WANT APS FOB SAlt SALE - Three Mr* . " , Ga. SALE: 32 wta - $5.95 bath tan, driftwood. I Gift Shop ?y 64 ?t Ranger School. t SALE: Two atory brick bouae - contact Vlck - phone 2SW, Andrews, L/OR SALE - 1955 Ford ? t condition. Call C.F.John . Phone Day VE 7-2510 or _bt VE 7-2255. 1^* fOR SALE - House trail - and Travel Trailers, all available. Hermann' a Salea at Shield's at Home, Andrews, N. SALE - By In. Two i llvlngroom and kitchen. tub and shower. Also nent, garden. Reasonable #. Call VE-7-3238. )R SALE: Six room house 2 1/4 acres land, good It Is located3/4 miles i Blairsvllle. If Interested James Turner, Rt. 3, tlrsvllle, Ga. FOR RENT Furnished Apartment Trailer Space WILL PULL AND PLACE TRAILER BEN PALMER VE 7-3113 RISERS ELECTRIC SERVICE Electrical Contractu^ ?ad Repair* Day VB 7-2425 Night VE 7-2876 : REPAIR ALL MAKES | OF APPLIANCES. 1 REWINDING AND ?AIRS. ENDEAVOR TO MAKE SERVICE CALLS THE DAY THEY ARE RECEIVED If REE ESTIMATES ON ALL | ELECTRICAL WIRING. R8GEIS r, ELECTRIC SERVICE | Electrical Contracting and Repair* Day VE -7-2425 Night VE 7 - 2876 led Spreads - $2.95 Up Nylon Hand Bags -$1.98 Throw Rugs - 15# Up 9 x 12 Carpets - $19.00 OnHwy. 64W rr At RangerSchool ? T m Hotrm Wrecker Service L Ed Town ton Auto Co. bar VE 7 an, ni?m ve 7-sm MF?r Dfpenirth tertftrt** f MEADOWS rftADlO * TV SKRVIC SERVICE vk 7-ar [Watch & Jewelry h REPAIR Kaaptaka Diamonds avis Jewelers r K, RADIO? TT REPAIR [| ANTENNA DATAMATION [LLOYD'S radio I J* TV SERVICE VE MM Blu* Rldoe Trucking Co. Only Motor Carrier y T&ssras* Upeclfy Blue Rldgt And Be Sure Pbooe VB 7-2912 Hugh** Eleetrlo Shop ELECTRICAL wirino AM) repairs MOHT - VB 7-3227 - DAVVB 7-2240 FOR SALE FORSAJLB -National House Trail ar - it Ft. Long - Slaapa ?U - Washing Mai-Mas - wary dean - Tawten Wheels - Will finance or Trad* - Deliver SO mllea free. Baa Palmer, VE -7-3113. Murphy. N.C. FOR KENT N FOR RENT - Apartment 3 room - unfurnished - with electric heat. Call Merle Davie at VE -7-2747. 41 FOR RENT ? Large, two bedroom house In Bealtown. See Mra. Don Gentry or call VB -7-2465 nights - VE -7-2017 days. 41 - 3tp FOR RENT - At 511 Hla wassee Street. A large apart ment. Two large and two small rooms, large closets, electric appliances. See Mrs. J. W. Dyer. CU VE 7-3167 or VE 7-2592. 39-wtp 39-3 tc FOR RENT - 4 room apart ment. Hard wood floors. Newly painted. Baseboard, hotwater heat, screened In porch. Rent reasonable. Call VE 7-2990. 39-3 tp SERVICES WELL DRILLING - Have your well drilled; modern ma chinery. Six and eight-Inch domestic and commercial wells. Macon Pimp and Well Co. Write F. B. Rogers, Pranklln, N. C, or call LA 4-3135. PAINTING - For your paint ing needs call VE -7-2621. Contract or by hour - work neat, fast and guaranteed. 40-2tp Singer Sewing Machine Co. representative, Doyle Mat thews, will be here every Tuesday and Wednesday, for sales and service, and can be contacted at the New Regal Hotel, Telephone VE 7-2341 38-tfn WANTED WANTED - Small Farm Tractor Wanted. Canneed mi nor repair. Give description. , Give condition and price first letter. P. O. Box 9, Murphy, N. C. 35-tfc HELP WANTED MEN WANTED 17 to 56 To train as Heavy Equip ment operators. Training now available on bulldozer, moter grader, all ruber self-propel led scrapjser and draglines. Must train 3 weeks at own ex pense on this earth moving equipment. Budget terms ar ranged. GJ. approved. Up to $3.50 per hour on satis factory completion of training. World-wide placement ser vice. Operators urgently needed as result of vast new IS year program now getting under way. If mechanically Inclined and interested in operadng this typeof machin ery, write, giving name, ad dress, phon, (or nearest phone) and hours you work to National School of Heavy Equipment, Box 190, Murphy, *.C. WANTED AT ONCE - Raw leigh Dealer in Cherokee Comity. Write Rawlelgh's, Dept. NCE-200e-3, Richmond, Va. 40 4tp LOST LOST- Ladles gold wrist vatcn, with gold band. 11 Found, contact Mrs. McKeever at VE-7-2791. U-1 tc I960 Chevrolet Impalfl t door Harilaip. VS. Stralchi Ive. Radio. Heater. 13.00CI mile*. Locally owned. i960 Falcon. 2 -door. Strtlghi ve. White wall tlrea. Radio, 19S7 Chevrolet. 4-door.Harq lop. VS. Automatic. Radio, fleeter. While wall Urea. Open to S p.m. Nightly VE 7-2001 Community Motors I _ Legal Notices - Cherokee County, N. C. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OP SERVICE Of PROCESS BY PUBLICATION STATE of NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COt?rr IN THE SUPBRlcr <"f<jRT. WINNIE CLAYTON ROBERTS Plaintiff. vs MINN ICE STILES AND SAM CAPPSDcfendant s. TO: MINMCE STILES Take Node* that: A plead ing Making relief against you haa been filed In the above entitled action. The nature at the relief being sovght la a Judgement in the amount of Too Thous and Tam Hundred ($2,100.00) Dollars, plus interest and coat, due to die plaintiff Win nie Clayton Roberts by you by virtue of a loan made to you by said plaintiff. You are required to make defenae to such pleading not later than the 20th day of Jrne, 1961, and t^wn your fail ure to do so, the party seeking relief against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This Is the 26th day of April, 1961. S/JAMES C. HOWSE CLERK SUPERIOR COURT 40 4tc NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Executrix of the estate of Arnold R.Dalrymple deceased late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all . persons having claims against said esute to present them to the undersigned, atMurphy, N. C.,on or before the 23rd day of March, 1962, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned at Murphy, N. C. This 20th day of March, 1961. Herma Oalrymple 40-6tc CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, made In the matter of the administra tion of Martha Fain, deceased, the undersignedCommissloner will on the 31st day of May, 1961, at 12:00 noon, at the Court House Door, in Murphy, North Carolina, offer for Sale to the highest bidder for cash an un divided one-half interest in two certain tracts or parcels of land, lying and being In Hot house Township, Cherokee County, North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: FIRST TRACT: Beginning at a set of bars on top of the ridge where it leaves Franklin Mountain in a Northward direct ion, known as the Locust at the Turkey Pen, corner of the Nathan Carter Tract, and runs Northward 5549 feet up said ridge to the top of the mountain and just over the top of the mountain to the line of Tenn essee Copper Company and another corner of the Nathan Carter Tract (the calls and distances up said ridge and to said line and corner being as follows: BEGINNING at bars where fence crosses ridge and runs North 4-30 West 181 feet; North 2-45 West 285 feet; Nor th 178 feet; North 7 East 197 feet; North 2 East 287 feet; North 3-30 West 100 feet; North 35 West 115 feet; North 57 West 104 1/2 feet; North 48-30 West 124 feet; North 40 West 137 feet; North 10 West 200 feet; North 9 West 200 feet; North 3 West 226 1/2 feet; North 30 West 355 feet; North 24 West 243 feet; North 48-30 West 100 feet; North 50 West 150 feet; North 41 Wwt 100 feat; North 52 Hot 100 (eat; North 42 Wat 200 Nor* 28 West 154 (esq North 40 West 170 feec North 41 West 96 feet; North 39 West 228 feec North 40 West 229 feet; North SO JC West 169 feet; North 26-30Wea 192 feet; North 20-30 West 17S feet; North 25 West 253 feet to t Red Oak just under top of mountain; thence over the top of mountain North 25 West 200 feat to the Tennessee Copper Company line); thence with the line of Preemption 217 North 34-30 East 48 poles DO a pile of rocks, corner of Preemption 217 and Preemption 47S; thence continuing with the line of Tenn essee Copper Company Tract Preemption 478 North 34-30 East 90 poles 'to where said line strikes the line of Pre emption 496, Grant No. 1833, owned by C. E, Hyde; thence with the line of Preemption 496 South 21-30 East 700 feet to a pile of stones. Southwest cornei of Preemption 496; thence with the line of Premptlon 496 North 68-30 East 100 poles to a Stake corner of Clate Fain portion of Tr. 6898 In line of Preemption 496; thence South 38-30 East with the line of Clate Fain share 90 poles to a Stake on line of 6898, a cor ner of Clate Fain parcel; thence South 58-30 West 81 poles to a Stake; thence South 41-30East 30 poles id a Stake, corner of Brown Tract* thence East 80 poles to a Sourwood In line of Traat 497, the Weaver Lot; thence South with line of Weaver lOt 100 poles to a Chestnut stump. Southwest corner of Preemption 497; thence North 41-30 West 35 poles to a corner of Clayton Fain Home Tract; thence South 46-30 West 180 poles to a Chestnut on a ridge (gone), corner of said Clayton Fain Home Tract in old line of Entry 959; thence still with the line of saidClaytonFain Tract and 959 South 26-30 East 60 poles to a C hes tnut Oak (gone) corner of Entry 959 and corner of Clayton Fain Home Tracq thence South 86-30 East with line of 959 48 poles to t Stake corner of 959 (formerly Red Oak, Hickory, and Locust); thence with a line established in judgment in civil action be tween Oscar Slmonds and Clay ton Fain and wife, Martha Fain, South 77-30 West 86 poles to the Beginning, contain ing 415 acres, more or less. SECOND TRACT: In Hot house Township, District No. 4, on the waters of Wolf Creek, being parts of Entry 389, Grant 2453, Entry 8366, . Grant 14581, Entry 4155, Grant 15231, and and BEGINNING on a Concreti Monument marked EJE?? 68 feet North 20 West of a large Chestnut Oak on Paul Rober son (formerly Elisha Carter line, corner of Luther Mc Donald property and runs South 86 1/2 East, crossing Wolf Creek at 1990 feet and center of road at 2005 feet (from this point eastern gate post In old fence bears North 14 East 61 feet): a total dis tance of 2112 feet to a Stake; thence with line common to Lon Watkins North 74 East 297 feet to a small Black Gum on top of Ridge; thence ridge South 74 East 148 feet to a trail In center of a small gap near fence; thence continuing up said ridge toward top of Franklin Mountain South 53 East )60 feet; South 69 East 142 feet. South 72-30 East 212 feet. South 74 East 96 feet. South 72 East 72 feet. South 68 East 126 feet. South 63 East 92 feet. South 64 East 73 feet. Shoal Creek News Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jones and son were guests last week of Mr. Jones' grandparents. DON'T SCRATCH THAT ITCH! IN JUST 15 MINUTES, If the Itch needs scratching, your 48< back at any drus store. Use ITCH -ME -NOT to check eczema, ringworm. Insect bites, foot itch, other external Itches. You feel It take hold. Then Itch and burning are gone. ITCH-ME NOT Is easy to apply. Instant drying. TODAY at Hayesvllle Pharmacy. FOOT TROUBLE 1/4 of all your hones are In the feet. No wonder there odor. Bathe feet twice dally with T-4-L Solution for relief of the 52 bones, 66 joints plus ligaments. Curbs ath lete's foot, toe Itch too, or your 48# back if not pleased IN ONE HOUR. TODAY at Mauney Drug Store. iWtfewa.* There' ? no "and" to the l quality of our products. Our I GOOD gasoline, our Bp quality oil, our lubrication and car washing aervlce are daalfnad to please YOU anl liina I (alley , Gilf Strvict "Where C us tome re Sand Their Frlanda." > Murphy ? VB7-9644 j UAMwmwvwtaAMUAH Mr. and Mrs. John brendle on Shoal Creek Road. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Brendle and son Jerry, Wehuttl Road, and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Brendle, Old Sate Road, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. I. Fulghum, In Ashevllle. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Suit were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Suit In Franklin over the weekend. Members of theShoal Creek Baptist Church will honor the oldest and youngest Mother present at the morning service on Mothers Day. Mrs. Lela Brown, Wehuttl Road, Is Improved after a recent Ulness. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Suit of Chattanooga, Tenn. spent the weekend with Mr. Suit's sister, Mrs. Clay Allen of Bear Paw Road. CORRECTION) Correction: In last week's >aper the recorder's court locket should have read as ollows: Jimmy Conley. Breaking and i plea of guilty to breaking and altering and larceny of property if a value of less than $100 is charged at the April 17, 961 term of this court, and jrayer of judgement was con Inued for this term. That lefendant be confined in the aommon jail of Cherokee County For a term of five months and ?sslgned to work under the ?iqiervlsion of the .State Prison Department. Sentence suapend sd and defendant placed on probation. Johnny Curtl*. Breaking and sntering. Plead not guilty and the court finds the defendant mt guilty. DCNT SCRATCH THAT ITCHI IN JUST IS MINUTES If the Itch needs scratching, your 48* back at a m drug ?tore. Use TTCH-Mfl-NOT to check eczema, ringworm. Insect Mas, toot itch, other external Itches. Yov feel it take hold. Thea itch and burning are gone. ITCH -ME - NOT la easy ID ?ply, Instant drying. TODAY at Patter's Drag S?re. South 40-30 East 116 feat. South 37 Eui 141 feet. South 35 East 121 (eat and South i 34-30 Eaat 111 faet lo Sour wood approximately 100 faat on Northwest aide of crest i of Franklin Mountain; thence t down mountain North 24 Eaat 187 faat. North 39-4S Eaat 222 faat. and North U Eaat 197 faet to old Bara (Known as Locust at Turkey Pen) on top of a long ridge, leading from Franklin Top to the top of mo i*i tain; thence with top of ridge Northerly 5560 feet to top of mountain and line of Preemption 217 owned by Tennessee Copper Company; thence South 34 West 76 poles to Southeast corner of Pre emption 217; thence with line of 217 North 55 West an eati mated 26 poles to the top of mountain; thence Southwest with top of mountain 94 poles to Black Oak (gone) now a stone in a gap, corner common r to Ellsha Carter property; thence Elisha Carter old line m a Beech on West side of s Branch at the Stillhouse Place, corner of Preemption 602 and with that line South 86-30 East 604 feet to the Beginning, containing 250 acres, more or less. The highest bidder at said sale shall be required to put 14) a cash deposit of five per cent of his bid, pending con firmation of the sale. This the 29th day of April, 1961. C.E.Hyde COMMISSIONER 4(T-4tc .. . "? NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, made In the matter of the adminis traction of Clate Fain, de ceased, the undersignedCom missloner will, on the31stday of May, 1961, at 12:00 o'clock. Noon, at the Court House Door, in Murphy, NorthCaro lina, offer for sale to the high est Udder for cash two certain tracts or parcels of land, lying and being in Hothouse Town ship, Cherokee County, North Carolina, and more parflcu larly described as follows: Situate, lying and being in Hothouse Township, District No. 4, in Cherokee County, North Carolina, a part of En try 959, Grant 3377, and part of Entry 2258, Grant 2664. BEGINNING on a White Oak, the Northwest corner of No. 193, and runs South 48 West 29 poles to a Pine Stump (gone), Southeast corner of Entry 959; thence South 48-30 West (with the South east line of Entry 959) pass ing a Spanish Oak comer of Pre. 186 at 24 poles, whole distance 116 poles, to a Red Hickory and Locust (gone), Northwest corner of Pre. 186 and South corner of Entry 959; thence North 86 1/2 West 48 poles with the line of En try 959 toChestnutOak(gone); thence North 26-30 West 60 poles to a small Chestnut on a Ridge; thence North 46 30 East 180 poles to the line of the Brown Tract; then with the Brown line South 41-30 East 35 poles to a Chestnut Stump, beginning comer of the Brown Tract; thence South 23-30 East 60 poles to the Beginning, containing 90 acres more or less. SECOND TRACT: A part of Entry No. 6898, Grant No. 75. BEGINNING on a Hickory, the Southeast corner of Entry 6898 and runs North 36-30 West 80 poles to a large Chestnut (fallen) corner of No. 496; then with that line South 38-30 East 90 poles to a Stake on the South line of No. 6898; then with that line North 58-30 East 57 poles to the Beginning, containing 30 acres, more or less. And being the same lands allotted to Clayton Fain our at the J. B. Fain Estate by decree of (he Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, In a Judgment en titled "Missouri Caddis, et al, versus Josephine Henson" dated October 6, 1905, and being of record in the Office of the Clerk of the S interior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, and to which reference is made for addi tional description. SUBJECT to easements for roadways for ingress and egress to Martha Fain lands above. The highest bidder at said sale shall be required to put tf> a cash deposit of five per cent of his bid, pending con firmation of the sale. This the 29th day of April, 1961. C. E. Hyde COMMISSIONER 40 4tc LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust execu ted by George W.Suitand wife. Ruth W. Suit, dated the 26th day of September, 1960, and recorded In Book 221, at page 2S3, in the office of the Re gister of Deeds of Cherokee County, North Carolina, de fault having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured and said Deed of Trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure the undersigned turstee will offer for sale for cash at the offer for sale for cash at the courthouse door in Murphy, North Carolina at noon on the 24th day of May, 1961, the property conveyed in said deed of trust the same lying and being in the County of Chero kee and State of North Caro lina, and more particularly described as follows: In Shoal Creek Township. Cherokee County, North Caro lina, In District No. 8, bounded on the North by the lands of Walter Martin, on the South I by the lands of Truman Mc Nabb, on the West by the I lands of Earl J, Watts, and on the East by the lands of Fred Ware, and more parti cularly described as follows: BEGINNING on an Iron'Pin, a corner common to Truman McNabb and Earl J. Watts, and runs thence North 14 de grees and 30 minutes West 893 feet with a fence line to an Iron Pin, corner common to Earl J. Watts and Walter Martin: .thence North 74 de grees East 650 feet with an Old fence to a post, corner of Walter Martin; thence south 57 degrees East 500 feet with an old fence to a Post, a corner common to Walter Martin and Fred Moore; and thence south 11 degrees East 550 feet to a rock and Iron Pin, corner of Fred Moore; and thence South 80 degrees West 974.5 feet to die begin ning, containing 20 acres, more or less. Known as the George W, Suit farm, and formerly as the C. F. Hobson Farm. This sale will be made sub ject to all outstanding and unpaid taxes and municipal as sessments, and other prior liens of record, if any there be. This the 20th day of April, 1961 H. L. MdCEEVER Trustee 39-4 tc LEGAL NOTICE , CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF THE POWER OF SALE contained In a certain deed , of trust, executed by David < E. Hughes and his wife, An na belle H. Hughes, dated the ; 28th day of April, 1960, and ] recorded In Book 221 at Page i 115, In the Office of the Register of Deed* of Cherokee County, North Carolina, de fault having been made In che payment of die Indebtedness thereby secured and said deed o t trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for Bale st public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door InMftr phy. North Carolina, at 12:00 noon on the 26th day of May. 1961. the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the County of Cherokee and State of North Carolina, and more particul arly described as follows: In Hothouse Township. Cherokee County. North Caro lina. BEGINNING on a Red Oak Tree on the North side of the public Road $1131, ~a corner established this day between Alonzo Harris and David E. Hughes, and wife, Anna Belle H. Hughes, and runs In a straight line in a Northwesterly direction ap proximately (374) three hun dred seventy four feet to a point; thence running in a Northerly direction ( 209 ) two hundred nine feet to a point; thence running In a Westerly direction (209) two hundred nine feet to a point; thence running in a Southerly Di rection (209) two hundred nine feet to a point on the North side of Public Road *1131: thence running along the North side of Public Road #1131 In a Easterly Direction (209) two hundred nine feet to a point and the point of Beginning. Being a part of the lands described in deed from Ettle Crawford and her husband J. C, Crawford, to D. L, Harris, dated January 14, 1930, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chero kee County, North Carolina, in Book 102 at page 66, reference to which is made for additional description. Deed for 45 acres more or less, which the above description comes from is recorded in Deed Book 214, page 231, Cherokee County, Vorth Carolina. This is the 21st day of April, 1961. JOSEPH MINNOTTI rRUSTEE 40-4tc - ? , LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an Order of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina made and entered In the action entitled "CHE ROKEE COUNTY, Plaintiff, -vs- WILLIAM MILTON CROWDER and wife. EMILY CROWDER, Defendants", the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 25th day of May, 1961, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and high est bidder at public auction, at the Courthouse door in Cherokee County, NorthCaro lina. in Murphy at 12:00 o'clock noon, the following described real estate, lying and being in Shoal Creek Township, State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows: In District No, 3, being the lands acquired by William Milton Crowder from his fa ther Thomas W. Crowder by the Last Will and Testament of the said Thomas W. Crow der deceased, said Will being recorded in Book of Wills "C" at page 33 In the Office of the Clerk of the Si^wrlor Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, reference to which is hereby made for a more particular description of the said land, containing 60 acres, more or less, and being a part of Tract No. 323 on the waters of Shoal Creek. This the 24th day of April, [961. L. L. MASON Commissioner J9-4tc LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA Cherokee County, Plaintiff, vs W.P. McGEE, widower; BILL McGEE end wile. IUA N1TA McGEE: *. U PAR R1SH, Trustee; THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF POLK COUNTY AT COPPERHILL: R. P. TAYLOR. Trustee; W. V. Davis and wile. MILDRED G. DAVIS; and BUTLER EN TERPRISES, Inc., Defendant*. TO W. P. MCGEE.BILL Mc GEE. JUAN1TA McGEE, W. L. PARR1SH, Trustee. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of POLK COUNTY ATCOPPER HILL; R. P. TAYLOR, Trus tee; W. V. DAVIS And MIL DRED G.DAVIS: TAKE NOTICE THAT A pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action The nature of the relief being sought is as follows: to foreclose on a lien for unpaid taxes upon real estate located In Cherokee County, due plain tiff for the years 1954, 1955, 1956. 1957, 1958, 1959, and I960: You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than June 8, 1961, and H?n your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the court for the relief sought. This, the 14th day of April, 1961. JAMES C. HOWSE Clerk of the Siperior Court 38-4tc ? - LEGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKFE COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of C. E. Hardin deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed Wlnfred Harding on or before April 26, 1962 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons indebted to said estate will please made immediate payment to the undersigned at Bedford Hill, Lowellvllle, Ohio. This the 24 day of April 1961 WINFRED HARDING ' 39-6tc LEGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA Cherokee County In The Superior Court SAM HARTMEN, d/b/a, Hartman's Market, Plaintiff, -vs- HARRY ZIMMERMAN. Defendant. By virtue of an Execution directed to the undersigned, from the Si^ierior Court of Cherokee County, in the above entitled action, I will on the 19th day of May, 1961, at . at 12:00 o'clock noon, at the Townson Ice Plant on Hla wassee Street, in Murphy, Cherokee County, NorthCaro lina, sell to the highest bidder for cash to satisfy said Exe cution,. all the right, title and interest which the ^aid Harry Zimmerman has in and to the following described personal property, to-wlc One 19S2 Chevrolet Station Wagon. Serial No. A54F 022097. Motor No. 0250626 F54Z. Also all household and kitchen furniture now stored in Townson Ice Plant, Hla wassee Street, Murphy, North Carolina, including I electric range; 4 beds; 2 dressers; 1 chest of drawers; 1 couch; rugs; 1 dining suite; 1 re frigerator, and other smal ler articles. This 27th day of April, 1961. CLAUDE ANDERSON Sheriff Cherokee County 40-2tc NEXT REST AREA FOOD-FUEL 77 MILES Don't get rattled. Get a Dodge. Rugged. Welded rather than bolted together to ignore rough roads and toughest service. Ifs farther between gas stops on today's superhighways. Ifs farther in a Dodge, too. Reason? Economical Dodge engines. Two Sixes for lancer. A Six and five V8s for Dart That's what Torsion-Aire was made for. It takes a firm stand against roll, sway, squat The ride is something you should try. PASS WITH CARE Why does Dodge offer a three speed automatic for both cars? To give that added punch for passing right when you need it Don't tun down your battery every time your engine idles. Get a Dodge. You'll get an alternator instead of a generator. And an alternator charges your battery even at idle. Give low upkeep the high sign at your Dodge dealer's. He's got ? deal on the full-sized Dart or compact lancer you can't beat ECONOMICAL SIGN LANGUAGE STANDARD OR COMPACT WD GEIAGREH DEAL WITH 1 DODGE SEE YOUR DEPENDABLE DODGE DEALER I. C. MOORE 107 Valbv Mm Ava.Marphy, N. C

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