ial Events I HATTB PALMBK VI-?.. Torry Thompson Winner On Show ANDREWS - Mil* T*ry winner on Thursday, May 4. for barpaolorne parfor manca oa the tuevlsloa show. Star Masquerade, ta Chatta Ske received gift cartffl Raedy To Serve Year rft A TING. PLUMING k WBUXNG MCDB Laag Bnartaoce la WW MTALLAT10N5 AND REPAIRS Trl State Plumbing & Heating Co. VS 7-2671 Murphy, NX. received go Mr prop-am. She la aam aiaglble for Grand priai vtsnar, vacadoo for bar family tar a weak. Dane* Recital ANDREWS - Mr*, jaaa Relchman will praaant bar dance ptftla in a radial May 19, at 7:30 pjn. at the hlfh school auditorium. Piano students at Mr*. H. A. Van Gordar will also pre sent their radial during the avaalnt. HerrrtOTn Broutr Named WNC Lion Of Th* Y Mr ANOUWB - Htm? LwH< .*i-YMr ta Weatani Monk CMlta ' oa Saturday nlfhi at tbe aearserty m? ttng at Dleaict SI -A Lions Club Csbtaac la Ihaitar Library oa V*CC can^ua. Brauar, DUorict SI -A Chairman for tha N. C. Eye Bank for reaa>rlac'Slght. lac, Wlnatoa Salem, was presented a plaque by Governor F. Gud gar Caba of Candler. Brauar was also announced aa the winner of the runner^ trophy for region 1. composed of Zones 1 and 2. During (ha club year be traveled aome 3.S00 miles on 23 trips id collect some $766 for die eye bank and aecurlng more than 400 eye wills. THE CHEROKEE SCOUT N JERUB BABB, Publisher . . . PHYLLIS B. BABB. Editor emulated July, 1M9 Published Every Thursday ? Sacond Claaa Postage Paid at 117 Hickory Street. Murphy, Cherokee Coutiry, North Carolina. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mailing adflreea In Cherokee, Clay and Graham Counties, N. C. Towna, UnlonandFanninCountles.Ga.. and Polk County, Tern. 1 Year - $3.00 6 Mo*. - $1.75 Outside of Retail Trading Area ? 1 Yr. $5.00; 6 Mo*. $3.00 Society at ChrtatfeB Service at IMUit Church Wd 1b WaynaavlU* list Friday ware: Mr*. I. T. Horn. Mr*. Marie Devta and Mra. T. A. Cam. Mr. ud Mra. V. H. Rush apaat the week -end with their daughter. Jaaa la Aahavllle. Mra. R. G. A law rtar la vtaltlni bar eon-ln-law and daughter, Mr. aad Mra. Parry Howard la Atlanta. Mra. Arthur Fountain and aoa, Arthur Jr.. of Rocky Mount, haa returnee to their home after visiting her parents. Mr. and Mra. Bruce Gordon. Little Ml as Pamela Wiggins of Atlanta la visiting her gran mother, Mra. Gladya Hlnton. Mr. and Mra. Howard Lane and clldren of Sumter, S. C. were week-end guaats of Mra. Laaala Hughes. Miss Josephine Hetghway and Mra. Ruby Hill were luncheon guests of Mrs. Evelyn Pattoo at Dukes Lodge Sunday. Mrs. W. A. Hoover has returned home after spending several days last week with her sister, Mrs. Hugh Putnam of Gas coda. Report Of Condition Of Citizens Bank and Trust Company of Andrews, Hayesville, Murphy, and Robbinsvllle In the State of North Carolina at the close of business on APRIL 12, 1961. ASSETS ' ; 1. Cash, balances with other b<*iks, and cash Items In process of collection - $1,818,969.05 2. United States Government obligations, direct and guarcnteed. , 3,434,478.10 3. Obligations of States end political subdivisions.... 1,353,346.42 4. Other bonds, notes, aid debentures (including $150,072.91 securities of Federal agencies and |5- Q7? g| corporations not guaranteed by U.S.) ' 5. Corporate stocks (including $ None stock of |0Q m Federal Reserve Bank) 6. Loans and discowts (including $ None over drafts) 3,119,813.69 7. Bank premises owned $100,389.72, furniture and fixtures $35,997.91 136,387.63 8. Real estate owned other then bank premises 16,886.73 9. Investments and other assets indirectly None representing bo* premises or other real estate.. 10.Customers' I lab II ty to this bank on acceptances outstanding. None 11. Other assets 128,272.18 12. TOTAL ASSETS 10,161,326.71 LIABILITIES 13 Demand denpsit* nf Individual* nortnershln* ana corporations 4,950,684.23 14. Time and savings deposits of Individuals, partnerships, aid corporations 3,681,247.33 15. Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 178,917.02 16. Deposits of States and political subdivisions / 500,506.29 17. Deposits of baiks None 18. Certified and officers' checks, etc 46,894.43 19. TOTAL DEPOSITS $9,358,249.30 (a)Total demand deposits 5,670,493.11 (b)Total time ok! savings deposits.. 3,687,756. 19 20. Mortgages or other liens$ on benk premises and $ on other real estate None 21. Rediscounts and other liabilities for borrowed money ; None 22. Acceptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding None 23. Other Mobilities 200,858.08 24. TOTAL LIABILITIES 9,559,107.38 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 25. Capital: (a) Common stock, total par value $200,000.00 $200,000.00 (b) Preferred stock, total par value $ .... None, total retircfcle value $ (c)Capltal notes and debentures $None 26. Surplus Z 300,000.00 27. Undivided profits 102,219.33 28. Reserves (and retirement account for preferred capital No"? 29. TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 602,219.33 30. TOTAL LIABLILTIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS. 10,161,326.71 Total deposits to the credit of the State of North Carolina or any official there of $70,254.94 MEMORANDA 31. Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities and for other purposes (including notes and bills redlscouited end securities sold with agreement n__ to repurchase) SMK6.057.82 32. (a) Loans as shown above are after after deduction of reserves of 233,882.10 (b) Securities as shown efeove are after deduction of reserves of 3.462.61 I, Mildred B. R?y. Cashier. of ite above-named bank, do aolemnly SWEAR that the above I ta cement If true, and that It (ally and correctly represents die true state of die eeveral matters herein contained and set forth, K> die best of my knowledge and bsilaf. Correct ? Attest: MILDRED B. RAY, W. D. WHJTAKER. PERCY B. PEREBEE DU scars Sta? of North Carolina, Cotmty at Cberohse, *S! Sworn B and subscribed before me this 1st day of May. 1961 and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or dlrscwr of this bank. My commission aspires April 21. 1963. FANNIE B. PULUUM Notary Public Murphy Personal Mention Mr. and Mr*. John Oleksy and HadleyOtdwy ?pe?tTues day ?ad Wwtassdsy InAdanta. Thay war* tccompultd bom* ob Wsdnssday by Mrs. Hadtoy Dlchay who has baan a paoent at PMnat Hospital for Mra. Howard Moody who haa been a pedant atSt. Joseph Ho apical la Atlanta haa re turned home and la letting along Ana. Mra. Ed Brumby attended the Metropolitan Opera bald la Adanta last Tuesday. Mr. and Mra. John Young spent the week-end In Adanta. While there they attended a party held Saturday nlghi (or the Metropolitan Opera Stars. Mrs. Luther Cobb who haa been a patient at Murphy General Hospital has returned to her home, at Hemp, Ha. Those from Murphy who attended the Franklin Garden Club held at the home of Mrs. H. Bueck In Franklin last Monday afternoon were: Mrs. Herman Edwards, Mrs. W.S. Cann. Mrs. H. A. Mattox and Mrs. T. A. Case. Or. Breece B reel and at tended the South Carolina Dental Convention held In Colombia. S. C. on Monday of this week. The AAUW met last Thurs day at Wondervlew at Hayes vllle for a dinner meeting for fun and recreation. Husbands of the members were invited guests. This was the last meeting of the year. Dr. and Mrs. B. W. Whit field have returned home from Charlottesville, Va. where Dr. Whitfield attended a medical meeting. Mrs. J. W. Dyer is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Horace Zltter our of Atlanta this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Thomas left Saturday afternoon for Charlotte where they will mak their home. Don Ramsey and son, Donald Jr., spent Friday and Saturday In Charlotte. Mrs. Glenn Bates is visiting her son. Gene in Hattisburg, Miss, this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hampton of Akron, Ohio, are visiting relatives and friends here this week. Mrs. Garland Posey and daughter, Mrs. Frank Morgan of Montavello, Ala. spent the week-end here. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Beer kins spent several days last week in New York. W. A. Singleton and son, Knox spent Sunday afternoon in WaynesvUle, where Mr. Singleton attended a meeting held at the Presbyterian church there for Men of the Church. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Herbert of Hayesville spent the week end with Mrs. Herbert's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ed wards and children spent last Thursday and Ti?H| M Mr*. Edwards" mother, Mrs. CUr. J * n|,1 ?_ Mr. aad Mr*. P. G. Ivte aad C. B. Hyde spent last Wrrtn? 1?y In "" Atlanta oa Mrs. Sam Kaye aad dai?h lar. Karat apeai laat Friday in Chattanooga. Mr. aad Mrs. "Chartes English Jr. aad children. Susan and Chip ot Naaa Red Stone Arnaaal at Huastvllle, Ala. apeat die week-end with Mr*. English's slater 'aad brother-in-law, Mr. aad Mrs. L. L. Maaon. Mr. English returned Monday aad Mrs. English sad children remained for a longer visit with Mr. aad Mrs. Maaon. Mrs. Loren Davis aad Mrs. Roy Lovlngoodspeat Last Wed nesday in Adaata. Or. and Mrs. W. A. Hoover spent Monday and Tuesday of this week In Ashe villa. Mrs. L. W. Shields, Mrs. Jewell Garrett, Mrs. Ruby Hill and Miss Ruth Hamilton attended a luncheon meeting of the Delta Kappa Gama at Boundry Tree Lodge at Cherokee Saturday. Mrs. Shields was one of the speakers on the program Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hughes motored to Ellljay, Ga. Sun-. LLOYD'S TV and Radio Tips 01PEED TO SAVE TIM* AND YOU MAY SERVE TIME SYLVANIA HI-FI STEREO CONSOLE REG. $199.95 ?169.05 LLOYD'S Radio & TV Service ZENITH TV Sales & Service Murphy, N.C.-VE 7-2165 %? Mr. m* Mr*. Prad Bum ud children 0 ( AshevtUaware |HM Sunday * Mr. Baaaa* mote. Mis. Prad Sum. Mr. m4 Mrs. Jo* Dyor and m, Jody o* Pooau Qua (pent Am aaek ami with Mr. Dyer's bratiar and slaor-la- ' law. Dr. and Mrs . Gaorfe Dy or. Dinner guests at Mr. aad Mrs. ?. P. (Mom on Saturday were: Mr. and Mr*. Ed Herbert at Haycsvllle; Mr. and Mr*. Henry Hyatt. Mn Paul Hyatt and Mra. BUI Bataa. Other fueets at Mr. aad Mr*. Mhb'i tm dtawr oa MidnuM^ wan Mr. and Mrs. Ohm In*. aad Mr.. . Mrs. KM Mmht. Mr. Ruth Cjnl?w. Mrs. Hall Saaad, Mn, Gia n Bam ud Mia* Adalla M*roo*y apant laat Friday la Chanmi|l. Mr*. L. L. Maaoa raonad bom* Suaday from Twaca looaa. Ala. vbaraahahaabaaa vlattti? bar aoa. John wbo la la ifca Vaiarana Hospital (bar*. L. L. Maaoa and Gaorga Poa b11 apaat Friday andSaturday la Tuscaloosa and accom oaolad Mr. Maaoa'a mother boma. ' VALLEY RIVER HOMES BUILT BY ANDREWS BUILDERS SUPPLY (0. Custom-Built Shell, Semi-Finished or Finished Homes. No Money Down . . . Financing Up To 10 Years. Quality Construction By Experienced Local Builders. ALL VALLEY RIVER HOMES INCLUDE: - 2 x 8 Floor Joists, 16" On Centers - Plumbing Roughed In On All Models - Trussed Roof - Eaves Boxed In - Concrete Porches end Steps - 15 Year Bonded Roof ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. ANDREWS BUILDERS SUPPLY CO. ? For Further Information | CALL 54. ANDREWS, N.C. SOSSAMON FURNITURE CO. FORCED TO VACATE OUR WAREHOUSE BY MAY 20tb ON ACCOUNT OF BUILDING THE NEW BRIDGE OVER HIWASSEE RIVER SACRIFICE SALE OUR ENTIRE STOCK STARTING FRIDAY MORNING MAY 12th AT OUR STORE ON THE SQUARE IN MURPHY BRING YOUR TRUCK NAME YOUR PRICE LANDLORD SAYS VACATE - Wi MEAN BUSINESS SOSSAMON FURNITURE COMPANY ON THE SQUARE MURPHY, N. C.

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