EDITORIAL AND OPINION PAGE mS (SEE IT by Bruce Barron A Bruce Barton A Y Elmer Hunt ? Photos HARPER'S FERRY BAPTIST CHURCH HOLDS HOMECOMING. BURNS NOTE AND Pl-ACES CORNERSTONE ll is the lesson for homecoming*. I recently look part in homecoming at my own home church. Deep Branch Baptist Church It i* a time for spiritual renewal Ail Christians look forward to homecoming day*, a pale preview of that Great Homecoming in Heaven that we all await anxiously All homecomings are special But White Hill Free Will Baptist Church and Harper's Ferry Baptist Church are two churches who paid particular attention to their historical past in planning their homecoming this year We made note of While Hill in an earlier issue. Last Sunday Harper's Ferry Baptist Church used the occasion of homecoming to burn a note they have recently paid off and lay a cornerstone to be opened in 40 years Being an historical buff, both homecomings caught my eye and I attended both momentous days. Harper's Ferry Baptist Church was organized about 1887 (about the same time the Indian Normal School, which is now PSU. was begun) The church rests on the banks of the historic Lumbee River on Highway 711 approximately 2 miles from Pembroke James lowry, the antecedent of most of us operated a ferry and a tavern for travelers nearby Henry Berry Lowry roamed the area as he hammered away at injustices that hampered progress for Indian people Harper's Ferry Baptist Church is on historic building m on historic setting Henry Oe'ry's /vife fVsodo is boned in the church cemetery The church is located on land obtained from S R Townsend and wife. The land, deeded to trustees Aaron Brooks, Paisley Sanderson and Sinclair Lowery. cost ihe grant total of SI .00. a mighty sum in those days. Sinclair Lowry probably was the brother of Henry Berry Lowry, the hero of all of us Some of the former pastors were Rev. Zack Brooks, Rev Angus D. Locklear, Rev. Silas Lowry, Rev. Phillip P. LockJear, Rev Zimmie R Chavis. Rev lonnic W Jacobs, Rev. Clarence Locklear. Rev. Harvey Brewington. Rev. Sanford Locklear. and the present pastor. Rev. Steve Jones. HorpWs Feny Oopnsr Church is sroreiy ond modern OlH Gre-wlngron choirmon of it* booro of deacons poses with it* comersrone before it is j- ploced in ft* church edifice The inscription teods Founded 1887 flenovored 1970, Open 2018, October 8. 1978 " Enclosed in o voulr (hopefully otr right) within rhe corner srone ore numerous histoncol documents pictures. ond records including on oltxim cower of rhe Horpettones o popular gospel singing group rhor wos orgonued of Harper's FerryBaptist Church O message from the posror o message from Oro Wiley Jones ( who gave o history of the church/ O church directory, history ond financial records including a copy of the deed and other church documents letters from members to their survivors etc It will be on e/e opener m 2018 when it* voulr within rhe cornerstone is opened Rev Coolidge Cummings post or of Island Grove Baptist Church delivered rhe message of morning worship services ?? jrmmam A#ier*w* dmntronthtgrajrir* Pto?*yrjUpnl t*',**?< fryon* *n\t? *?*/?*<vtmrv?t iheeciwdion1 o**r ntmm, 1if* "v*# t(*??, ,,r+r*i ibtr,,,f, ?<*,*,? ?>?vM ?%? | WpWrt^lWumeJIer WCOntft '*?" 'Ovt f>. Wl^WCW OtpWd toy *? W?l <jf lh? Hm>? o y<M?. rif #?*? >riw^ >y.f Although not pictured here, it it worth mentioning that the Harpanonea. a group organized at Harper11 Parry Baptiat Church, tang dunag the evcniiy tarvicaa. It wat a tpacial treat for all thbac who heva enjoyed rtjem over me paw few yean The Horpertonet ore Ouce Swetr Judy Jonet and Undo Oxendme Planar a Gemude fVtrtwtn MMMiHfliiiNHHHaHMaMMaai A very specoi moment during the afternoon service* was o musical selection by Oro Vlley Jones Providing the music was Oro Villa >ghby Jones ond sister Srello Lockleor MC Oelron l\ lockleorsoidifbesrwhenhesoid They talk about keeping up with rhe Jones' I soy we ought not to try because we couldn't do it if we wonted to or Harper s Ferry " And Brother Viley Jones ("maybe rhere is one here who hos been o member longer rhon me") gave o brief history Of rhe church Vhen he got to rhe present posror. fVev Steve Jones, he said I don't know onybody who doesn r lihe out pastor If you know of onyone well, let me know so I con pray for him. " Oro Princell Oullord, left treasurer of the church, is shown occepring the nore from Jimmy Hedgepeth. president of First Union National Sank in Pembroke where the loon to remodel the church was mode Although rhe note wos secured for up to ten years the church paid rhe note off in six years The omount of monies borrowed was for some *80.000 With rhe extensive remodeling done, the church is now volued or more rhon *300,000 A few yean ago when il was mentioned that the church might borrow up to UK),000 some thought that the buiding committee, consisting of Dr. English E. Jones. Purnell Swett and Earl Cummings weren't being reolisnc Some member, /mndered if rhey would ever live ro see the church out of debt It was a subject of intense debate within the church before the extensive remodeling was undertaken Dr Jones, soon to retire as chancellor of Pembroke State University, laughingly said, "It is easier to be choncellor of P5U then, to be choirmon of o building committee Some of the stalwart members of Harper's Kerry baptist Church, who were instrumental in doing the rebuilding (and paying for the note) were Hro. Vardell Ransom, chairman of the finance committee Bro. Ransom said, "I always added a little bit more to what the church sent me to deposit..." Bro Prtncell Bullard, treasurer, who intoned, "My job is sort of easy . and it was made that way by your giving. All I had to do was sign the checks for what we bought, etc." * Bro. Willoughby Jones, one of the beloved elders of the church. Bill James Hrewington, chairman of the board of deacons. Dclton Ray Locklcar, who replaced Purnell Swett on the building committee when Swell's work as an educator took him to Washington, DC to work for a few years; Mrs C'oree Oxcndinc, known affectionately as 'the mother of the church', Anderson Jones, former chairman of the board of deacons Purnell Swell, Mrs Stella Sanderson, another beloved member of the church. Earl Cummtngs and many others Special comments were also given during the special ceremonies by Pastor Steve Jones and Rev Tony Brewington, director of missions for the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association of which Harper's Ferry is a member Both warned the church to "let it he a building that God builds unless God be the foundation, the church building will crumble Rev Jones noted, "Jesus Christ is the corner stone of our lives ond our foundation Without Him it would be like standing in sinking sand It was a nice day and one worth commemorating I am proud to have been part of history in the making at Harper's Ferry Baptist Church The Carolina Indian Voice (MmMhImiJ l'l/? l'.ihli,ho,l I Kh Ilutrvljy HIIIM I IINKIMS (IAKKY MAN Hi t I 'lilm \??? i rtc I >lil<? (ONSII MMMllM\ IKINSII MM KM \M A???M. I ild'H iii.nltii.Hi Minnvr A I iv.mi fHI CAAOUNAIWOIAN VOKI ??i. i ?? mnili. .l|H??,?lv .I , 11.4 II.. ,>11 VIKII ? 11 ? i-'ii ii'. iukl M >'? "??? i ? 1 1 iii.i?i. < .'..It * i.. TM CAAOUNA INDIAN V VOta I'll IK ii MlM I' N I Mil* Correction To whom II may concern I am a reader of our CasaMua tadfam Vaim and would like to aay in hopea that you could lb an error in my article that waa made. I'm not from "Hagers town. Md." U ahouid have ?aid that I'm from Cherokee, N.C. where I am born aa well. The reaeon I'm writing you from Hageretown la that I'm in prieon here. I'm going to Hageritown Jr. College here within the prieon, but will be leaving on parole very toon. I had only a five-year sentence and I'm going to get my lawyer degree as well. I thank you so very much. May I add that 1 would like to receive The Cardba ImHan Vole* please, for I have no money yet, at this time, but will pay you all whenever I'm paroled soon. Please send each week: "Subscription, Carolina Indian Voice. Great peace be unto you all, brothers and sisters, with all the Great Spirit's love and warmth forever. Lewis A. Thompson #143483 Cherokee St Lumbee Indian P.S.: Could someone please write to an Indian inmate who has no one. Thank you again. MCTC It 3 Box 3333 Hagorslown, Md. 21740 A Letter From the Editor Now is the time to act. Elections for four members of the board of directors of the Lumbee River Electric Mem bership Corporation will be held Tuesday, October 17th at the Pembroke State University Performing Arts Center. All the consumers, if possible, ought to be there. That's when we have our say so about the member-owned electric coop erative. a U? tig v? > President, Rev. Elias Rogers, and incumbents, Frank Ja cobs, Jr., Harold Dean Brewer and Bradford Oxendine. The Carolina Indian Voice considers all four of them eminently qualified to'serve, although they are being con tested by a number of good and qualified challengers. Now, unlike days of old, one can run for election to the board without being discrim inated against. May the best men (or lady) win. That's as it should be. We champion open and honest elections. Until Rev. Elias Rogers arriv ed on the scene, Indians and blacks did not have a fair chance to contest for a seat on the board of directors. It was a closed cooperative, for a few consumers...and not for all the members. Most of us just paid our light bills uncomplaining ly. Rogers, an Indian from Hoke County, fought a long and costly battle to gain the right to be seated on the co-op board of directors. Rogers won his law suit against the cooperative and was seated by the courts the first time in 1967. Since then he has won each resulting election. The Lumbee River Electric Mem bership Corporation spent some 540,000 contesting Ro gers in the federal courts before allowing him to be seated. Hone of that board of direc tors remains in office. Roger's win opened the way f?r good and positive change in Lumbee River. Load management and long range planning are two results of free and honest I elections. The present admin istration disavows the action of the administration that was toppled, In part, by Rev. Ellas Rogers. Should we throw them all out and start anew? The culprits are federal regulatory agen cies and a sordid past, not the present admlnstration or the present board of directors. Still, thanks to Rogers and others, members have a right to throw them out if they want to They won the right to open and honest elections for all the members of the Lumbee River Electric Membership Coypny alam That's how M should So. rome out on the 17th and vole youf convictions The raarperstrve wM be better *df H you partuipeie by voting We you these g * LETTERS TO THE EDITOR EKrcZ lz R'gh' Dear Bruce, This month an event of great importance for several thou sand residents of Robeson, Scotland, Hoke and Cumber land Counties takes place, the annual meeting of the Lumbee River Electric Membership Cooperative. The Electric Membership Cooperatives not only brought electricity to many rural areas, but also brought control of the electric cooperatives to the local people. That is a very important factor. If consumers have problems or questions, they can go to a local board member, usually a friend, and get answers quickly without a gaggle of red tape and bea racracy. I am a consumer of Carolina Power and Light Company and they do not operate like the cooperatives. We have basic ally no voice in matters of the company and for practical purposes can only receive our bill, "cry" and pay them. Lumbee Kiver Electric'Mem bership Cooperative it diffe rent. Rev. Elias Rogers, Har old Brewer, Frank Jacobs and Bradford Osendine are mem-, bers of the Board of Directors that are up for re- election at LREMC Oct. 17th. And I feel I could go to either one of them if I had a consumer complaint and get action. I feel that their communities are fortunate to have Such great influence in a multi million dollar cooperative that possesses the potential for community improvement for so many years to come. I encourage each member and your family to go out and enjoy the annual meeting festivities and to exercise that very important right of voting for the candidate of your choice. Your candidate needs your support. Sincerely. Harold Deese 414 Central Street Maxton, NC 28364 Expresses Opinion on Rev. Rogers ond Upcoming LREMC Elecrion Dear Sir: As a member- consumer of Luftibee River Electric Membership Corporation, I rind I must express myself prior to the election for board of director members on Oct, 17, I have followed with interest and much admiration the career of Rev ElrtB Roger*, how president of the LREMC Board of Directors. When he was elected to that position last year, I could not help but think about how deserving he was. I termed it "poetic justice" because he is the pioneer who made it possible for minorities to be seated on that board. He did this through determination and untiring belief in what he knew was right After six years in federal court. Rev Rogers was finally seated by a federal court order on the board Something that should have happened 6 years earlier considering that he won the election fairly and squarely Although receiving enough votes to unseat his opponent, things being as they were for minorities in Robeson County, it took six years for him to be seated These things only a minority can understand I am sure I followed that law suit with much interest and earnest prayer I prayed continuously for him because I knew that he had something that most of us lacked, the courage to stand for his convictions. Stand alone when necessary and I know that many many times he stood alone I am convinced those were the loneliest days of his life. Knowing in my heart that most ot us who wished him well and prayed for him, did not openly take a stand with him While he continued the battle, even to the point, I have heard, of checking under the hood of his car before driving it, most us breathed a silent prayer for his success and quietly went our way. And now after tilting on thai board for a term or two I am sure and being ignored by hi* fellow board members. Rev Elias Roger* ha* stuck with it until he ha* become. I dare say, the most qualified person to ever serve on that board This statement is proven fact. Proven by way of certificates of accomplishment and appointments to slate and national board* Any person wishing to become informed of the fact* can verify what I am saying Come Tuesday night. (Xtoher 17, Rev Rogers will seek re-election to his seat at large on the I.REMC Hoard of I brae tors And I am saddened to know that I hose opposing him an not those persons in reality who were responsible for flushing his r ballots in the first election down the toilet. No, it these persons were opposing him, at this time, it would not make me sad The sad thing is that two Indians, Rev. Grover Oxendine and Mr. Hamer Lee Oxendine. and one Black, Mr Robert hurley arc the opponents, that really is sad, isn't it. We stand to wif* away what it has takV^Lj man IH years to accomplfsh^ori? flight. Perhaps I would not lind the upcoming event so appalling, if Rev Rogers had not stnved to make things better for us all But he has done more than his share, and has qualified himself to the point that there is no questioning his credentials for holding that position I have heard many of ihe same complaints, most consumers have heard, ever increasing electric bills, so-called luxury trips, etc I wish to clarify these complaints somewhat The electric hills are not the only things which have been sky rocketing lately. Inflation is not the fault of the present board of directors of LRfiMC. And as for those luxury trips, they are seminars, workshops, etc that members of the board of directors of any coop must take in order to make himself aware of the functions of a coop. A person off the street with no experience in the field of utilities, has a lot to learn when he becomes a member of a hoard of directors for a coop. To replace the present board at this lime, would not save money, as a matter of fact, it would he quite costly to us. the consumers because we would certainly have to pay for a new member to attend these sessions and become informed and qualified to serve us It is my hope thai those consumers who arc believing I tu rn mors that arc circulating about the spend thrifts on the present LREMC Board will do some sincere fact finding before they vote on Tuesday night The facts arc readily available to any member-consumer. Just approach your hoard members, or visit the LREMC offices and ask for the facts Do mil he misled by those who do not fully understand what is involved in running a cooperative the sirr of LREMC I urge each member to join inc on Tuesday night as I attend the annual meeting ol consumers at PSU's Performing Arts Center and cast tny voles lor the most qualified competent members In represent me on the I KI-.Mf Board of Direc tors Sincerely DOROTHY lOa/flVf Mi?r<vi Nt in imiim fl0km4 H mm ? >>??? n?n ?* iwiiimi m mww>t an mt*w mm* mn< tract m mmrv cppmmnllfi I

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