[ FAMBRO 5 10 SALE Thurs. Fri.-Sot. March 2-3-4 1 32 INCH SCARVES Blended Rayon HAND ROLLED Regular 59C 3 For $1.00 KLEENEX 400 Tissues To Box Regular 29C 2 For 49<jj White and Colors PRINCESS MARGARET BLOUSES With Roll up Sleeves Sizes 32 - 38 Regular 2.00 2 For 3.00 JADE 4-Plece Mixing Bowl Sets Regular 1.29 88^ Set Laundry Baskets I 1/2 Bushel Capacity 1.98 Value 99^ Made of Quality Vinyl Aluminum Ware Regular 39 and 49C L Now 33<: ENVELOPES 100 For 33* Full Fashion LADIES HOSE Regular 59C 2 pair $1.00 Baby Blankets By Pepperell Size 30 x 36 Regular 2.98 Now $1.98 Chewing Gum All Flavors 5 packs 19<jj ? ? Short Sieve SHIRT SALE ; Men's Shirts - Sizes S-M-L ' Regular 1.50 - $1.00 [Regular 2.00 - 2 for $3.00 Boys Shirts - Sizes 2-16 Regular 1.39 - 88c i Stock Up For ? Spring and Summer Asst. dolors 3 Stalks DELUXE 1 SUNNYLAND ROSE BUSHES Hybrid and Climbers Regular 1.50 77^ ALL 4S RDM ALL NEW 45 RPM NEW RECORDS Wide variety of Major labels Many well known artists 17* 1000 to Choose From Nationally Advertised ' Light Bulbs 40- 60-75-100 Watts Regular 25C 3 For 50* TOOTHPASTE All National Brands Regular 69C Each 46* Live Plants Mostly Phlladendron 14* per pot Grown In Famous Plymouth NURSERY TONI HOME PERMANENT Regular 2.00 $1.29 NEW SPRING LINE CURTAINS $1.00 pair Made of Quality Vinyl Orange Slices Juicy and Delicious Regular 25C lb. 2 lbs 27$ 1st Quality Clothespins Seven Cot I Spring 8c Dozen American Made LISTERINE Regular 59? 44$ 1st Quality BIRDSEYE DIAPERS 1.98 Dozen Value $1.44 Dozen Plastic Pot Cleaners i More Durable Than Metal 70 KOTEX Regular Size Regular 45C 36$ Wash Rags Assorted Colors 10 For $1.00 CHILDREN'S Morpul Sox Sizes 4-10 Regular 39c 3 pair $1.00 Jergens Lotion Limited Supply Regular 1.00 Now 66$ Ladles Panties Regular 39C 3 pair $1.00 Mens White Satin Stripe Handkerchiefs 10 for $1.00 MANY MORE SPECIALS) Murphy Personals Mr. ud Mn. Allen Cook and Mr. and Mr*. H. H. Ryder at Griffin, Ga., wort warti n I SB of Mr. ud Mn. Lorao <fc. -M Mr. and Mr*. H. S. Sim mom and daughter, Cindy, of Cleveland, Tenn., were week end guest* of Mr*. Simmons; parents, Mr. and Mr*. Sam Davidson. -M Mr. and Mr*. Fred Bates, Jr., and children of Ashe-' vlUe, spent the weekend with Mr. Bates' mother, Mrs. Bertha Bates. -M Mr. and Mrs. Garland Haney were guests Sunday of Mrs. Haney* s father, Mr. Claude Cherry of HayesvlUe. -M The Rev. Alex Hanson will leave Friday to attend a Dlo cesian meeting to be held In-The-Oaks of Black Mount ain. -M Mrs. H. W. Brown who has been a patient at Providence Hospital is convalescing at the home of her sister, Mrs. L.R. Harding this week. -M Mrs. Whitfield Brown of Marietu, Ga., was the week end guest of her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonadus Shields. -M Mrs. Luther Cobb of Hemp, Ga., spent the weekend with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Cook. -M Mrs. Jimmy Howse, Mrs. Neil Sneed, Mrs. Kate Mauney, Mrs. John Davidson, andMrs. Glenn Bates spent last Wed nesday in Chattanooga, Tenn. -M Mrs. Clara Jenkins of AI pharetta, Ga., is visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Edwards. -M Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wil kins and children spent the weekend with relatives and friends in Adanta. -M Mrs. Roy Fuller spent the week-end with relatives la Macon, Ga. -M. Friends of Mr. John Dlclcey will regret to hear that be is a patient at Piedmont Hospi tal, Atlanta. His address is Room 341, c/o Piedmont Hos pital, Atlanta. Ga. -M Mrs. Tom Woods of Ashe ville was the weekend guest of her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Edwards. -M Miss Emily Sword attended the funeral of Mrs. Carrie Anderson Johnson, Friday ar Hayes ville. -M Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rogers spent Sunday with relatives and friends in Andrews Sunday. -M Mr. W. A.Singletonandson, Knox, spent Sunday with rela tives in Atlanta. They were ac companied home Sunday evening with Mr. Singleton's mother, Mrs. W. A. Singleton. Sr., who will visit with them for a while. Mr. andMrs.^.S.Suddath of Jefferson, Ga., is visiting Miss Elsie Sudderth and Wil lard Sudderth this week. -M Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shields, Mrs. L. W. Shields, and Mrs. Ruby Hill spent last Friday in Atlanta. -M Mrs. Mary Hunt and Miss Bessie Howell of Young Harris, Ga., were week-end guests of Mrs. Hunt's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom. -M Mrs. Peyton G. I vie re turn ed home Thursdy night from a visit with her mother, Mrs. Lona Grier of Atlanta. -M Misses Betty Stone and Jane Van Horn, students at Western Carolina College, Cullowhee, are visiting relatives here. -M Harry Hughes and BuckHill students at Western Carolina College, Cullowhee, are spending this week with their parents here. -M Miss Sandra Bobo of Smyrna spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, S. N. Bobo, and Miss Sallie Queen. -M Mlss Josephine Heighway spent Sunday and Monday with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lovingood of Hendersonville. -M Mr. Jack Barnett, member of the faculty of Western Carolina College, Cullowhee, Is visiting his mother, Mrs. Ollle Barnett. On Tuesday, they will go to Knoxville to visit his sister, Mrs. H. L. Wednesday and Mrs. Barnett will remain for a two weeks visit with Mrs. Mynatt. -M Mrs. Ruth Bates, student at wcc, Cullowhee, is visiting her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Creed Bates. -M Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bat tle of Marble left Friday for a vacation in Florida. -M Eddle King and R. T. Hem broe, students at Mars Hill Collage, Mar* Hill, spent the weekend with their parents. _ J**" Smldi in called ? DeBarry, FU.. due to ft. lliaeaa of her meter, Mr*. M, C. Can. -44 Mr. sad Mr*. Walter Cole ?" Wt Monday far a Mo J"* *??t with relatives la Varo and ft. Lauderdale, Pla. Mr. Jimmy Clbba. student y Umvoralty et Georgia. A"*"*. Ga? spent die weekend here with hi a pareaia. Mr. and Mr*. J. H. Gibbs. . -M Mr. T. B. Smith of Denton, N. C., is visiting his son, Mr. John Smith and family. Thoae attending th* Delta Ctppa Gamma meedng\held at Canton, N. C? on last Sat urday were: Mrs. L. W I"?*' Mrs. Robort S. ?*ult- **?? J?rry Davidson. Mr. Ruby HU1. and Miss Emily Sword, ? ? M Mra. Sam Kaye and daugh ter. Karol, Mrs. Guy Brlttain ?nd children, Jane and Lon nle spent the weekend with friends and relatives in At lanta. -M Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Mc Keever and children, Bill and Price 1 eft Tuesday forGai nes vllle, Ga., where Mrs. Mc Keever will be a patient at Hall County Hospital. -M Miss lola Pritchard, Mark eting Specialist of North Car olina State College, Raleigh, 1 will visit the Home Demon stration office Friday and at tend the District Planning meeting to be held. -M Mrs. Bruce Gordon visited her sister. Miss Rose Mary Phillips, who is a patient at Mission Memorial Hospital Ashevllle. F ' -M Mrs. Norma Baker left on Sunday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Sallle Kate Baker Aycock of Chattanooga, Tenn. -M Dick Ketner, of Asheville. spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Ketner, -M Miss Grace Townson, soph omore at Salem College, Winston - Salem, spent the weekend here with her grand father, Mr. W. D. Townson. -M Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mauney returned home Sun day after a two week vacation in Florida. -M Lonnle Hoover and a friend, students at Wake Forest Col lege, spent the weekend with Umie's parents. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover. -M Mr. and Mrs. Creed Bates spent last Friday in Asheville -M ar WrrUrdH H?uts' student at wcc, Cullowhee, arrived f-riday to spent several days with her parents. Rev. and Mrs. R. T. Houts, Jr. -M- / Murphy Garden Club Names Officers For New Year Mrs. H. A. Mattox, as sisted by Mrs. Francis Bourne, Jr., were hostesses to the Murphy Garden Club at the home of Mrs. Mattox on Thursday afternoon, Feb ruary 23. Mrs. L. I/. Mason, vice president, presided over the business. Following the list of officers for the new year voted and approved by the club. Mrs. Francis Bourne, Jr., president; Mrs. Bob Easley, 1st vice-president; Mrs. L.L. Mason, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. W. A. Hoover, secretary; Mrs. T. A. Case, treasurer; Mrs. Holland McSwain, parli mentary; Mrs. W. P. Odom, librarian; Mrs. Jerry David son, historian; Mrs. Harry Bishop, publicity and Mrs. B. W. Whitfield, scrap book. The March meeting will be the installation of officers. This meeting will be a lunch eon at the home of Mrs. W.A. Hoover with Mrs. Davidson acting as co-hostess. Mrs. Ruth Forsyth and Mrs. Paul Hill are the planning commit tees. The program on Birds and their habits was presented by Mrs. S. C. Burgess and Mrs. John Young. Refreshments were served to the fourteen members present. Rachel Thompson Honored With Birthday Party Rachel Thompson, daughter . of Rev. and Mrs. W.J.Thomp son, was honored with a parly Saturday, February 18, to celebrate her eighth birthday. She received many nice gifts. Various games were played and contests held. The dining table was center ed with the birthday cake, around which the guests gathered. Refreshments of cake. Ice cream, nuts, and cokea were served to about twelve guests present. Mrs. Charlie Hughes as sisted In serving. One example If worth a thousand arguments. -William EwartGladstone SOCIAL EVENTS Engagements - Weddings -Parties - Personals Call MISS HATTIE PALMER VE 7-2321 Win Patricia Day tor Do W.J Winfr.J Mton Cru mp Mr. ?nd Mrs. Hob F.Taylor of Marietta. Ga., announce the engagement o( their daughter, Patricia Sally Taylor, to Wjn f red A1 ton C rump, son of Mr. and Mrs. Horace J . Crump of Toccoa, Ca. Miss Taylor attended Mari etta High School and Patricia Stevens Modeling School and is now employed by State Farm Insurance Company Claims Office in Marietta. The bride -elect has one bro ther, Don Taylor. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hampton and Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Taylor of Murphy, N.C. Mr. Crump attended Ste phens County High School in Toccoa, Ga., and the Mari etta Center University of Georgia. He is employed by H. W. Clegg as an agent with State Farm Insurance Comp anies. The future groom has three sister, Mrs.OdisJame son, Jolene and Debbie Crump of Toccoa, Ga. He is the grand son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Crump and Mrs.TllfordSmith and the late Tilford Smith of Toccoa, Ga. The wedding will take place on April 2, at Cloverdale Heights Baptist Church in Marietta. At Farewell Party A farewell party was held in honor of the three people shown sitting above last Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Beerkens. Miss Eily Gockel, left, sister of Mrs. Beerkens, left Friday for Washington, D.C. After a few days visit in Washington. Miss Gockel will return home to Holland. She has been visiting in this country for the past two months. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ressel, center and right above, residents in Murphy for the past several years, have moved to Alta Vista, Va., where Mr. Ressel has accepted a position with Burlington Industries. Ressel was formerly with the Hemmerich Corp., and Rimco Mfg. Company of Murphy. Methodist Circle T wo Meets Circle No. 2 of FirstMetho dist Church met on Tuesday evening, February 21, ?t the home of Mrs. W. E. Howell with Mrs. Elizabeth Hunt as co-hostess. The meeting opened with prayer by Mrs. McCall El liott. Mrs. Elliott, chairman, presided over the business session, after which, the meeting was turned over to Mrs. W. S. Cann who gave an interesting program on "What Is The Word." At the close of the program, Mrs. Cann read the following poem. THE POWER OF WORDS A careless word may kindle strife, A cruel word may wreck a life. A bitter word may hate instill, A brutal word may smite and kill. A gracious word may smooth the way. A joyous word may lighten the day. A timely word may lessen stress, A loving word may heal and bless. During the social hour, the hostess, assisted by Miss Hattle Palmer, served re freshments to the following: Mrs. J. B. Slaughter, Mrs. Dixie Palmer, Mrs. Ellen Wheeler, Mrs. Norma Baker, Mrs. H.G. Elklns, Mrs. W.F. Elliott, Mrs. R. T. Houts, Mrs. Rcba Johnson, and Mrs, W. S. Cann. I The smallest bird known to man is Calypte helenae, a Cuban hummingbird called the "bee." It grows only 2 1/4 inches long. Methodist Circle Three Meets Mrs. W. P. Odom wis host ess to Circle No. Three of the First Methodist C urchather home on Tuesday afternoon, February 21. The meeting opened with prayer. Mrs. Jessie Zirbes, chair man, presidedduringthebusi ness session. Mrs. R. T.Houts had char? of the program and showed film on "Christianity and T Changing World." The hostess served r freshments to the followi members and three visitor Mrs. J. M. Hughes, Mrs.Kai Evans, Mrs. B. L. Padgett. Mrs. H. E. Bishop, Mrs.J.W. Franklin, Mrs. J. W. Thomp son. Misses Ada Harshaw, and Adella Meroney, visitors, the Rev. andMrs.R.T.Houts.Jr., and Mrs. Maurine Bryant, Honored With Party Mike and Gus Hinton give a surprise party at their home on Willow Street honoring Patricia Tabor on her 12th birthday. Refreshments of cup cakes and cokes, cookies, potato chips were served by Mrs. Hinton., There were eighteen guests present. Even t one-celled animal If capable of learning. A bio logist discovered that one such animal, a stentor, learn ed to avoid an unpleasant chemical by contracting into its protective tube. Once the stentor discovered that thia technique was effective. It withdrew immediately In the presence of the chemical.

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