The Cherokee Sgou Dedicated To Promoting Far Western North Carolina Vol una 71 - Nunbar 35 Murphy. N. C. Thursday, March 30. 1961 6 Pages i hit Weak Di*tll? Murphy Calendar THURSDAY, MARCH SO 7iM aoa. - ?ervlcao ?t Praebyaarlaa Chvch. 3:30 pan. - Jtor eWf at First IMMUt Charch. Coacord Choir at Pirn Bsp tlat Charch. 7:30 a.m. -Coaunualaaser vlcaa at Plrat Methodist Charch. Commaaloa services atPrae >nr,"pSlS??rh ;et the required 249 pints of blood needed to meet the annual |uota. The Bloodmoblle will be In Murphy at the Power Board lull ding Tues., April 11, from 12:30 to 5:3 p.m. (Scout Photo) School Girls To Don Nurses Caps Bottle Sterilizer Goal of Hospital Auxiliary The Providence Hospital U uxlllary will stage ? benefit card party at the New Regal Hotel on Tuaaday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m. The Auxiliary In a recent meeting pledged to ralee $700 toward the put chase of a 32 bottle ster ilizer for the Providence Hos pital Nursery. Mrs. Arnold Baertana, benefit chairman at the auxiliary, pointed out that the present sterilizer Is in adequate to serve the many babies that fill the hospital iMrsery, and there are la suffldent funds available to buy the needed $1,200 alt. r Ire Destroys Home An early morning fire dea troyed the home of China Gar rett bare Sunday, render la) him sad his family of seven Garrett and his wife and five children were v)f?"-,g in - Georgia when the fire broke E The fire was dl a covered B about 4 ajn. Sunday by Gar- L| rwtfs father , Tjrrea, who lives ?aatt deer. He called the Ha yea villa Volunteer PlreDe mia. nobert Bruce, fuw ldent, laid, "We feel that id help provide Chli fine piece of equipment would be a real service to die babies of the community." A group of school girls will don nuraes caps oa Saturday, April 1, soliciting doaadoas la the Immm m district. Tickets per peraoa alao may be par chased from these volunteer workers. Mrs. Boerkens urge* the public is give geaeroualy to ward this worthy project. Tickers may be bought at the >tk of the New Regal Hotel or from auxiliary members. Reiervatloaa caa be made by calllag the hotel. imiamneaia will be ?erved durlag the party aad a prise will he o .ered for high scores at each table, rhe holder of the tacky ti cket amber will be given a ?pedal grand prise. qualization Board logins Session lers Monday Morning The Beard of "iseli ?loaera will sit as s Beard of Jquallxadoa ?-e Moa lay. April I aad cewtfaatag ?HI all rental a ta are heard, rhe beard will meet at 9 ul J This !? *a ealy tlaMef year hat As Cseaalasleaars alt ? Mh a hoard to review ax cases provided by law. At ha Protestant Churches Unite For Good Friday Service Sunrise Se At Cemetc Protestant churches of Murp this year? as Is (heir custom As previously announced, the memoradng the death of Jesus First Baptist Church from 1 o'cj The united service com memorating the resurrection of the Savior Is to be at the eastern end of Sunset Ceme tery at 6:30a.m. Sunday Morn ing. There will be appropriate music. Scripture and prayer. In which minister and con gregation will takepert; and the Rev. G. K. A, Haase, min ister of Free Methodist Church will bring a abort mes - sage of the Resurrection. At the Good Friday service seven ministers will each give ? meditation on one of the Seven Last Words of Christ if?n the cross; and there will be fitting congregational singing and other music. Various Murphy stores are closing for the service hoar. Holy Week Services At St. William's Catholic Chapel For the 1927th time the 20 century old pageantry and drama of Jesus' last three days on ear tfe before His Death " will be re-enaced In the Catholic Liturgy throughout the world during this Holy Week. In St. William's Catholic Chapel, Murphy, < these worship services will be at 7:30 pjn. Thursday, Friday aad Saturday. The public Is , Invited to attend. The theme ? aad order of the services ? follows: . HOLY THURSDAY (Theme: * The love of our Lord lr. , the Institution of the Most ' Holy Eucharist) Service: The Mass of the Last Simper-- followed by the stripping of the altar to re recall the stripping of Our Lord of His garments In " preparation for His Crucifixion. u GOOD FRIDAY (Theme: The ' sacred Passion and Death of Jesus) Service: 1, Hie reading of the Passion according to ; St. John. J 2. Solemn Prayers for the entire world. 3. AQuraaon of the Cru- n dfled fi 4. Holy Communion Service o] HOLY SATURDAY : THE a EASTER VIGIL SERVICE ai ( Theme: The power aad _ glory of Jesus' Resur rection) _ Service: 1. Blessing of the New Fire? the"new fire" ? Is struck from a flint to _ signify the "Spark of Life" \ or the Soul of Jesus re turning to His Body la the Resurrectlln. 2. Blessing of Pascal Candle 11 3. Lighting of Pascal Candle ? with the "new fire" B J signify that Life has re- ? turned to Jesus " 4. Litany of the Saints 4 5. Blessing of the Baptis mal Font J 6. Renewal of Baptismal ? Promises 7. The Baster Vigil Mass ?* af P? Ft MfbittUrs Piss To Exhibit Work " A gruift oi enthusiastic "Whltllers" and woodwork - ers plans to exhibit results of a two month course tinder the direction of Mrs. Murrlal Martin, carving Instructor, and Jesse Ledford, la charge of the woodworking shop. The exhibit will he pre of the board of directors of the school at a luncheon meeting on Friday, March 31. and again the same day at MX) p.m. during the community party. Some very One Mecca were made by ike following ladles who believe it is Im portant to be able m work with their bands. They are: Meedamae Mary Nell Mem of Hayeevuie, oeea Al Ba Ha as No I Be a Tsi It urn tin J vmreon. Helen Moedy, Ed- La, th Fuller, Wanda McOoaald, J Catharine Wells, aad Alios . Sn Ka Caaa of Mvjhy. El __ tnrlse Service lAYESVTLL* . Ai Kaeter J* ?rise Service will he held! a MeawriiORaral US? Ca?- . T ?r. 11m Rev. Billy Fax will all war the meaaaga aad lal nele Is oar * cd m af Mr*. C.I. I The sarrlee wfll i tW irvices iry hy are having union services -for Good Friday and Easter. Good Friday service, com Cbrlst, will be observed at lock until 2 Friday afternoon. Ranger Young People The young people of the Ranger BtptJst Church pre i en ted a demonstration of church discipline under the direction of Mr. F.B.Johnson ?t the regular quarterly meet ing of the West Liberty As sociation. Rev. Cecil Rive, vice moderator of the associa tion, was In charge of the meeting. Bid For Freedom Cut Short As Dogs Nob Noah Dockery A bla for freedom Tues day afternoon, March 28, pat Noah Dockery1 a name back In the news for the first time since 1953, when he was convicted twice of first de free murder la the shotgun slaying of Cherokee County Sheriff Frank Crawford. Dockery, now .34 and serv ing a life sentence, escaped at 12:30 pjn. from a Yancey County road gang that was working on Hall Chapel Road la the Cleo section about 10 miles from Bursvllle. He was recaptured at 6:30 p.m. On March 3, 1953, Sheriff Crawford went to Dockery' s home la the Hanging Dog Sec tion of Cherokee County with I warrant charging Dockery alth burning a sawmill. Free Methodist fo Have Special Speaker The Georgia - North Car llna Conference under the eedershlp of Conference i^erlntendant A. V. Mc Clelland will hold Its Quar srly conference at the Murphy ree Methodist Church April -7. The apodal speaker wllLc* e Rev. C. F. Gallic of Lake Yorth Fla. Rev. Gallup Is the Drmer Superintendent of the Uchlgan Conference, and such sought after for hlselo uence and deep understanding f the Holy Scriptures. The first service will be on Wednesday, April 5, at 7:30 .m. including a Communion nd Reconsecrtdon service; iree services on Thursday 10 a.m. 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.) nd will close on F rlday morn ig with a Quarterly Confer - nce Business Session at 10 ,m. Delegations from thlr sen Free Methodist Churches ?om Georgia and North Car- ' Una will attend. The general ! ibllc Is cordially Invited to ttend all meetings. Dockery later testified that the sheriff came Into his house and he (Dockery) cut hi tn down with a shotgun. The sheriff stun bled back to his car, where his body was found by officers called by Mrs. Dock ery. A 31-hour man hunt follow ed the sheriff's death and fin ally Dockery gave up after his father talked to him in the woods where he was hiding. A few hours later aroused cit izens burned his house to the ground. On April 8, a Jury convict- ? ed Dockery and the judge pro nounced the death jaaaim hi. s. An appeal to the State Supreme Court won a retrial on a technicality. Dockery entered a plea of guilty to first degree murder In the second Dial and he was sentenced to life Imprison ment. Until about seven months ago, when he was transferred to the Yancey County prison camp, Dockery remained In Central Prison In Raleigh. Until Tuesday Dockery had been a "good prisoner" and stayed out of trouble accord ing to Lt. Cecil Penland of the Prison Department. " TWfflay's escape attempt came as a guard was herd ing the work gang on a truck to keep out of the rain. Dock- :? ery got In front of the truck and ran around a sharp curve In the road Just ahead. The guard fired three times with a .30-. 30 rifle but Dockery was engulfed In a laurel thick et which extends for a con siderable distance on both sides of the road. Walter Harne of the Prison Department In Splndale brought if a pack of dogs, ?hlch ran Dockery down. If usual prison procedures ire followed, Dockery will be sxamlned by a doctor and will be back on the roads Wed nesday. raining Union Convention lated Here Next Week Dr. * of era M. Smith, Rlch oad, Va.. will bring the clo? f message at the Region 10 ralalng Ualoa CooTeadoa to j held la the Flrit Baptist lurch of Marphy on Friday, irrtl 7. Dr. Rogers M. Smith la bralalatratlTe associate to e eaacdtlve secretary of the >ath era BaptlatForelgaMls on Board. His resyonslb [tlea are la the general area administration aad laclade annlag aad preparlag for the a-alga Mlssloas Confer ees held each snmmer at idgecreat (N?.) Baptist As mhly aad Glorleta (NX.) ?Hat Assembly. Dr. Smith came to the Board rly la 1994 aa (laid re aeeatatlve and was aamed aodata secretary for pro >tloa la October of that year. i aaaamed respoaslbtlltles admlalatratlTe associate water 1. 1951. M formerly a^gsgnit la pdst stadeat wort la Ten iae, servlag for fev years stadeat secretary aad la Ike schoal of re loa at the Uatvaralty of aad for yeara as B^tlat Stadaat traveler, be baa B^tlat mis la Barope, the ir Bast, ike Orient. aad la America. i ?tin of Warn, Tbl. Dr. IA reeefved thebechaleraf ? degree from Bayiar Ua ralty. Waca, aad thai religions. af I degrees from southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Port Worth. Tex. He held pas torates In Texas during his seminary days. He Is married to die former Evelyn Melton, a native of tort Worth. They have two children, Sara Sue and Rogers Melton. Hiflh School Stars Is 6n? There will be a basketball game Friday night, the Slat, ?t 8:00 p.m. at the Murphy High School Gym. The gamawlll be between the Murphy High School Team 1*60-61 and former high school basketball play er*. The piocea da will be used for equipment for Iks Murphy Baseball team. U you Ilka basketball, come on out and enjoy a good basketball | >re-Centermlal Ball 'lanned In Clay Co. laywrllla - Plans fer a Pre ' enteral al Ball wera outlined load** night at a meeting of he Cloy County raawlal eaomlnea. The hell la niaa nd as a tad -raising actiTic) > help pay Ca.? 1.1 de aa Is la Awtl 15 Is the date sat far * ball ? ha bald at feat me High Sckoni grnmaalan. a Mikasua will furnlah tha ? It and tickets wUl a*U ? par c^U .ad ?.*? ?" Makes UNC Honor Roll Robert Walter Easley, III made the Honor Roll In the College or Arts and Sciences during the fall semester at the University of North Carolina. To receive this honor, a student must make a grade of B or higher on all work taken. Less than 12 per cent of the students at Carolina achieved such high academic distinction. Easley Is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Easley, Jr. of Murphy. Initiated into Fraternity William Blevins, son of Mr. ana Mrs. B. W. Blevlns of .0. Box 336, Andrews, was Initiated Into the North Car Una Delta Chapter of Sigma Phi Epsllon Social F rater - Ity at the University of North Carolina on Sunday, March >. 1961. t?dy Grovps Ob o?ltry, CflttU Ismsm loaplmd Or. C. G. Wilkes hu corn ieeed the two atady groins le was conducting oa 11 Mas e* of poultry and cattle it the John C. Campbell Folk chool. Twenty -seven peopli nok advantage of these cour aa. 1 The purpose of the*', todies was to enable the inner to recognize symp ims of disease early enough > get professional help be )re the loas becomes to reat la a flock o I chickens r a herd of cattle. Or. Wilkes la In charge of m Diagnostic Clinic la Mur by. This- clinic provides tfci inner with quick and ac ?rate diagnosis/ thaa saving 1m both time id Money. Those who took advantage ' the opportunity . this Mdy expreaaod apprecla an b Dr. Wllkea far glv g of his time and Inform - lea, and to the Polk School r faralahlag the facllldea r holding the stady'ses aaa. They also eipraeaed a hope that almllar coarsea mid bo bald periodically. ivIm Sonric* YKSWULk - Saunae Sor- ( m will bo bold at tho Oak * B?dat Cbarch, Swnday nta at MO aja. The Oak ? CWreh la In fee n*d , flea 1 Taamdtaaa Eastern Star Installs Officers Officers for Murphy Chap ter No. 10 Order of (he East ern Star were Installed daring the regular meeting on Thurs day evening, March 23, with Mrs. Ann Phillips conducting the rites. She was assisted by Mrs. Mary Cathron Sneed as marshal; Mrs. Lola Davidson as chaplain and Mrs. Annie Lee Foard as onanist. milters lagpuied were Mrs. Gladys Lemons as wor thy matron; Sam L. Davidson, worthy patron; Mrs. Rath Eng lish. associate matron; Miss HatHe Palmer, treasurer; Mrs. Juanlta Hall, conduct ress; Mrs. Joe Taylor, Assoc iate conductress, Mrs. Annie Lea Foard, organist; sndOpal Howell, marshal. Star points; Mrs. Loaise Dehart Adah; Mrs. Evelyn Kissel harg. Rath; Mrs. Willie Dean Hawaii, Esther; Mrs. Gwtnda Gillespie; Mar tha; aad Mrs. Viva ados Far mer, Electa; Mra. Fleeta Browning. Sentinel aad Mra. Bertha Roberts, Warder. Associate appointive of ficers are: Mrs. Bllaa Craw fordlc: apWa; Mrs, Sylvia Dora Kaya, Adah; Mra. Ifer calla Smith, Rath; Mr*. Mb-, lam Moore. Esther; Mrs. Kale Haghaa, Ma v Mrs. BUsa S"* S?*1^' Mrs. 3aasla Farr, WanhrilMi s. Mice (erred ?e 25 "ad lis visiters