Burt Ti Clist Tta local droit Board in Mapfcy will be cloa*d Moo day and Tuaaday, May 29 and SO. galley ?bttoe-^9n Andrews, N.C. TbarsdayFrMay May 25-26 The 3 Worlds of Gulliver Saturday, May 27 DOUBLE FEATURE Legend of Che Lost Tl,e39 Steps Sunday-Tuesday, May 28-30 Flaming Star Wednesday, May 31 College Confidentia Ho 1 1 end McSwaln To Rac?lv? Divinity D?gre? Richmond. V?. ? Mr. Hol land McSwaln. Jr. of Murphy. N. C? will receive theBache lor of Divinity degree from Ualon Theological Seminary In Virginia on May 23. Mr. McSwaln. the son of Mr. and Mra. Holland McSwaln, Sr., Murphy, la a Phi Ben Kappa graduate of the Unlveralty of North Carolina. He haa served aa Assistant Director of the outdoor drama. "Unto These Hills". Cherokee. NjC.. and during the paat year, he directed the Drama Team at Union Seminary. Recently. Mr. McSwaln waa named one of the five senior recipient* of Union Seminary Fellowship Awards for gradu ate study. Next fall, he will begin his graduate studies st Yale Divinity School, New Haven. Conn. Mr. McSwaln Is among 65 students receiving the Bache lor of Divinity degree, 11 receiving the Master of Theo logy degree, and 1 receiving the Doctor of Theology degree. The degrees will be conferred by Dr. James A.Jones, Presi dent of the Seminary. Uisurpasstd Coafort f? tw RUPTURED! Pi Pur! GOLDEN * I 'CROWN* TRUSS | NEVER BEFORE AVAIIABIII ' Here's unexo ImiI onnf<>rt for anvonf iuffcrinu reducible inumnalkJ'.ernia New miracle materials ? flftt per forat?d-for-coe!nes? foam rufiber cov ered next to body with smooth, soothing tricot and on outside with tough, durable cloth Truss molds it self to body, holds flat, foam rubber groin pad in position no matter how you move Completely adjustable No fitting Padded Sec strap and back lacing Washable -Only $9 95 single ?models. $10 95 doubles By makers of famous RUPTt-'RE-EASER* Cqme in and see it? WITH LUXURY MATERIALS I Mouney I * | Murphy 64 Drive Jh | Thursday-Friday, May 25-26 Charlton Heston Gary Cooper The W reck of the Mary Deare DOUBLE FEATURE Saturday, May 27 Shane The Trap Sunday-Monday, May 28-29 Natalie Wood Robert Wagner AH The Fine Young Cannibals Tuesday- Wednesday, May 30- 31 Curt Jurgens Victoria Shaw I Aim At The Stars HENN THEATRE MURPHY, N. C. Thursday, May 25 Tess of the Storm Country DOUBLE FEATURE Friday-Sateray, May 26-27 Toby Tyler The Hound That Thought He Was A Raccoon Sunday-Monday, May 28-29 Hmrd Keel Susan Kohner The Big Fisherman Tiesday-Wediesday, May 30-31 Jehu Wayne The High and the Mighty CHEROKEE County Locals LIBERTY Mrs. Edgar LeFarry. formerly of Chattanooga, U sick. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Prlne visited friends sod relatives this past week. Mr. and Mrs. ClydeGarrea and family visited friends and relatives this past week here. Mr. Park West Is In , the hospital sirfTerlng from a Heart attack. Mrs. Fannie Price had visitors Sunday evening. Boddy Pallard and Donny Ri Mason visited Mr. and Mrs. Owens Maahburn Sunday evening. Oscar J. West and family visited with his mother, Mrs. Elza West this past week. Fred Harper of Liberty died last week at Johnson City, Tenn. He was burled at John son City. He is survived by his wife, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Price and family visited friends snd relatives this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Led ford had visitors this past week-end. Mrs. Fannie Price had visitors this past week-end. They were her son and his family. Mrs. Ida Ledford had visitors this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Splvia visited friends and relative this past week. Kenneth Swanson visited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Dee Swanson and other friends this past week. Junior Payne had visitors this past week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stiles and family have moved Into our community. They are formerly from Ashe ville. SHOAL ? CREEK NEWS Mr. T. R. Montgomery of Richmond, Va. spent Saturday with his mother, Mrs. Nan Montgomery, Old State Road. Sunday he and Mrs. Mont gomery and a brother, Mr. K. L. Montgomery left for a Ti Liti Ti Classify FOR SALE - Electric Dish washer $40, Electric Stove $65, Sofa $15, many other bargains. If you have furni ture or appliances to sell, we can sell them for you fast. The Consignment Store In the Hayesvllle QulckClean Building. Open 10:00 to 11:30 AM. and 2:30 to 5:00 P.M. dailv. FOR SALE - Tennis Rackets Restrung - $3 - $5. Prompt Service. Work Guaranteed. Western Auto, Murphy, NJ0. 43 10 tc FOR SALE? 6 Room House with bath, 18 acres, 3 large Chicken houses and barn another 4 room house with spring. Water In all chicken houses and dwelling houses. On Fires Creek Road 4 miles from Hayesvllle. Contact Paul Burrell RT. 4 Hayes vllle. 43 2tp WANTED-To cut death dates on Monuments In cem etery, also clean-up and re set. For full Information see Carl Head and Ross Hensley Rt. 3, Murphy, or call VE7-2974 43 19tp FOR SALE -5 room house Closed in back porch-gray shingles-Inside City Limits. Call VE7-2354 After 5 P. M. 423 xp visit with ? brother, Mr. Martin Montgomery, In Paa swcoia, Fl?. Mr*. John Brendle spent the week-end with her brother In Wins con -Salem, N?. Mr. johnny Ray Jones of Youngstown, Ohio a pent the week-end with hi* parents Mr. aad Mr*. S. D. Jones. Shoal Creek Road. Decoradoa Day service will be held Sunday. May 28th at the Shoal Creak ceme tery. Communion service will be held at the Shoal Creek Baptist Church at 7:30 pjn. Mr. and Mrs. Carl McCon nall of Ducktown ware Sunday visitors of the E. C. Suits. Shoal Creek Road. Mrs. Emma Qulnn, Old State Raod, Is spending ? few weeks with her son, Mr. Lakes Qulnn, in Gastnnla^ijC. BOILING SPRINGS NEWS Mr. Roll in Palmer of An drews was visiting here Sun day, May 14. Mrs. Anna O'Dell Is very 111. Mr. Harvey McRae and daughter attended church at Boiling Springs Sundsy, May 14. Mr. Randal O'Dom of AlUns, S. C. and son Gary, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. W. O'Dell recendy. Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Sneed and son of Decatur, Ga. were visitors here Sunday, May 14. Mr. Perry Abernathy and son Junior visited Ebenezer Sunday. May 14. Mr. and Mrs. Bass Graves and children of Springfield, Onlo were visitors of home folks Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mills recently. Twi Fria Mirphy Ti Gnliati At Ynif Harris Young Harris - The seven ty fifth anniversary com mencement exercises at Young Harris College will be highlighted by addresses from a noted Georgia salesman and a distinguished Methodist college president. The honorable Phil Lnd rum , Congressman of the Ninth District of Georgia, will deliver the graduation address in the college gymnasium on Saturday, June 3, at 11A.M. The student speaker will be George Colbert of Dallas. Eighty students are can-* dldates for graduation and will be granted the Associate of Arts degree. Dr. W. Earl Strickland. President of Wesleyan Coll eg* Macon, will deliver the Bacca laureate sermon on Sunday. May 28, at 11 A. M. in Sharp Memorial Methodist Church. The afternoon and evening will be highlighted by the tradit ional Vespers Service atop Brasstown Bald Mountain. Two Murphy students are candidates for graduation. They are Carl Dockery, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest C. Dockery, Route Three, Murphy, and Mrs.PitsyJones Hendrlx, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Jones, Murphy. DO YOU HAVE STOMACH TROUBLE? If so, take PEPSO PACIFIC. Recommended for stomach and Intestinal dis orders dur to acid Indigestion, heartburn, sour stomach, or bloating. Get at Parker's Drug Store today. VALLEY RIVER HOMES BUILT BY ANDREWS BUILDERS SUPPLY (0. Custom-Built Shall, Semi-Finished or Finished Homes. No Money Down . . . Financing Up To 10 Years. Qualify Construction By Experienced Local Builders. ALL VALLEY RIVER HOMES INCLUDE: - 2 * > Floor Joists, 16" On Centers - Plumbing Roughed In On All Models - Trussed Roof - Eaves Boxed In - Rustproof Aluminum Siding Nails - IS Year Bonded Roof ALL MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. ANtREWS BUILDERS SUPPLY CD, For Further Information CALL 54. ANPREHH, NX. V? Hon El?rt?d PreshUit Of Mm St?d?t My Mr. PNd B. Vaa Hon ?* Murphy, mom a Jualor at King Collaga, Bristol, Tmb. ?u racndy aimed president at ?be collage Student Govern ment for lbs academic year 1961-1963. Mr. Vaa Horn la acdva In ibe wort of campus organisa tions at King. Ha has played on ibe aocoar and Bonis teams . Ha la alao a member of tha drams dub, the King Players, and thla saroaaw served as president of tf>e Phllotheamlan Literary So ciety. He la majoring In Ua?ry. Mr. Van Horn Mr. Van Hon la dw mm of Mr. and Mrs. Bart C. Van **? a A | ^nL norm s nur^M'f, Births HUGHES Mr. and Mrt. Jamet Hugh?? of Murphy announce the ttrth of a ton. David Alan, May 14, at Provldance Hoaptcal. Mr*. Hughet U the former Miaa Mary Lou Hantley. INGRAM Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ingram of Murphy tnnonnre [he birth of a laughter, Sandra Lee, May 14. at Provldance Hoe pltal. Mra. Ingram la the former Mlaa Batty Catharine Decker. lali lifria Ti frtswt Ricitil Dale Ingram ol Murphy, will present his Junior Recital, Wednesday afternoon, at S P.M? May 24, In the Brookes Chapel, Shorter College. On the program will be composi tions of Handel, Beethoven, Brahma, Chopin and Grlffes. Mr. Ingram is a student of Elizabeth Buday and a junior candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Mualc. He la the ton o t Mr. and Mrs. Roy nuML, '? LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF REDEMPTION OF BOND6 OF COUNTY OF CHEROKEE, NORTH CAROLINA TOWNSHIP REFUNDING BONCS Notice Is hereby given that the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Cherokee, North Carolina, has, on behalf of the townships in said county here inafter named, exercised option to call for redemption and pay ment at par and accrued Interest on July 1, 1961 the following refunding bonds dated January 1, 1940 of said townships: $5,000 Bonds of Murphy Township - denomination $1,000 numbers 84, U5, 124, and 156; denomination $500, numbers 209 and 252. $1,000 Bonds of Notla Town ship - denomination $1,000 num ber 3, $1,000 Bonds of Shoal Creek Township - denomination $1,000 number 1. $3,000 Bonds of Valley town Township - denomination $1,000 numbers 40, 56, and 69. $1,000 Bonds of Hot House Township - denomination $1,000 number 15. $1,000 Bonds of Beaverdam Township - denomination $1,000 number 17. Holders of said bonds shall present their bonds with January 1, 1962 and subsequent interest coupons attached at The Han over Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, for payment in accord ance with this notice. No In terest on said bonds shall accrue after July 1, 1961. By order of the Board ol County Commissioners of the County of Cherokee. J. E. Graves, Clerk Board of County Commissioners Kathryn M. Hunsucker County Accounant 431 tc LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEP COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator of Elizabeth Aberoathy Adams deceased, late of Cherokee County, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the undersigned Will J. Adams on or before May 25, 1962 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at Box 262, Matthew NJC. This the 18th day of May, 1961. Will J. Adams 43-6tc Gird if links We wish ? express and thank the many friends, doctors and nurses of the Providence Hospital, for their kindness, sympathy, good food, and beautiful flowers, food, and beautiful flower offerings, shown us during the sickness and death of our beloved father and husband. Robert T.Graves Family Peachtree Hews BY MRS. DOCKSUDDBRTH Boy Soows who enjoyed ? ?aa k sail cawylag tl Buck Creak were: Claude Mauney, Cadi Gantry, Harold and Richard Wilson, Charlaa Moore. Paid Allaa Ladtord, Michael Rottaaoo. Ray and Kenneth Sudderth, Jackie Ptpaa, Carey Baroen. David Farmer , David Yooce, J. D. Young, William Robinson, and Ralp and Aud Suddarth were chefwroaaa. Mra. John Arrowood received (hair diplomas at WOC, Cullowhaa laat Sunday. Attending the Baccalaureate ?ei nam and graduating exer cises were Mr. airi Mrs. Smith, Carmolaeta and Audrey Smith. Mrs. Bdythe Stiles, Barbara and Carolyn Crl^i. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rogers of Atlanta vlslBd relatives here last week. The Peach tree GlrisBasket Ball team has closed this years season with a good record. They won 12 games out of IS. The girls scoring the most points were Judy Roger, 152 point*; Audrey Smith, 100 points and Carolyn Crisp 33 points. Mrs. Mar cella Smith was coach. Mr. and Mrs. Troy West and Mrs. Cal West and son spent Sunday with Cal West who Is a pedant *t Veterans hospital, Oten. Mr. end Mr*.' Harold Lovlngood and aona, Detmli. Paul, Jafl, and Save at Alexandria, Va. are Spend ing una week with Mr. Loviagood'a parents. Mr. and Mr*. Base Lovlngood. Mr. and Mr*. Max Witt and Oakley at Pom* River, N. J? Mr. and Mr*. Rue Mil Bran and Mr. end Mr*. Bob Witt and children of Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., Mr. and Mrs. Jee* Fanning at Roas vllle. Ca? Mr*. Caonte Baea o t Tellco, Mrs. Lillian Blankenshlp at Lenoir City, and Luther Truett of Andrews attended the funeral of Cyrus Witt last week. Mrs. Mae Hughe* (pent laat week-end In Franklin vl *1 ting relatives. Mr. and Mr*. Don Sweetly and daughters have moved lnio the Antiur Howard house. FOOT TROUBLE 1/4 of all your none* are In the feet. No wonder there odor. Bathe feet twice dally with T-4-L Solution for relief of the 52 bone*, 66 Joints plus ligaments. Curbs ath lete's foot, toe Itch *00, or your 48< beck If not pleased IN ONE HOUR. TODAY at Mauney Drug Store. PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO TRAVEL TAKE mnmrs! CONVINIKNT . . . Scenery teems to glide by as you relsx on a T railways Bus. And Trailwsys also offers many Thru Bus schedules with no change of bus or baggage. ?API . . . But travel is America's safest form of transportation. Youll ride safer than in a train, safer than on a plane . . and many times safer than in your own car. LUXURIOUS . . . All Trailways buses feature foam "Terrs-lounje" seats, all weather air conditioning, ash trays and reading lamps . . and most have rest rooms aboard. Next trip, take Trailways. ATLANTA - ASHEVILLE ? CHARLOTTE CHATTANOOGA ? MEMPHIS - DALLAS '? RALEIGH - WASHINGTON - NEW YORK FAYETTEVILIE ? JACKSONVILLE. K.C. TRAILWAYS "easiest travel on earth " rou|iiD ? vai? Vfi7 - 2529 TENNESSEE STREET MURPHY, NJC. =3 um convenient packaoi ixnui " ... choose carefree chartirs BUY mM tor cash Bonuses on ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Saturday, June 3, is the last day of our APPLIANCE JAMBOREE . . . the last day you can get bargain buys plus cash bonuses on major electric appliances. Don't miss this wonderful chance to modernize your home with work and timesaving electric appliances ... and to collect a cash bonus on the appliances featured during APPLIANCE JAMBOREE MONTH. See your dealer . . . choose your appliances NOW! APPLIANCE JAMBOREE FEATRES' ~ r The electric appliances listed below are our JAMBOREE features. Buy any or all of them during APPLIANCE JAMBOREE MONTH . . . bring your bill(s) of sale to our office ... get the cash bonus shown for each appliance. Choosa Your Appilanea* . . . Count Your ?avlngal OH* good only for comunwrt of Murphy Electric Power Board OFFER APPLIES ON ORIGINAL INSTALLATION IN RESIDENCE only. Elictric Vitir lutir Elictric Rai|i Elictric Air CiiJitimr Elictric Fruzir Elictric lisbwukir $25.00 $15.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00

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