Andrews Ppmonah Mr. ard Mn. Howard Wat kins and daughter, Linda, of California vtll arrive Satur day to spend a week with Mr. Watkin's mother, Mra. Cora Watkins, and other relatives. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Vernon King and children of Columbia,S.C. f-d Mrs. Frank Taylor of. ?".ateiafc are visiting Mr. John ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. Kell and son, Bryan, who have spent the past rwo years lnHonolulu, Hawaii, arrived Tuesday and are visit ing Mrs. Howard's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Win frey. ? ? ? M.Y.F. of the First Metho dist Church elected thefollow ing officers for the year 1961-62: president, Evelyn Morrow; vice pres., Robert West; ? secretary, Barbara Watrv; treasurer, Martha Ulm. They will attend a work shop for M.Y.F. officers at Lake J unaluska this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hall announce the birth of a daugh ter, Terry Lynn, born June 17 in Omaha, Nebraska. ? ? ? Suzanne Cab, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cabe, entertained a group of her .'riends at her home onSatur tlay afternoon at 2 p.m. After games were played refreshments of hot dogs, potato chips and punch were served to the following young people: Sarah, Butch and Phillip Crawford, Ann and Linda Glbby, Ramon Mash burn, Bert Hall and Tommy C -be. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mash -urn and Douglas left T ursday for Burlington, fe'ore returning hom; they '?!! visitBlllFrazierinChar lotte. Mrs. Frazier will return with them on Sunday to spend the summer. * * * J. /1C Gerald Wheeler of ~?-.ipa, Fla. visited his ?arents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther WhMlar (fata put weak. Mr*. Wheeler and children had ar rived earlier la the month and returned with Mm. e a a Reverend Edwin Carter and family visited In Andrews, Saturday .Many o < (heir friends met with them at the Metho dlst Fellowship Hall at 7:30 p.m. Mrs. VltoldsGoblns, wife of former Lutheran pastor was also present. The Carters returned to their Lake Juna luska home Saturday night.The Goblns will be In Andrews un til Wednesday. ? ? ? Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Neel of St. Petersburg. Pla. arrived Wednesday to spend the summer months at their summer cottage In Andrews. ? ? * Blanch Smith of Brass town was the winner of the horse given at a drawing heldatRld lng Range on Thursday at 7:30 p.m., sponsored by WNC Riding Club. Chances have been sold these past weeks by members. Proceeds will be used for Improvement of the Range. ? ? ? Mrs. John Earwood observed her eighty-first birthday at her home Saturday, June 24. Her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Creed Bates of Murphy, visited herdurlngthe day. ? ? ? Miss Geneva Phillips, student nurse at Memorial Mission, is spending this week-end with her mother, Mrs. Nellie Phillips. ? * ? Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Riding of Dayton, Ohio, returned to their home Saturday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hooper and Kevin. The Hooper's spent this week-end with relatives in Sylva. ? ? ? Pvt./lC Ronald H. Phillips who Is stationed atFalrbanks, Alaska is spending a 30 day leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Phillips. Miss jlable Gregory Weds Scotty T)ean Hall ivuss iviauie uregury utr came the wife of Scotty Dean Hall on Sunday, June 25. at 2 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory, grand parents of the bride, In Nan tahala. The Reverend J. C. Day officiated the double ring ceremony. The bride Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gre gory of Nantahala and the groom is the son of Mrs. Guy Hall and the late Mr. Hall. CONGRATULATIONS CLAY COUNTY PHILLIPS 66 DUNCAN OIL COMPANY Located on U. S. Hwy. 64- West Murphy, N. C. |THIS HOLIDAY DRIVER is taking chances on dangerous tires... How about YOU? HOLIDAY SAFETY BUY! NYLONS [ Not iust anothrr Nylon tire: this is [ Goodyvar's exclusive 3-T triplr-timftrrcd Nylon with the extra strength and safety not found in mo?t other tires. For your I family's safety, switch to these Goodvear Nylons for safer driving at holidav time or anytime. NO MONEY DOWN with your old tires! A Full Set of these Nylons can be yours on budget terms for only $1.73 weekly! Priced at only $1088 ? mi tug* wti1 4.70 m IS U.M 1*^? MImIS 1UI 17.11 7 a l il UM TWUM 7.5# ? 14 MM UM ?Hm ywr ?** GOOD/YEAR MORE PEOPLE WIDE" ON QOODVEAR TIRES THAN ON ANV OTHER KIND i. H. Duncan Tire Co. Tirt Strvict Hnd^flrtirs PwhtrM StfMt VE 7 - 2821 N. C, Mr. Snips Winfrey ga/e his niece in marriage. She wore a gown of blue organza over taffeta with a veil attached to a coronet of petals. Jerry Adams, cousin of the groom, served as best man. A reception followed the ceremony, Mrs. Anna Winfrey Mrs. Jean Stiles of Atlanta, Mrs. Snipe Winfrey and Mrs. Lucy Laughter served. The couple left on Monday for Omaha, Nebraska where they plan to spend a week, returning to Norfolk, Va., where Mr. Hall is presently stationed at the Naval Base. Out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Queen and family of Canton, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Kilpatrick and daughter, Patsy, of Murphy, Mrs. Jean Stiles of Atlanta, Mr.andMrs. Milton Mashburn, Mrs. Bill Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Adams, Mr. and Mrs. Snipe Winfrey, Mrs. Lawrence Winfrey of Andrews and Mrs. Hayes Dockery of Murphy. First Methodist Men To Be Host To Fish Fry ANDREWS- The nmofdtt First Methodist Church will be hoal n the Methodlit men o ( Cherokee. ClayandGraham Counties Thursday night, J une M, 7 pjn. for ? fl?h fry ?> be bald at Berkshire picnic grounds. In case of rain it will be held at the Fellowship Hall Or. Mark Turtle, the new Superintendent of the Waynes ville. District, will be the speaker. ' . J Mrs. Charles West Honored At Shower ANDREWS ? Mrs. Charles West, a recent bride, was honored at a miscellaneous shower, Saturday night, June 24, 7:30 p.m.. at the home of Mrs. A. V. West. Mrs. Jake Abemathy and Mrs. Vincent Hardin were hostesses. A color scheme of pink and green was carried out in floral arrangements, and re freshments. Twenty -eight guests attend ed Including Mrs. Jewell Miller of Murphy, mother of the bride. Valley River Garden Club Has Meeting ANDREWS ? The Valley River Garden Club met Thurs day at the home of Mrs. Giles Cover, Mrs . Marion E niUs was co-hostess. Mrs. Peter Hlobil, presi dent, presided. Flower arrangement were brought by members. Mrs. A. ' B. Chandler was judged first winner in large arrangement, Mrs. Fred MoConnell. second Mlnature arrangement: Mrs. Peter Hlobil, first, Mrs. A1 Brown, second. During the business session a discussion for Improvement of the local cemetery was held. Plans were made for club to participate InFourth of J uly Celebration. Eighteen attended including three visitors , Mrs. Ethel Slagle of Orlando and Andrews,. Miss Nell Van Gorder and her sister, Mrs. Charles Wilson of Asheville. Birthday Party ANDREWS ? Mrs.Marlin West entertained at the home of her mother, Mrs, Jeff Brooks, Saturday, June 24, from 2 p.m. to4p.m. honoring her son, Marty on his second birthday. The home was beautifully decorated with spring flowers A birthday cake centered the table. Refreshments of cake and punch were served to the fifteen present W/arriap* ^Announced Mr. and Mrs. John R. Slagle of Andrews, announce the marriage of their daughter, Terry, to Wallace A. West,son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman H. West of Marble. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Wayatt M. Gilbert at the Baptist Pastorium In Hlawassee, Georgia on March 4, 1961. Frank J ones and Erla J eanCreasman accompanied the couple. Mr. 'and Mrs. West are both graduates of Andrews High School and are presently living In Columbus , Georgia. Happy 100th Birthday CLAY COUNTY "Serving Hayesville Daily" BLUE RIDGE TRUCKING CO. Clip and Save For The Month Of July National Legion of Decency MOVIE RATING Classification Key: A1 Morally Suitable forGeneral Patronage A2 -Morally Suitable (or Adults and Adoleicents; A3 -Morally Suitable for Adult*; B -Morally Una ui table for Ail; C -Totally Unsuitable. Alias Jesse James-Al; All tfcndson Deck-Al; AU in a Night's Work -A3; Atlantls-A2; BlackSunday-A2;Clmarron-Al;Cryfor Happy-B; Daktoa Incldent-A2; Desert Attack - Al; Elephant Walk-A2; Ferry to Hong Kong-A2; Fiercest Heart-A2; First Man into Space -A2; Five Golden Hours-A3; For the Lore of Mtke-Al; Foxhole In Cairo-B; Girl in Room 13-B; Gone with The Wlnd-B; Gorgo-Al; Great Imposmr-A2; Green Mansions Al; Gunflght at Dodge City -A2; Hell Is a City-A3; Home from the H11I-A3; Houseboat-A2; Inherit the Wiod-A3: Key Witness A3; Kldnapped-Al; Lone Ranger & the LostClty-Al; Long Rope A2; Millionaress-B; North by Northwest-AS; One Foot In Hell A3; Please Turn Over A3; Private's Affalr-Al: S.05. Pacific A2; Tess of the Storm Country-Al; Three Worlds of Gulliver Al; Thunder Road-A2; Under 10 Flags-Al; Wackiest Ship In the Armv-Al: W.--A,. of S.gie Wone-B. ? 'niitapippppiBlMBPQpVPWVVM! Ladles Night To Be Observed ANDREWS ? Ladles Night will be observed tonight (Thursday) at the Lions Club meeting, bald at Hwfn'l Cafe at 7rf? . ' Robert W. Eealey of Murphy new Dlitnct Governor will In still now officer! far the coming yeer. Birth ArriiicU Mr. andMr*. PradCkambar* at Murphy anaounca th? birch ot ? (oo. Gary Law la. Ju* S. la Murphy Ganaral HoaptttJ Y ou"ll Find... ? \i Sinclair in every progress picture. ELMER KILGORE MARKETER Sinclair Products VE 7-2321 Murphy, N. C. We're Not 100 Years Old But We're 100% BEHIND Clay County WE SALUTE YOU! Delta Dependable Feeds Deluxe Hatching Eggs And All PoultrySupplies HayesvilleMillingCo. i MAY THE 100 YEARS OF CONTINUED PROGRESS IN CLAY COUNTY BE EXTENDED TO MANY MORE TO COME. Years Of Prosperity Years Of Growth Years Of Happiness V.S. DICKEY OIL CO. Your Esso Distributor C^omp fim en ti Of W. C. KINNEY & SONS. INC. DISTRIBUTORS mil Gulf Oil Products TIRES-BATTERIES-ACCESSORIES-FUELOIL Home Heating (Ms A Specialty