I Clay County PROGRESS - Section Of The Cherokee Scout - PACE 2-A The Cherokee Scout. Thursday, May 25, 1961 SECTION 2 Vlck Family Ready County Agent Rirfus G. Vlck and family are shown In full centennal attalre. Churches Honor Ministery HAYES VILLE -Members of the nine Methodise churches In Clay County met at the Hlnton Memorial Rural Life BLUE RIDGE TRUCKING COMPANY Serving; HayeavlUe Dally Phono Murphy VE 1MB Specify BLUE RIDGE and BE SURE! Clay County Hatchery SECURITY FEEDS East of Hayesvllle Phone MSI ? Mt-hi ???? Crawford 6t Miatfus Supply Phone MM HayesvWe, If. C. PlumMni, Paints, Bead Building Material WOODARD Electric Service Co. Electric * Plumbing Supplied K el vina tar Dealer Phone (117 High Bridge Licensed Contractor No. MM F. B. Rogers LA 4-X1SS RL 1 Franklin, ?. & Well driving ? ? In. and ? to. ho tea. Team at experleaee. Do mestic and commercial walla. Ballard's Welding Shop Heltons Aluminum Welding Eleetrte and Aeetjleae Also Portable Eleetrte DO aa i Acetylene. Route 1 Hayesvllk (Icmgeton Road! Funeral Flowers ' at RATESVBXB FURNITURI Taa win see tka sign aa Mi mad. We ahoaU Uka M asm raa. Center Friday evening to hone the staff of the Clay County Group Ministry. The meet ing began with a covered dish dinner. Out of the county guests present for the occasion were: Dr. Frank Smathers, District Superin tendent of Waynesvllle and Garland Young of Macon County, Dr. Horace McSwaln Executive Secretary Board of Missions of the W. N. C. Conference ot Statesville, Professor Wilson NesHtt of Duke University, Mrs. Carl King President WJ <J.C. Con ference of Woman's Society Christian Service, Statesville, Dr. and Mrs. James W. Sells, Executive Secretary South eastern Jurisdictional Council Dr. and Mrs. J .B. Douthlt of Clemson College, the Rev. Dan Rice, chariman Town and Country of Atlanta, Ga? the Rev. Gene Holdredge, Scant! College, NashevlUe, Tenn., Rev. and Mrs. Julian Lazaar and Rev. and Mrs. W. E, ?Selfert of Blackburg, South Carolina. Dr. Smathers presided at the meeting. The Invocation was given by the Rev.Garland Young. Talks were given by Mr. A. L.Penland, Mra. Theta Barnard, Miss Sue Halghler, Miss Annette Moore, andMlss Fredla Dean Morgan. Each one spoke of a different phase of the work of the Group Ministry, emphasizing the added participation of lay people, development of lead ers, Increased giving and quickening of the spiritual life in Clay County. Dr. James W. Sells announced thatthe Rev. Claude Young, Jr. has been chosen I Rural Minister of the year by the Progressive Farmer. t The Rev. Young has served as pastor of the First Methodist Church and director of the Group Ministry ofClayCounty I for the past five years. In accepting this signal I honor. Rev. Young gave much ! credit to the other members of the staff. Rev. Ben Stelle, Rev. Stuart Taylor, Miss Laura Wells and a former ? minister the Rev. BeyceHuff 3 Men Arrested For Break-ins Three Clay County men are wing held In jell the result of recent break-Ins at two cabins In the county. Sheriff Neal Kitchens reported. Charged with breaking and entering and larceny at Robert Ledfords cabin In the Buck Cr?ek section was Wayne Cod rcn of the Tusquittee section. Bond was set at $1000.00. Ledford" s place was enter ed when a lock was broken on the door. A rifle, radio, fishing rod and ammunition were take. Mr. and Mrs. Ledford have ahomeonShoot ing Creek; but live at their cabin at Buck Creek most of the time. They were away from the cabin a few hours when it was broken into. Held in connection with the entry of Ed Howard's cabin located about a mile from the Ledford cabin were Zeb Pattei son and James McClure both of the Shooting Creek secdon. Their bond was set at a $1000.00 each. Taken from Howard's cabit when the front door lock was prized off were two rifles, six fishing rods, reels, table silver, several boxes of am munition and canned foods. After being placed In jail the three men destroyed jail property esdmated at $15C and they now face an additional charge of destroying public Cline McClure To Serve During Dairy Month Cline McClure has been named Clay County chairman for June Dairy Month and Mrs. Justine Rozier has been named woman's chairman. Their appointment was announced this week by John F. Brown of Black Mountain. WNC Chairman and Mrs. Sylvia Carr of Ashevllle, area woman's chairman. stetler. Young expressed his appreciation to the nine churches for their loyalty, cooperadon and dedicated pur pose. Later this year the Rev. Young will go to Emory Uni versity, Atlanta, Ga. where he will be formally presented with the award. John Henry Corn of the Ft. Hembree Church pronounced the benediction. property belonging to Cliy County. Sheriff Kitchens ??id *11 the stolen property h?? been re covered. Al?o participating in the Investigation were Deputy Dee H. Barnard and S. BJ. Agent M. G. Crawford. To Graduate CHATHAM, VA. ? Cede Donny E. Greear of Hayea ville. North Carolina, will b among the 82 seniors'* Hargrave Military Academ who will receive dwl diplomas at commencemet exercises on Sunday, Ma 28. 1961, In the school audi tori urn. Cadet Greear is the son ? J. E, Greear of Havesvlll Centennial Jail Has Big, New Sign CEHTEUNIAL jail c*..*. CLfy COUNT V AWARDING LAWS IOCS USE D IN THIS JAIL WE PE TAkEN F8 OH THE FIRST ffE*L JAIL MILT )M C L*1 COMfTY Hayesville Personal Mention Capt. and Mrs. James Klrk pa trick. Lynn and Carol Ann Glbby left Wednesday for a trip through the midwest, where they will visit Lynn's grandmother, Mrs. Allle Showmaker In Missouri. Capt. Klrkpatrlck will then fly to Seattle, Washington en route to Anchorage, Alaska where he Is being transfered with the Air Force. Mrs. Klrk patrlck and children are living in a trailer ner the Homer Glbbys while waiting arrang ments to join her husband in Alaska at a later date. Mrs. Martha Glbby Is visiting Rev. Warren Glbby and family in Scortsboro, Ala. for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moore attended the graduation of their son Andrew Eugene Moore at Western Carolina College May 21. Receving his Bachelor of Science Degree he is now employed,' with Hayesvllle ManufacturingCo. Mrs. Alen Bradley and Junior Bradley attended the graduation of her son Frank Bradley at Western Carolina College May 21. Receiving his Bachelor of Science Degree. Mrs. Bud Smith and dai? ghters of Winston-Salem are visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Cress Moss. Hintoa Memorial Rural lift Center Incorporated HAYESV1LLE - Methodist leaders of the Southeastern Jurisdiction met at the Hinton Memorial Rural Life Center this week to make plans for further development of the Center. As a part of the plans the Center was Incorporated at this meeting. The Hinwn Memorial Rural Life Center a $100,000.00 building came Into being as the result of a gift of land from Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Moore of Hayesvllle; a gift of money by Mrs. Harold H, Hinton In memory of her late husband, Harold H. Hinton, Athens, Georgia; and dona tions given by a large number of people interested In the development of a rural center to serve the people of the S LOANS We'll make h easier to m am _? follow mat new-car urge We've got the best answer to the question of financing that new car of your heart's desire. Our auto loans are low in cost. Serv ice is fast. Terms will be arranged to suit you to a T. ? - < r Hb - , ' ? II Need cash in a hurry to meet unexpected ex I penses or pay off piled-up bills? You can get I it here on a low-cost personal loan. Come inl Want to mat* major homo improvemend? N?ed extra vacation money? Volt# us your hoodquartors for All your financial noodt. you can count on us for fast, cooperative service. BANK OF HIAWASSEE Member Federal Deport t Ineuruce Corporation "Friendly Bank of HIWMm" ? Htrwm? . Oeorgta aoumeaai. l^iwibh^ *?? development of this project was given bv Dr. Frank C. Smathers. District Superin tendent of the Waynesville District of die Western North Carolina Conference; the Rev. Claude Young, pastor of the Hayesvllle Methodist Church, members of the Clay County Gron> Ministry; and a number of consecrated and dedicated Methodist men and women. The purpose of the Hinton Memorial Rural Life Center Is to provide "a new adventure In mountain missions" for training church workers in the Southeast; for prayer and Spiritual retreats; a service center for the grup minis tries In the Western North Carolina Conference; and a continuing education center for people in the Appalachian areas. The Hinton Memorial Rural Life Center is Indebted to Dr. A.J. Walton andProfessor M. Wilson Nesbltt of Duke University for guidance and aid in the development of the Center and its program. While much of the leader ship for the development and direction of the work of the Center will remain in the hands of the members of the Firit Methodist Church, Clay County and the surrounding counties; responsibility for Its support and development is being placed In the hands of the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the Methodist Church as an Advance Mission Special of the Southeastern Juris diction and of die National Board of Missions of the Methodist Church. Officers of the corporation elected are: Chairman- Bis hop Paul Neff Garber, Rich mond, Va; President - Dr. Horace McSwaln, StatesvUle; Vice President - Wayne* vllle Dictrict Superintendent; sec retary -A.L.Penland, Hayes vllle, Treasurer - Mr*. Max Waldroup, Hayesvllle, Execu tive Secretary - Dr. James W. Sells, Atlanta. Ga.: Direc tor Bxtenslon Service - Mr*. J. Walter Moore of Hayesvllle; and Program Director for summer 1961 - R?v. Gene Hal dredge, Nashville, Tana. Three committees were elected at this meeting -Pro gram, Finance and Manage ment. The Management Committee are I Mr*. Neal R, Kitchens, all of Hayesvllle. Dr. JdTOmflW Clem eon. S. C? Dr. Horace MdSwain. Stateevllle, Dr. Jwnej W. Sells, Adana, Ga. an# die pastor of A* First Methodist Church In Hayesvllle. Thirty sis trustees were rfecsad at the meeting. Miss Karen Sellers dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sellers is recuperating at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jones after an appendectomy at the Providence Hospital , Murphy. Mrs. Alton Edwards and daughter, Janie of Whlttier spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Burch in the _Elf section. Mrs. Majorle Hayes of Ashevllle and Mrs. Charles T. Onelllon of Atlanta spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. Ed Curtis. Mr. Perry Trull of the Tusquitte section remains In t Htawassee Hospital where he is slowly improving. Mr. and Mrs. Howard White of Huntsville, Alabama spent last week end with the Fred Whites and the Bob Mease family Mr. Glenn Byers is seriously ill at the Oteen Hospital, Oteen, N.C. where he has been confined several days. Mrs. Hester Parker of the Lick Log section has been ser iously ill for several days. Mrs. Frank Fuller has been released from the Pro Carmen Anderson, left, holds on to his hog rifle which Is his chief piece of artillery. Chief Hoover Anderson Is shown at right. vidence Hospiul. Murphy, and is recovering at the home of her parents Mr.andMrs.Carl Sellers in the DowningsCreek section. Mrs. W. A. Coleman, a former resident of Clay County and the mother of the rev. James Hal Coleman, is now a patient in the Elkin Hospital Elkin, N.C.She suf fered a stroke some time ago and is now slowly improving. Mr. Bob Mease of the Qulla section is a patient at Oteen Hospital, where he is seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Arm strong moved to Murphy Mon day. Mr. Armstrong is em ployed with WCVP Radio station and Mrs. Armstrong is employed in the County Tax Supervisors office. by Mr*. Neil Kitchens The Centennial Jail was a quiet place Saturday since Chief Hoover Anderson de cided to let people rest for the day. The new sign that now stands stop the jail was painted by Billy Cloer. BUly now opei ales die weldlhg shop at Jimmy Johnson's and did sign paint ing when he was living in Adanta. Ca. He 1* to be com mended for an excellent piece of work. BUly along with a lot of other people in Clay did this work with out charge. VFW Auxiliary Meets Havesvllle- - The Ladies Auitlllary to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Alllson-Bristo Post 6412, of Hayesvllle has Installed the following elected officers: Mrs. Henson Cham bars, president; Mrs. Newell Crisp, senior vice president Mrs. Kenneth Weedard, junior vice president; Mrs. Howard Martin, treasurer; Mrs. Clyde Ashe, chaplain; Mrs. Greely Palmer, guard; Mrs. William T-Greeves, Mrs. W.C. Ander son and Mrs. Allen Bell, trustees; and Mrs. Gladys Cope, conductress. Appointed officers are Mr Mary Rosenkranz, secretary; Mrs. Harrison Martin, his torian; and Mrs. Clyde Ashe post instructor. 2-POUND ECONOMY bray Insurance Agency AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE - Protect your right ? drive and yourself against financial loss. FIRE INSURANCE - Protect your home and other property by adequate insurance. GENERAL. INSURANCE ? T. C. GRAY. Agent Telephone 2701 Hayesville, N.C. For Cash Bonuses on ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Saturday, June 3, is the last day of our APPLIANCE JAMBOREE ... the last day you can get bargain buys plus cash bonuses on major electric appliances. Don't miss this wonderful chance to modernize your home with work and timesaving electric appliances . . and to collect a cash bonus on the appliances featured during APPLIANCE JAMBOREE MONTH. See your dealer . . . choose your appliances NOW! APPLIANCE JAMBOREE FEATURES r The electric appliances listed below are our JAMBOREE features. Buy any or all of them during APPLIANCE JAMBOREE MONTH . . . bring your bilKs) of sale to our office . . . get the cash bonus shown for each appliance. i Count Your tavlngal i Electric Freezer $25.00 Electric Water Systea $25.00 Electric Water Heater $10.00 Electric Range $15.00 Offer good only for comwr.on of Blue Ridge Electric Association YUM IMIIS, (A.

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