Ihs llta In 1? Imam By Rapraaantativ* Herman H. Wast Activity tn the form of Am bills, aslds Iron the work of dM niioui mnmlOM 1b csaducttap hearings ud pre lsglslatlon to be pr? marked dM ordar a f !? in ? ikagi this week In dM lsglaLsturc. Measure* rtaa I tag at* revocation at Must's U?mn under dM polK sys Mn, compulsory school st trodaace, study commission proposals sad machinery to laap government going la case o f atomic attack were, among others, preaeatad also. The House passed and sent to dM Seaats a bill requester! by Governor Sanford to In Ami.. aefc by Repre Hlnes of Guilford, provides by an aoo of nbKco products, soft drinks. Mitt of jewelry, lug gage, etc, (luxury ax), gross receipts of power companies, realty transfers and costs as sessed In criminal cases, for die raising of approximately $90 million In new revenue without taxing food and drugs. This Is only one of many tax THE CHEROKEE SCOUT NJERUE BABB, PuHlsher . . . PHYLLIS B. BABB. Editor Established July. 1889 Published Every Thursday - Second Class Postage P?ld at 117 Hickory Street. Murphy, Cherokee County, North Carolina. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing address In Cherokee, City andGrshamCounues, N. C. Towns, Union and FanninCoundes.Ga., and Polk County, Tenn. 1 Year - 43.00 6 Mos. - *1.75 Outside of Retail Trading Ares - I Yr. $5.00; 6 Mos. *3.00 From Th? D??k Of SMt SMtoc 111. furnu tain - 33rd Detwci Beginning da 3*h iMtve day 4 the present aas sMe of (be General Asaambty vital laauea confroodng thli Important Mil* dealing with radlftrtcdog of the congress lo~ai districts and reappor tionment of the Senate con tinue D be held 14) In com mittees without the full body being able to vo? and B deal with these matter* with dispatch. Full scale hearings will be gin la Finance this week with several weeks of these hearings already being sched uled before these Important money tails will be sent K> the sub-committees for fur ther study. The wheels of government grind slowly; and this Is ' good for this two body government in North Carolina, the Senate and the House each having to concur with the other before any le glaladon Is paased ? local or otherwise. This makes for every bill a (air study before It la ? c?ed imd law. Your Senior oflMirxl i hill Lax work dealt* with che eligibility at small com mualdaa to ba qualified (or houalag projects under die Federal Housing Act. I In- ' troduced such a bill from a standpoint of local lnareat, making It apply to the Urd district. Some 29 counties joined with me In that an deavor. The queadon that this must be at state-wide nature ?o be coos d tu Gonal waa raised by the Federal Housing admin latradon and waa carried up to the Supreme Court. The Sig>reme Court held that In their opinion It was not con stitutional -- hence the reeson for a now state-wide bill to correct this sltuadon. Visitors In Raleigh last week were E. J. Whltmlre of Franklin, Beekman Huger and George Stephens of Ashevllle, and H. A. Mattox of Murphy. H. A. was sttendlng the State School Board meedng in the interest of better schools in North Carolina. His work In this Is outstanding. SHOP MURPHY for WEEK-END SPECIALS JABALEY BROS. Shoe Sale Shoe Values far Entire Family Girls & Boys SHOES $2.98 & $3.98 Values Now 2.50P0.r Mens IDRESS SHOE! Values to $10.00 Now 5.00 p?,rl Ladies Shoes ONLY $1.99 pair Ladies Nylon Hose First Quality Pairs $1 *00 SAMPLE SALE 58 Dozen Ladies Assorted SPORTSWEAR To Be Sold At Wholesale Cost Shorts, Peddle Pushers, Blouses, Skirts. Dusters, Maternity Wear Bargain Center EVERYDAY IS SALE DAY at the Bargain Center I Closed All Day Wednesday for Re- stocking Store Hours MON-TUE - 8:30 - 5:00 WED - CLOSED ALL DAY THU-FRI - 8:30 - 5:00 SAT - 8:30 - 5:30 No Refunds or Exchanges All Sales FINAL Shop The Bargain Center Everyday I BARGAIN CENTER I (Formerly Carrlnger'e Dept. Store.) WESTERN AUTO I Murphy, N.C. WE ARE SPRING CLEANING Big Reductions Up to 75% ONE SET ONLY FoMiag Chain Were $3.49 each Now $1.49 4 Speed Rtcord Playtr Was $19.95 Sale $12.95 Ribbor Boots Were $11.95 Now $7.95 TV T?bl?s Were ?149 Now 69* SLIGHTLY DAMAGED Strviag Table w?s $7.50 Now $3.00 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED 45 RPM Records 5 for $1.00 I Here They Are ... I Just what you have been asking for . . . FORMALS FOR GRADUATION . Pastels . Nylon Net . Sizes 5 to 15 New Spring Dresses Childrens I Dresses I Organdy, Nylon, Cotton, in Size* I to 3, 2 to 6x, ! and 7 to 14. In Solid and Floral Colors $1.98 DOWNSTAIRS MURPHY SUPPLY CO. Capital Clipboard IN THE STATE lister of tte Twin Clty^iab lotd. "Thursday", la coming out arttfc another edition oa calianatata of ihla Ska. This (Una te la arclttaf on Raleigh wruera ? (ha syndicated va ralty ? in tte State Magazine which te pobUstea. Not much of a magazine autecrthar ara we. preferring tte aqpaaalva excitement of newaatand purchase, but we saldom miss a copy at State Mags tins, to which Sharps has (Ivan so much stature, it Just has soril In It you won't find snywhers else - awl nearly every page haa at least one goody. Oh yes. about "Thursday". Sharps put It out for a time In Winston-Salem In those eaay, carefree days between tte Depression and World War II. But, like "PM", "Ken", "Letters" (published by Time until killed by Life), tte N. Wllkesboro "Newsworld", etc., "Thursday" was Juattoo good to make the grade. On tte otter hand, however. If tte publication had succee ded, tte State would have rrlssed out on Its first - and by far its best - press agent. And when we say "tte State", are don't mean tte magazine, are mean you folks out there In Tsrheelis - From Manteo to Murphy. CONFESSION Speaking of columns, one has gone out weekly - under or over one name or another, to an average of about 30 North Carolina newspapers for 18 years ... from the T. Greenwood household in Ra leigh. We've had various fine assistants, some short-lived, like T. Outlaw. K. Brewer, and P. Bailey. At one time the column was sued for $100,000. At another time a goodly sum of money was offered for It by representatives of a would-be State dynasty. Al ways written onSsturday night or Sunday In order to get In on the latest before mailing Sunday afternoon, the column has played havoc with Sunday School on the part of Eula N. Greenwood. Peachtree News Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Gee and Mr. and Mrs. Summer Suddath of Jefferson, Ga. and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cham bers of Andrews visited Miss Elsie Sudderth over the week end. Miss Maxlne KUpatrlck of Oak Ridge, Tenn. spent Easter with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Carl KUpatrlck. James Smith, University of Chapel Hill and Miss Shirley Smith of Charlotte spent Eas ter with their parents, Mr. and, Mrs. J. Franklin Smith. J, Franklin Smith of Knox ville spent the weekend here with his family. Friends and relatives visi ting Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hembree during the week end were: Mrs. Frankie Adams and Mrs. Ruth Coffey of Cop perhill, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hembree and children of Ma pleton, Ga., Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hembree and children of Bryson City. Mr. and Mrs. James Fer guson of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Ferguson Jr.. of Franklin and MissSueFer guson ofLeaksvillespentEas , ter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hayden Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. Dick McPear son and children of Knoxville, Tenn. spent Easter with Mrs. McPearson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Boyd. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Truett of Asheville visited his sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Witt on Sunday. A party was given by Mrs. Willard Clonts last Tuesday night, March 28. Games were played and -prizes given. Salad and hot chocolate served to the guests. We were glad to hear that Mrs. Bob Witt of Miami, Fla. enjoys reading the personals in the Scout. Mrs. John Donley and Miss Elsie Sudderth visited Mrs. L"'ira Barker Sunday. riarold Barton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Witt Barton left Saturday, April 1st, to begin three months training in the Marine Air Reserve at Par ris Island. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brassing - ton and son of Pazo, Ga., Miss MargaretHendrlxofCul lowhee and Miss Doris Hen drtx of Leaksville spent Easter with their parents, Mr. and Mrs . Glenn Hendrix. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ferguson of Asheville visited his pa rents, and brother, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Ferguson and BUI last Sunday. ObitsarUs CULBERSON - JohnFrank lln Cearley, 79, died in a Murphy Hospital. Thursday night, March 30th, after ? long illness. A son of Joe and Sarah Jane Voyies Cearley, he Is survived by the widow, Mrs. Mary Cearleys four sons. Get ter of Rt. 4, Murphy, Wesley and Homer of the home and Harford of Ellllay. Ga.: one daughter, Mrs. Wiflrod Bea vers, of Route 2, Murphy; one brother, Luther Cearley <* Gastonia: six sisters, Mrs. JosU Stiles of Bllijay, Mr*. Bert Greea and Mrs. Bertha Rich of Culberson and Mrs. Cento Walker aad Mrs. Es ther Waddns of Gastonia. Servicea were held at 1 pjn. Saturday In Mt. Zton Baptist Church. The Rev. Clarence Vbyies and the Rev. Thomas Truett officiated, aad burial was la I vie Funeral Heme of Mur hy waa In < Mnrphv Personals Mr. Jimmy Bellamy * ?peat Bnar with hare. Ha ?U ac - i by Mr*. Bel lamy and daughter. Julia. < have been .pending die paat WD weak* with her mother, Mr*. Riah Cheney. , Mr*. Morel* Gantry and chllifren. Jimmy and Llbby Gantry, and Ml** J aye* Cow- ' gill of Cianberiand, Ohio, apent Easter with Mr*. Gen try** mother, Mr*. Be**le Mr*. Louise Dehart and daughter, Carolyn, Brown Caldwell, Mrs. Dixie Palmer and Miss Hatde Palmer spent Friday In Ashevllle. Miss Joyce Henaon. R. G. Ilaiiihtea and Eddie King, stu dents at Mar* Hill Collage, Mar* HU1, N. C, apent Eas ter with their parents here. Mia* Sheryl CVDell of Dal ton, Ga. was the weekend guest of Miss Joyce Hembree. Mr. Robert Basley Jr. spent lsst Saturday in Raleigh at tending the Lions State wide meeting for the blind. Mr*. Harry Lovlngood and Mrs. Robert Weaver attended the Business and Professional Woman* Club held In Bryson City Monday night. The Rev. and Mrs. R, A. Potter and sons, Bobby and BUly spent Sunday and Mon day in Columbia, S. C. Mr. John Agnew of Sum mervllle, Ga. spent Easter with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Singleton. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hill and sons have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Garrison of Canton, Ga. They were accompanied home by their granddaughter, Sharon, who will visit with them for several weeks. Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Young and children. BUly, Sally and Ellen of Durham, spentEaster with Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Shields. Mrs. Bertha Bates and dau ghter, Mrs. Shirley Greaff were visitors In Adanta Mon day. Mrs. Howard Moody, who underwent surgery at St. Ma rys Hospital, Knoxvllle.Tenn. last Thursday is improving. Mr. Lewis Mardn of Bre vard College, Brevard spent Easter Holidays with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Martin. Regular Friday Night At Folk School Cancelled As the annual Folk Festi val which serves the Southern Appalachla area, will be held at Berea College, Berea, Ky., April 6-8, the regular Friday night will not be held at the Folk School this week. Douglas Smith, Principal at Ranger School, is taking ten students. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Holland and their two children will be there. Wayne Holland attended the first festival in 1935 with a studentgroupfrom the Folk School. Gladys Hol land, then a student at the Hlndman Settlement School in Kentucky, also attended the first festival. From the very beginning Mr. and Mrs. Geo rg Bldstrup have served on the festival committee. Thou sands of young people from West Virginia to Georgia have shared in this creative form of non-competitive recreadon which has meant so much to many schools and centers. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Woods will be at the Folk School the night of April 14. They are both excellent musicians. Mr. Wood is also a square dance caller. Elizabeth Taylor and Laurence Harvey hold a secret rendezvous on a sailing sloop In this scene (ram "Butter - fleld S." Metro -Goldwyn -Mayer screen version of John OUara's provocative novel. Eddie Fisher and Dlna Men-Ill also star la the Cinemascope and color production, starting Sunday, April 9, at the Hern Theatre In Murphy. KPW Clabs Plan district Meeting In Brevard BREVARD - Some 200 dele gates representing 10 clubs ?re expected to attend the meeting of District I, Bus iness and Professional Wo men In Brevard on Sunday, April 9th. The meeting will be held at Galther's. A coffee hour and regis tration will begin at 11:00 o' dock, and die buffet luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. Speaker for the occasion will be Mrs. Stella Hayes Spencer, of Lenoir, president of the North Carolina Feder ation, Business and Profes sional Women. Mrs. Kathleen Gibson, of Bryson City, director of Dis trict I, will preside over the business session. Special entertainment will be given by two Brevard Col lege students. Miss Martha* Glbbs and Bob Smith. Clubs in District I include Ashevllle, Black Mountain, Brevard, Bryson City, Can ton, Franklin Hendersonvllle, Murphy, Sylva, and Waynes - vllle. Shop Building Near* Completion The shop building at Hiwassee Dam High School is nearing completion. The bathroom walls have been constructed, the floors have been poured, broken windows have been re placed, and the doors have been hung and painted. A heating system, which will be Installed as soon as the building is wired for electricity, was recently purchased. The greater part of the funds and labor need for the con struction of the building were contributed by the patrons of Hiwassee Dam School. Superintendent Lloyd Hendrix and Principal Harest King are now in the process of securing an agriculture teacher. (Story by Kaye Haney - Photo by RictyBagley) Young Democrats MEETING Scotty's Drive - In Andrews, N. C. Saturday, April 8th At 8:00 p.nl You Are InvitedJ SUNDAY COMICS Brighter and Better Than Ever Before Enjoy the fast-paced action of plainclothes s'euth Dick Tracy in his relentless battle against crime. And keep up with the amusing, amazing antics of re porter Brenda Starr and her newspaper chums at the Flash. DICK TRACY BRENDA STARR Follow Both Comic Characters Every Sunday I Clip This Coupon and Mail Today AUanU llmiipin. Inc., ClmliUM D*?t.. P. O. Bo* MM, | Atlanta t, Oa. I f Icaac cater By h>iiiiI>IIm far Tb* Kunday Jonrr.al-CanaUtatlaa Tin Atlanta Jaarna] (telly) Tkt Atlanta Camtitatlan (dattr) _ KAMI ? . i i i ... { I cm , . , ,i STATI . | ?!

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