corner Hearty talks, and wolcum< ? Ada cor? r . I know you'n ?(MM be surpriMd ?> fled thii la fee paper agla. apeciaU] after I'a a telling you wha Ike CdlBT aald a out ruanlnl It Hi you folks begin ?> cancel yore deacrtpdoM? ProUy yoi know about aome of yorenalgh bora a ranrelllng theirs ai you're a wondering what happened about the Editor i saying I'd hafta go when thai commenced to taking place Wail. I'll tall you bow I bandlec that. Natcheriy he Jumped rltt a a tr addle at me when the flrat one at you had yore name atrucl otf'n the mailing Hat an lhad to thank fast. He's a crowding mel I (old him I'd buy 14: them that quit him. That Idndi cooled him down but It shore has caused a problem fer me. You see 1 dont want to lei all them pepers Just lay around and not read 'em, that*d be a waste, but duraed 11 I aee how I'm gonna be able to read 'em all. Guess you noticed In last weeks' a corner that this here Editor can' even misspell my name rite. Now folks'll thank a trying to start us some thing like Miss Abtoy. "hewl I'll probty never be able to live that down. I bet wegotoneof the maddes Mayors aid I know we got otx of the bravest Pollcemans the) la anywhere In this part of th< country. Tell you what happen* The other day I seen this police a sticking a ticket on the Mayor's car fer overparking. Now how bout that? I know that tuck a heap o guts fer him to do that but he seen his dutj on he done It. He ain't playing no favorites a tall. No Siree. An, too, you know he may jest ?p<ciat rffi tern: $rti/ant INSTANT COFFEE with the percolated taste | be tired a working fer the city. | I never hung around there to see what tuck place when that 1 ole mayor got back to his car. \ 1 found me some business else ' wheres, and that police never ' tarried long nei (her - -but maybe j he left fer dlfernt reasons. If 1 that'd a been me that got one ' of them dekets 1 betcha they'd i a give me 30 days In dielectric | cheer when they tried me. but ' chances are that ole Mayor'U git a heep lighter sentence cause 1 thank he's the on that tries them Idnda cases. I's a talking to a young feller from Texas last week an he's a telling me he never seen trees as tall as these we got around here. I seen he's pretty well impressed an I flggered to im press him a little bit more so 1 told him they was pretty 1 tall butackshully they's stunted. ! I told him he oughta see some ' of 'em on out in the county. ! Imagine anybody from TEXAS - addmittin somethin like that. ! I's fraid he's agonnaastmehow ? come em stunted, but if hehadda ? I mint to give him a answer. ' You know me. 1 Folks is done a thanking bout ' the Waggin Train agin. You can tell by the looks on their faces, but I don't bleave some of 'em is a thanking as HARD .about It tho, as they did last year, cause they've cut down on the size of the brush heaps. I'll git in touch with you next week- -Maybe. You can write me in care of this newspaper. Box 190, Murply, N. C. ? I hope. Centennial Tea Big Success The Home Demonstration Centennial Tea was termed a real success. Seventy-seven people were callers. Many beautiful costumes were on disolav. The farm assembly room was decorated with arrange ments of white and yellow flowers. The tea table was arranged before an arch co vered in iw and honeysuckle. Club officers took turns serving. Mrs. Myrtle Alexander and Mrs. Irene Elber presided at the resristradon table. Plans are in the making for a county wide centennial Sunday. Details will be an nounced later. Business Training Opportunity Comes To Murphy Opportunity isn't around the comer. It will be here in Murphy next week when Massey College of Atlanta opens their five months bus ness extention course here. For years the people of this section have been held back from receiving formal busi ness training due to the lack of facilities nearby. There has always been a need and a demand for trained men and women in Murphy and Cherokee County. Now with i business school operating in Murphy, adults needing training or needing to further their education will have a chance. Miss Phyllis Patrick, the school's local representative, has been busy during the past few weeks Interviewing pros pective students and arrang ing for classroom space. School Is expected to open Monday, May 15. Classes will be held in the Townson Building over the A&P Store. In talking with Miss Patrick, It was Interesting to learn that many men are taking speed* ri ting shorthand as an aid to help them with their work. Many companies are Interested In men who do have this 'aid* that thev can use for notes at sales meetings, conferences and training pro grams. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CLAY COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Undarl and by virtue of an Order of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of pay County, North Carolina, made la die matter of Claude C. Hoae and wife. Maude V. Hose. Plaintiffs, versus Carl Chancier and wife, Enlcc Chandler. Defendant*, the undersigned Commissioner will on Tuesday, die 6th of June, 1961. at 12:00. o'clock. Noon, at tte Court House Door la Havesville. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for caah, for certain parcels of land in Clay County North Carolina, more particu larly described as follows: Lying andbeing in COUNTY Lying and being in County of Clay, State of North Carolina to-wic FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING ON A STAKE ON THE South side of the Elf and Hiwassee Road in the line of Fred degrees West with said road 6 1/2 poles to a Stake in line of Holllfleld's lands: thence South 35 degree East 13 poles m a small Hickory; thence North SO East 6 1/2 poles to a Stake thence a Westerly course to the beginning, containing one-half acre, more or less. SECOND TRACT Beginning on the South side of the Elf and Hiawassee Road, South SO Degree WestfromLon Watson's Northwest corner, and runs thence South 50 West 6 1/2 poles to a Stake: thence Sputh 35 East; 13 poles to a small hickory; thence to the Begin ning, containing one-half acre, more or less . Being same lands conveyed by deed from Neal McClure and wife. Irene Anderson McClure to Mrs. Maude V. Hose and Carl D. Thompson, dated the 2nd day of July A. D. 1955, and recorded in oeed book 46 at page 353, of the public records of Clay County and by deep from Carl D. Thompson to Maude V, Hose, dated the 27th day of September A. D. 1956, recorded in Deed Book No. 47 at page 152 of the Public Records of Clay County, North C arrtHni? : THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING ON A Stake on the South Side of Sccougetown Road, the Northeast corner the Gleen McClure 1 Acre lot from A. M. Holllfield and runs North app roximately SO degrees East 2 poles or 33 feet to a Locus Post: thenc^. South 35 degree East with a woven wire fence 13 poles to a Stake in Donnie Waldroup's line: thence with her line DO a stake in the South east corner in the Glenn Mc Clure lot; thence North 35 dee rees West to the Beginning, containing 26 square rods of land. In Hiwassee Township, Clay County. North Carolina. FOURTH TRACT: Beginning on a Stake on North Side of Hiawassee Road where Burnt Cabin Road intersects said road and runs okiaga SEP J Put your money where it will do the most good . in a new FORD STOP SWAP spending money on your car's old age. . now for a '61 Ford. Sales are up and I your Ford Dealer is in a position to pay top dollar for your trade-in . . . which should cover the down payment. Before you buy a '61 car, be sure it is a *61! That means a car as care-free and capable as the '61 Ford . . . the car that's beautifully built to take care of itaelf? the car that was deliberately built to back up its long-term warranty*! STOP . .? SWAP . . SAVE . . . today at your Ford Dealer s. Enjoy a full summer in a beauti fully built '61 Ford. ?Eacfc part of CI Ford*, except tim. h <W?kr . ranl#d irnul ?W*rta in malarial* or workm ihiptor 12 months or 12 *00 m ? I of normal main If ? with the car that's Beautifully Built to J%11 If r Take Care of Itself. A '61 W !? Ford goes 30,000 miles between chassis lubrications, 4,000 miles oetween oil cnanges, adjusts its own brakes, guards its own muffler, never needs waxing, protects its own body. A JONES FORD COMPANY Hay??viiis , n. c P&Aonai Wention Mr*, flu* Mom and dai?b tar J aye* at Clvvalaad. T ?tin. vial ted h*c* over the week end, binding che night with Mr. and Mrs. Harhe Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Don Sewell and ?on of Norcroaa.Ga. spent die week -end with her parent's Mr. and Mrs. Bob Paolaad. Mrs. Mary Ann Penlandand Mrs. Boyd Hogsed visited Mrt Joann Woody Monday after noon. Mr. andMrs.JackPenland visited their daughter Mrs. Fred Davis Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerald Phil lips and son visited her parents Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Ledford spent Monday visiting the Woody*s, Mr. and Mrs. Robert and family. Mr. and Mrs. Nolan Rogers of Charlotte. N. C. spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Neal N.Rogers, also Patricia Ann of Atlanta. Ca. Mrs. Mae Holllfleld spent last week in Galnsville, Ga. with the Portor Holllfleld and Monroe Holllfleld families. She was accompained by Mrs. Gertrude West who went on to Atlanta and visited her daughter and family Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ledford The Ledfords returned home with Mrs. West and spent the week end with Mrs. Flora Crawford. Mrs. Nan MoGulreofCullo whee, is spending this week here with her daughter, Mrs. Gerth Thompson and family. Mrs. Harold Hedden and sor of Chattanooga, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rogers, who re turned home with her for a weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. AlvinPenland spent last week in Raleigh, where he attended a Welfare Department conference. They also visited reladves in Graham. Mp r.AArfro RnufOfe ..... vvwsqv uvnvt o spviu last week-end in Hayes, with his mother, who has been ill. Miss Martha Plemmons spent last week-end at Bre vard College with Miss Char lotte Moore of Hot Springs. Those visiting the J ay Bur rells during the week-end and Suriday were Mr. andMrs.Ray Rogers from Atlanta, Mr. and North 50 East 14 poles and 7 links; thence North 35 West 11 poles and 15 links; thence South 65 Wes' U poles and 14 links to a Stake in Burnt Cabin Road 15 poles to the Beginning, containing one acre, more or less. All in Hiwassee Township, District No. 2, State of North Carolina. The first, second and third tracts will be sold as one parcel, and the fourth tract will be sold separately as another parcel. The highest bidder at said sale will be required to put a cash deposit of five per cent of this bid pending confirma tion of the sale. This the 2nd day of My 1961. C. E. Hyde COMMISSIONER Mr*. Krvtn Johns ton o t HI. ?um and Mrs. Fred Mom. Mr. and Mr*. Ada Rogers visited Mr. and Mr*. Cecil Bochannan Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. BUI Esas and children of Ashevllle spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Bd Crawford. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Herbert last week-end were Mr. and Mrs. E, L. Brown of Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom erf Mur phy. and Mr. and Mrs. Oien Strattoo of Andrews. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Long Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. John Smart and Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Patron and Vivian. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Herbert are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom In Murphy. Those visiting the Jay Bur rells the past week-end were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogers and children, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ashe and daughter Linda of the Downing Creek Community, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Auberry and children of the Qualla section, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Allison of the Shiolah Community, Mrs. Floyd Gibty and daughter Brenda, Mr. and Mrs. Erwln J ohnson and children of Hia wassee, Ga? Mr. and Mrs. Hartsell Moore and children, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rogers of Atlanta, Ga. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore, Mrs. Ruby Kitchens and Mrs. Marler Shook attended the celebration Sun da of Mrs. Shook's sister's 90th bikthday and Mrs. LUlie Parker stSlagle Memorial in Franklin. Mrs. Maggie Moore Is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Walter Burch in Franklin. She plans to be back in Clay for the Centennla Mr. Gene Moore visited friends Wednesday at Western Carolina College. Mr. and Mrs. Farrell Moss visited Mr. and Mrs. Wade Moss and family Wednesday nighty ym A *11 Ttmy Deodorants rtfularly $1 M ?it.4S CENTENNIAL BALL Saturday Night May 15th - 8:30 'tin Midnight HAYESVILLE HIGH SCHOOL GYM Mmk by THE SUBTERRANEANS From YOUNG HARRIS COLLEGE oponsorea oy CLAY COUNTY CENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Centennial Costumes Optional Admission Per Person- ' ? ? ? - $1.00 FOR PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO TRAVEL... muimrs THRU BUS ...easy, effortless, pleasant: everything travel should be. And you'll enjoy it all at its very best all along Trail ways. No change of bus ... no change of baggage . . . you relax straight thru in the same soft seat ATLANTA ? ASHEVILLE ? CHARLOTTE FAYETTEVILLE ? JACKSONVILLE, N. C. RALEIGH - NORFOLK ? CNATTANN006A MEMPHIS TRAILWm "easiest travel on earth " Mauney Drug Co. People's Cefe VE7 - 2529 TENNESSEE STREET MURPHY, N.C/| use convenient packaoi express I . . . choose carefree charters NO MYSTERY? NO GIMMICKS When You Buy Tires From BRAVES TIRE CO f6eatco& TIRE SALE ssrsss Guo ?>?*?? wi r>f ??? ? o?* ?? - C? fricw -I100P ARR0W NYLON TUBE TYPE 6.70x15 Blackwall HOOD ARR0V^ml0f^U?E^Pri Sic* | lltctawH | I 6.70x15 | 1 1W* MM* f 7.10x15 | 14.80* rO0* | 1M .15 | MM* | 4/XM* | MM' UsA-gT J S lift 80 U ?taTo aM oU Tin oH your car S.OOmM A tMa'll ARMOR SAFETY liSl! Waiiii treads;-:, i $1.00 Mora for WMtt Sfafewolk ?ooiis Cfl^ ||Sii 1 <40x15 (.70x15 7.10x15 sg95i$io95 AM pdaaa Mm ta n* receewW# Mr* GRAVES TIRE CO. ANDREWS ROAD Near Farmers Garage Dea't F ass ... Dial Us At VE7-218I MURPHY, N. C.

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