American Legion Auxiliary Will Sell Poppies May 20 Memories of the war deed always taring thoughts a t those who did aoi die but came beek , doomed b year* of hardaWp and offering, sometimes worse than death. In die poppy waa found * way ? link the honoring of the dead with service for the llvlag victims of World War I. World War 2. and the Korean War. The idee of (he poppy aa a memorial flower for the World War dead sprang 14) as naturally aa the little wild flower Itself grows In the fields of France end Flandars. The flower was the one couch of beauty which survived amid (he hideous de struction of war. Along the edge at (he trenches, beneath (he tangled barbed wire, about (he ragged shell holes and over the fresh graves It raised Its tarave red Hoaaom. It aeemed to be the one Immortal dilng where I death reigned. The soldiers of all our wars and of all nations came to look i^nn it as the living symbol of the sacrifices of their dead comrades. TT?e crepe paper poppy was selected as the official poppy of the American Legion and Auxiliary because it provided die maximum of work for die disabled men Id our veteran hospitals. The hour* for sick men la die hospitals throughout our land are long and mono tonous and these men make the bright red popple* for which they are paid. This occupation often saves a veteran and his family from becoming complete objects of charity, and gives them a new Interest in life. On Saturday May 20th little red popples will bloom on mil lions of coats throughout America expressing the reve rence that 1* always In our hearts for the men who died for our country. Members of the American Legion Auxiliary to Post #96 will be on the streets of Murphy to sell our veterans popples. Buy one. and wear it proudly) In 17S3 the Moravians set tled in North Carolina on a 98,985 acre tract known as Wachovia. Salem, the central town In this area, was begun in 1766. "BAR6AIN BUY" . 9 OR LASTIN6 VALUE f Another hard-headed reason for choosing Will you always have doubts about the true value of your diamond -or will you be tvr* of its worth? With an Ancarved. you have guaran teed proof, thanks to the na tionwide Permanent Value Plan* Better still, ^ou enjoy the guaranteed" xchange privilege toward a larger Artcarved-tt any Artcarred jeweler's in America. Get all the solid facts that make Arttmrvtd America's finest diamond value. Visit us today. AMOK'S WIMO 1ST tnnwin Mat ft ISO. to trie's OtM $ 11.90 MtaM Artc?rv?d w w E. C. Moore Jowolors VE ? 21SI Marphy. N.C. Created for enjoyment in favorite flavors Fishermen Caused Three-Fourths of Fatal Boating Accidents in I960 By Jim La* RALEIGH - April 23 - Who la the person moat likely to be Involved in a boaang accident? la It the reckleas teenager who buzzes acroaa an Inland lake In a aleak runabout powered by 70 horses or more, lowing one or two grinning water aiders and leaving in hla wake a horde of flat-shaking fishermen? Or 1* It the fisherman himself, casting quietly from hla small wooden boat powered by something less than 10 horsepower, trying Ms luck on one of North Carolina's inland rivers? The answer la surprising. When the North Carolina Boat ing Safety Act of 1959 was drafted, particular attention was paid to the waaer skier and to the other operators of high-powered craft, and some even proposed that licenses be Issued for operators to hold the reckless teenager In check. The fisherman was given credit for his quiet and sup posedly safe operation, with boats powered by 10 horse power or less exempted from the registration and life pre server requirements of the act. YET, THE FISHERMAN, WHETHER FISHING FROM A lO-FOOT FLOATING COFFIN OR AN 18-FOOT RIG COSTING IN THE THOUSANDS, AC COUNTED FOR THREE - FOURTS OF THE FATAL AC CIDENTS IN I960. Reports Tell the Story Under the North Carolina boating law, operators of all boats involved In accidents causing death. Injury, or pro perty damage In excess of $100 must file a written re port with the Wildlife Re sources Commission. This agency supervises adminis tration, enforcement, and edu cation In boating safety under the act. me wuame commission received reports of 79 acci dents In I960, Involving 100 boats (there were 21 collis ions) and a death toll of 37. From these reports a picture Is drawn, showing the Im portant elements that con tributed to the accidents. And from a study of these ele ments, a program can be designed to reduce at least some of the toll. When and Where They Happened There were only two months ,(J anuary and March) when no accidents were reported in 1960. The peak month was July, with 25 accidents and 7 deaths. But the death rate ran steadily through the year, with only a small peak during midsummer when mostpleas ure boats are on the water. The conclusion? Even when the weather Is too rough for the pleasure boater, the fish erman remains on the water. The first death In 1960 was a commercial fisherman who died of exposure during a sleet storm, and in early De cember the last deaths were recorded when four fishermen died. Lakes led with the most accidents, 44% of the total. Yet the rivers led the death toll with 33% of the fatalities. Accidents in the ocean were few ? only four were re ported. Yet these four acci dents claimed six dead. Con clusion? You're more apt to have an accident on ? lake, but you're more apt *> be a fatality on a river or 1b (he From Sail boa a to Yachts While accidents were re ported -involving everything from sailboats to yachts, the leader was ihe wooden, open outboard. Leading length was 14 to IS feet, with 52* o< the total. Leading horsepower In the all -accident rate was the 26-100 horsepower class, with 6 <*. But the leading horse power class In fatal Idea was (he 1-10 groi{> with 45%. Three deaths came In boats with no power, so the combined total at deaths shows the un registered boat leading with 55* of the deaths - despite the fact that unregistered boats recorded only 19* of the total accidents. Fishing Seems Most Dangerous One of the most striking revelations of the 1960 figures Is the activity of the boater at the time of the accident. Although the leading activity In all accidents was simply cruising - 40* of the total - .the fisherman accounted for three-fourths of fatalities. And the man who was cruising accounted for just one fatality despite the high percentate of cruisers In the all -accident rale. The water skier was in volved in 14* of all accidents, but there was just one fa tality connected with this sport. Less Spectacular But More Deadly Collisions between two ves sels was the leading cause of accidents during 1960, ac counting for 28% of the acci dents. Other types of collis ions also figured in the total, with breakwaters, submerged logs, swimmers and skiers in volved In spectacular collis ions. More than half the ac cidents were collisons of some sort, but resulted in only 18% of the fatalities. Less spectacular but more deadly were accidents invol ving just one boat. Capsizing was the leading cause of fatal accidents, with 4856 of the total. Jumping or falling over board followed with 22%, while 9% of the fatalities resulted from swamping. Age and Experience Apparendy the teenaged op erator doesn't deserve all the criticism that he receives. Operators under 18 figured In only 5% of the accidents, and none was fatal. The man most often involved was be tween the ages of 25 and 34, with the 18-24 age group next. Experience didn't appear to be a significant factor, since the least experienced opera tors had the fewest accidents, while the old hand with more than 500 hours of boating ex perience led with 49% of the accidents. Reducing the Toll The purpose of the North Carolina Boating Safety Act is to reduce the number of boating accidents. Three tools are provided: reguladon, en forcement. and education. Certain factors in the 1960 totals stand out prominently, and suggest courses of acdon that might be followed. Each person who studies the report will come to his own conclusions as to the courses of action that should A Backward Glance 30 YEARS AGO, MAY 8, 1931 Rev. Howard P. Powell will preach at Grape Creek Metho dist Church, Sunday evening. May 12th. 1931 at 2 p.m. Murphy time. Mr. Frank Taylor of Toptoi spent several days here last week. Mrs. Dale Lee Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harry Mcfirayer, at Anderson, S. C. Mrs. Giles Cover and Mrs. W. T, Fofsyth were visitors in town Tuesday. Mrs. W, M, Fain and little daughter Mary Poter, re turned home Sunday from a visit to friends and relatives atKnox ville, Tenn. Mr. John Davidson of Ashe vllle, spent Sunday With his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Davidson. Miss Christine Bowles of Cherokee spent the week-end with tier brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Humes Bowles. 20 YEARS AGO, May 8, 1941 Mrs. Orinon Peevy and Utile daughter of Albany, Ga? are visiting here whlth Mrs. Dixie Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hall of Marble have anounced the marriage of their daughter. Ruby Henry, to James Bryson Jr., son of J, H. Bryson of Marble. ? nc Lcnmuny was penormea at the home of Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Butt In Blalrsville, Ga. on April' 17. Mr. and Mrs. Bryson ire both graduates of Andrews High School. They will make their home In Marble. . Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Hill Jr? announce the birth of a son, on Thursday, May 1. Joe Hamilton was ? visitor In Gainesville Sunday. 10 YEARS AGO MAY 10. 1951 Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Hem brae of Murphy announce the birth of a son. May 3. Mr. knd Mrs. Alden Coward of Murphy announce the birth of a daughter. May 4. Miss Clarissa Klncald of Rome, Ga.. spent the week-end here with her sister, Mr*. R. H. Foard. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Palmer of Youngstown, Ohio, came Tuesday for a visit with Mrs Palmer's mother. Mrs. Dixie Palmer. Miss Nancy Meroney visited Miss Margaret Meroney at WCTC for May Day exercises 1 Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Vaught and children. Carol Sue and Ben of Chattanooga. SDent Sunday in Murphy. AMONG THE SICK Patients admitted to Provi dence Hospital: Mrs. Evelyn Chance, Murphy; J udy P aimer, Rt. 1, Marble; Mrs. James McClure, Rt. 2, HayesvUle; Mrs. Willis Johnson, Murphy; Mrs. Dorcus Hampton, Rt. 2, Murphy; Frank Adams, An drews; Aud Garland, Rt. 4, Murphy; Sheridan Chambers, Murphy; Milton Robinson, Blalrsvllle, Ga.; Mrs. Donnle Moore, Murphy; Mrs. Rosle Hayes, Rt. 2, Murphy and Mrs. Herman Stiles, Rt. 4, Murphy. Padents admitted i.o Murphy General Hospital: Patricia Lynn, Robbinsviile. Social Security News When you file for social security there is a way that you can speed up your first check. Knowing what papers are needed will speed up your < claim, according to Grady Grubbs, field representative of the social security offtce, before you retire, will often save you extra trips to the office. It will also speed up the payment of your first check after filing your application for payments. i Generally, a person filing j for social security needs evi dence of his last year's earn- ' lngs. The person who has worked as an employee should bring in a copy of his W-2 ' form for I960. The self employed person should bring In a copy of his 1960 income I tax return, including the ScHedule C or Schedule F, and the cancelled check or money-order receipt showing that the tax has been paid. You can find out what other documents will be needed from your district office. Your Social Security Dis trict Office la located at 40 North French Broad, Ashe vllle, N. C. Mr. Grubbs will be at the courthouse in Mur . phy on the first and third Mondays and Tuesdays each month to give Information and assistance to Cherokee County residents be followed. Bui a common thread seems eo run through ?11 at the figures, and this writer sees two courses of acaoo ss desirable. 1. According to the beat available figures, boats pow ered by 10 horsepower or less make up only 16% of the powered boat* In North Caro lina. Yet these boats accoun ted for half the fatal accidents. npfeasia 1? naadad in ?rtur?goa and enforcmaat for du* cuagory. and it Hmi ? (ha vrlar only (air thai (hair ihara at tba coat, by raglawrtnf and paylaf d? W.00 annual faa a* da laraar taoan. 2. Boats powarad by 10 boraapowr or laaa ara not now raqulrad B carry Ilia pmunil. Wtft dw high death nil among these boats, especially from (mils over board and from capsizing, the writer is convlncec that ex uding the Ilia preserver requirement to all vesaels, powered or not. would ma terially reduce die number at fatalities. Other restrlcdve measures have been suggested, such as operators' licenses and zoning. For (he present the writer Is convinced chat such restriction is not justified by (he accident records. What Is Indicated is a definite need for more awareness of (he danger n> the ordinary water sportsman - you are never more than inches fropi death when you're careless with a boat. MOUTH SMACKING , GUARANTEED TO PLEASE WATERMELON WHOLE ft 1 HALF J Mil QUARTER MM A 45 ? 25 FRESH CARROTS 2 r 19c FRESH CABBAGE 2 u 9c LARGE JUICY LEMONS ?r 35c INDOOR PLANTS 'ft? 59c 4 Vr 97c | GRADE A GOVERNMENT INSPECTED YOUNG 8 to 14 LB. AVG. FILLET OF HADDOCK 37c FILLET OF OCEAN PERCH 35c PRE-COOKED FISH STICKS 'SS* 29c Complete HADDOCK DINNERS 'g^x 39c BREADED SHRIMP 49c 2 % $1.49 I :ap n John's OATIOAD or VALUI*. Stock Your Froozor SUPER-RIGHT HEAVY GRAIN FED BEEF BONELESS BRISKET ROASTS a "39c ?s?59e ALLGOOD BRAND ? SMOKED FLAVORED SLICED BACON * 39c 'SUPER-RIGHT" QUALITY PURE PORK SAUSAGE OLD FASHIONEI SMOKED LINKS igjjjl U9 SPECIAL SAIE MHO AND MSUOW Bf hi VCkck CtffM i-u. < "M* US 29 SWEET SALE ANN PAM POM CHOICI PRESERVES AAe nUWKHT 1I4LUI V|hC HACK, MMCOT. PMUTfU ^mm^W 14*. JM JHV JF Enjoy (01 I KK >111.1. 1 1. W OK IKbli (.KOI M' II W"i; i \N I t,i I IN \ i \\ WESSON OIL & 37c & 67e SNOWDRIFT SHORTENING 3 & 87c DIXIE GARDEN FROZEN COLLARD ? MUSTARD OR TURNIP GREENS 6 69 IANE PARKER FRESHLY BAKED LEMON ROLLS be 29? triatoerat Brand Small, Graan SALUNE CRACKERS'# 19c DeWloiite Pea?-19 2*~25c ?Our Flnaat" Prolan AAP. Parkar Praahly Bakad Braad Golden Cut Corn 3?t 49c CRACKED WHEAT 2^ 33c A-Jax Cleanser 2 47c 2 <&. 31 ? STORK ADDRESS PRICES IN THIS AO ARE BFFBCTIVB IN THE MURPHY AAP STORE THROUGH SATURDAY. PEACHTRBE STREET, MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA. Fab fc 34c % 81c Florwnt HOUSEHOLD DBODOKANT Cm 79c Vel Powder ?25. 34c BIRDS EYI FftOZIM BAST UMAS I -ft. pfc? Hi MkMtUM t-ft pkg. It* CVTCMM 1-ft.pkf. M* WNOU OKRA. 10-ot. pkg. lit Vel Liquid ^ 37c ?S2r 63c