\% !'he Cherokee Scout Cherokee County's Oldest And Newest Newspaper Volume 71 - i rnmammamvm Murphy. N. C., Thursday, May 4, 1961 8 Pages This Week Pii>lished Weekly Andrews High School Honor Students Honor students from the graduating clas at Andrews High School have been selected on the basis of scholastic achieve ment. From left to right they are: Linda Ellis Howell, Ann ' Pulllum, Mescal Rose, and Judy May. ( c Registration Forms Available For Wagon Train Expedition Official registration forms are * now available for those who want ? to enter wagons or horses In the annual Tellico Plains, Tenn. R> Murphy, N.C. Wagon Train Expedition July 4, Jim Hughes, committee chairman for Wag ons and Horses announced to day. Anyone wishing to enter this year's Wagon Train can obtain a feglstratlon form from , Mr. Hughes lnMurphy Saturday. Wagons will assemble and , parade In Tellico Plains, Tenn. on Saturday, July 1. ' The train will leave Tellico Plains at day break on Sunday, July 2, arriving at the camp area near the Tennessee-North Carolina line at approximately 4 p.m. the same afternoon. The train will leave the camp area at day break on Monday, July 3, arriving at a camp sits about 12 miles from Murphy at approximately 4 p.m. On Tuesday, J uly 4, the train will enter the town of Murphy a round 11a.m. The rules governing this year's Wagon Train are as follows: The Wagon Master and his Committees Named t For Wagon Train Y Co-chairmen and commit tees for the 1961 Wagon Train celebration have been announ ced. Ben Palmer, Murphy ' motel operator and Holland McSwain, MurphyCitySchools Superintendent, will serve as ^ co-chairmen of this year's 4th of July event. ' Publicity Committee; Jerue Bahb, Chairman, . Paul Rlden hour. Max Blakemore, Ople k McKeever, Louise Bayless. Reception Com mi nee: k Frank Forsyth, Chairman, L, L. Mason, H. A. Mattox, Her f man West, Percy Fere bee. ' Duties: Welcome and assist r all specially invited guests. , Overall entertainment: John Jordan, Chairman. Ted i Thomas, Ed Reynolds. Water Sports: George Dyer, ? Chairman. Elmer Taylor. . Food for Special Guests: Virgil 0*Dell, Bess Alverson. r Dance Committee: Wayne Holland, Chairman, BPW Club r to assist. Costumes: Dot Mason, > chairman. . Beards: Joe Ray. ' Program Committee: Merle t Davis, Chairman. Wanda Ed wards, Blanche Smith, Mrs. John Carringer, Loren Davis. Duties: Prepare and have \ printed a souvenir program and Includes selling adver i a semen ts for the program. Fairground Committee: Jim * Hughes, Chairman, Mrs. ftol i land McSwalo. Wagons and horseback ri ders: Jim Hughes, chairman, Loren Davis, Claude Angel, Tom Palmer, Charles Hlgdon, Frank Swan, Hugh Hensley, Jerry Hatchett, Haul Ledford, Jeff Brooks. Function: Con tact wagon and stock owners, and persuade them to parti cipate In the wagon train, and have all participants to fill out and turn in registra tion blanks. Traffic Committee: Charles Johnson. Chairman. Claude Anderson, Patrolman Ensley, Patrolman Hooper, Blaine Stale up. Duties: Make all rules and regulations covering the flow of traffic ans see that sufficient personnel Is avail able to control traffic. Wagon Route andCampSlte: Bob White, Chairman, Charles Coleman, Harry Dickey, Har old Wells, John Bayless, Jim Ed Hughes, J ack Dickey, May nard Kllllan, Boyd Davis, Howard West. Function: Pre pare route over which wagons and horseback riders are to travel. Also, select and pre pare sufficient camp sites along the route. Finance Committee: Edwin Hyde, Chairman; Joe Ray and Jack Dickey. Funodon: To make plans for, and conduct a financial campaign to se cure funds to cover expenses of the Wagon Train Project. assistants will be in charge of all entries. Each teamster and horseback rider will be responsible for the feeding and care of his ani mals. . All wagons must have steel tires, brake*, with bows and canvas to look as much like a frontier wagon as possible. All buggies, surries, hacks or other eligible entries must have wooden spokes. (No pneumatic tires) Any wagon that breaks down will fall out and let the re maining wagons continue, un less repairs can be made, so as not to delay the train. There will be no advertise ment on any wagon- -only the name of the sponsoring civic organization or club will be permitted. The night of July 4th will be spent at the fairgrounds in Murphy ? arrangements for feeding horses will be the re sponsibility of each teamster. Feed will be provided by Mur phy Ctvlc Clubs. Persons mak ing the trip may camp in the fairgrounds. The Tellico Klwanls Club will give a prize to the spon sor of the best entry complet ing the trip. The Tellico Plains American Legion will furnish entertain ment in the Town Square on the night of Saturday, July 1. The civic clubs of Cherokee County, NjC. will provide an entertainment program on the afternoon and night of the Fourth. All participants should be as sembled not later than 4 p.m. July 1st in Tellico Plains. The Wagon Master and assist ants will be identified by arm bands. Each community entering two or more wagons or horses will elect or appoint a section chief to be in charge of their section. Single wagons or riders will be assigned to section of their choice as near as possible Each section chief will see that stock are properly watered and fed. It is not recommended that high spirited or so called "high school" horses be entered in the Wagon Train as the slow progress of the train will be bad for the horses. r Sweethearts Vocal Group Sing At Banquet f The 8w? ifcaai i?. ? *oc?l groiq> mate tq> of w^waom at Htwaaaaa Dam High School, ? aaeartalnad at dw Junlor-Sanlor Baaaoat at tto hWh arbaal racandy. They are drat row, ' Mi ? right, Saadra Floyd, Bllnbadi Nalaja, Kay Gladson, Ida Nairn. Second row. Margie ? , bans. Ltada Loudarmllk, Halaa Nawman. Third row, J . M. Varaar, Glaim Saaad, Bobby I . sllard, Larry MeNakb, BUI Hataa, Lawla Pas. Fourth row, Doaaa Jaaa Payna, MUdrad m Lathar. Praacaa Shlalda, Barbara Faya Payna, Braada Qatam, aad Halaa Kaapum. (Scout ?k Phota by Baglay) (* , WANTED Yes, more beards such as the one shown above are WANTED for the annual Wagon Train celebration here in Murphy on July 4th. Also, the Cherokee Scout wants you to identify the man shown above. Here are some clues. He owns lots of real estate, he attends theBaptistChurch he is active in the Wagon Train, and he runs an ad in this paper every week. Write "Beard Contest", Box 190, Murphy, N. C, and if you guess his identity, we will send you a year's subscription to the paper. Prizes will be offered for the best long term beard entered in die contest. Prizes will also go to the best short term beard, one grown in two months or less. Now's the time to start a beard. Sanford To Make Every Effort To Be Here July 4th Senator W. Frank Forsyth reports In his weekly article in this week's paper that Governor Terry Sanford is going to make every effort to attend the Wagon Train celebration in Murphy July 4th. The governor did not de finitely say he would make the trip; however, he promised that the Chairman of the High way Commission, die District Commissioner and other high way people would be present for the annual celebration. Concessions Available To Civic Clubs Any civic club or organi zation in Cherokee County that would like to have a conces alon at the annual Fourth of July Wagon Train celebration In Murphy 1* asked to contact the Wagon Train committee, Ben Palmer and Holland Mc Swatn, co-chairmen, have an nounced. Band Boosters To Stage 'Womailess Wedding' Saturday The Murphy Band Boosters Club will stage ? "Woman leas Wedding" and "Breach of Promise Suit" at the Mur phy Elementary School Audl toriian Saturday night at 8:00 PM. In an effort to raise funds for new band uniforms needed for next year. Elaborate preparations and rehearsals have gone Into this project. Guest stars will In clude many of the "wall known" characters in and around Murphy. The ldenity of the stars has been hapt a secret, adding suspense do the occasion. Over $1200 is needed for new band uniforms for high school members of the band. This show will be one a f many pro jects aimed at raising the necessary fimds. Adult tickets are ) JO, children's $.25. W Tax Rate Increase Voted For County County Schools To Benefit The Cherokee County Com missioners unanimously agreed it their regular monthly meet ng Monday to raise the county ax rate from $1.68 to $1.72 or the fiscal year 1961. The our cent Increase was voted o offset rising county operating expenses. The county school system s expected to receive the argest percentage of the money :ollected from the tax increase. Jther factors effecting the in rease were the recentlegisla lon doubling the amount paid urors, the triple increase for irltnesses, and the lncreae in lie salaries of the Clerk of iifierior Court, the Deputy ^Ierk, Register of Deeds, and lis assistant. The new rate is now set at H.72 per $100 evaluation of property in Cherokee County. In other business, the board tiired Mrs. Betty Lee Breed love as assistant county iccountant effected Monday, May 8. Mrs. Breedlove will replace Mrs. Ted Thomas. tf Murphy c Calendar * THURSDAY, MAY 4 F 3:30 p.m. - Concord Choir a rehearsal at First Baptist Church. 2 6:30 p.m. - Church Loyalty dinner at First Methodist . ChurcK 7:30 p. m. - Deacons of Presbyterian Church will B meet at the church. Community Prayer Services at Free Methodist Church. . 8:00 p.m. - Official Board ^ meeting of First Methodist ( Church in the Men's Bible _ Class room. SATURDAY. MAY 6 3 to 4:30 p.m. - Circle No. Four of First Methodist | Church will have a Fellow ship tea honoring new mem- \ bers of the church and the Woman's Society of Christian ' service. 7:30 p.m. - Rock Hounders meeting at their building at Brasstown. SUNDAY, MAY 7. 6:00 p.m. - MYF at First Methodist Church. 6:30 p.m. - Training Union at First Baptist Church. MONDAY, MAY 9 6:30 p.m. - Rotary Club at Family Restaurant. ->.<*> at. dw rii.K '?WV p?lll> W4UW to meet at New Regal Hotet 7:30 p.m. - St. William's Catholic Church Confraternity of Chrlitian Doctrine Officers and Commits meeting. Town Council meeting at Murphy Power Board Building. F rankle Martin Circle of j First Baptist Church m meet . at the home of Mrs. Robert I Bruce. Men's Chorus at First Bap- | tist Church. Ruth Bagwell Circle of First BaptistChurch will meet at the home of Mrs. B. J. Fish. TUESDAY, MAY 10 10:00 a.m. - The Gladys I Morris Circle of First Bap- J dst Church will meet at the { home of Mrs. V. P. Williams. > 3:1S p.m. - Jr. Fellowship meet at Presbyterian Church. Youth Choir atFlrstMetho dlst Church. 3:30 p.m. - Carol Choir at First Baptist Church Celesdal Choir at First Bapdst Church. 6:30 pjn. - Lions Club meedng Recreational Hall First Methodist Church. 7:30 p.m. - Ruth Swan Cir cle. First Baptist Church at home of Mrs. Cecil Mills. Elizabeth Hale Circle of First Baptist Church at home of Mrs. Leon Klmsey. 8:00 p.m. - Alcoholic Anon ymous meet at New Regal Ho tel. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10 3:30 p.m. - Chapel Choir at First Baptist Church. 6:30 p.m. - Christian Fam ily Gathering at West Minister Hall of Presbyterian Hall. 7:30 pjn. - Hour at Power at First Baptist Church. 8:00 p.m. - Midweek ser vices at First Methodist Church. Choir practice at Presby terian Church. Adult Choir practice at First B^xlst Church. Choir rehearsal at First Methodist Chiffch. THURSDAY, MAY 11 1:00 pjn. - Cancer Clinic at Heeith Office. 3:30 p,m. - Concord Choir i diaai sal at Pint Baptist Chwch. ... ^ ^2, Prince And Princess Prince Glen Newman and Princess Joy Patterson of le Hlwassee Dam School Carnival last Saturday night are hown carrying the crown for the King and Queen of the arnival. A large crowd gathered for the occassion and njoyed cake walks, bingo and other games. (Scout Photo y Bagley) 'erebee Elected dayor By ! To I Margin ANDREWS -Percy B. Fere ee was elected mayor of the >wn In the election Tuesday. F erebee defeated Jeff rooks by a margin of 433 ) 205. Elected aldermen were: E. J. Burch, 431; Harold Jones, KM; Marvin Pulllum, 379, Zeb Donley, 380. Andrews Square Dance Team To Appear At Festival ANDREW'S -Andrews Square Dance Team, under the direc tion Mrs. HowardFord, will appear at the tbird annual North Carolina DogwoodBlos son Festival on Friday night at the Armory in Waynes ville. May Is Clean Up Month In Murphy Where Is This? This week's mystery photo should bring In lots of post cards and letters. To give you something to think about this week, you must name the building and identify two of the men standing on the porch. Here's the only clue. One of the men shown owned the business that -was housed In the building and the business carried his name. Last week's winner was Creed Rates of Peach tree Street In Murphy. We asked for the name of the street and Mr. Bate* correctly named it Tennessee Street as did many other late entries. The response has been terrific. If you have an old photo that you would like to have printed, bring It to the Scout office. Presbyterians Mark Christian Family Week Murphy Presbyterians are Joining with others beginning Sunday in the observance of Christian Family Week. At morning worship Sunday Robert A. Potter, minister. Is ? speak n?n the theme: "Practicing Religion First at home". At fcSO Wednesday at West minister Fellowship Building the annual Christian Family simper gathering will be held, with special program. Mack R. Howell Is chairman of Christian Family Life. Sacrament at the Lord's Supper for Pentecost Is to be obeenul at the morning worship, Mother's Day, May 14. ? - cou 3 in ciatin * i corner Howdy folksl I wanta wel come you to Cousin Clartne's Corner. Now, If you read this col linn it just means one thlngl Some folks will just read any thing. In this here column I wanta warn you that I'm liable not to meet no literary stan dards - and I shore won't set no new ones either. At the. oupet 1 wanta make It clear that Die opinions you find expressed here In this corner are strictly mine, an' the editor of this paper will assume no responsibility for 'em If you happen to differ with 'em. It's just me an' you. The editor told me that he'd continue this column 'til the folks began to cancel their prescriptions to the paper, then I'd hafta go. So, If you don't find my column In next weeks paper, you'll know what happened - somebody already cancelled their description. If you've got any young - uns that's agoing to school a trying to leamEngllsh, don't let 'em read this column. It won't help 'em none. You can see why. Now you're liable to find things commented on here all the way from Alpha to Omega and away on past Omega too. It may not be the popular opinion, the opinion of the majority, nor that of the min ority - or it may not even be In between. So. you see, I'm not fixing to begin by restrict ing myself to no limits - ex cept that of decency. You mighta expected me to say "decency and common sense" but common sense is another sort of restriction that I ain't afixlng to saddle myself up with to start off* You all know that our ole world is getting to be a heck of a place to live In anyhow, but bad as it Is, seems like there's very few folks that* s In any hurry to leave i t. Course that Russian Major the other day left it in a tremendous hurry but everybody noticed that he was mighty glad to git back here. An' I guess that proved there's worse places we could go to, and worse places we could stay than here. Maybe when we begin to git too gloomy about things we oughta try to look around and see If there ain't something thafs still funny. You know laughter's like a bad cold - ifs ketchlng, but not near as hard to git over. Ole Fuzzy Face down there in Cuba shore Is doing his dead level best to git us rat tled. Remins me of how a lit tle ole flsfll just raise sand at a big bull dog, specially if his master Is a standing close by. Course, ole Fuzfcy Is countln heavy on his master to keep him from gettln' eat if). Him and Kruschev's done got to be such good buddies that I think we oughta send a coupla tugs down from New York Harbor, hook to his Is land and tow it over to Russia for him. Summer's bout to git here and I shore am glad. I'm mighty tired of mowin' my grass with my overcoat on. All this fine sunshine we been havln'll cause a heep of folks to git too ambitious in their yards an gardens - then our Doctors'll hafta start puttln' in a lot of overtime treadn' sore backs and heart attacks. An' you know who pays for the overtime a Doctor puts In. Best thing 1 know to do with all this sunshine Is set in it. Your ole Cousin Clarine would like to hear from you folks out thar. Any mall would be appreciated and should be addressed to Cousin Clarine, Box 190, Murphy, North Carolina. Plans For Murphy Cancer Crusade Made Plana for the 1961 Cancer Crusade In the Murphy area were made at a meeting In the Murphy Power Board Building on Thursday even ing, April 27. Representatives of the Murphy Womenjs Club and the Business and Pro fessional Women's Club at tended the meeting. Present st the meeting were Mrs. John Pulllam of Andrews, Mrs. Holland McSwaln, Mlas Thelma Wheeler, Mr*. Will iam S. Can. Mr*. Douglas Smith, Mrs. Max Blakamore and Mrs. R. T. Houta. Rev erend R.T. Houts, President df the Cherokee County Unit of the Cancer Society, pro aided over the meeting. ----- -lifi nifrftfi It ?u decided that the Mur phy Woman*! Club would as sume responslMl ty (or die houee to house tolldtaUon. Member* of die Business and Professional Women'* Club will illume responsibility (Or die of die County. Hswlis* s of dte Murphy Woinan'a Club will adl from houss 10 house on Monday, May 22, between die hour* of 6c00 end fcOOP.M, It was pointed out that sines ww now have m active Char okas County Cancer Society ohee County Cancer ftoctety Unit, forty percent sf the me awy whlch Is nl?d will bs Md

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