IOR SALE POIt SALS - House trailers aad Travel Trailer*, all alaes I available. Hermann' a Trailer Selea ?( Shield'* Tourlet _ Home, Andrews. N.C. For Sale -1990 Ford Plck 1 qp truck. Fair Condition and the Price la right. Caa be sees at Murphy Pure (Ml Sta. , Valley River Ave. See Neal ' Williams. r 44 ltp ' For Sale- Selfler OU Heater complete with tank, mat and ' Unee. Price *125. Call 952 In Andrews. 44-ltc 1 FOR SALE Commerlal Hrtn , ting -No J oh Too Small-Letter heads -Statements- Envelopes . _ Office Forms-Labi es The Cherokee Scout Murphy N. C. For Sale: New 2 Bedroom > home on large lot. Electric heat ? Located onGlenwood ' Street. East Murphy. Call VE 7-3561 after 4 PM. for ' appointment. 44-3tp For Sale --Sllghdy used. Hot i Point range?Excellent Con dition. like new. Automatic k timer on oven, never been turned on. For quick sale at ' sacrifice price. $125. Owner , moved ?> Fls. Csll Hayesvllle 2998 or see range at Neal L Kitchen's residents. | 44-ltc - ? For Sale--Good Pictures. We have a full lime ohotographer i an our staff now. Picture* taken by appointment. No charge for news pictures. The Cherokee Scout .Murphy,N.C. 44 tfn For Sale-Antique Sideboard also 'Round Dining Table. Reasonably priced. Write Box 190 c/o Cherokee Scout. 44 2tp FOR SALE -National House Trailer - 38 Ft. Long -Sleeps six - Washing Machine - very clean - Tandem Wheels - Will finance or Trade - Deliver 50 miles free. _ Ben Palmer. VE-7-3113, ~ Murphy, N. C, ROGERS ELECTRIC SERVICE Electrical Contracting and Repair* Day VE7-2425 Night VE 7-2876 WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF APPLIANCES. MOTOR REWINDING AND REPAIRS. WE ENDEAVOR TO MAKE ALL SERVICE CALLS THE DAY THEY ARE RECEIVED FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING. ROGERS ELECTRIC SBRVICE Electrical Contracting and Repair* , Day VE -7-2425 i Night VE 7 - 2876 ! Bed Spreads - $2.95 Up Nylon Hand Bags - $1.98 Throw Rugs - 15< Up 9 x 12 Carpets - $19.00 On Hwy. 64 W At RangerSchool u bovb Wrecker Service Id Townon Auto Co. Day VE 7-ZXB, Nlffct VK 7 03# "Far DapeatoWa Sarrlra" - CALL ? MEADOWS | RADIO ft TV SERVICE ve 7 -an Blue Ridge Trucking Co. Only Motor Carrlor In Murphy With TKmlaal P adlltiM Specify Blue Ridge And Be Sure Phona VB 7-2923 FOI SALE FOR SALS: Two story brick frame house - coouct Vlck Wood - phone 28 W. Andrews, N# C . - 40-5q> for sale- One New General Electric Refrigerator. Fully Guaranteed. (Can be seen at Hughe* Electric Shop.) One 36" Roll Paper Cutter. Chrlatmaa and gift wrapping paper. For laformadoo Call VE 7-2240 or VE 7-2659. 44-mc For .Sale- -Western saddle and also saddle horse, five years old. WriM James Bry aon. Box 165, Marble, N. C. or call VE 7-2443 44 tB For Sale-Horse drawn Mow lng machine in good condition. Two knives, one grease gun. C. S. Day, Marble, N.C. 44 lip FOR SALE: Land? 14 acres, 2 miles west of Hayes vllle on new Murphy Highway. Twc beautiful building sites with extra good spring and branch running through it. Will sell all or part. Write or see Sllvey Penland, P.03ox 71, Rt. 3, Hayes vllle. N, C. FOR SALE: 32 piece dinner sets - $5.95 - spreads, rugs, bath sets, driftwood. Kens Gift Shop , Highway 64 at Ranger School. FOR SALE? 85 Acre Ftrm with 6 room house 6 to 8 acres cleared land . Good waiei. Near Suit N. c. Write G. D. Howard Route 1 Bryson City N. C. 42 3zp FOR SALE - Electric Dish washer $40, Electric Stove $65, Sofa (15, many other bargains. If you have furni ture or appliances to sell, we can sell them for you In the Hayes vtlle Quick Clean Building. Open 10:00 to 11:30 A.M. and 2:30 to 5:00 P.M. dailv. It's a thrill to see colors return to carpets cleaned with Blue Lustre. Cherokee Fur niture Co. Murohvl N. C. 44 itc FOR SALE -5 room house Closed in back porch-gray shingles -Inside City Limits. Call VE7-2354 After 5 P. M. 423 xp FOR SALE - Tennis Rackets Restrung - $3 - $5. Prompt Service. Work Guaranteed. Western Auto, Murphy, N JZ. 43 10 tc FOR SALE ?6 Room House with bath, 18 acres, 3 large thicken houses and barn mother 4 room house with spring. Water in all chicken houses and dwelling houses. On Fires Creek Road 4 miles From Hayes vllle. Contact Paul Burrell RT. 4 Hayes - rille. 13 2tp FOR RENT For rent - At 5X1 Hla v as see Street. A large apart nent. Two large and two imall rooms, large closets, dec trie appliances. See Mrs. . W. Dyer. Call VE 7-3167 ir VE 7-2592. 4-lt P?r Rene Small furnished ipartment on Campbell street '?11 VE 7-2297 or VE7-2417 19 3tc WANTED WANTED-To cut death ates on Monuments In cem tery, also clean-tq) 'and re et. For full Information see !arl Head and Ross Hensley :t. 3, Murphy, or call E 7-2974 13 19tp MANTEL) -Good Used Plckif) 'ruck, 1950 Model if). Cash r Trade Call Lloyd Slmonds ter 5 P. M. VE7-2671 2 3xp I 1958 Plymouth Belvedere 2 oor hardtop, Radio, Heater, utomatlc Transmission ftilte Wall Tires - -Locally tamed. 19SS Chevrolet 4 door 6 finder straight shift, Tutone nish. Locally Owned. i 1937 hord 2 Door Hardtop alrlane 500. Radio. Heater, utDmaac Transmission ower Steering and Brakes. I Real Sharp Car. I 3pen *> 8 pjn. Nightly VE 7-2001 Community Motors 1 Legal Notices? Cherokee and Clay Counties, N. C. LfcOAL Nunui NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COJNTV Tk undersigned, havli Hnllfled aa Administratrix i Ivaa H. Hu&? dacepaed. la of Cherokee County, this la i notify all persona havti dairaa against the a aid seta ID praaant them to the undei algned Myrtle C. Moore c or before May 18, 1962 or th! notice will be pleaded In ba a t their i ecovery. All peraoc Indebted to a aid aetata wl please make Immediate pa) meat to the latderalgned i Rout #2, Culberson, N. C This the 9th day Dt Ma] 1961. 42 6tc Myrtle C. Moore LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA The undersigned, bavin qualified aa Administrator o Elizabeth Abernathy Adam deceased, lata of Cheroke County, this la to notify a) persons having claims agalns the aald estate to present then tp the undersigned Will J Adams on or before May 2S 1962 or this notice will b pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons lndebte to said estate will please mak immediate payment to th undersigned at Box 262 Matthew NjC. This the 18th day of Ma) 1961. W1U J. Adams 43-6tc LEGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having qualified as E'iecutrtx of the estate of Arnold R.Dalrymple deceased, late 01 Cherokee County, this Is to notify all pel sons having claims against said estate to present them Card Of Thanks We wish to thank the nurses doctors and our many friend! for their kind expressions o sympathy and floral offering! during the Illness and dead of our father Cyrus Witt. The Children ofC.W.Wlt HELP WANTED Help Wanted? WANTED AT ONCE Man or Woman to suppl; families with Rawleig) Products, in Cherokee Counr Consumers write us foi Products. Can earn $50 weekly part time- $100 and up ful time. Write Rawlelgh, Dept. NCF -200-1 Richmond, Va. 44-5tp $400 MONTHLY SPARE TIMI Refilling and collecting mone from' New Type high quallr coin operated dispensers li this area. No selling. To qualify you must have car references. $600 to $1901 cash. Seven to twelve hour: weekly can net to $401 monthly. More full time. Foi personal Interview write P.O Box 6340 Minneapolis, Minn Include phone number. MEN WANTED 17 to 56 To train as Heavy Equip ment operators. Training now available on bulldozer, moter grader, all ruber self-propel led scrapper and draglines. Must train 3 weeks at own ex pense on this earth moving equipment. Budget terms ar ranged. GJ. approved. Up to $3.50 per hour on satis factory completion of training. World-wide placement ser vice. Operators urgently needed as result of vast new 15 year program now getting under way. If mechanically Inclined and Interested in operating this type of machin ery, write, giving name, ad dress, phon, (or nearest phone) and hours you work to National School of Heavy Equipment, Box 190, Murphy, N.G. Help Wanted-Major South eastern food products manitfacturer has immediate opening for qualified sales re presentative for Western North Carolina area. Drawing account plus incentive, expenses and car furnished. Experience in selling retail grocers preferred. Please apply in your own handwriting, stating age, experience, employment record, etc. All replies will be confidential. Write "Salesman" P.O. Bo* 871, Knoxvllle, Tennessee. 44-1 tc SERVICES Singer Sewing Machine Co. ippresentatlve, Doyle Mat tiews, will be here every Tuesday and Wednesday, for sales and service, and can be contacted at the New Regal Hotel, Telephone VE 7-2341 38-tfn WELL UKILUNG - Have you# well drilled} moderr. *ia rhinery. Six and eight-Inch domestic and commercial wells. Macon Pomp and Wall Co. Write P. B. Rogers, franklin, N. C, or call LA 4-3135. . B the undersigr.esl, ?i Murphy. N. C?oo or beferc the 23rd day at March, 1962, or this ? nodes will be pleaded Ut bar ji at their racovery . All peraons ta Indebted K> aald aetata will do pleaa* make immediate pay ig meat K> the undersigned at ? Murphy, N. C. Thla 20th day of March. m 1961. la Herma Dalrymple 40-6tc ir la LEGAL NOTICE 11 CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA it ; NOTICE OF SALE '? Under and by virtue of an '? Order o f the S interior Court at Cherokee County, North Carolina made and entered In the action entitled Cherokee County, Plaintiff, -va- Robert Lee Huakina, etala, the under signed Commissioner will, on the 23th day of J une, 1961, g offer for sale and sell for cash. I to the last and highest bidder s at public auction, at the s Courthouse door in Cherokee 1 County, North Carolina, in it Murphy at 12:00 o'clock, noon, ? the . following described real , estate. lying and being in Valieywwu Township, State e and County aforeaald, and more particularly described d as follows: First Trice Part of Tract f No. 88 on the waters of Ven geance Creek, Beginning on a black Jack the N. E. comer ? of No. 74 and runs West poles to a stake on top of a ridge dividing between Ven gence Creek and long branch; then North West with meand ers of said ridge-poles id a stake on top of first ridge being top of main ridge; then eastward down said ridge poles to a stake on the line i of Tract No 89 West- -poles i to the Beginning, containing twenty two (22)(cres. moreor less. Second Tract- -Also part of - Tract No. described as follows: Beginning on a Black Jack N.W. corner of No 74 and runs West ? poles to top j of a ridge dividing waters of f long branch and Vengeance , Creek; then a South East dlr ! ectlon with meanders of said ridge to a stake In boundary ( line of No. 8096 so as to in clude a Spring Known as Ed ~ Baten Spring, then with said line to the Beginning, Con taining Twenty (20) acres, more or less. See Deed rom Ed Barten f and Myrm Bar am n Bob Hus Un and ArtaHuakln recorded In the Office of the Register of Deed* of Cherokee County In Book 71, Page 294. This the 24th day at May, 1961 LJL. Mason Jr. 44 4cc LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA The undersigned, having qualified as Bxacutor of C. E. Hardin deceased, late of Cherokee County, this la to 1 notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them do the under signed Wlnfred Harding on or 1 before April 26, 1962 or this ' nodce will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please made Immediate payment to the undersigned at Bedford Hill, Lowellvllle. 1 Ohio. This the 24 day of April, 1961 W1NFRED HARDING 39-6tc I LEGAL NOTICE 1 CLAY COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA 1 NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of an i Order of the Clerk of the Su- I perlor Court of Clay County, i North Carolina, made in the < matter 01 Claude c. nose and ] wife, Maude V. Hose, Plaintiffs, ( versus Carl Chandler and wife, Enice Chandler. Defendants, the undersigned Commissioner will on Tuesday, the 6th of June, 1961, at 12:00. o'clock. Noon, at the Court House Door in | Hayesvllle. North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest | bidder for cash, for certain < parcels of land in Clay County j North Carolina, more particu larly described as follows: Lying ana being in county of Clay, State of North Carolina to-wic FIRST TRACT: BEGINNING ON A STAKE ON THE South side of the Elf and Hiwassee Road in the line of Fred degrees West with said road 6 1/2 poles to a Stake in line "f Hollifield's lands: thence South 35 degree bast 13 poles to a small Hickory; thence North SO East 6 1/2 poles to a Stake thence a Westerly course to the beginning, containine cow-half You aid Your Insurance By C.E. Hyde A public service column about property and casualty Insur ance Much as we would like it, 5 every letter or telephone call f received by a property and 1 casualty Insurance agent does it not concern as application for Insurance r . If there Is one thing agents ) receive more of than apollcat ' Ions, It is requests for infor ' matlon about Insurance r coverage, services provided ? by insurance companies and what to do in the event of a loss. Because it is part ot their service, agents are eager to provide this information. Ans wers to many of the questions received by agents would be helpful to nearly every person who has a property or casualty Insurance policy. For that reason, this column will be prepared weekly to discuss questions that are received. If you have a question, please submit It to Hyde Insurance Agency. It will be discussed In a future column, or an ans wer will be provided directly. Two questions received re cently will be answered briefly In this inital column. These and other questions will be discussed in detain in sub sequent columns. What do I do when my house is badly damaged In a wind storm and heavy rains follow? There are three easy steps you should take to help the insurance company pay your claim quickly: 1. Make temporary repairs to protect your property from further damage. For example, if wondows have been blown in by the wind, attempt to colse by the wind, attempt to close the opening with canvas or other appropriate material to keep the rain out. 2. Notify your insurance agent immediately. He will report your loss to the In surance company and arrange for an adjuster to Inspect your property. 3 Though it Is not necessary , you mayalsowant to obtain from your contractor an itemized statement of the cost of repairing the damage. Sparks from the chimmey cause extensive frle damage to the roof of my house. It was necessary to replace the entire roof, but 1 was told my fire Insurance policy would not pay the entire cost. Why? TTils Is a question that a rlses frequently, and If you think about It 1 believe it will be understandable whv Insur ance companies can not re place something that has been used for 1 several years with completely new materials. As an extreme example , If your 19S1 sedan were stolen and USED CLOTHING SALE Eviry Satiriay 10 t? 12 All Priflts Ti Ail Tki NuJy SISTER'S CLINIC laiiitilli This Ink- tout Mi 3 fir 25t not recovered you wouldn't S expect the insurance com pany to replace it with a 1961 model. If that were done, p obviously some persons would c be encouraged to "arrange" b auto thefts. The reasoning witn respect to the roof loss is similar. Assume, for example, that the normal life expectancey of a roos shingles is 20 years. This would mean an annual depreciation of five per cent. Thus, if the shingles were destroyed by an insured peril after a period of five years, the insurance company would pay the cost of replacing them less 25 per cent. If 100 per cent were paid, it would be come profitable for policy holders to suffer losses. They would, in effect be getting new for old. It should be pointed out, however, that the new home owners' policies, which com bine several forms of insur ance into one policy, include what Is called a replacement cost provision, under which your home would be replaced exactly as it was before the loss. This will be discussed more completely in a later column. Remember, this column is about you and your insurance. Feel free to submit any questions you may have. BLUE RIDGE TRUCKING OOMPAWT Serving Hayeaville Daily ??m Murphy VE 7 -mt Specify BLUE RIDGE and BE SURE! Clay County Hatchery SECURITY FEEDS Emi of HaymvlDe Phono MSI ? Mrhl Crawford fif Miag us Supply Fk0M MM HayMTllto. W. a WOODARD Electric Service Co. Electric ft Phone tin mi LJecaoeri Contractor No. MM F. B. Rogers Ballard's Welding Sho DO Funeral Flowers uravru ] T? Ml m rip ? mi We Ml Mm to M ?ere. more or leaa. SECOND TRACT Beginning on the South aide of the Elf and Hlawasaee Road, South SO Degree Weat from Lon Watson's Northwest corner, and runs thence South SO Weat 6 1/2 poles to a Stake; thence Sputh 35 East; 13 polea to a small hickory; thence to the Begin ning, containing one -half acre, more or leas . Being aame lands conveyed by deed from Neal McClureand wife, Irene Anderson McClure to Mra. Maude V. Hoae and Carl D. Thompson. dated the 2nd day oi July A. O, 1955. and recorded in deed book 46 at page 353, of the public records of Clay County and by deep from Carl D. Thompson to Maude V. Hoae, dated the 27th day of September A. D. 1956, recordea In Deed Book No. 47 ?t page 152 of the PuMlc Records at CUy County, North Carolina. THIRD TRACT: BEGINNING ON A Stake on the South Side of Scrougeuwn Road, the Northeast cornet the Gleen McClure 1 Acre lot from A. M. Holllfleld and runs North app roximately 50 degrees East 2 poles or 33 feet to a Locus Poat; thence South 35 degree East with a woven wire fence (3 poles to a Stake in Donnie Waldroup's line; thence with her line to a stake in the South east corner in the Glenn Mc Clure lot; thence North 35 dee rees West to the Beginning, containing 2b square rods of land. In Hiwassee Township, Clay County, North Carolina. FOURTH TRACT: Beginning on a Stake on North Side of Hiawassee Road where Burnt Cabin Road intersects said road and runs North 50 East 14 poles ana 7 links; thence North 35 West II poles and 15 links; thence Jouth 65 West II poles and 14 inks to a Stake in Burnt Cabin" Road 15 poles to the 3eglnnlng, containing one acre, ?nore or less. All in Hiwassee rownship. District No. 2, State >f North Carolina. The first, second and third Tacts will be sold as one Jared ana me fourth tract ** 30,(1 separately as mother parcel. The highest Udder at said . iale will be required to put a rash deposit of five per cent >f this bid pending confirma lon of tne sale. This the 2nd day of My 961. E.Hyde COMMISSIONER IITY OF MURPHY lOUNTY OF CHEROKEE TATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the ower of sale contained In that ertain deed of trust executed Bishop, Trustee, dated December 5, 1960, and re corded in (he Office of (he Register of Deeds for Chero kee County, N. C? In Deed of Trust Book 216 at1 Page 209, and under and by vltue of the authority veated In the undersigned as substituted undersigned as Substitute Trustee by instrument dated April S, 1961, and recorded in Deed Book 22S at Page 610 In said Register's Office, default having been made In the payment of the lndebtednet thereby secured, whereby the power of sale contained there in has become operative, and the holder of the Indebtedness having demanded a fore closure thereof for the pur pose of sadsfying said indebtedness, the undersigned Substitute Trustee will, on the 9th day of June, 1961, at 12:00 o'clock Noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest Udder for cash at the Court House door In the City of Murphy, Cherokee County, N. C? the following described tract of land: Adjoining the lands of Hannah Perry, David Fair, and others, being part of #3 and others, and bounded as follows: On the West side by the Hitchcock lsnds, on the South by Hannah Perry's lot. on the East side of the Valley River Mining Com pany land, and on the North ty David Fair land, beirg 1/2 acre. This sale is made subject to all unpaid taxes. The highest Udder at said sale will be required b> post a cash deposit of 10J of the amount of (he Ud up m and Including $1,000.00, plus 5% of any excess over $1,000.00. This 15th day of May, 1961. JOHN H, G1EZENTANNER Subs tutute Trustee <2-4tc FREE LEARN ALL AHOt T :hurch I By Mail ... At No Cost HOMi : STl'UY SLR VIC K 44_'2 Lindell Blvd. ST. Louis Mo. Ask lor INFORMATION I Ol RSL WHAT'S THE PRICE ^ of the IEH home and heated indoor swinming pool being given away on Bill Cullen's TV show "The Price Is Right". N BC? ? ? Wednesday even i ngs. ASK THE MAN WHO BUILDS THEM - HE MAY KNOW OPEN HOUSE In Clayton, Ga. June 2, 3, & 4 Note Ad on Page Visit our IEH display at: Valley Dale Homes, Inc. Highway 106 South Toccoa, Ga. and Valley Dale Homes, lac. Clayton Terrace Clayton, Ga. nr wyTTOTi fir 033 ISSIIML LIQUIDATION SALE Myrtle C. Moore, Admx. of the estate of l"van H. Harris, deceased, will sell at public sale to the highest bidder for cash at the home of said Ivan H. Harris about 12 mi. west of Murphy on Highway 6H, on Wednesday, the 7th day of June, 1961, at 2:30 P.M. the following items of per sonal property which must be liquidated to wind up said estate: One 1950 3/1 Ton Chevrolet Truck One Hammermi I 1 One Sawm i 1 I One Power Unit One Power Saw One Magon Two Mules with Harness One Corn Planter The successful bidder may obtain immediate possession of the property upon payment of the purchase price pro vided that the estate reserves the right to reject in adequate bids in the descretion of the admin i stratri *. All items will be sold separately. One Section Harrow One C u 1 1 i vat or Two Turning Plows One Single Plow One Cutoff Saw One Saddle One Mowing Machine One Hayrake In loving imry if oir Jul nl ii blur if ur livMK uterus if ill virs. W-ioriat 2)?y~/96/ JOE MILLER ELKINSPOST 96 The Americm Legion Murphy, North Carolina

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