Mint tana* Baptist Cbircfc fill Iksirvt ia?iT| {twill" Mmu PImiui Bafxitt f>w> will atoann "Baptist Radio-TV Ssday" ?>? May 21. Tka part playad by radio aad d? Qirttuu goap2"?Ul ha neagMMj dwtai d? day. ? whick is atoancd throughout Among the Sick . . . Panama adminad to Provl daac* Hospital: 0. M. Birch field. Murphy; Robin Patter - s on, Rt. S, Murphy; Mr*. RO bert Chappel. Rt. 2. Murphy; Mrs. Lucy Hufhes, Rt. 2, Mur phy; Mr*. Wad* Loving ood, Rt. S, Murphy; Garfield Rhodes. Rt. 1. Marble; Linda Mack. Rt. L Murply; Linda Crawford, Murphy; Mrs. Ro bert Woon, Andrews; Leon Manning, Murphy; Lawrence Martin Palmer, Murphy, and Pat Hemphill of Winter Park. Fla. the Southern Baptist Conven tion Announcement ?u made by F. Maaon Hudapeth pastor at Mt. Pleasant Bapast Church. Southern Bapaats' Radio aad Televtalon Commission In Fort Word), Texas. headed by Dr. Paid M. Smv, niavtdas tape recorded and printed pro gram and Informational ma larial for "Baptist Radio l V Sunday." Southern Baptist programs received in this area include: The Inarnattonal Sunday School Lesson each Saturday. The Baptist Hour, and Mas ter Control each Sinday. Jtiiial VMV H?et?c l(M Miss Vivian Wilson aad Mias Sarah Am HoWm were |ucx speakers at the annual Whi Liberty Asaociaoooai WML' meeting, April 27. Friend ship WMS presented the ?? ??rrtB>l|i play "Wait a Minuet". Other* taking part or the program were Mr*. W. T. Gibaoo, Miss Bernice Boring.. Mrs. Aaaie Lou Rogers. Mrs. J. B. Green, Mrs. Orpha Burgesa. Miss Linda McNafl. Rev. WUlard Graham, and Rev. Arvai Craw ford. Churchaa represented were Friendship. Mt. Carmel, halrvlew, Rogers Chapei(Mt. Liberty), Ranger. Violet, and Ubwty. Sordft of ^Cife I By Rev. Fred B. Lunjford. We would Uke to comment on some important scripture concerning "words of life" Let us look at the Gospel according to John the third chapter and the sixty-eight verse. "Then Simon Peter answered him Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life." CALL US ? ? ^ ? M ????? for expert - DOZER WORK ? LAND CLEARING ? ROAD BUILDING West Brothers GENttM CONTRACTORS VE7-2518 Murphy, N.C. Contained in this passage of scripture we find the state ment made by Simon Peter the spokesman for the twelve dis ciples "To whom shall we go?" That Is the question being harbored In the heart and mind of millions of people In this day and age in which we live. As the people whom were following Jesus began id turn back and forsake him, Jesus said to the twelve diciples that has such intimate rela tion with him "Will you also go away?" They In turn em phatically said to him "To Whom shall we go?" As they pondered all this in their heart they were concerned about life. We all love life and are also concerned about it, but generally speaking we are more' concerned about tem poral life, and love the physi cal portion so much that we forget the most important part of life. The disciples said "Thou hast the words of eternal life." No where else could they go and find tha Words of Eter nal Life. Eternal life could and can only be found in the Lord Jesus Christ. As people of today are searching and seeking for peace of mind and satisfaction they seem to plunge deeper into confusion and disturbance disunity, disappointment, dis respect for their fellow man and God and finally loss of life itself. This all takes place because one is seeking for the wrong things with the wrong motive in mind. Now. peace of mind is good and should dominate everyone's life, however this peace can not be obtained with a selfish attitude. Jesus was constantly con cerned about the welfare of others. In the light of Him who possess the Words of Life, when we put a simple trust in the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we gain the poss ession and knowledge of the greatest thing that any man could ever acquire in a hun Bible Questions And Answers By Bob Rtgdoo Q. la Matt. 16cU It rttdi, "And I U?w) My mm torn*. dial thou art Paw, and upoa ibis rock 1 will build ray church ..." Doaaa't ihla show that Peter It the head of the church T A. No it doesn't. In verae 16 Prar had Just confessed tha' Jesus was the Son of God. The church la Mlt i^xn Jesus being tha Christ tha Son of Cod. Matthew was inspired by God. Ha wrote la Greek. The original Greek a hows the dif ference "And 1 say unto thee that thou art Peter (Petros) and I4?n this rock (petra) I will build my church." If the Church waa built upon Peter It would read " . . and H?n this rock (petros) 1 will build my church." I have rea4 where It has been said that that makes a difference because the Lord spoke Aramaic not Greek. A person that makes a state ment like that is denying that Matthew was Inspired. In fact they would be saying that the whole book of Matthew could not be depended upon and then they turn around to quote it to try to prove that the church was built upon Peter. I have a debate in my library where this is done. Other verses in the New Testament prove that the church was not built upon Peter. First Cor. 3:11 "For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ," The church is built upon Jesus and not Peter. Eph. 2:20 "And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone." Now if Peter was head of the other Apostles and the church was built upon him this verse would say so, but it doesn't. All the Apostles are equal In authority. All re ceived power to bind and loose, Matt. 18:18. dred earthly lifetimes. Eter nal Life and it is just what it ssys: It is Eternal, Ever lasting, Neverending Life. With this Eternal Life comes peaceful seaurlty and happi ness with a passionate con cern for the welfare of others. So the question comes to us again, .to whom shall we go for the greatly needed peace and serenity? The answer is to him who has the Wor%ls of Eternal Life. This is not in worldly fame and publicity or pride, but in the humble lowly Nazarene, none other than the Lord Jesus Christ. SOLD OUT! Yes, we have sold out our 2 story and basement building at 226 Hiawassee Street, In Murphy, to the State Highway Department but ? We have thousands, AND THOUSANDS, of Dollars of Merchandise that we have NOT sold; six stories of Hardware and Building Materials In our own building, and the Mercer Fain Building nearby, ? "just across the tracts." We must be out of die 226 Hlawassee Building by July 17th, for'at that time the "wrecking crew" will take over. We are on a trade to sell our stock of merchandise to a man, or men, who will take over and continue this Wholesale Business here In Murphy. Murphy needs a Wholesale Hardware as badly as any place I know. It Is almost 100 miles to the nearest jobbing city. But in the event this deal Is not consumated, we will carry on the Business just as we have been doing until about July 4th, at which time we will move the heavy part of the merchandise remaining into the Mercer Fain Building, and all the other to the three stores we operate in Georgia. We are continuing purchases of all fast-moving merchandise, and will do so right on down to the very last, for with all our sources of outlet, it is not possible for us to become overstocked with die fast-moving Items; and we will continue to keep our Salesman out and take orders as usual right down to the closing date. This process of llquldadon will be very orderly, for we have very little of merchandise that is not of the best: But we will "ransack" our stocks dally, and will have many Special BARGAINS at all times, for both the Wholesale and Retail buyers. Of course, It will be necessary that we confine our credits to those who can pay by the 10th of each month following date of purchase; and we will appreciate It very much Indeed If those who owe us past-due accounts will let us have payment in full by the first of July. I hate to leave Murphy, very much Indeed: The 20 years I have had a business here have been very happy ones, and my leaving is with a deep feeling of sadness and regret. But I am leaving you one of my FOUR most precious treasures, and I know you will treat Marvin with the same consideration, and honor, and love that you have accorded me. I hope that you will make it a point to visit us many times during the next 9 or 10 weeks, and I assure you that we will do all possible to make it profitable and advantageous to you to do so. W. E. HAMPTON, President W. L HAMPTON & CO., INC. 226 Hlawaaaaa St. Varnon 7-2314 SUNDAY IS A HOLIDAY AND A HOIY DAY for SALI What is the story behind this "For Sale" sign? Is it just a house that's for sale, or is this a tale of happiness or sorrow ? of success or defeat? Let's hope this story has a happy ending! But this isn't a world of make-believe we live in. God made us human beings, not puppets. He has given us minds and bodies, nerves and muscles ? and weakness as well as strength. Maybe the story behind this house is a happy one. Maybe it's a sad one. Regardless, the people who lived here, like all of us, will be able to accept both good fortune and bad if there is yet another house in their lives. The House of the Lord, the Church, has been built to endure through the ages. Here we will always have a home? during our lives on earth as well as throughout eternity. Copyright 1 9f>l, Krister Ad*. Smlw, Straxburg, Va. I ? '.'"".'""I "MI'M M. .11. I I ?? 11 ?III.1 ? ? II IJIM.M.I-I J' THE CHURCH FOR ALL . . . ALL FOR THE CHURCH The Church is the (rttlnl factor on earth for the building of character aad good cilizeaship. It is a itordtowc of spiritual value*. Without a itrong Church, ?either democracy aor civilisatioa caa survive. There are four touad reatoai why every person should a Head aerricca regularly a?d support the Church. They are: (I) For his owa sake. (2) For his childrea's sake. (3) For the sake of his coenmuaity aad aatioa. (4) For fce sake of the Church itself, which seeds his ?aoral aad material support. Plaa to (o to church regularly aad read your Bible daily. DV Monday Tuesday Wednesday Tfcurviay FViday Saturday 16-21 31-40 M 6-13 Ml 24-29 8-13 These Religious Messeges Are Published Under The Auspices Of The Mlnlsterlel Assocletion end Sponsored by the Following Business Firms Community Motors VE 7-2001 Murphy, N. C. Murphy Phillips 66 Station VE 7-2226 Trudy's Ladles fc Children's Apparel Murphy. N. C.. VE 7-2541 E. C. Moore Dodge Murphy. N. C. VE 7-2316 Duke's Lodge Murphy, N. C. Imperial Laundry A. Cleaneri VE 7-2219 Murphy. S. I . Columbia Marble Co. Marbl*. N. C. Family Reeteurant For "PtM Family Food" f.NjC. Hy-Rocket Service Stetlon U^. Hwy. 19 - Eaat Expert Watch Repair E. C. Moore Jewelers Jewelry Gilts Murphy, N.C. Rogers Electric Service Electrical Contractor Residential fc Commercial Wiring Murphy, N.C. VE 7-2425 Hitchcock Corp Murphy, N. C. People's Cafe "A Good Place To B?f Murphy. N.C. Wilson Tractor Company Dt?leri Pot McCulloch Chain Sm VB 7-3119 Murphy. N.C. "Security Feede" Wayne's Feed Stora Murphy, N. C. Owenby Mfg. Co. Andrews, N. C. Murphy Florist Flowers For Every Occasion Murphy, N.C.-VE 7-2213 Davis (tijo) Servicenter "On The Square Murphy, N. C. VE 7-3128 Candler's Ladles Apparel & Accessories VE 7-2241 Murphy, N.C. Specialises In Professional Service Mauney Drug Co. VE 7-2192 Murphy, NjC. r 1 Davis Jewelers Murphy, N. C. Western Auto W. A. Singleton Murphy, N.C. * i 0 "The Beat For Lew" Sossamon Furniture Co. VB 7-3115 Murphy, N. C. Ingram & Gulley Gulf Sorvlco