerclse In Korea. I Snow Tiger was planned to lest the doctrines and proced ures which would be used In the employment of nuclear weapons In the field under cold weather conditions. During the ettrciae Allen re ceived familiarization train ing In bow toflghtlndarkneas, snow, high winds, and sub zero temperatures. The exercise featured an offensive drive against a hea vily entrenched simulated ag gresor force. Agressor forces are utilized In U. S. Army field training to portray a realistic enemy force operat ing against the training ele ment. Allen, a rifleman in the calvary's Company C, entered the Army In July, 1960, and arrived overseas the follow ing December. He received basic combat training at Ft. Jackson, S. C. Before entering the Army, the 20-vear old soldier was employed by Hamilton Me morial Hospital, Dalton, Ga. He attended Emory High School, Dalian, Ga. His father, Luther W. Allen, lives on Rt. 3, Murphy, N. C. GUATANAMO BAY - Harold C. Beaver, aviation ma chinist's mate airman, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. James R. Beaver of Farner, Tenn., Is serving with Utility Squad ron Ten at the Naval Air Station, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Before entering the Navy In June, 1960, he was graduated from Hjwassee Dam High School in Hiwassee Dam,N.C, CAMP LEJEUNE Mitfne Pvt. Harry L. Fair, Jr.. son of Mrs. Ruth Kincald of Rt. 3, Box 400, Murphy, N. C? If serving with the Second Bat talion of the Sixth Marine Regiment, an infantry unit of the Second Marine Division ?t Camp Lejeune, N. C. The regiment conducts con dnuous training in the latest tactics of modem warfare and the Corps' concept of vertical envelopment, which employs helicopters and armored land ing craft to attack an enemy simultaneously from front and rear. Backward Glance 30 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 27, 1931 Monday, March 2, Is the day set for the opening of the Bank ot Murphy, according to an announcement made on Wednesday by AlbertH. Blake, representative of the State Banking department. The John C.Campbell Folk School closed its four month winter term last Friday with an Interesting and varied pro gram. Mr, D. M. Birchfleld, Game Warden for Cherokee County, was in Andrews on Monday of this week on professional business. Mr. Lakes Martin of Cop perhlll, Tenn., spent the weekend here with relatives. Messrs. PaulandNellSneed were visitors at CopperhUl. Tenn., Monday. Sheriff J. Frank Bristol wis in Andrews the latter part of this past week. 20 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 27,1941 The radio program record ed by the Murphy Schools for broadcast on Friday, March 7. has received such recognition by radio authorities at WWNC in Ashevllle that it has been given a better spoton the sche dule Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmie Weir and small daughter of Atlanta will spend the weekend here with relatives. Carl Sudderth of Miami ar rived Tuesday to visit here several days before returning 10 his home. Mr. and Mrs. King B. Wal ker of Hlwassee Dam were visitors in town last Wednes day. Mrs. Peyton Ivlcand daugh ter, Glenda, ire spending a few weeks in Richmond with Mra. Ivle's mother. 10 YEARS AGO FEBRUARY 8, 1951 W. M. Cor kill, division engineer has announced that $737,892.97 of the road bond money has been spent through the period ending December 31. 1950. Dr. Harry Miller this week 1 is attending the Gradual* Medical CUnic at Emory Uni versity, Atlanta, Ga. Mr, and Mrs. Roy V.L?vl? Sid, Mr. and Mrs. Loren vis and son, Dickie, Antes Davis and Mrs. Dale Lee and Mrs. Louis Rogers attended the showing o( the Southeast ern Travelers Exhibitors held In Atlanta. SdHary Ratios Aiioimd By District HmM Official By Dr. ?. S. Cm All toodhaaftiag aataUlah manta, ho ids, institutions, dairies, etc., are graded at Intervals by 0? local sart tarlans. Dairies are graded A or C with oaiy Grade A allowed to continue selling milk. The foodhandllng establlah meata, hotels and institutions are graded A. B, or C. 90S or above la Grade A; 80 to 90 la Grade B; 70 ? 10 Is Grade C. No place receiving a grade of leaa than 70 ahall be allowed to operate. Nor ahall any place operate without a permit from the Health Department. The following sanitary rat - lngs are released by Dr. W. S. Cann, the Local Health Director: CHEROKEE COUNTY Poodhandllng Establish ments: CltyCafe-86.5,Chero- . kee Cafe 90.0, Decker's Snack Bar 90.0, Duke's Lodge 91.0, Family Restau rant 91.0, The Henry House, M.0 Hlwassee Village Res taurant - 84.5, Leon's Dlnnette (Slmonds) - 97.0, Mauney Drug Co. -92.5, Parkers Drugstore 93.0, Tracy's Resuurant 90,0, Miami Restaurant - 88.5, Murphy Ice Cream Parlor 74.5, People's Cafe 87.0, Regal Hotel 90.5, Shangra La Resuurant 91.0, Simp son's Restaurant 86.0, Staurolite Restaurant 86.0, Andrews Cafe - 91.5, DeWhitt Drive-In 83.0, Berkshire Cafeteria 92.0, Tomahawk Drive-In 75.0, Hampton Grill 82.0. School Lunchrooms: And rews 90.0, Marble 90.5, Hlwassee Dam 93.5, Murphy Graded School 94.0, Murphy High - 94.5, Peach tree -92.5, Ranger 93.0, Unaka 91.5. CARIBBEAN Jack P. Sutton, seaman apprentice, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Sutton of Murphy, N. C? Is serving aboard the dock landing ship USS Spiegel Grove, which departed Nor folk, Virginia, January 10, to participate In Joint anti-sub marine and amphibious landing exercises in the Caribbean. For the anti-submarine part of the exercises, destroyers will put a protective screen around the amphibious ships to evade underwater attack from four submarines. The landing exercises will take place on Vieques, Puerto Rico, where helicopters and small landing craft will be launched from squadron ships with assault forces. The Spiegel Grove Is sched uled to return to Norfolk In earlv March We can scarcely Sate any one that we know. GRAHAM COUNTY FoodhaadUng Batattlah maca; Tqpocs I m%> Reatau rut 96.0, Rudy's Cafe ISA jMl?ka Grill VA Phillips Caf ? 90.0, 29 Grill 10.0. School Lunchroom*: S? ooah 91.0. Mt. View 90.0. Market*: Stratum'! Market S3. 5. S alder's Market - 95.5. Snowbird Simply 91.5. Phll llps Market - 93.5. Jeakla'a Market - 93 .5, G rem' (Mark et 93.0. White Church 92.0 Wolf Creek 94.5. Martin's Creek - 9S.0. Meat Markets: A & P Mur phy 92.0, A I P AodreWa 93.0, Hartmann Andrews 90.0, Hembrees Sifter Market 90.0, Howell's Market 90.0, Jor dan's Market 92.0, Murphy Food Store 93.5, Murphy Sanitary Market 80.0, Peachtree Farm & Home 90.0, Quality Market 91.0, Walter Dockery 91.0, Wood's Siper Market - 90.5. CLAY COUNTY Foodhandllng Establish ments: Armstrong's Restau rant 90.0, Booth's '96.0, Buck's Drlve-In 95.0, Hayesvllle Pharmacy 92.0. Meat Markets-Tiger's 90.5. School Lunchrooms: Elf 97.0, Hayesvllle 94.0, Og den 96.0, Shooting Creek I 91.0. Average Session Has 2,000 Bills Raleigh Although the 1961 session of the General Assem bly got off to a fast clip during the first week of work, the pace will have to be even faster If It gives reality to its quiet hope of winding up business by J une 15. The old adage that "a job begun is half done" seems true of almost everything ex cept law-making. The experienced legislators point out that "Introducing the bills Is the least of our troubles." It is the long com mittee hearings, arguments, and Introduction of weakening and strengthening amend ments that are time-consum ing. The average session of the iN. C. Legislature sees die in troduction of approximately 2,000 bills. When one con siders that during the first week of business fewer than 40 had been introduced, it Is easy to visualize the vast a mount of work which lies ahead. Do not place Infra-red blubs in farrowing houses closer than 30 Inches to inflammable material. Traffic VUeord Rajatgh The Mom- Ve hiclaa Department's Sum mary at traffic deaths through M a.m. Monday, February 13, 1M1: KILLED TO DATE KM KILLED TO DATE LAST YEAR U4. . for comfort... electric heating every time! YHQl Htv| i sWF-ET ' nomj With electric heating in your home, you'll say goodbye to cold spots . . . drafts . . . hard-to-heat spots. Completely automatic, it gives you constant comfort, day after day, no matter how cold it gets outside. It gives you other "plus" values ? a cleaner home, safer home. And its operating cost is so low it will surprise you. With several types of electric heating to choose from, you'll find one that fits your home's needs perfectly. And we'll help you plan your electric heating and estimate your heating costs. Just call us ? this service is free. <%\m ?rntj? V..e^ Murphy Electric Power Board 1 WELL FEATHERED 1ST . . . is built by systematic saving! Well feathered nests don't grow on trees. They have to be built! Foresighted people do inost of their "nest-building" in their savings accounts. Your idea of a "well feathered nest" may be anything from a home of your own to financial security (or your later years. But whatever it is the hest and surest way to build it is hy sys tematic saving here. Time to start huild-. ing is now! Come in and open an account. OTHE1I SERVICES Checking Account; Personal Loan* Automobile Loans Home Imp't Loans Trust Accounts Travelers' Checks Citizens Bank and Trust company Myphy-Andriws-llohhhuvii lliyuMt Serving Southwutwn North Carolina Mambar Fadaral Dipoilt Inauranca Corporation

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