Clay County Progress - SECTION OF THE CHEROKEE SCOUT - Personal Mention Born s> Or. and Mrs. Jerry H. Padgett In an Athens Ga. hospital, a daughter Lydla Latham. on May 5th. Dr. P. A. Moss. Washington D. C. visited relatives In the coiaity last week. He com mented on the bonnets and beards and thought It was a nice thing to do to celebrate the county's 100th birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Murdock and daughters Terry and Debby were guests of the W. A. McGlamerys Sunday. Mrt. Murdock is the former Charilna Tanner. Her home was at the Children# Home In Winston. Salem for most of her childhood. Her hus band Is In the Air Porce and stationed at Donaldson Air Force Base. He was also raised sttheChlldren'sHome. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hedden and son Harold Jr. spent the pest week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sellers will soon be living in their new home near Chatuge Dam. Mrs. William Wheeler and infant son are on the road to recoverery now. Saturday was really the day for the Clay County women. There was a lot of activity for the women deputies who were on hand. Some of the lady deputies collected the 10 cent fine and then others took the ones without bonnets to the Centennial Jail. Some how the law got a hold of the photographer and If all the pictures are not In the Pro gress this week you can under stand why. Don't know where any one would fine a cooler place to rest than inside this old log Jail. Actually it Is quite fashionable id be a prisoner now. Chief Anderson assisted the lady deputies in locking up the ladles. Believe he really enjoyed It. Can say one thing, he showed no partiality for he locked up "Tate" his own wife. Believe everyone enjoyed th beautiful Centennial tea. It was a real fashion show. Wonder how many got to see Opal Anderson's black high topped- shoes. Heard her com plain of pinched toes; but couldn't really see how she could suffer (those shoes looked plenty big to me). Ohl those bonnets and dresses... just out of this world and no two alike. Have heard of split bonnets a life time and saw the first one Saturday as depntyLessie May appeared in hers. It actually had Hickory splits in the brim. Certainly is interesting to see die old fashioned thing. BLUE RIDGE TBUCKXNO COMPANY gervinc Hayesvilie Daily rkaaa Muipkj VE l-mt Specify BLUE RIDGE aad BE SURE! Clay County Hatchery SECURITY FEEDS East of HayraviOe Phorw MSI ? SlrM *"? Woody TV Of Appliances Located am V. 8. ? East Of ?ajrwfria Crawford if Miatfus Supply noae MM H>7amrflto, R. a WOODARD Electric Service Co. Etoetrto * Phunbtef - 111"!! bhM* Date rttM tin Bgk BH4g? LlMMflJ (TnatlBilllU Ma MM F. B. Roger# LA 4-?lM B L 1 hulk, M. a W?B fetTtaf - (kMiltk Mm. Inn at ipwfo*. D? Ballard's Weldinrf Shop AIM PwrtuM* 1?miU DO aai Aartytw Funeral Flower* mt unmu nimiiiJM Burrell Radio 9f TV Shop Mr. sad Mrs. George Car Mr vial ad die Verlin HaUa Saturday right. Mrs. George Hogsed aad Mrs. Walw Burch of Frank lin aad "Aunt Mag" Moore at Hayeavllle visited Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Burch Sunday evening. Mr. Cross Moss of iheTus qulttee section was In town Saturday evening to watch the Centennial Jailing. Mr. Moss has been for several weeks paralyzed. He has a Jolly good nature and says, "Well, my legs are paralyzed, but I have two good hands and there are a lot of people in worse shape than I am". Inspiring to see his healthy attitude. Miss Marie Adams andMlss Ovia Jane Denney of Andrews spent the week-end with the Rev. and Mrs. Jimmy Rogers. Mrs. Mary Black from Atlanta, Ga. visited her brother Mr. andMrs.Tommle Edwards and family during the week-end. Mr. Bill Martin is In Gainesville. Ga. hospital. He is expected to come home this week. Centennial Chatter By Mrs. Quentin Moore Due to lack of space, the conclusion of last week's run down on die Centennial committees was ommlted. Would like to complete it here. Besides the committees mentioned, there is the historical committee. This group's Job is to compile all the scattered and often hard to find data to be used In the Clay County History book let. This has to be organized and made ready for the printer. The safety committee helps keep traffic In order at the Centennial events? and will really be busy on July 1. The committee on antiques is collecting old items for display. The committee secretary must notify each one of the weekly meetings, keep a record of the details and money, and the other never-ending secretarial duties. Backing up and working with the general chairman and the committees is the board of trustees. So it's fun and work. The Centennial com mittee hopes every Clay County citizen will take part in the celebration and mate this a year to be remembered. Now to try to clear if>soma confusion about the bonnets. It was previously ruled that bonnets should be worn every day in May. The chairman of the wo men; 3 division say* the committee would still like this to remain the rule but that arrests for not wear ing a bonnet will be made only on Saturdays. Someone was telling the other day that one man said he thought the ladies looked 20 years younger In their bonnets. Only the teenagers would Ignore this possibility! The ladles did look lovely at the Centennial tea Satur day. Nearly everyone wore a bonnet and Centennial dress and not one alike. The warm weather that day made some persons wonder how they'll feel in their costumes on July 1. Lots of people were out on the courthouse lawn Saturday too. Also dogs. Added to the excitement of the arresting, was the sound of county canines barking as they got their rabies shots. Friday, May 12, is Cen tennial Day In Hayesvijle girls who want to may wear Centennial bonnets and hats, now we will see how the children of 100 years ago managed to play In long dresses and white shirts. Think of the laundry then, mamas ? and no washing machines eitherl Peachtree News ByMRS.DOCKSUDOERTH Harry Bishop Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bishop Is at home with his parent* after serving three years 1b the UnitedStatea Army. Harry spent 27 months on oversea duties In Germany. Carson Rogers, son of Mr. and Mr. Ralph Rogers and Mary Ann Rogers, da ugh car of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Roger* will take the required aptitude test at Young Harrl* College on May 20. Mary Ann will go Into a school of nursing and Carson will enter Georgia Tech. We are sorry to hear Mr. Bill Stiles, father of Claude Sdles is ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Robertson of Lakeland, Fla. wllT arrive this week to spend (he summer at their home .here. Mr. aad Mrs. Roy Fulton of Murphy visited Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sudderth and Mrs. Dock Sudderth last Sunday. Mrs. Johnny Wilson, Mrs. Max Payne, Mrs. William Robinson, Mrs. Victor Bell and Mrs. Paul Ledford shopped In Dal ton. Ga. last TuMdcy. Mr. and Mrs. Bass Lovtn good and Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Morris spent last Sunday visiting la Athens and B amah. Turn. Miss Shirley Smith who teaches la Charlotte spent the week-end ?> with her mother, Mrs. Franldln Smith. MRS. ERVtN DEAN of Carrolton, Ga., the former Miss Thelma Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dent Nelson, is still a Clay County girl at heart as. she models her cen tennial dress. Ladles Attend Centennial Tea Too Big To Carry, Rolled To Jail Photographer Mrs. Neal Kitchens Jailed Caught Selling Razor Blades Then. And Now Padgetts Observe 58th Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Pad gett of Hayesville observed their fifty-eighth wedding an niversary May J at their home. Mrs. Padgett Is the former Miss Flora Bell Smith, the daughter of the lata Mr. and Mrs. Burnle Smith. Mr. Pad gett 1* the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Lander Padgett. The coiftla were married May S, 1903 In the home of the bride's parents. The Rev. Joshua Brook officiated. Mr. , Padgett was born Nov. 6, 1879, Mrs.prtmtt was born June 2. 1M7. The cot^ile have lived in Clay Cowty all their Uvea. Mr. Pdgett did carpenter work for 35 years and has been an active farmer. Outing World War 1, be helped build piers at Norfolk, Va. Ha has been a Mam for SO years and was preened a SO year pta by the Lodge. Both Mr. and Mrs. Padgett are members of the Oak Forest Church. Mr.Padgett la a charter member. When asked tf Mrs. Padgett had done anything outstanding MrPadgett replied, 'Yea, she has stayed at home and reared nine children. Any woman who takes care of her child ren and home haa a full time Job.' The children of this couple are: Mrs. Nellie Dunbar of Ashevllle, Mrs. Ernlsdne Burch ofCanton,Mra.WlIma Elliott of Hayes villa, Garaett Padgett at Wins ton -Salen, Mrs Maria Thomas of Clearwater, Fla., Mrs. Ethel Gaspterlk of Melbourne, Fla.. Donald Pad gett of Klngfort, Tenn., Ray Padgett ? Clearwater. FU, and Mr*. Joyce Galloway of Atlanta. Ga. \ Centennial Ball Saturday Night Final arrangements have been made lor theClay County Centennial Ball. It will be held Saturday night. May 13. at 8:30 o'clock in the Hayes ville high school gymnasium. Everyone in the area is in vited to attend. The wearing of costumes is optional, but it is hoped many will be worn to make the occasion more colorful. Music will be furnished by the Subterraneans of Young Harris College. A grand march will take place at 10 o'clock. Anyone not wishing to dance is welcome to attend as spectators. Tickets are one dollar per person and will be available at the door. Preliminary Events Outlined For Centennial Preliminary plans 'or Clay County Centennial events during the week preceding July I and for that day were dis cussed at Monday night's meeting of the Centennial committee. Jack Groves, general chairman, presided. A beauty contest to select a Centennial Queen and atten dants. a fashion show of Cen tennial costumes, and a beard contest are being discussed for the final week in June. For the all day celebration on July 1, this tenative sche dule has been announced: 9:30 A.M. - Band music by Murphy School Band on the courthouse lawn. 10:30 A.M. - introduction of distinguished guests and speeches. 11:30 A. M. - Barbecue dinners, served at several areas in Hayesville. 2:00 P.M. - Centennial parade. 8:30 P.M. - At least two square dances. The committee also an nounced that Centennial hats, ties, identification badges and car bumper stickers should be available at local stores and service stations this week. Everyone is urged to purchase these items to help publicize the Centennial. They will be sold as follows: hats. $3. des $1.25; badges, 50 cents, and bumper stickers. 50 cents. Final arrangements for the second Centennial Ball were made. It will beheldSaturday night. May 13, at 8:30 o'clock in Hayesville school gym nasium. Women Deputies Kept Busy Collecting Dimes The women deputies were busy collecting dimes from those without bonnets last Saturday. Betty Chastlne got M.OO. Women are warned to be alert about wearing bonnets to town on Saturday. A de puty will always be near. Ora MoGlamery wore the first bonnet weeks ago and was the first to forget It Satur day. She had to pay a fine of tor Annual Mail Box Improvement Program Underway The annual mail box im provement program will be observed this year during the week of May IS to 20 and will as heretofore include mall boxes on rural routes. Acting Postmaster W.Q. Moore said today. The department wishes to encourage patrons to provide suitable mall receptacles easy and safe accessibility, presenting a neat appearance, and affording protection to the mail. Boxes that are not properly erected, or not main tained In good serviceable condition retard the delivery of mail and expose It to the weather. Boxes which are no longer serviceable must be replaced. Patrons of rural routes are required to provide mail boxes of the standard approved type. Patrons who are still using boxes of the top opening type are not required to dis card them, provided they have been in use by thesameowner for a number of years. Names of box owner should be inscribed on the side of the box visible to the carrier as he approaches or on the door if boxes are grouped. The box number may be inscribed on the box if desired. Mall boxes on rural routes must be located on the right side of the road in the direction of travel of the carriers. Ser vice on the left side would constitute a violation of the State of North Carolina traffic laws. Mrs. Scott Ledford left Monday morning going to Chicago, 111. where she will spend some time with her parents. Historical Pictures Needed For Booklet Mr. Lee Penland, J . Walter Moore and J. Guy Padgett Historical committee forClay County Centennial have re quested any one having his torical pictures of Clay County to contact them or to leave the pictures at the Sheriffs Office. The booklet these men have compiled will soon be ready for publicaoon and they have requested the pic tures in by T uesdav of next week. They will have to check the pictures and are anxious to see any the people have. Not all the pictures can be used but be sure to bring pictures th^t can be identified. Unsurpassed Comfort for the RUPTURED! GOLDEN * i CROWN* TRUSS WITH LUXURY MATERIALS NEVER IEFORE AVAILABLE! Here's unexcelled comfort for anyone suffering reducible inguinalfchernta New miracle mail ria Is ? at per forated-for-coolness foam ruroer cov ered next to body with smooth, soothing tricot and on outside with tough, durable cloth Truss molds it self to body, holds fiat, foam rubber groin pad in position no matter how you move Completely adjustable No fitting Padded leg strap and back lacing Washable Only $995 single 'models. $10 95 doubles Bv makers of famous RUPTURE-EASER" Cqme in and sec it' Mauney Drug Co. KATHY DYER, age 3. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl T. Dyer. FOR SALE - 1 standard size -General Electric Range - $35.00 - 1 apartment size - Universal Range - $25.00. See Silvey Penland, P.O.Box 71, Hayesville. N. C. FOR SALE FOR SALE- The James V. Ledford home on Tusquitte Street in Hayesville. This is (or a family who would like to walk to the stores and yet have land enough for a gar den. There are 3 bedrooms, living room and separate din ing room. Has electric floor furnaces. Come by Saturday ( 1 to 5) to see this well kept, attract ive house. Priced to sell. Jean Manue-3186 Frank Bristol -2386 MOUNTAIN REALTY-2351 Gray Insurance Agency AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - Protect your right to drive and yourself against financial loss. FIRE INSURANCE - Protect your home and other property by adequate insurance. GENERAL INSURANCE ? T. C. CiRAY. Agent Telephone 2701 Hayetville, N.C. ATTENTION WOMEN! LIVE AT HOME WHILE YOU ATTEND MASSEY COLLEGE EXIBISION SCHOOL IN Munmv STARTING MAY 22 LAST WEEK-END TO ENROLL Business Owners Secretaries General Office Workers Housewives Clerk Typist Club Women Bookkeepers Professional Women Store Clerks State Employees Telephone Girls Mill Workers Teachers Nurses Babysitters Federal Employees Masaey Is for everyone who Is sincerely Interested In Improving herself. No age limit- No special requirements No high school diploma required- Single or married. DAY and NIGHT Schools Professional Secretarial Course SPEEDWRITING SHORTHAND 020 WPM) TYPING TRANSCRIBING BUSINESS ENGLISH BUSINESS MATHEMATICS LETTER WRITING FILING BOOKKEEPING CALCULATOR DICTAPHONE Professional Office Course TYPING BUSINESS ENGLISH BUSINESS MATHEMATICS LETTER WRITING CALCULATOR j BUSINESS TRAINING WILL . 1. Prepare you for office work. 2. Preoare you for on the job advancements. 3. Give you and your tamlly security because you are trained. 4. Make your present position easier and you will be more efficient. 5. Enable you to type and take notes for personal use, or for your church, club, etc. 6. Help you to get extra Jobs or help In family business. 7. Give you self-confidence of being capable of doing. 8. Trained people make more. Day And Night Classes Over the years, the Massey College of Atlanta has enrolled many people from this area for professional Secretarial and Professional Office Courses but there have always been many scores of others who could not afford to maintain residence in Atlanta or give H> their jobs to attend the main school. For this reason, MASSEY is bringing to the people of Murphy Its FULL FACILITIES for adultcommercial education. Both day and night classes will be held. EXTENSION SCHOOL The duration of the Professional Secretarial and Professional Office Courses are S months. Students are enrolled at the beginning of the course. Because of teacher load, only a limited number will be accepted. Once the school is started, not further enrollments will be allowed. At the conclusion of the 5 months' course, when the students graduate and receive their business college diplomas, the teachers and equipment will be moved to another community ill similar need of trained office workers. HOW TO ENROLL Since only a limited number can be enrolled, do not delay. Call Miss Phyllis Patrick, Career Coun selor and Vocational Advisor of Massey College. She will be glad to assist you in planning your school program. Call Miss Patrick, Collect at VE7-2139 or see her at the New Regal Hotel Room 86. Murphy, North Carolina. MASSEY COLLEGE OF ATLANTA hone Murphy VE 7 - 2139 ? ^ , tad

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