FOR SALE For Sale: Now 2 Bedroom home oo larf* lot. Btoctrlc boat ? Located oaGleowood Street. Sut Murphy. CaU VE 7-3961 altar 4 PX. (or ^polntmant. 44-3tp For Sal*- One Now General Electric Refrigerator. Fully Guar an Bed. (Can be seen at Hufhaa Electric Shop.) One 36" Roll Paper Cutter. Christmas and gilt wrapping paper. For Information Call VE 7-2240 or VE 7-2659. 44-tnc FOR SALE - Well TUe. C.T. Winkler, U5.Hwy. 19. Marble, NjC. 45 3tp FOR SALE - D-2 CatlpUlor with blade - number 8-B New man Planting Mill - Call Riverside 5-5702 or see Howard MoCarter, Rt. 3, Blalrsvllle, Ga. - on Highway 129, five miles fromN.C.line. 45 - 3tp For Sale-Antique Sideboard also Round Dining Table. Reasonably priced. Write Box 190 c/o Cherokee Scout. 44 2tp For Sale - Selgler Oil Heater complete with tank, mat and lines. Price $125. Call 352 in Andrews. 44 3tc For Sale: ? E. L. Kissel burg Farm- 7 miles out on Highway 64. 65 acres- 5 room house-Half in small timber. Half to be cultivated Call Market 7-7900 Atlanta, or Write Bob. A. Klssleburg, 1751 piper Circle. S. E. , Atlanta 16, Georgia. 45 3tc For Sale - 1955Marlette House trailor, 35' * 8', in excellent condition. See Mrs. JackGar rett, Unaka, N. C. or Henry Rose, Auto-mat. Murphy, N.C. 46 - ltp For Sale - - 34ft. House trailer- furnished two bed rooms, bath, completely fur nished. Including refrigerator and Washing machine and Hot water heater -Call Cherokee Motors. 45-3 tc ROGERS ELECTRIC SERVICE Electrical Contracting and Repairs Day VE 7-2425 Night VE 7-2876 WE REPAIR ALL "UCES OF APPLIANCE MOTOR REWINDING AND REPAIRS. WE ENDEAVOR TO MAKE j ALL SERVICE CALLS THE [ DAY THEY ARE RECEIVED FREE ESTIMATES ON ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING. R86ERS ELECTRIC SERVICE Electrical Contracting and Repair* Day VE-7-2425 Night VE 7 - 2876 Clay County Hatchery SECURITY FEEDS Ewt of Hayenvin* Phone 3431 ? MrM ??m U HOI* Wrecker Service U Townion Auto Co Day VE 7 aa. Night ve ;-m? "FW Dependable Sertlre" - CALL - MEADOWS RADIO ft TV SERVICE VE 7-017 Blue Ridge Trucking Co. Only Motor Carrier In Murphy With Terminal Facllldee Specify Blue Ridge And Be Sure Phone VE 7-2922 Hughee Electric Shop BLECTRICAL WIRING AND REPAIRS NIGHT - VE 7-3227 " PHONE - DAY" VE 7-2240 Wetcji & Jewelry REPAIR Keepsake Diamond* Davis Jewelers UMO-fT UP An ANTENNA DWTAIXATWN LLOYD'S RADIO ? TV SBRVICE vi um , FOR SALE FOR SALE - Three gaiad mar*. Contact Donley It Suit Sore near Fields of the Woods. 45 - 3tp For Sale ? Used Royal Typewriters. Late Models. See at the Cherokee Scout. Also New Electric and Stand ard Royal Typewriters. 45 tfn for sale: Boat Motor. 16 HP Johnson. Good Condition. Call VE 7-2566 46-1 (p FOR SALE: Aluminum Awn ings - custom made Free Estimates -Bradley Awning Co. Hayesvllle N. C. Phone 3215 FOR SALE - USED TIRES AND MOWERS - 110*28 tractor lire 1 11x28 tracter tire - 1 lawn mower, rotary type - 1 lawn mower, self propelled. See Johnsons Service Station or call 3151 Hayesvllle, N.C. 45 lto FOR SALE: 12 room house, part furnished 2 1/2 baths. A bargln for quick sale on Willow St. See Myrtle Hubbard or call VE 7-2498 46-3tp Real-Estate 5 room cottage on 40 acre tract situated on beautiful knoll overlooking the mount ains in all directions. Barn, crib, springs, water in house. 1/2 mile off paved road. This could be made a show place. Residental building lotwi th in 1 mile of city limits on good paved road. Level lot 105' X 660*. Bargain! 50 acres nestled in the mountains and surrounded by U. S. ForestServlce property. 6 to 10 acres pasture and crop land, rest in young poplar and pine. 3 good springs, a 4 room house. 35 acre farm, 2 good 2 story chicken houses ? 32* x 100" and 32' X 70 '. Good pasture land, some woodland, plenty of water, 5 room modern house New modern 3 bedroom brick house hardwood floors, radiant heat, in die Peachtree Section. Can be financed. Dick Richard Real Estate Parker Bldg. Murphy , N. C. 46-ltc FOR RENT Trailer Space WILL PULL AND PLACE TRAILER BEN PALMER VE 7-3113 FOR RENT For Rent - - 2 Bedroom house in East Murphy Call VE 7-2438. 45 3tc For Rent - - Two Room furnished apartment. Call VE 7-3162 or see Miss Lyda M alio nee. 45-3 tc WANTED WANTfcU-To cut death dates on Monuments in cem etery, also clean-up and re set. For full information see Carl Head and Ross Hensley Rt. .3, Murphy, or call VE 7-2974 43 19 a SERVICES Well Drilling - Macon Pump and Well Co. F.B. Rogers Telephone LA 4-3135, Rt. 1, Franklin, N.C. and Glenn A. Patton, Telephone VE 7-2906, Murphy, NjC. Well drilling with modern machinery; 6 and 8 inch domestic and com mercial wells. 45-TFN Singer Sewing Machine Co. representative Doyle Mat thews, will be here every Tuesday and Wednesday, for sales and service, and can be contacted at the New Regal Hotel. Telephone VE 7-2341 38 tfn Tennis Rackets Restrung - $3 - $5. Prompt Service. Work Guaranteed. Western Auto, Murphy, N?, 43 10 tc WANTED AT ONCE Help Wanted-WANTED AT ONCE Man or Woman to supply families with Rawleigh Products, in Cherokee County Consumers write us for Products. Can earn $50 weekly part time? $100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NCF -200-1 Richmond, Va. 44-5tp WANTED AT ONCE Man or Woman to si^iply families with Rawlelgh Products in Clay County. Consumers write us for Products. Can earn $50 weekly part time - $100 and up full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. NCF -220-1, Richmond, Va. - 45-5a> WANTED; To rent 3 bedroom house in Murphy. Call VE 7-2222 or VE 7-2813. 46-ltp WANTED: One apartment or trailer size baby crib. Call Mrs. Homer Glbby at 2081, Hayesvllle. 'COR SALE 0F1TCE~~SJP_ PLIES Receipt Book* Mlme The Cherokee Scout. Murphy N. C. 42*fn Legal Notices? Cherokee and Clay Counties, N. C. I - LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NOTICE OF SALE Uodsr and by virtue ot an Order of the Superior Court ot Cherokee County, North Carolina made and entered in the action entitled Cherokee County, Plaintiff, -vs- Robert Lee HusUns, etals, the under signed Commissioner will, on the 25th day of J une, 1961, offer for sale and sell for cash, to the last and highest bidder at public auction, at the Courthouse door in Cherokee County, North Carolina, in Murphy at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real estate. lying and being In Valleytown Township; State and County aforesaid, and more particularly described as follows: First Tracc- Part of Tract No. 88 on the waters of Ven geance Creek, Beginning on a Mack Jack the N. E. corner of No. 74 and runs West poles to a stake on top ot a ridge dividing between Ven gence C reek and long branch: then North West with meand ers of said ridge ? poles to a stake on top of first -ridge being top of main ridge; then eastward down said ridge poles to a stake on the line of Tract No 89 West- -poles to the Beginning, containing twenty two (22) acres, moreor less. Second Tract- -Also part of Tract No. described as follows: Beginning on a Black Jack N.W. corner of No 74 i and runs West ? poles to top of a ridge dividing waters of long branch and Vengeance Creek; then a South East dir- 1 ection with meanders of said ridge to a stake in boundary line of No. 8096 so as to in clude a Spring Known as Ed Baten Spring, then with said line to the Beginning, Con taining Twenty (20) acres, more or less. See Deed from Ed Bar ten and Myra Uaruen to bob Hus Idn and Arta H us kin recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County ' in Book 71, Page 294. This the 24th day of Mav, 1961 L.L. Mason Jr. 44 4tc LEGAL NOTICE CHEROKEE COUNTY NOTICE OF SALE ' Under and by virtue of an | Order of Resale, made by the Clerk of the Superior Courtof Cherokee County, North Caro- , lina. In the matter of the ad ministration of Martha Fain. , deceased, the undersigned , commissioner will, on the e 27th day of June. 1961, atl2:00 , o'clock. Noon, at the Court- j house Door in Murphy, North i Carolina, offer for sale to the ( highest bidder for cash an un divided one-half interest in ( two certain tracts or parcels ( of land lying and being in Hot- 4 house Township, Cherokee ] County, North Carolina, the ] first parcel being known as the j Nath Carpenter lands, located ; on the headwaters of Wolf j Crek, and containing 255 , act . ? , more or less, and the < second parol being known as ] the Martha Fain lands on the , headwaters of HothouseCreek and containing 415 acres, more or less, particular description of both of which tracts is posted inaNoticeattheCourt house Door of Cherokee Coun ty, and reference to which may be made by those interested in the boundaries thereof. The opening Md for said property at said sale will be ' $3751.25, and -the highest bidder at said sale shall be required to put ud the cash deposit of five per centof his bid, pending confirmation of the sale. This the 12th day of June, 1961. C. E. Hyde COMMISSIONER 46 2tc legal notice NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY the undersigned, having - qualified aa Administrator at Elizabeth Abernathy Adams rVsraeaarl. late of Cherokee bounty, this la to notify all [ ?r sons having claims againat . ? S4id estate to present them u> the mdersigned Will J. Adams on or More May 25, 1963 or this nonce will be" pleaded In bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to aaid estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned at Box 262, Matthew NjC. This the 18th day of May, 1961. | Will j. Adams 43-6tc LEGAL NOTICE NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY The undersigned, having q>ialified as Administratrix of Ivan H. Harris deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against the said estate to present them to the under signed Myrtle C. Moore on or before May 18, 1962 or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned at Rout /C2, Culberson, N. C. This the 9th day of May, 1961. 42 6tc Mvrde C. Moore LEGAL NOTICE county notice of sale Under and by of an Order of Resale, made By tne Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County. N?J"? Carolina, made in the matter of the administration of Clate Fain, deceased, the unde signed Commissioner will, on rhe 27th day of 1 une. 1961- at U W Noon, at the Cour^ouse Door, in Murphy. North Caro lina, offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash two certain tracts or parcels ot on the headwaters of Hothouse Creek in Hothouse Township. Cherokee Coun-y, Nor* Caro lina. known as the lands allot ted to Clate Fain in the division of the J.B. Fain Estate, more particuarly de scribed in the report of Com missioners made In d* division of said estaffi of record in the office of the Register of Deeds for Chero kee County. NorthCarolina. in Book 217, at Page 293. re ference to which is made for a more particular description o 5a-nie opening bid for said iroperty at saidResaJe will be he sum of $1441 .25. The hig !St bidder at said sale shall be -equired to put up a cash de ,osit of five per c?ent of his lid, pending confirmation ot ^This'the 12 th day of J une,1961. r E Hvde COMMISSIONER 16 2t<T TCHY SKIN HOW TO CHECK IT, lN jUST is minutes. Vfter using ret your 48< back at any drug 5 rore if the itch NEEDS SCRATCHING. Applylnstan* SSSr-SKKK Drug Store. NOW! RELIEVE ACID ATTACKS CAUSED BY STOMACH TENSION Amitone tablets check attacks in seconds... then work like a warm glass of milk to keep acid stomach soothed for hours. Get Amitone today. MAUNEY DRUG COMPANY Legal Notice Slate of North Carolina Cherokee County la the Su perior Court Node* of Service at Process by Publication. Patricia Ann Young, Plaintiff - vs-Jobn Alfred Young, Jr. De fendant. To John Alfred Young, Jr: Take notice that a pleading seeking relief against you has been filed in the above entitled action. The nature of the relief being sought Is that the plaintiff Patricia Ann Young is seeking a divorce from bed and board from the defendant J ohn Alfred Young, Jr. You are required to make defense to such pleading not later than the 14 th day of July. 1961, and ipon your failure to do so the party seeking service against you will apply to the Court for the relief sought. This the 19th day of May. 1961. James C. Howse Clerk Superior Court 44-4tc Legal Notice North Carolina Cherokee County The undersigned, having qualified as Administratrix of Ben P. Lovlngood deceased, late of Cherokee County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the under signed Mildred A. Palmer on or before June 15, 1962 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persens indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay ment to the undersigned at route # 3, Murphy, N. C. This the 12dayof June 1961. Mildred A. Palmer. For Sale -- No Rider Signs For SaleSigns-Posted Signs The Clierokee Scout, Murphy. Crawford 6f Miatfua Supply Phone MM Heyeaville, ff. C. Plumbing, Paint*, beed Building Material WOODARD Electric Service Co. Electric t Plumbing SuppUee Kelvin* tor Dealer Phone tlt7 High Bridge Licensed Contractor No. Ml I ? vsaf 1959 Ford 1/2 ton Long Wheel Base Pickup Truck, good tires, 23,000 true miles. Custom cab. 1958 Ford Fairlaner 500 -2 Door Hardtop - Automatic Transmission, Radio,Heat er, White Walls Tire, local owner. Real sharp. 1961 Tempest 4 Door Sedan, Automatic Transmission, like new, only 6,000 actual miles. Radio, Heater, white wall tires, a gas saver, a fira little car. Open to 8 p.m. Nighdy 1 1 VE 7-2001 Community Motors Sunday, June 18 1 to 6 P.M. LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF U.S. HWY . 64 EAST OF HAYESVI LLE IN THE SHOOTING CREEK COMMUNITY FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT CLIFTON PENLAND OR J.M. MOSS, PHONE 3172, HAYESVI LLE, NC . NEVER BEFORE so much quality at this low price! THf VHY POPUIAR 3-BIDtOOM IMPAIA I Tkit Imn of Hi* wook effort to I ??k quality ond ityling Hiot it it L ofton niitckM for o $25,000 how. BU" Of THE \Nttft CUSTOM EU ilT OH yOUR LOT ANYWHlRfc NOTH?NG OOWN don T PUT ?" ANOTHtR DM' cftU <-onic i OR vJRn1 I Free I a . liuhg II ?( Mm 4Wm mM ? m ? i i l c?r ONLY PER MONTH [JIM WAITER HOMIS AM COMPLETELY FINISHED ON THt OUTSIDE, TOO FINISH THE INSIDE AND SAVE 50% OR MORE. LOOK WHAT YOU GET WITH THIS TREMENDOUS BUY! ^NTW "WOMDERWOOD" UK-TIME SIOINO - N. grain to ri so or mar tko ftnfehod point. WW not split, tptfatar or crock. Psco?wowt ooistvr? rswrfowc?* ^/LT.-41 "LlffSHtftO" lUMftft - Sim Wohor't oxdv* ?rvo Jwnbor. Trootod for tonnito*, dry rot, wot J9* on 4 oil ^AU WALL STUDS U" ON CINTIt - Mot 24" on confer Bko most ordinary shofl homo*. V* PLUS MANY OTHER QUALITY SPECIFICATIONS FOUND ONIY IN A JIM WAITER HOME) ^oo to fc^rildi^fc^ codoif pncwt in sooo com^w cco ? t Jim Walter/, /r?rZ?d CORPOPAl ION * ATHENS, GA.-On U.S. 78, 3\ Miles West of Athens. Call Collect ... .Liberty 6-1428, or Write P.O.Box 583, Athens, Ga. For Futher Information Contact Clifton Penland or J.M. Moss, Phone 3172, Hayesville, N.C. Quality House Paint at a BARGAIN PRICE! CRAFTSMAN HOUSE PAINT GLOSS WHITE EASY BRUSHING SELF-CLEANING $4.49 GAL. K low, low price on ? high -quality Gllddea ?kle Muse paint) Long-lasting, drtea with an elastic high gloss finish that combats weather. Resists Industrial fianea and mil daw. Buy now at this special low price. BIG 5-FT. STEPLADDER A Quality-Made Ladder at a New Low Prlcel SPECIAL 4.99 ROLLER & TRAY Special 88c Gibbs Hardware & Auto Supply Tennessee St. Murphy, N. C. i To* Price w TOP QUALITY LATEX PAINT i GIVES YOUR WALLS A LUXURIOUS SOFT FINISH AT IUDOIT PRICEI Now you can enjoy the subtle beauty of a truly flat flniah at a modest coat! Easy to apply with brush or roller. Dries to a flawless flniah In 30 minutes. Leaves no lingering odor. by the makers of world famous SPRED SATIN Buy Mow 3.49 GAL. JOHN MANVTLLE BUILDING MATERIALS Strip Shingles 215 lbs. $5.95 Slswkote Roofin* 90 lbs. $2.99roll 15% 30 lbs. frit $1.99 roll Asbestos Siding Shingles $10.95 sq. Special Prices on*Wlndows and Doors Shsks Design roll Brick Siding $2.99 s.q sq. GIBBS HARDWARE & AUTO SUPPLY

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